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You Either Keep Getting Your Booster Shots Or Admit You Were Wrong

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posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Antivax is a pejorative and doesn't exist in the medical and scientific literature. The rest is irrelevant nonsense.

Vaccine hesitant? One that is against anything Big Pharma? Doom porn queen?

IDK what do you want to call it? I think you and others have used a half dozen pejoratives on me and I'm not really complaining about it.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Experimental and untested

Nah, almost 13 billion doses have been given worldwide. That seems to be the opposite of untested.

Your argument lacks merits and evidence unless you know the short, medium and long term effects of these products or the benefit to risk ratio for all age groups

And you do?

First it was magnetism in the injection site - LIE
Then it was 5G - LIE
Then I was going to drop dead in 6 months - LIE

Every anti argument has fleshed out to be false or a complete lie.

The true believers keep doubling down though.

I was wrong, I thought the anti-vaxxers were a step ahead of the "Trump will be indicted any time now!!!!" crowd. I was wrong. They are worse, and definitely more gullible.

This is the most failed medical product in history just as Dr Malhotra and Professor Levi have said.

I guess they got my personal physician who I have seen for 45 years and I bowl with on a regular basis. The guy I played in the Little League with must be in on it too.

For every name you produce, 1000+ can be found saying the opposite. However well informed, those are just opinions. I don't need opinions, I have reality on the ground. The reality is after 5 shots I am A-OK. My adult daughters? Fine. Mrs. Burns? Still ticking.

I know two unvaccinated people that have died directly from COVID. I know precisely ZERO that died from the vaccine or under suspicious circumstances.

The 13 bliion doses is a debunked argument.

5G and Magnetism are strawman arguments.

The appeal to numbers you are trying to create doesn't stand in science. Science isn't based on majorities. Plus that your majority only is fabricated and part of the official narratives. Everything else is debunked.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Antivax is a pejorative and doesn't exist in the medical and scientific literature. The rest is irrelevant nonsense.

Vaccine hesitant? One that is against anything Big Pharma? Doom porn queen?

IDK what do you want to call it? I think you and others have used a half dozen pejoratives on me and I'm not really complaining about it.

Another made up phrase. Thanks for reminding me.

Vaccine hesitant
And the rest

Calling someone a vaccine apologist isn't a pejorative but a reality.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Here, I fixed it:

99% of your argument is entirely fabricated and ideology vs. fact based. People were so throughly duped into paying attention to something totally irrelevant and they don't want to admit it.

Still here...more than a year later and counting.

"Just wait" they say

They sound like the folks waiting for Trump's "imminent indictment" to me....... you are going to be waiting a long time.

The vaccine did its job. If the pandemic gets bad again, I'll get #6. Until and unless that happens, I'm satisfied with the results I got from the first 5. No harm no foul

It sounds like you got the "vaccine." Although it's not a vaccine.

All I'm seeing are strawman arguments, trying to assign people for being wrong for something they never said.

You don't seem to understand there are bad batches. Just because you didn't get a larger dose and or you got saline doesn't mean there aren't scores of injured and dead people. I hear c19 vaxx victims speak all the time in twitters spaces. There are plenty of them. So trying to pretend it doesn't exist is denialism. I also posted a study showed 13 million have died globally so far. That is so far, because we don't know medium or long term side effects.

It's not a vaccine, it's a medical counter measure created by the DoD and distributed by big pharma who wanted to wait 75 years to release trial results. Until you understand that you are not able to deny ignorance.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Here, I fixed it:

99% of your argument is entirely fabricated and ideology vs. fact based. People were so throughly duped into paying attention to something totally irrelevant and they don't want to admit it.

Still here...more than a year later and counting.

"Just wait" they say

They sound like the folks waiting for Trump's "imminent indictment" to me....... you are going to be waiting a long time.

The vaccine did its job. If the pandemic gets bad again, I'll get #6. Until and unless that happens, I'm satisfied with the results I got from the first 5. No harm no foul

It sounds like you got the "vaccine." Although it's not a vaccine.

All I'm seeing are strawman arguments, trying to assign people for being wrong for something they never said.

You don't seem to understand there are bad batches. Just because you didn't get a larger dose and or you got saline doesn't mean there aren't scores of injured and dead people. I hear c19 vaxx victims speak all the time in twitters spaces. There are plenty of them. So trying to pretend it doesn't exist is denialism. I also posted a study showed 13 million have died globally so far. That is so far, because we don't know medium or long term side effects.

It's not a vaccine, it's a medical counter measure created by the DoD and distributed by big pharma who wanted to wait 75 years to release trial results. Until you understand that you are not able to deny ignorance.

A range of strawman arguments and unsubstantiated assertions by a new member of the group of vaccine apologists.

Claims of safe and effective products that are known to cause harm and deaths.

Together with the usual arguments of the 13 billion doses and the comparisons between the fatality rate of the virus as opposed to the fatality ratio of these products.

Debunked arguments that are propagated again and again.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: JBurns

You should stop the vaccine apologetics and the denialism of reality.

The 'vaccines' were not proven to be safe and effective although they were distributed in the market as if they were safe and effective.

In due course they were shown to cause harm and deaths to the point that many scientists have asked their withdrawal from the market.

You claimed that it was a personal choice but that's an unsubstantiated assertion. People were corrected and pressured, intimidated or even threatened with dismissal. That's not science or medicine but quackery.

And no you are mistaken as I wasn't naive or stupid to get myself injected with the junk by Pfizer and Moderna.

You had 5 shots? That's your problem. You can have as many as you want nobody will prevent you. Others were pressured to get injected and that's where the problem is. Other got injected and either were harmed or died.

Being alone after 5 shots is no proof that these products are safe and effective. And most of us are alive after having been infected by SARS-CoV-2. This doesn't imply the virus didn't kill anyone.

Show the 1000+ scientists you are referring to who support the official narratives. This is a fabricated consensus and most importantly science doesn't depend on a consensus but on the evidence. There is no evidence that these products are safe and effective and no consensus exist either.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Calling someone a vaccine apologist isn't a pejorative but a reality.

Well, the way you use it I would say it is a pejorative, and you use it mainly when you do not have a good answer and then throw that out. The interesting part is most that say anti-vacc or vaccine hesitant is just describing a group of people with like views. I think I have asked a number of times what you would call that peculiar group. We could call one group pro-vaccs so what do you want to call a group opposite of them?

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Calling someone a vaccine apologist isn't a pejorative but a reality.

Well, the way you use it I would say it is a pejorative, and you use it mainly when you do not have a good answer and then throw that out. The interesting part is most that say anti-vacc or vaccine hesitant is just describing a group of people with like views. I think I have asked a number of times what you would call that peculiar group. We could call one group pro-vaccs so what do you want to call a group opposite of them?

These terms have originated by the pharmaceuticals and those who support and promote their interests. They are not scientific or medical terms. It's just like the name homophobe which is nonsensical and used indiscriminately. Phobia means fear and whoever has come up with this term little he knew of the meaning of the word.

No, my arguments are well reasoned and I am glad that I am not in the wrong side of history by supporting and promoting or defending the junk by Pfizer and Moderna. No sane person will have used them if they knew their side effects and how dangerous they are.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Out of 13 billion doses? I don't believe for one minute that 13 million deaths can be attributed to the vaccine, but even if what you say is entirely true, that is 1:1000 or 0.10%. If you would say 0.1% of those who take any drug would have serious side effects I would probably agree with you. Doesn't sound any higher than any other drug to me.

The problem is you can't demonstrate those 13 million deaths were linked in any way to receiving a vaccination.

ust because you didn't get a larger dose and or you got saline doesn't

No one got saline, they are sealed ampules that is ridiculous.

And larger dose sounds like malpractice, since they are pre-metered in a sealed vial.

Until you understand that you are not able to deny ignorance.

I have been denying ignorance with each post.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Whatever you have to tell yourself. Do you make money purveying this crap somewhere or is it all ideological?

You haven't cited a single source or fact, you've given pseudo-intellectual arguments and plenty of logical fallacies though.

"X number died in XYZ, it MUST be the vaccine!"

So prove it.

Your position is that vaccines are unsafe, so prove it.

You had 5 shots? That's your problem. You can have as many as you want nobody will prevent you.

Trust me, I know. If I chose to get a 6th I could do so without delay. I'm quite happy with the choice I made, again, not only did I not die from the vaccine, I didn't die from COVID, I never was infected with COVID to the best of my knowledge.

There is no evidence that these products are safe and effective and no consensus exist either.

No no. You are the one making an assertion that they are unsafe. YOU prove they are unsafe. The fact large scores of people aren't dropping dead is proof enough for me. The fact I had 5 actual doses - sore arm included - is proof enough for me.

Other got injected and either were harmed or died.

OK, so show me data that correlates the vaccine to these deaths. Where are the scores of people dropping dead?

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Out of 13 billion doses? I don't believe for one minute that 13 million deaths can be attributed to the vaccine, but even if what you say is entirely true, that is 1:1000 or 0.10%. If you would say 0.1% of those who take any drug would have serious side effects I would probably agree with you. Doesn't sound any higher than any other drug to me.

The problem is you can't demonstrate those 13 million deaths were linked in any way to receiving a vaccination.

ust because you didn't get a larger dose and or you got saline doesn't

No one got saline, they are sealed ampules that is ridiculous.

And larger dose sounds like malpractice, since they are pre-metered in a sealed vial.

Until you understand that you are not able to deny ignorance.

I have been denying ignorance with each post.

Strawman arguments for once more and vaccine apologetics.

What you believe or not is irrelevant.
You did believe though that these products are vaccines are that they can prevent transmission and infection, they can give us herd immunity and we get vaccinated to protect granny.

All the nonsense emanating from the establishment.

Not to mention that these products are safe and effective and have beeb tested before...

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

A range of strawman arguments and unsubstantiated assertions by a new member of the group of vaccine apologists.

Pointing out past lies by the anti-vaccine crowd are not strawman arguments. Point in fact, as anyone will recall, the initial claim was "oh my gosh it makes your arm magnetic!!!" which is provably a lie. Then came a whole string of nonsense, everything from 5G to remotely activated kill switches which I gladly humored. I purchased an expensive device called a "SDR" and used it to check for RF of any kind coming from it. Despite the fact that it would be impossible (no power source), I checked anyhow, and guess what? That was also false.

Then came the doomsayers - admittedly most are just duped, EXACTLY like the debunked Q-anon garbage, but some are making actual money from it. Others still are all too happy to eat up the attention, and seem to relish it even.

I was hugged enough as a child. I don't need attention from anybody. As time marches forward, those making these completely ideological and emotion based assertions will be continually proven wrong. But instead of owning up to the fact they were duped into dying on a hill that does not matter, they will surely double down.

Because this America, apparently suddenly the least informed country on Earth.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Whatever you have to tell yourself. Do you make money purveying this crap somewhere or is it all ideological?

You haven't cited a single source or fact, you've given pseudo-intellectual arguments and plenty of logical fallacies though.

"X number died in XYZ, it MUST be the vaccine!"

So prove it.

Your position is that vaccines are unsafe, so prove it.

You had 5 shots? That's your problem. You can have as many as you want nobody will prevent you.

Trust me, I know. If I chose to get a 6th I could do so without delay. I'm quite happy with the choice I made, again, not only did I not die from the vaccine, I didn't die from COVID, I never was infected with COVID to the best of my knowledge.

There is no evidence that these products are safe and effective and no consensus exist either.

No no. You are the one making an assertion that they are unsafe. YOU prove they are unsafe. The fact large scores of people aren't dropping dead is proof enough for me. The fact I had 5 actual doses - sore arm included - is proof enough for me.

Other got injected and either were harmed or died.

OK, so show me data that correlates the vaccine to these deaths. Where are the scores of people dropping dead?

It is you who seem to follow the vaccine ideology and makeing arguments that have been debunked.

I am not the one who has to prove that vaccines are unsafe. Those who made these products and distributed them in the market and then mandated them must prove their assertions.

Unless you are have been living in isolation these products are known to cause serious harms and death. It's more than enough that they should be withdrawn from the market just as the Astrazeneca and J&J products were withdrawn from most countries that have used them.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What exactly does a "strawman" argument mean to you?

It doesn't mean what you think it means.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

A range of strawman arguments and unsubstantiated assertions by a new member of the group of vaccine apologists.

Pointing out past lies by the anti-vaccine crowd are not strawman arguments. Point in fact, as anyone will recall, the initial claim was "oh my gosh it makes your arm magnetic!!!" which is provably a lie. Then came a whole string of nonsense, everything from 5G to remotely activated kill switches which I gladly humored. I purchased an expensive device called a "SDR" and used it to check for RF of any kind coming from it. Despite the fact that it would be impossible (no power source), I checked anyhow, and guess what? That was also false.

Then came the doomsayers - admittedly most are just duped, EXACTLY like the debunked Q-anon garbage, but some are making actual money from it. Others still are all too happy to eat up the attention, and seem to relish it even.

I was hugged enough as a child. I don't need attention from anybody. As time marches forward, those making these completely ideological and emotion based assertions will be continually proven wrong. But instead of owning up to the fact they were duped into dying on a hill that does not matter, they will surely double down.

Because this America, apparently suddenly the least informed country on Earth.

A range of nonsense and word salad together with strawman arguments about 5G and magnetism. Try better next time.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

the vaccine ideology and makeing arguments that have been debunked.

I must have missed that. Quoting Q-anon followers (and they are followers, not leaders) doesn't count sorry. Neither does the FaceBook.

Those who made these products and distributed them in the market and then mandated them must prove their assertions.

And they have, both in real world clinical trials and to the FDA. They are no less safe than any other pharmaceutical. As they warn you on the labeling, there are risks involved. Very minor risks. You are blowing those risks at least 1,000,000x out of proportion if not more.

And yes you do. You are claiming they are unsafe without offering a shred of evidence let alone proof.

Unless you are have been living in isolation these products are known to cause serious harms and death.

I haven't. And they aren't known to cause anything other than predictable openly stated side effects in a very small subset of people.

The vast majority who have taken the vaccines will have no problem whatsoever. You are pushing blatant and dangerously false information for reasons yet to be determined.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Pointing out past lies by the anti-vaccine crowd are not strawman arguments.

What exactly does a "strawman" argument mean to you? It clearly doesn't mean what you think it means.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Since you are engaging in vaccine apologetics you maybe able to enlighten the audience how these products have been proven to be safe and effective and where they were tested before? Do you know the short, medium and long term effects? The benefit to risk ratio for every age group?

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
Phobia means fear and whoever has come up with this term little he knew of the meaning of the word.

Well since part of my background is psychology, I agree 100%, but what does that have to do with a group who are against the COVID vaccines?

No, my arguments are well reasoned and I am glad that I am not in the wrong side of history by supporting and promoting or defending the junk by Pfizer and Moderna. No sane person will have used them if they knew their side effects and how dangerous they are.

Your arguments are very biased, and your so-called facts only come from a small group of like biased people, so "well-reasoned" may not be the best choice of words here.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Asmodeus3

the vaccine ideology and makeing arguments that have been debunked.

I must have missed that. Quoting Q-anon followers (and they are followers, not leaders) doesn't count sorry. Neither does the FaceBook.

Those who made these products and distributed them in the market and then mandated them must prove their assertions.

And they have, both in real world clinical trials and to the FDA. They are no less safe than any other pharmaceutical. As they warn you on the labeling, there are risks involved. Very minor risks. You are blowing those risks at least 1,000,000x out of proportion if not more.

And yes you do. You are claiming they are unsafe without offering a shred of evidence let alone proof.

Unless you are have been living in isolation these products are known to cause serious harms and death.

I haven't. And they aren't known to cause anything other than predictable openly stated side effects in a very small subset of people.

The vast majority who have taken the vaccines will have no problem whatsoever. You are pushing blatant and dangerously false information for reasons yet to be determined.

Nothing more than vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality.

How and when products have been proven to be safe and effective and where they were tested before? Do you know the short, medium and long term effects? The benefit to risk ratio for every age group?

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