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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:07 PM
Back to Maui for a moment. I was digging at "The NRL LACE Program Final Report"(Warning it a Government PDF) for something and well look at what was in the document.

Ground Stations
The NRL LACE Program operated three ground stations that provided all of the communication links
with the LACE spacecraft. Two of the three ground stations were transportable because SAS operations
required, and UVPI operations benefited from, real-time data. One TGS was stationed in Maui, Hawaii,
for the entire LACE mission. The second TGS was mounted on wheels and supported LACE from
Malabar Air Force Station, Florida, and Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), California. Each TGS
consisted of two 18-ft truck trailers. One trailer contained telemetry, command, communications, data
handling, and data display equipment. The second trailer contained an uninterruptable power supply, a
work area, and supporting equipment. The 12-ft-diameter antenna could be stowed in the trailers for
transporting. The third LACE ground station, tie PGS, was located in Maryland.

Could the Maui fire have been a test gone wrong? What if somebody was trying to use these old LACE Satellites for a redirection array for high powered lasers? Then we have another possibility, could the mystery shuttle the Air Force likes to keep up in space be a controllable retroreflector array for these systems?

Also for some reason I kept thinking that SDI meant "Star Wars Defense Initiative" instead of the correct name "Strategic Defense Initiative". Sorry for any confusions.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

I don't do vaccines. I was born in the 60s. Had my childhood vaccines but nothing like they load poor innocent children up with now days. I think I took one flu vaccine back in the early 80s. No more since. My Mother and my 5 siblings and all our children, except for one niece, decided against getting the CV shot. We don't do the yearly flu, either. We all have had Covid several times in the last 2 years. We are a big family and get together regularly and when one gets something, we all get something. All six of us kids got the chicken pox at the same time then a few years later we all got the mumps. Lol I guess my concern was sending the sample of spit for genealogy purposes. I was trying to get through a brick wall in my research.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I'm getting the feeling that both DJT and RFK Jr may end up running under NEW parties... or as Independents.

This would certainly have the effect of throwing out the uniparty's algorithms.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: GAPeach3
a reply to: Imbackbaby

I don't do vaccines. I was born in the 60s. Had my childhood vaccines but nothing like they load poor innocent children up with now days. I think I took one flu vaccine back in the early 80s. No more since. My Mother and my 5 siblings and all our children, except for one niece, decided against getting the CV shot. We don't do the yearly flu, either. We all have had Covid several times in the last 2 years. We are a big family and get together regularly and when one gets something, we all get something. All six of us kids got the chicken pox at the same time then a few years later we all got the mumps. Lol I guess my concern was sending the sample of spit for genealogy purposes. I was trying to get through a brick wall in my research.

Thanks for the reply. Stay strong.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 10:31 PM
Double again really?
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Mirrors man

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:03 PM
Eerily quiet on the comms front today... even real raw news hasn't posted for days.

Lots of great digging on this thread tho!

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
here's an update on those Chinese Bio-Labs found in California.
From: MSN News

A Fox News review of court records, health reports and interviews with people who did business with Universal Meditech Inc. (UMI), a California medical supply firm, raises serious questions about its legitimacy and Chinese ties – as well as an apparently illicit biolab.

The underground biolab in the central California town of Reedley – population 25,000 – was discovered late last year and immediately set off alarm bells with local officials who said they were unaware of what was taking place inside the previously vacant warehouse.

As multiple local, state and federal governmental agencies continue to look into the biolab, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 20 different infectious agents inside the building, which was once used to package food. That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria interspersed with old lab equipment and slipshod storage, along with dead and dying mice in an overall unsanitary environment.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I wonder if all the conservatives jumping ship here will do the same?
Boris...... "I'll be back...."

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Risky business creating new parties - remember the Jeremy Thorpe saga?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:49 AM
It’s totally crazy … … … as in crazy like a
dangerously crazy Khazarian fox - THE GREAT TRIBULATION & FOURTH TURNING: Is this how the End Times begin?!

“The photos both above and below of Hillary Clinton with her father-in-law Laurance Rockefeller tell the whole story. The reason why William Jefferson Clinton’s father is listed as William Jefferson Blythe Jr. is because he was actually sired by Laurance Rockefeller of the famously wealthy and powerful Rockefeller family. The false fatherhood story was obviously floated early on to hide Bill Clinton’s radioactive Rockefeller pedigree.

Now here’s the back story: .....

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:03 AM
From: New York Post
Looks like Harris is trying to tell us the same useless promise again.

WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris said Wednesday that an important part of her job is the fact that she “may have to take over” if President Biden is unable to complete his term in office — and that she’s ready to do so if required.

Harris was pressed on her readiness for the Oval Office during an overseas trip — after she initially tried to deflect a question about the 80-year-old Biden’s age by pointing to his legislative accomplishments.

“Questions about the president’s age often go hand in hand with questions about how you would step in the role if necessary. Do you feel prepared for that possibility? Has serving as vice president prepared you for that job?” Associated Press reporter Chris Megerian asked Harris.

“Yes,” replied the 58-year-old vice president in Jakarta, Indonesia, where she is representing Biden at the annual ASEAN summit.

This time the article points out something interesting (though we all know this, but now the media is beginning to focus in on it)

Biden is seeking a second term in next year’s election, even though he will be 86 when he leaves office.

He reportedly has been unsatisfied with Harris, despite praising her in public.

“A point of tension in their relationship is that I don’t think that the president sees her as somebody who takes anything off of his plate” due to a “fear of messing up,” a former White House official told Reuters in May.

Author Chris Whipple, an expert on West Wing staffing, wrote in his book “The Fight of His Life,” released in January, that Biden considered Harris to be a “work in progress.”

Harris as we know doesn't want the job of President, but that might be out of her hands soon enough. Watch and wonder...

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Yup, I'm old enough to remember that.
But we have a whole batch of different personalities now....... one can hope


posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: GAPeach3

Robert F Kennedy Jr has just published another book "Vax-Unvax Let The Science Speak" that should be a must read, especially for people with babies or planning. He covers the issue of thimerosal and the connection to autism.

Page 52.
The CDC finally started a "phase down of the production of thimerosal-containing infant vaccines, including the hepatitis B DTap Haemaphilus influenzza B vaccines. As in what is new--- "Contrary to what the CDC has led the populace to believe, they never removed mercury from the vaccine schedule but redistributed it insidiously. As manufacturers phased down mercury from existing childhood vaccines, the CDC added annual flu shots, many of which still contain thimerosal, for infants as young as six months of age and each year after. An obvious issue of accumulation in the body.

The CDC is dangerously corrupt. Remember the name Mandy Cohen, Rochelle Walensky's replacement.

Just to let this sink in the "CDC endorses the use of thimerosal- laced flu shots, given during any trimester of pregnancy, to the same population. Their claims of safety during pregnancy are unfounded, given that the FDA has never approved flu shots for such use."

Just for fun--- the "Fluvirin package insert specifically states, 'Safety and effectiveness of Fluvirin have not been established in pregnant women'."
I could go on but we get the point. I find it very disturbing that there is a really big effort going on atm to give more jabs to pregnant women or as they like to say people and they are not doing any clinical trials involving them- just 8 mice or maybe 11 if we're lucky.

He covers other vaccines including the current bioweapon and provides lots of studies and data.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I agree it has been really quiet. I checked in on Chuck Grassley's twit-

Chuck Grassley Tweet

There is something very odd with that picture. Dark to Light? In some ways it also reminds me of a Mr. Loop post of the stairs 2021, 2022, 2023.

His tweet "Senate was back in session 2day."
More strangeness.
The time of the post links to # 521 which he pointed to in an earlier tweet the other day.
The line "NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE CLEAN" brought the fire in Maui back onto the radar.

[4] 125 is the mirror of the time.

#125 I believe is connected to the strange fire around the Chernobyl containment area. It looked very similar to Maui's fire.
Adding up 521 = 8 which is August. Adding 125=8. The fire started on August 8th.

I went back to the Lahaina fire because we are not done yet. Where are the children?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

If you believe in weather modification techniques you see the Lahaina fires as totally planned destruction.

'How we made the Chernobyl rain'
Russian military pilots have described how they created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly took to the skies above Chernobyl and Belarus and used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities.


Yes; where are the children, and why can't we talk about them?!!

"2000 Children missing, where do you think they are? Nobody seems to be talking about it either

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I found myself believing the government figures about the number missing from the Lahaina fire but we were told to question everything.
The Numbers Do Lie

I'm finding evidence in the strangest of places- Linked In.
The number of children missing is more like 2000! Even one was too many.
The number is probably higher because who knows how many were being home schooled and so are not part of the school enrollment numbers.

The video "Another fire breaks north of Lahaina close to the Hyatt Hotel..." the citizen reporter, boots on the ground brings up a couple of solid points. First how and why did that fire start? Arsonist might be the first thought but then why is the bulldozer covering up the point of origination? He raises the question - why wouldn't they maintain that spot specifically to determine how the fire started. This smacks of burying evidence.

They are doing the same as James O'Keefe and they need to for their own safety. It's very possible that because they are roaming around and filming evidence this is forcing those that wish to inflict more harm to put the fires out. But also they are shinning a light on the official response so none of this is going through the MSM filter.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I agree it has been really quiet.

Slow News Week As Lizard People Clearly Planning Something

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel what do you think?

Coming from the strangest of places-
Wallstreet Apes Tweet

First off two donations to Oprah's fund raising money for Lahaina is $100 and $10---#1010.

She has 4 donors and raised a whopping $165. When I keyed in #4165 look what it came up with.
Q Alerts

Circling back to Grassley's tweet to pinpoint which post we should focus on.
Time stamp was 5.21.
The only difference is the 4.
The time added together [5+2+1] 8.


RED is symbolic to fire. President Trump's image looks like it is on fire.

Oprah's 4 donators contributed $165. The 165 is 66.
After today, make more sense?
Buckle up!

As for the new fire that broke out on Maui, maybe a coincidence, but the reporter made mention that their 5G was finally back in service. Possible link?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I keep seeing links wrt timing between Chuck Grassley's tweets and Jeanne Marrazzo's, Fauci's replacement.

Another one today.
Grassley tweeted at 5.21 P.M.
Marrazzo tweeted at 5.12 A.M.

Dark to light.

Dr.JeanneM tweet

She is claiming that there are no defined prevention tools to protect people from RSV.

CDC Preventing RSV

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE.

We are FIGHTING for LIFE...

Do you believe in coincidences?
NYT "Anon" source?
"Sleeper cells."

She must be a sleeper cell maybe being activated. Her tweet handle is an odd choice and she has had some very odd tweets. One would expect her to have a handle that would make sense so that people could follow her.
She is a government official.
If she has this odd tweet account maybe Fauci had one as well. After all he would advise her about his protocol.

I found this.DrAnthonyF twitter

A suspended account!

Here's an example of an organization responding and linking directly to him.

Oncoalert tweet

We need to get that twitter bird to sing.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 02:48 PM
Digital Yuan Will Revolutionize Chinese Retail Payments – Central Bank Exec

A Chinese central bank chief has claimed the digital yuan will revolutionize the way the nation makes retail payments, and suggested the CBDC could one day “completely replace” cash.

Per Yicai, Mu Changchun, Head of the Digital Currency Research Institute at the People’s Bank of China (PBoC), made the comments at the China International Financial Annual Forum this week.

Mu said it would be important to ensure that the digital yuan was accepted “in all retail payment scenarios” in Mainland China.

Russian Lawmaker Predicts That Digital Ruble Will Displace Banks

Eventually, the digital ruble, alongside the development of blockchain, will displace the need for banks, Russian lawmaker Anatoly Aksakov said in a meeting, a local media outlet reported on Tuesday.
“As for the role of banks, I think that their role will fade in the future with the development of blockchain,” said Aksakov, the head of the State Duma Banking Committee, speaking at a meeting at the AiF.Media club.

Blockchain technology, the infrastructure that underpins crypto, has become more widely accepted by institutions thanks to crypto becoming more mainstream. Plus, apex banks of several countries, including Russia, started exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDC) as their answer to digital assets. Russia has been conducting a pilot for its digital ruble with banks.
Central banks, however, have been worried that a CBDC would cause problems for the banking world. p

India central bank plans to widen use of digital currency

The Reserve Bank of India is planning to introduce its central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the call money market, an official told reporters on Tuesday.

"RBI is now planning to go to interbank borrowing market (with CBDC), specifically call money market," the official, who did not want to be named, said.

RBI plans to use CBDCs as tokens for call money settlement, he said.

India’s CBDC is currently in a pilot phase across the retail and wholesale segments. The central bank has set a target of one million transactions a day by the end of 2023.

PNB Introduces CBDC-UPI Interoperability For Seamless Transactions

State-owned Punjab National Bank on Tuesday announced the launch of Central Bank Digital Currency with Unified Payments Interface interoperability feature in its digital rupee mobile application.

This move is in line with the RBI's CBDC pilot project and unleashes a new potential in India's payment ecosystem, PNB said in a statement.

Mastercard, Western Union prep for CBDCs' uncertain future

Central bank digital currencies are being slowly tested in Europe, the U.S. and U.K. and are far from sure things, but payment companies are positioning themselves in case they take hold in those markets.

Mastercard last week launched a partner program for CBDCs, while Western Union and the Digital Dollar Project recently finished a test of cross-border CBDC payments. The projects are separate, but both are designed to position the payment firms to play a role if and when CBDCs are introduced in large countries such as the U.S.

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