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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:23 PM

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Just had another thought on DK...

Demilitarised Korea?

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

It would be useful to know if there are 5G towers at Burning Man?

There's a theory that the vax contained Marburg virus (Haemorrhagic fever) enveloped by the lipid nanoparticles. When 3x 1 min bursts of 18 GHz are transmitted from 5G towers it causes the nanoparticle to burst... releasing the Marberg virus.
If true then it would make sense for the comms blackout to happen shortly after this has been shown to have happened. If not then would be wise to turn off 4g/5g in your homes (4g transmits upto 22GHz I believe?).

A Doctor Butthar was allegedly murdered shortly after posting a video on this:
Rumble link

He said that the fatality rate was 88% in those with an immune system but the vaxed are probably 100% fatal.

There are reports that african countries have used Fenben (Fenbendazole?) and/or Ozone with some success to treat.

Others say that there is something else in the lipid nanoparticles that kick starts a gene (13gr?) that causes zombies by impacting the cerebral cortex. This also causes anger in the victims. Xref COMPLAN8888 as previously discussed in the thread.
edit on 2-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: Guyfriday

I lean that way too. But if we are “Watching a Movie” with actors (body doubles) maybe it’s to keep the peace so that everyone wouldn’t freak out.

Hillary seemed just as much a clumsy mess as Joe.

These are my thoughts as well, letting the public know of executions would cause quite the turmoil. Not saying I agree to it or disagree, but I’m quite certain STuff would hit the fan and not go well for us regular folk.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: carewemust
What in tarnation is BO in this section.
DK guess 1. lot of coincidences
2nd guess

Britain Admits Kohinoor Diamond Was ‘Forcibly’ Taken From India

Queen Camilla Did Not Wear The Kohinoor Studded Crown

Camilla did not wear Queen Elizabeth’s Kohinoor studded crown at the coronation. Instead, Queen Mary’s crown was newly renovated for her. Many precious diamonds and pearls were installed in it. In fact, the Royal Family feared that the use of the Kohinoor-studded crown could spoil relations with India. For this reason, this decision was taken.


The obvious to
edit on 2023/9/3 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:20 AM
My SWAG onto what dk may be is the Dark Knight. The satellite. It feels right to me for some reason. Especially after all the talk about dews and 5g.
edit on 3-9-2023 by hangedman13 because: Fixing stuff

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: hangedman13

That's an interesting theory. If I remember correctly the whole "Dark Knight" thing started to become a thing in the mid-1990s. While the theory that it was a piece of "Ancient Alien" tech came out later on. If this was a piece of the Star Wars Defense Initiative, then I wonder how many "Dark Kight" satellites there might be floating around the globe as we speak?

The CIA came up with the title of "Conspiracy Theory", so it wouldn't surprise me if they have something cooking up these theories over on Naval Hill in DC. Relabeling the SDI satellites "Dark Knights" and giving them some hooky story about being thousands of years old sure would detract a lot of people from talking about them if they got spotted while star gazing.
edit on 3-9-2023 by Guyfriday because: words are fun

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Recall the 93 in the kill box in #3525?

93 = Sept 3rd = TOMORROW

Quite awhile ago I commented that dk is a hybrid corn seed that matures in 93 days.
This seed is developed in partnership with Bayer and DEKALB.

Bayer Crop Science now has page not found.
dk seed varieties

Since this post has a corn field I thought that maybe this was the # of days to harvest.

Then there is books

Eyewitness series maybe. Maybe an eye witness may show up to deal with Corny?

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Gates craves the attention and actively inserts himself in too many areas for comfort. He acts as a country and because of his $ other countries allow him a seat at the table. Robert F Kennedy Jr has real concerns about him and his dangerous involvement with vaccines and other drugs and discusses this in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci." This book is a must read.

What I find remarkable is that no matter how weird the idea like mosquito farming or hacking down 70 million acres of trees because of climate change there always seems to be someone willing to do his bidding.

Hopefully if enough people keep talking about his nefarious activities it might cause some to pause and wonder if it is such a good idea.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I just received RFK Jr's latest book "Vax-Unvaxed Let the Science Speak". Brian Hooker is co-author.

This one deals with several different types of vaccines such as the flu, H1N1, Covid-19 of course and jabbing pregnant women.

Bottom line pregnant women should not take any type of jabs, period. He presents studies and statistically significant outcomes between the two groups.

I'm just skimming it right now but page 188 has a new factoid for us.
"Regarding the VRBPAC, a House OGR Committee Report found that the 'overwhelming majority of members, both voting members and consultants have substantial ties to the pharmaceutical industry ," and 'committee members have been given waivers to participate in committee proceedings." Bold his.

"A similar report on the ACIP found that 'The CDC grants blanket waivers to the ACIP members each year that allow them to deliberate on any subject, regardless of their conflicts, for the entire year."
If this isn't bad enough- "The CDC had a systemic lack of oversight of the ethics program." Paging Christine Grady. That might explain some of those very questionable research grants and the treatment of people during the plandemic.

-97% of committee members' conflict disclosures had omissions.
The list goes on but basically we can see why any jab presented to the review board gets a pass and all brought to you by Pfizer and Co.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

James Clapper Audio Recording compliments of Amuse

It is remarkable that this is out there.

Gematria Dirty Tricks Squad

The lengths that they would go to and using children. They just stood by and let them be harmed all so that they could get compromising details on targeted individuals.
15 post with James Clapper.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

If you can stand more about the Maui fire some more details.

More Details

Some serious accusations but the locals know what really happened. If this is true that the police were directing cars to go a specific way and then blocked them so that they were trapped - how can they have justified that action. Surely some of those police officers must have wondered what was up.

Hawaii has 11, 11 military bases

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Fauci is back on the media circuit. He is supposed to be retired so why is he up to bat again? It's like why is he still wandering the streets when there is a comfy spot at GITMO.

Anthony Fauci on Face Masks.

The anchor looks incredulous at Fauci trying to push the mask thing again after all the flip flopping last time around.

This is just so funny

New FOIA Documents

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Thank you!


posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The narrative is completely falling apart. Imagine that they felt the need to address Real Raw News stories.

Fact Check Moderna CEO Arrested

They are in full panic mode. Just wait until they unearth Fauci and friends secret emails. I'm sure he must have used one because if Obama, Clinton and the rest were using one why would he be any different?
I'd like to see his communication with Bill Gates for one.

Apparently Kamala is over the moon because she went to 17 states this summer.
Kamal Harris Tweet

Well she has been rather quiet lately.
Gematria I went to seventeen states this summer

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:24 PM
Swift Announces Successful Tokenization Experiment Using Chainlink’s CCIP

Global financial messaging network – Swift – announced successfully facilitating a variety of blockchain interoperability tests with multiple financial institutions like Citi, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), BNP Paribas, and BNY Mellon.

They build on work over the past few years to show how Swift’s infrastructure could support the financial community in interconnecting Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and other digital assets with new and existing payment systems.

Interoperability is at the heart of everything we are doing at Swift to facilitate the seamless flow of value across the world in the face of increasing fragmentation. For tokenization to reach its potential, institutions will need to be able to seamlessly connect with the whole financial ecosystem.”

According to the exec, the experiments have demonstrated that the existing Swift infrastructure can provide that central point of connectivity, eliminating a major hurdle in the development of tokenization.

Ripple Critic Says Chainlink Becomes XRP Top Rival After Partnering With SWIFT

In a recent tweet, a prominent XRP and Ripple critic argued that Chainlink (LINK) had become XRP’s topmost rival. The critic was X user ‘Dan The Man.’

Dan expressed this sentiment amid Chainlink’s recent partnership with Swift. The critic argued the Swift-Chainlink collaboration was one Ripple failed to attain. In his words:

Chainlink is now the one competitor to XRP as it forged partnerships with SWIFT that Ripple failed to establish.”

Ripple's Indian Partner Joins Digital Rupee CBDC Project

As per an article of The Economic Times, an Indian financial media outlet, this integration will be of paramount importance for the Digital Rupee product development, testing and adoption:

Since 2018, Yes Bank has been collaborating with U.S. fintech decacorn Ripple to help facilitate cross-border remittances from various regions of the globe, an official statement said.

While it is unclear whether RippleNet and XRP are used in the Digital INR development, Ripple has already fueled some successful CBDC products across the globe.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Goose had suggested that I read the book "War By Other Means" by General Keith Kellogg [Former National Security Advisor to President Trump and VP Pence]. President Trump had recommended it. It just arrived.

Reading the flap "That many of the experts- such as Fauci - were mere weather vanes of media hysteria rather than useful advisors to the president." That's an understatement. Fauci and the media worked together undermining President Trump at every turn or decision.
Anyway this will give us some insight as to what was happening in the White House. I wonder what he has to say about Pence?

This should be interesting reading. From an initial skim, this book covers more than just President Trump's time in office. He deals with Bush and Clinton as well.
Off to do some reading.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:51 PM
Biotech company aims to resurrect woolley mammoths in three years

The biotechnology company, Colossal, intends to revive the Woolley Mammoth as soon as 2027

The biosciences company lays out a ten-step process for how they will resurrect the Woolley Mammoth.

After step two, sequencing the mammoth genome, step three is to sequence the Asian elephant genome.
Step four is to identify the important genes that enable the mammoth to thrive in cold environments.

The fifth step is to replace sequences of elephant DNA in elephant cells with corresponding mammoth DNA sequences.

The sixth step is to edit the relevant genes with the cold-hardy genes identified previously to create an elephant breed adapted for cold climates.

Step seven is to test the cells to ensure that they are exhibiting the engineered traits using stem cell technology.

Step eight is to fuse the nucleus of the engineered cells into a harvested Asian elephant egg.

Colossal expects the reintroduction of the Woolley Mammoth to be a boon for the environment as well.

The company predicts the effects of the mammoth to include increasing carbon sequestration through increased plant and forb growth, increased nutrient cycling, and compacting the Earth to facilitate deeper penetration of winter soil freezing.

Collosal the De-extinction Company


At Colossal Biosciences, we endeavor to jumpstart nature’s ancestral heartbeat. To see the Woolly Mammoth thunder upon the tundra once again. To advance the economies of biology and nutrition. To make humanity more human. And to reawaken the lost wilds of Earth. So we, and our planet, can breathe easier.

These things, which were not achievable before, are now. In our laboratories. Through our breakthroughs in CRISPR and genetic engineering.

Many companies claim they're going to change the world.
At Colossal, we believe that the world doesn't need to be changed.


Which is exactly what we're doing through purposeful advancements in science. Because when it comes to our planet, science is everything.

In 2014, I asked my friend Elon Musk who he knew who was poised to make profound changes in the field of genomics, and he said: George Church.

So in June 2014, I visited George at his lab in Boston. I immediately knew I’d be looking for an opportunity to collaborate with George. Global Space Ventures is excited to be backing Colossal. George Church’s personal passion for the mission, combined with the stellar team assembled by serial entrepreneur Ben Lamm, is at the perfect intersection of audacious yet achievable. The path to de-extinction is now at hand, and leveraging CRISPR/Cas9 technology, to bring back extinct species and preserve those that we have, will have profound importance to humanity.”

Laetitia Garriott de Cayeux
Founder/CEO of Global Space Ventures

Ancient human DNA was extracted from a 20,000-year-old deer tooth pendant

A new, nondestructive way to recover ancient DNA has shown its potential for illuminating Stone Age people’s lives.
edit on 3-9-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 03:24 PM
How A Bank Of All The World’s Genetic Codes Hopes To Save Nature

The Earth Bank of Codes wants to collect the genetic sequence of the natural world–and let countries make money from the scientific breakthroughs that would result, rather than selling their natural resources.

By registering the region’s biological assets on a public blockchain, he thinks he can spur a new, more environmentally benign economy. The Amazon’s plants and animals contain bounties of genetic code and potential biomimetic blueprints that could one day be used to create new drugs and textiles, artificial intelligence, and energy systems, he says.

Castilla, chairman of Space Time Ventures, is creating an Amazon Bank of Codes (ABC)–an open, digital platform that maps biological assets and codifies rights and obligations related to their use.

The ABC is a pilot for a larger Earth Bank of Codes (EBC)–the global version of the same idea. Those projects are partnered with the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), which is sequencing the genomes of approximately 1.5 million living species. The EBP, announced in 2015, is the equivalent of the Human Genome Project, which in 2003 finally sequenced all 3 billion letters of genetic code making up human beings.

Castilla promoted the ABC and EBC at the recent World Economic Forum (WEF), in Davos. Several philanthropists and foundations were said to be interested in funding the projects, though the complex details of their co-operation still need to be worked out.

Castilla argues that developing countries need to find new forms of economic advancement. As automation increases, poorer nations will no longer necessarily have a labor cost advantage over richer nations, so the latter won’t be able to outsource their manufacturing. The China model, in other words, won’t be easy to copy. The biological economy might offer an alternative. 0Codes,than%20selling%20their%20natural%20resources.&text=Traditionally%2C%20economic%20development%20and%20conservation,odds%20in%20the%20Amazon%20Ba sin.

What is the Earth Biogenome Project?

Powerful advances in genome sequencing technology, informatics, automation, and artificial intelligence, have propelled humankind to the threshold of a new beginning in understanding, utilizing, and conserving biodiversity. For the first time in history, it is possible to efficiently sequence the genomes of all known species, and to use genomics to help discover the remaining 80 to 90 percent of species that are currently hidden from science.

The Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), a moonshot for biology, aims to sequence, catalog and characterize the genomes of all of Earth’s eukaryotic biodiversity over a period of ten years.

Gingko Bioworks CEO: Our AI model will learn to speak DNA just like ChatGTP learned English

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 04:47 PM
Honeywell-Backed Smart City Project Underway

A new smart city project by Atlanta BeltLine will redevelop 22 miles of abandoned railroad into a connected hub of public spaces including parks, multi-use trails and a light rail transit system.

The new connected space will leverage Honeywell’s City Suite Software to aggregate data from multiple points across the area (including emergency services, security and utilities) and display it in a single unified view.

The AI-enabled platform will allow city developers to improve services, using the data collected to monitor user experience and enjoyment and adapt accordingly.

The project marks the first U.S. deployment of Honeywell’s platform.

Atlanta BeltLine is one of the largest urban redevelopment programs in the U.S., connecting 45 in-town neighborhoods through its rail transit system. Among the services on offer in Atlanta BeltLine are free public Wi-Fi, autonomous grocery stores and smart trash cans, with more announcements set to come in the coming months.

It is hoped that by providing free public Wi-Fi, the space can act as an example of how smart infrastructure can bridge digital divides in cities and create a more connected community.

The BeltLine itself is a testing ground for innovation. It’s a place where we can use technology to solve problems facing our communities that could be scaled city-wide and as a case study for cities across the country.”

Honeywell works with Hudson County to create Smart Community

Hudson County, N.J. announced it is working with Honeywell on the development and implementation of a smart community strategic plan. The project aims to help increase resident engagement, strengthen community resilience, reduce energy consumption, improve public safety and help ease traffic congestion and improve mobility, including safety.

The Hudson County Smart Community initiative includes the development of a strategic plan and support for a federal grant application to help fund projects defined during the process. The initiative aims to lessen manual processes of Hudson County and enhance residents’ experiences with county services through improved customer response times with the proposed upgrades.

“Hudson County is proactively working to identify operational efficiencies and opportunities to build resilience,” said Matthew Britt, Smart Cities general manager, Honeywell Building Technologies.

Honeywell City Suite Software is a ready now artificial-intelligence enabled platform that integrates data from critical city infrastructure systems such as traffic, streetlights, environment, emergency services, public safety and security, and utilities into a single, unified view.

Meet the Facial Recognition Giant Helping Bengaluru Police

Honeywell Automation India Limited today announced that it has successfully implemented phase one of the Bengaluru Safe City project. Under the project, the company has committed to installing more than 7,000 CCTVs equipped with facial recognition systems, of which an estimated 4,100 have been already installed.

Out of the total proposed number of 50 safety islands, a total of 30 safety islands have already been put in place in the first phase. Out of the total 10 drones, 8 drones have already been deployed. Additionally, 400 body-worn cameras out of the total 560 cameras are currently being used by police officials in the city. A mobile command centre is also available at the disposal of the state law enforcement in an effort to shorten the response time.

In the subsequent phase of the project, there will be more efforts to merge these technologies and systems to provide a much smoother and interconnected smart city experience for Bengaluru’s residents.

Pepsi Faces Biometric Privacy Suit Over Employee Voiceprints

PepsiCo Inc. has been hit with a proposed class action alleging its collection and storage of workers’ voice data broke Illinois’ biometric privacy law.

William Hoskin, a former employee at Pepsi’s Chicago distribution center, was never informed by the soda maker that the voice recognition software he was required to use at work was being accessed and managed by the company, he claimed in a complaint filed Tuesday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Hoskin’s voiceprints were collected through Honeywell International Inc.'s Vocollect Technology, which included a headset and a mobile device that employees clipped to their belts, according to the complaint. He and other distribution center employees designated as “pickers” used the technology while they picked and packaged items for customers.

The software functioned as a “biometric timeclock system” that clocked them in and out of work and provided them shift assignments, the complaint said.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings a Century-Old Company into the Era of Digitalization

Honeywell proves that being an American classic doesn't mean getting stuck with yesterday's technology.

“The First Industrial Revolution used steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres,” Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (1). This fourth industrial revolution, or digitalization, has had far-reaching, disruptive effects on companies around the globe. Some companies see opportunities, while others face challenges. For companies that have existed for a long time, the need to adapt is imminent.

Honeywell has its roots in the second industrial revolution, stemming from 1885 when Albert Buzz patented the furnace regulator and later invented the predecessor to the modern thermostat (2). Following a history of constant innovation, Honeywell is adapting quickly to the fourth industrial revolution by (1) developing breakthrough technologies; (2) reorganizing its operating units; and (3) acquiring companies with existing digital technologies.

Honeywell has also acquired companies to develop new IoT technology. They have a history of sourcing new technology from acquisitions in addition to sourcing internally. Between 2008 and 2016, Honeywell acquired 16 companies (11). This acquisition of new technologies and digital product companies continues to build on their footprint in the IoT economy.

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