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You Either Keep Getting Your Booster Shots Or Admit You Were Wrong

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posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

And I corrected your misunderstanding. Repeatedly.

"What numbers I didn't know? I was the one to point to you how wrong your claim was. Your arguments are in a turmoil again."

I say you didn't know because when I challenged you to provide them, you were unable to. That amounts to not knowing.



1st dose administered
269,332,266 (81.1%)

Total population


1st dose administered
5,544,044,326 (70.7%)

Total population

Because you didn't know.

Here they are again, just we make sure you correct your misunderstanding.

Just a disingenuous argument as your initial claim has been refuted.

Do you still believe 13 million doses have been given worldwide?
edit on 17-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You are the only one intentionally repeating a (self professed) knowingly false set of numbers when the accurate, properly sourced numbers are right in front of your eyes.




1st dose administered
269,332,266 (81.1%)

Total population


1st dose administered
5,544,044,326 (70.7%)

Total population

You have no excuse to continue to provide knowingly false information.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I didn't make an initial claim.

Your claim was refuted. Further, you've failed to actually counter a single argument I've made. You can't provide sources. You can't provide quotes. You don't even know these numbers you keep blabbering on and on about.
edit on 2/17/2023 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You are the only one intentionally repeating a (self professed) knowingly false set of numbers when the accurate, properly sourced numbers are right in front of your eyes.




1st dose administered
269,332,266 (81.1%)

Total population


1st dose administered
5,544,044,326 (70.7%)

Total population

You have no excuse to continue to provide knowingly false information.

We can all see that your claim has been refuted.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Cool, so point to the post where it was refuted. I must've missed that one.

You won't because you can't.
edit on 2/17/2023 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I didn't make an initial claim.

Your claim was refuted. Further, you've failed to actually counter a single argument I've made. You can't provide sources. You can't provide quotes. You don't even know these numbers you keep blabbering on and on about.

Here is your claim

For the last time, 13 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has been given world wide.


Not my calculation, an actual number by actual credible sources which I've linked. Something you've failed to do even once.

You're pushing an agenda. Q-anon drivel.

I reject your 5.5 billion number. I haven't seen that from a credible source. Facebook doesn't count. Even if so, it only further proves my point.

You have refuted your own claim. Well done!

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Cool, so point to the post where it was refuted. I must've missed that one.

You won't because you can't.

The safety and effectiveness is something you need to prove since the onus is on those who assert things randomly and without evidence.

You start searching as before and I am sure you will refute your own claim again.
edit on 17-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:55 AM
That wasn't my claim.

You are the only one who has repeatedly posted information you to admit is knowingly false. For the 1000'th time, accurate, properly sourced numbers are right in front of your eyes.



1st dose administered
269,332,266 (81.1%)

Total population


1st dose administered
5,544,044,326 (70.7%)

Total population

You have no excuse to continue to provide knowingly false information.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Nah, judging by the fact that 81% of the US has been vaccinated I'd say the opposite is true. You're preaching to a crowd that knows your arguments are as full of crap as they sound.

Magnets and 5G, hah. Q-anon wants its money back, they got nothing on this anti-vax stuff.
edit on 2/17/2023 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

First of all, the VAERS reports should be taken with a grain of salt considering anybody can make a report. If you had a hangnail you would report it to VAERS and probably blame magnetic DNA manipulation or any reason you type in fast enough.

This is absolute nonsense that was never suggested prior to 2020 when the COVID vaccines were given EUA based on grossly misrepresented trial data summaries. As the former AMA president pointed out in a thread I already linked you to elsewhere, even the group she cites admits these are underreported. I also previously cited congressional testimony where officials state the same thing. This was a known and ubiquitous belief in public health for the entire duration of my career and I never heard or saw any suggestion otherwise until after the 2020 COVID vaccine deployment. Passive reporting without oversight is always significantly lower than the real world impacts.

It wasn't until they realized that these vaccines were magnitudes more dangerous than any previously approved that this completely unsubstantiated claim started circulating. There are plenty of medical professionals that have blown the whistle on administrators telling them not to report to VAERS in the past two years. VAERS is meant to get all eventss, with no grain of salt, and the CDC is supposed to process them for classificstion. They failed to do this until after a year when FOIA were granted via court order, while publicly stating that they were watching closely for any signs they were unsafe. Refusal and delaying release of data has become a trend for them They still refuse to release vaccine status with cancer data and are denying access to aggregate birth statistics.

The CDC system identified from VAERS well over 100 types of events that were flagged, many of them of higher significance than myocarditis. Naturally the press, the CDC, and the FDA, all with significant financial interests, are not going to report this to you. If you expect to see the captured media reporting of the malfeasance of the captured federal agencies it's going to be a long wait. If you're unwilling to seek court ordered releases and unwilling to audit the studies the press claim support this bs then you will get whatever it is they're paid to tell you. I've gone over the study manipulations and egregious departures from sound science that have been almost uniformly observed in all the studies since 2020 in other threads in the just the past six months.

The vast majority of the BS "science" that gets parroted surrounding these failed vaccines, the rest of the masking and lockdown recommendations, was produced since 2019 and had no prior precedent in public health data. I managed pandemic control plans and in not a single one could you find mask mandates or lockdowns for those not ill, not even for diseases with mangitudes higher mortality. In none of them was vaccine deployment in the middle of a pandemic suggested. These 2020 and more recent studies were funded by Gates, pharma, or the very agencies that promoted these policies before any evidence to support them existed. The FDA not only failed to run any risk/benefit analysis for all their vaccine approvals, but they went against their own advisory board resulting in resignations. There is still to this day not a single dose manufactured under the full FDA authorization available in the US and they lied to fool people into taking the EUA version that was still under liability shield. They were so scared of how bad they are they wouldn't manufacture the approved formulation until the new shield was in place. The cost of their liability shield is children at no risk of serious illness from COVID having a vaccine recommended for them that will with 100% certainty result in deaths with no expectation of benefit from immunity or prevention of community transmission. Not only that it will have their immune system impaired and recalibrated to dominance of immune tolerant IgG4 before they even reach their third birthday.

I'm not digging through two years of my posts to find all the very real links to very real acadmic and government sources I've cited, but feel free to find a single post I've made that you can disprove. The adverse events are cited by reputable sources at 1 in 800, with some studies showing clinically detectable cardiac changes in young males as high as 17%. That's just one adverse event and not even the most significant flagged by the CDC itself.

You were sold a lie, have bought the lie, and now you're buying all the accessories that make that lie more comfortable for you. Did I miss your response in the other thread or have you not explained what this is distracting us from and how QAnon has managed to manipulate world renowned doctors, Nobel winners, court ordered document releases, and global vital statistics data?

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Oh no Ksihkehe, not you too. Say it ain't so.

I'm not going to waste another second of my life on this assinine topic. I would highly advise readers to disregard everything and anything people say on the Internet and rely solely on their trusted family physicians.

I have never regretted my vaccinations.
edit on 2/17/2023 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
That wasn't my claim.

You are the only one who has repeatedly posted information you to admit is knowingly false. For the 1000'th time, accurate, properly sourced numbers are right in front of your eyes.



1st dose administered
269,332,266 (81.1%)

Total population


1st dose administered
5,544,044,326 (70.7%)

Total population

You have no excuse to continue to provide knowingly false information.

Here is your claim and making disingenuous arguments doesn't help the conversation.

For the last time, 13 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has been given world wide.

And you also insisted you were correct by making things even worse trying hard not to use even common sense.

Not my calculation, an actual number by actual credible sources which I've linked. Something you've failed to do even once.

You're pushing an agenda. Q-anon drivel.

I reject your 5.5 billion number. I haven't seen that from a credible source. Facebook doesn't count. Even if so, it only further proves my point.

So your argument was refuted. And you refuted the unsubstantiated claim by just looking at a source on the internet.

Likewise when you make claims about safety and effectiveness it's better to read first rather than assert statements that could be completely wrong.

All you have to do in this case is to read a little more carefully and you can refute your own claim again.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Oh no Ksihkehe, not you too. Say it ain't so.

I'm not going to waste another second of my life on this assinine topic. I would highly advise readers to disregard everything and anything people say on the Internet and rely solely on their trusted family physicians.

I have never regretted my vaccinations.

Good for you.
Your body your choice.

There is a difference between getting vaccinated and becoming a vaccine apologist or defender of the pharmaceuticals accepting the vaccine dogma and the beliefs associated with it.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Nah, judging by the fact that 81% of the US has been vaccinated I'd say the opposite is true. You're preaching to a crowd that knows your arguments are as full of crap as they sound.

Magnets and 5G, hah. Q-anon wants its money back, they got nothing on this anti-vax stuff.

Strawman arguments for once more!
Nobody argues about 5G and magnets. It's only you and has nothing to do with the conversation.

A very large number of US citizens has been vaccinated but that wasn't a choice for many of them. Many were pressured, coerced, intimidated, or even threatened with dismissal by their employers.

Never heard of the mandates? No?

Hardly a free choice for a large number of citizens. That wasn't science and medicine but quackery.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

More false claims.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: JBurns

No one got saline, they are sealed ampules that is ridiculous.

Didn't you know that all of us with zero issues with the vaccine, 100s of people we know also with zero issues with the vaccine ALL got saline shots...

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: JBurns

I will repeat

A very large number of US citizens has been vaccinated but that wasn't a choice for many of them. Many were pressured, coerced, intimidated, or even threatened with dismissal by their employers.

Never heard of the mandates? No?

Hardly a free choice for a large number of citizens. That wasn't science and medicine but quackery.

Are you not going to argue about 5G and magnetism??

What about the 13 millions shots that have been given worldwide?

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: JBurns

No one got saline, they are sealed ampules that is ridiculous.

Didn't you know that all of us with zero issues with the vaccine, 100s of people we know also with zero issues with the vaccine ALL got saline shots...

Terrible argument.
one can argue that he doesn't know anyone who has died due to Covid.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: M5xaz

How many of those entries are rabbid anti-vaxxers thinking they are proving a point?

Moronic, fact-free responses.

Dr Birx is not an anti-vaxxer and this has nothing to do with Q-anon.

Take off your leftist dingbat tin foil hat, think, and get some facts.

Concerns about myocardidtis caused by these injections is real, widespread and mainstream ampaign=TheLibertyDaily

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: M5xaz

VAERS is totally non-credible:

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients.

Like I said, brainwashed followers repeating Q-anon talking points. I can submit a report saying the vaccine made my arm magnetic, doesn't make it true.

Reactions can be reported on VAERS for ALL vaccines ever made, which is hosted by HHS . HHS would not host it if it were not credible.

The fact that the Covid shots have more adverse reactions than all other vaccines combined is a red flag, despite your willful blindness.

The swine flu shot of 1976 was withdrawn precisely because of adverse effects, for just a few thousand cases of adverse reactions

Keep right on wallowing in ignorance

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