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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Hey, MT!

TIME is relative. I haven't changed all that much, other than getting older. I'm about to become a grandpa for the first time. Looking at the world through a grand-daddy's lens is a whole new perspective. If you are wondering, yes, I'm still a Freemason, and slowly making my way up the ladder to the point where I will eventually become the Master of my Lodge. That depends, though. It depends on our world NOT blowing itself up in a nuclear conflagration, no thanks to your illegitimate Fake and Fraudulent so-called U.S. President. What an embarrassment he must be to you.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason2point0
a reply to: MetalThunder

Hey, MT!

TIME is relative. I haven't changed all that much, other than getting older. I'm about to become a grandpa for the first time. Looking at the world through a grand-daddy's lens is a whole new perspective. If you are wondering, yes, I'm still a Freemason, and slowly making my way up the ladder to the point where I will eventually become the Master of my Lodge. That depends, though. It depends on our world NOT blowing itself up in a nuclear conflagration, no thanks to your illegitimate Fake and Fraudulent so-called U.S. President. What an embarrassment he must be to you.

Congrats on the NEW perspective ... ITs always been about the Children.

Assange DEAL ?

Godspeed CM

edit on 8192023 by MetalThunder because: why NOt

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:55 PM

ITs always been about the Children.
Godspeed CM

Absolutely, on this we agree, my old ATS friend.

That's why Canadian Mason is BACK!

GOD (The Great Architect of the Universe) sAVe the CHIldrEN!

edit on 19-8-2023 by CanadianMason2point0 because: G.A.O.T.U.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:59 PM
US Banks Suffer $18,900,000,000 in Losses As JPMorgan Chase and Capital One Take Big Hits From Bad Loans:

America’s biggest banks are taking hits to their bottom line as soaring interest rates cause billions of dollars in loans to fall apart.

JPMorgan Chase, Capital One and others lost a combined $18.9 billion in the second quarter of this year due to soured loans, reports the Financial Times.

The banks are facing “charge-offs,” or losses on loans that have now been designated as unrecoverable at a 17% higher rate than the previous three months, and a 75% higher rate than 2022.

Banks are now preparing for loan losses to continue rising, and have already set aside $21.5 billion in contingency funds for future potential losses.

The new numbers on loan losses come after Moody’s cut its ratings of 10 regional banks and announced it’s considering whether to downgrade a number of additional big lenders due to the potential for further deposit flight and “eroding” profitability. port/amp/


The Harbor Gateway Chamber of Commerce says there are 500 RVs parked on its streets, but politicians say some of those vehicles should soon be cleared away thanks to a Los Angeles County program that clears encampments.

The RVs are located in the East Gardena-West Rancho Dominguez area in unincorporated L.A. County.

The majority of these RVs - they don't exist. There's no VIN, there's no license plate, there's no registered owner," said David Matthews, the president of the Harbor Gateway Chamber of Commerce. "It's basically just a vessel on the street. Unfortunately, our elected (officials) are thinking this is considered housing and this is not housing.

"As you can see and smell, no one should be living like this."

Workers in SF's Nancy Pelosi Federal Building told to stay home due to crime

Workers in the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco were told to work from home indefinitely given conditions in the downtown area.

The building, at the intersection of Seventh and Mission streets, is home to the office of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as the local branches of several federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The area around the building has also become a notorious hotspot for open-air drug dealing.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, building workers received a memo penned by Cheryl Campbell — an assistant secretary with the Department of Health and Human Services — on Aug. 4. It advised workers to stay home “for the foreseeable future” because of crime in the area.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 07:13 PM
Just a question to the crowd"
"Has anyone cross checked the fake names that Joe Biden used with the names in Epstein's flight logs?"

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 07:15 PM
Cocaine-Fueled Deep State Operatives control the United States of America, as well as the entire F-ING world. Your Deep State, World Custodians are members of the 5 Eyes to 7 Eyes Intelligence Services, who can get you six ways to Sunday, according to your American Senator, Chucky Schumer. Beware, friends! Pain is in the immediate future's geopolitical forecast. Prepare yourselves, NOW! Pandemic 2.0 is on the horizon. September/October 2023. There will be NO 2024 election. This is Canadian Mason's FINAL INSIDER WARNING.



posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 07:25 PM


Mena Uncovered: Judicial Watch Discloses Secret CIA Report

edit on 8192023 by MetalThunder because:
extra DIV

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason2point0

Do we wear our Fez, Turban, or Tricorn hat?

I think that there will be an election cycle for '24. There's just too much money on the table to walk away from that. The question will be about the '25 swearing in ceremonies.

This is all of course geopolitically speaking. I think the last thing that is going to happen in good order is Harris taking over the Presidential Office.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

A land deal between Joe Biden’s brother and a favored lobbyist is raising eyebrows
Scott Green appeared to give James Biden a great deal on a property in the Carribean

It looks like a sweet deal on property in the U.S. Virgin Islands James Biden was made possible by lobbyist Scott Green, who went on to regularly lobby Joe Biden during his time in the Senate, according to Politico.

Just a year later he sold one to Green and his wife for $150,000 in what appears to be a nice deal for the Bidens, who retained control of two-thirds of the property. Subsequent tax bills put the assessed value of Green’s parcel at around $38,000 until that number jumped to $83,700 in 2013

The Biden Family Investigation – Part III: James Biden

In my and Senator Johnson’s September 2020 report, we showed that Hunter Biden and James Biden-aligned firms received approximately $4.8 million from Hudson West Three from August 2017 to September 2018.  During that same time frame, Hunter Biden’s Owasco sent 20 or so wires to James Biden’s Lion Hall Group. 

The rabbit hole gets deeper.
8 miles from the island is not much of a flight


1 week ago - According to Eric Epstein, chair of Three Mile Island Alert, the TMI plant operator and its insurers paid at least $82 million in publicly documented compensation to residents for "loss of business revenue, evacuation expenses and health claims


Chuck. Ron.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:48 AM

‘She Has No Shame’: Oprah Winfrey Faces Backlash on Social Media Amid Reports She Was Told to Leave Camera Crew ‘Outside’ of Maui Shelter Following Deadly Wildfire

“I don’t understand celebrities. Oprah showed up to a Maui shelter with a CBS camera crew. Would you want people coming in and getting publicity during the worst time of your life? What is wrong with people? Everything’s a show. Have some humanity.”

Oprah Winfrey's father dies at age 88

Oprah spent her early childhood at her father’s hometown of Kosciusko, Mississippi, and in Milwaukee with her mother, Vernita Lee, who died in 2018. However, she also lived with her father in Nashville, between the ages of 7 and 9 and during her teens

88 8/8

. 111
edit on 2023/8/20 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

edit on 2023/8/20 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Interesting point about the chemtrails helping to fuel these super fires.
That might explain this-

Fire Map

JP Sears has some more details for us.

We Lie to You News

To highlight the new ones:
-The mayor and the governor were out of town.
-People who were trying to evacuate were told it was too soon.
-No warnings of any type. Why not even a bull horn.
-No firefighters in the street.
-New insurance policies taken out in Lahaina before the fire.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Adding more content to yesterday's post about the solar farms and Maui, the WSJ had an opinion piece that I read this morning.

Maui's Fires and the Electric Grid Paywall

A bit of history. In 2015 Hawaii led the way for the country, lawmakers mandated that they would have 100% of their electricity come from renewable sources by 2045. At that time this form of electricity was only 20%, so needless to say this was more than ambitious.

This is what peaked my interest-
"The islands lack large amounts of empty land to build solar and wind. They also lack natural- gas power that can ramp up quickly to back them up." They could have had wind farms built off shore. Gasp.

The elites, whose residents did not burn to the ground love the green agenda and now there will be lots of cleared land. Maybe a coincidence maybe not.

Hawaiian Electric shifted their focus from maintaining the grid and the power lines and instead pivoted towards subsidizing rooftop solar panels and batteries and "contracted for large-scale renewables at elevated prices."

Another important part of the plan.
Hawaiian Electric approached the government in 2022 for approval to raise rates for wild fire safety improvements, which it still has not received. This in light of the worst wildfires happening in 2019.

Maui now has 40% of their electricity generated from renewables but there has been no upgrading of the grid.
"Grid upgrades required to connect renewables and balance their intermittent flows can divert scarce capital from system improvements needed to withstand physical stress from high winds."

This would explain why the power was out and the children ended up home alone.

Which brings up the movie Home Alone just because of weirdness.

Home Alone

He just happened to be 8.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

The three major fires in Spokane and Whitman counties are still gaining ground, with level 3 evacs going from 1 to 3 again as the winds shift.

The Winnona fire is 19% contained, and determined not to have been started by natural means.

The Medical Lake fire is 0% contained, with nearly 200 structures lost and one life. Cause not known yet....

There have been 60 firefighters battling these fires, with no air support possible because of winds and poor visibility.

Dry crops ready for harvest are being lost; several smaller communities are in danger of being lost as the shifting wind direction keeps pushing the front line in different directions.

Air quality was nearly 500 last night, which is as high as the AQI scale goes. We've been blanked in smoke since yesterday, and Canadian wildfire smoke is also merging with ours.

Slight rain is in the forecast for this afternoon, but may not be much help for the firefighters getting a handle on the situation.

I would think a fire of this magnitude would require more resources than 60 firefighters, but I'm no expert. It's just shocking how quickly things can change.

Only on ATS am I free to consider land grabs, 15 minute cities and Arson. In our recent past California and Oregon went through the same thing; I remember the evening news reporting that at least 49 people were caught red-handed and arrested for setting many of then, yet searches reveal no prosecution; the information just vanished.

I winder if there was a land grab in Oregon or California after their fires?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I've decode 4 different comms in last 24hrs pointing to EBS today or at 1 a.m. Saturday morning;

1) Key one is from this DJT truth... do caps gematria on it to get EBS TOMORROW:

Note that today, Friday, is a Q day because 8/18 = 8+1+8 = 17.

2) full text gematria on the first (highlighted) line of this Phil Godlewski post at 00:25 (5by5) gives:

3) Day before yesterday I was timed out from PG's chat telegram channel until Saturday 00:59am GMT... i.e. 1 min before 1 a.m. ... and he's been warning the EBS will come at the top of an hour

The timeout was for 77 hours... noone does that... hr, day, 1 week? ...but 77 hours????

Rel Santa Surfing just tweeted an EBS [test?] August 19th!

Santa Surfing Tweet

Fire & Fury
(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live
(34) commands LIVE
Codes command ACTION
[1] OWL [1]

Fire- could that mean the Maui fire?
The 77 hours- this EBS indicates the 7th fleet. The 7th fleet has 50-70 ships.

7th Fleet

This fleet is commanded by V. A. Karl Thomas since 7/8/21.

Then there is this oddity.

Former President Biden

Kidding but not kidding. We have seen slip ups like this before.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: nugget1

This sounds horrific. I was in Alaska in 2019 when the wildfires were out of control up there. It was surreal.
The flames roared down the hills around the airport when I landed.
The one main highway was reduced to one lane and we had to wait for a pilot car to guide a group of cars one direction at a time.
It was quite frightening to have the fires roaring on both sides of the highway as we drove through. The sun was reduced to a obscure red glowing ball and the air was so thick with smoke that it made my eyes water.
We saw people racing to cut down trees as far back from their property as possible.

The aftermath of such destruction was terrible but very different from Lahaina. Vehicles, equipment and buildings were totally burned up but none of it remotely looks like what we are seeing now.

Lahaina- How can they explain this?

How are you holding up?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

How are you holding up?

Other than having to limit viewing the news because it makes me heartsick to watch so many people in danger, not knowing if they'll be able to stop the progression I'm fine; thanks for asking.

My son was living in Fairbanks at the time; 2015 was also the year fires burned all around us and came within 3 air miles of our town.
We're surrounded by farm land on all sides, so it was pretty harrowing for awhile. Our air quality was in the hazard zone for over a month making me pretty sick; I'm thankful we're in the very unhealthy zone right now, and it's supposed to get much worse tonight.

We're also seeing where one large home will burn to the ground while another just 20 feet away remains untouched-not even soot on it. Maybe that's normal, I don't know.

One guy lost his home, outbuildings and a collection of vintage cars. Strange thing was in the midst of his car collection one van remained untouched.

I can't help but wonder if 'climate change' is a real but natural planetary change, or if it's being helped along with some geoengineering to support the Green agenda. I guess I sound like a nutter, but after so many years of extended drought in the PNW I can't help myself. lol

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

So blue things are not burned? It looked to me that someone set those tables up to enjoy the views of the devastation while eating brunch or something.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

One would think that after the disaster of Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney it couldn't possibly get worse.

Bill Gates Buys Bud Light Stock

Maybe he is trying to compete with Dylan Mulvaney. Being the narcissist that he is, he probably is under the delusion that with his mere presence around Bud Light that will revive the stock price. It may for awhile but I would consider this the final kiss of death. Anyone who knows anything about Gates will flee.
Of course he would buy 1.703 K of shares because you know.

Billy's Other Beer Investments

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