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Chinese "Spy Balloon" over CONUS.

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posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:40 PM
Balloon has been shot down!

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:40 PM
The balloon has streamered.
edit on 2 4 2023 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:41 PM
ITS popped and falling!!!

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:43 PM
POP!!! lol.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:44 PM
They shot the one in Myrtle Beach.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

this just in: 5Igy?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=e1320b641de048b39bf4bfd193b6fe70

what would they want with Latin America?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: ka47


posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:50 PM
Looked like the payload detached from the ballon after they shot it down, salt water isn’t going to help if they can recover it before it sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:53 PM
Too little too late.

99.99% chance it already completed it's mission.
edit on 4-2-2023 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: 38181
Looked like the payload detached from the ballon after they shot it down, salt water isn’t going to help if they can recover it before it sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

Video looks like the missile hit it at the bottom... maybe the intent was to separate the payload.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: 38181

If it did detach, it would not have streamered. The balloon would have been just a plastic bag blowing in the wind. Think of a drycleaning bag the size of a really large house.

It came down in one peice.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Look closer. Watch it detach as soon as the missile hits.
edit on 4-2-2023 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: 38181

I watched it fall. It had to have a weight at the bottom for it to fall like that. They did not keep it in good focus is why you don't see the instrument pack.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:03 PM
Wonder if they considered the wind direction that thing could have been filled with something I think China would have guessed we would shoot it down .

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:03 PM
Somebody finally had the ⚾️⚽️🏈🏀 to shoot the damn thing down. I was hoping a citizen had the firepower to do it and took it into his own power to do but it sounds like the US sent a fight jet to shoot it down

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:06 PM
It looked like it detatched to me.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:08 PM
Edit: Wrong balloon:
edit on 2/4/2023 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Caled
The payload was already detached. I saw an eyewitness video on Twitter where they talk about how a bright thing dropped like a shooting star from the balloon, and that was before it was shot down. And now the video is gone...can't find it.

You can clearly see the payload on the livestream. You can see it reflecting sunlight every once in a while as it tumbles after getting hit.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:11 PM
We were filming it over our home and watched the fighter fire at very close range. It was most likely a sidewinder. Scary, we were in the car and it looked like it was over the house where the kids were. We called and had them sit in the middle of the house. They were hearing the sonic booms and maybe even the strike.

This was no good.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:12 PM
USS Carter Hall is there to handle the recovery.

Airspace is closed.

I wish I could have heard the cheer go up from our military when they shot that fat bast*rd out'ta the sky.

Now that it's downed? I hope I won't regret what I asked for.

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