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You Either Keep Getting Your Booster Shots Or Admit You Were Wrong

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posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

What drug has 75 deaths per 100,000 who take it?

The difference between you and me is I remember about 90% of what you say here, and you can't remember what you replied to 10 times last


As I type in "aspirin 15.3 deaths per 100,000"

I see this on line 1

Why are you trying to be so difficult in all this?

Let me blow your mind even more...

Using Vioxx for arthritis pain carried a risk of 76 deaths per 100,000 people per year.
Using Tysabri, known generically as natalizumab, to treat multiple sclerosis raises the death rate by 65 per 100,000 people a year.

Want me to go on with a 100 more common drugs on the market? 15.3 is very safe...BTW so your BS 1 per 100,000 being super dangerous is something you need to rethink about.

The issue is that aspirin by itself doesn't have 15.3 deaths per 100,000. It's all the NSAID/aspirin users together. And I remember when the conversation was concentrated in this figure.

For which I asked: Imagine if aspirin kills 15.3 in 100,000 users what happens with the mRNA products. Unless you can argue that the mRNA products are safer than aspirin!

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

I can't say what the exact number is at this point in time. But the other member seems not to understand the danger of mass vaccinations. Even if there was 1 death per 1 million vaccinees then we will be having 5,500 deaths around the world from these products given they at least 5.5 billion people have been vaccinated. And multiple times the number of debilitating conditions and severe adverse reactions.

I don't think anyone here has supported the mandates. I have even said a number of times, that you also replied to, that we would not even want to mandate aspirin much less this vaccine. What would be the death rate of just aspirin if we mandated that everyone no matter what had to take it every day, and you fought me tooth and nail on that thought. I think now you are seeing the light in ALL drugs are dangerous and so you use them within the risk to reward thought process.

Yes there is agreement in terms of the mandates. But there are those who support the vaccine mandates as well as the lengthy lockdowns.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:42 AM
originally posted by: Asmodeus3

It also said that 1/3 or 5 per 100,000 was just with the weak 87mg aspirin all by itself... I'm sure the 350mg aspirin is another chunk, but the whole point was that even the weakest drug we got that we been using for 4000 years is 5x more deaths than your 1 per 100,000.

The main point wasn't really about aspirin, it was about that ALL drugs are dangerous and do kill, so we need to use ALL drugs correctly. I don't see the vaccine as anything other than another treatment with risk, just like I would not eat aspirin like it was candy for every pain I had. I do agree Big Pharma wants to sell 20 billion of them, I do agree our government from the state level up has been horrendously wrong even on criminal levels.

edit on 10-2-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Yes there is agreement in terms of the mandates. But there are those who support the vaccine mandates as well as the lengthy lockdowns.

Maybe, but I really haven't seen it.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
originally posted by: Asmodeus3

It also said that 1/3 or 5 per 100,000 was just with the weak 87mg aspirin all by itself... I'm sure the 350mg asprin is another chunk, but the whole point was that even the weakest drug we got that we been using for 4000 years is 5x more deaths than your 1 per 100,000.

For vaccines that are given to billions of people over a short period of time and repeated shots then the 1 death per 100,000 is a huge number and you will end up with over 55,000 deaths in the world from these vaccines per 5.5 billion vaccinated. If you vaccinate more you will get more deaths.

55,000 deaths from a vaccine will be the biggest medical scandal in history and a crime against humanity.

I really wonder how many people have actually been killed by the 'vaccines'. The mRNA products are lethal in comparison to other traditional vaccines and in comparison to the benign aspirin...

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
If you vaccinate more you will get more deaths.

55,000 deaths from a vaccine will be the biggest medical scandal in history and a crime against humanity.

What is the per 100,000 deaths with the vaccine?

I really wonder how many people have actually been killed by the 'vaccines'. The mRNA products are lethal in comparison to other traditional vaccines and in comparison to the benign aspirin...

Do you really think so with over 13 billion shots given? This would be 130,000 deaths at 1 per 100,000 and would be about 700,000 deaths at the level of 87mg aspirin that is seen as one of our most safest drugs.

Where we typically disagree is in numbers that I have seen on both sides with the ones calling the virus super deadly and, on your side, calling the vaccine super deadly. I disagree with both sides.

edit on 10-2-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
If you vaccinate more you will get more deaths.

55,000 deaths from a vaccine will be the biggest medical scandal in history and a crime against humanity.

What is the per 100,000 deaths with the vaccine?

I really wonder how many people have actually been killed by the 'vaccines'. The mRNA products are lethal in comparison to other traditional vaccines and in comparison to the benign aspirin...

Do you really think so with over 13 billion shots given? This would be 130,000 deaths at 1 per 100,000 and would be about 700,000 deaths at the level of 87mg aspirin that is seen as one of our most safest drugs.

Where we typically disagree is in numbers that I have seen on both sides with the ones calling the virus super deadly and, on your side, calling the vaccine super deadly. I disagree with both sides.

According to what evidence we have for the severe adverse reactions it seems there are many vaccine injuries and deaths. The true number or at least a good estimation will come later on.

Yes I do think that these products are a hazard and just as the Astrazeneca was pulled because it was a hazard, the same will happen with the mRNA products.

The reality is that the virus was never as lethal as portrayed in the media. The global average infection fatality rate was always low and of the order of 0.15% estimated long time before the vaccines came into play.

The response to Covid was catastrophic. Including the mass vaccinations.

We are not measuring deaths per shots but per vaccinee. How many deaths these shots can cause. One vaccinee can get two shots usually others choose boosters and so on.

The UK had 72 deaths only from Astrazeneca and they have vaccinated around 50 million people. The numbers of deaths of course are not just 72. Scale up now to 5.5 billion people all over the world and possible more at this time who have been vaccinated and you can get tens of thousands of deaths.

The establishment is reluctant to give actual figures as it only recognises a few deaths and calls many more 'mysterious' with 'unknown causes' when the circumstances are similar.

So yes I think the deaths and injuries with the most conservative estimates massive.

If aspirin can get 5 deaths or so per 100,000 users imagine what happens with these 'vaccines' given that two of them mysteriously disappeared from most markets and that the remaining ones are going to follow the same path.

I don't think you should be surprised over the number of deaths from there products. With the most conservative estimates are running into thousands or tens of thousands.
edit on 10-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
If you vaccinate more you will get more deaths.

55,000 deaths from a vaccine will be the biggest medical scandal in history and a crime against humanity.

What is the per 100,000 deaths with the vaccine?

I really wonder how many people have actually been killed by the 'vaccines'. The mRNA products are lethal in comparison to other traditional vaccines and in comparison to the benign aspirin...

Do you really think so with over 13 billion shots given? This would be 130,000 deaths at 1 per 100,000 and would be about 700,000 deaths at the level of 87mg aspirin that is seen as one of our most safest drugs.

Where we typically disagree is in numbers that I have seen on both sides with the ones calling the virus super deadly and, on your side, calling the vaccine super deadly. I disagree with both sides.

According to what evidence we have for the severe adverse reactions it seems there are many vaccine injuries and deaths. The true number or at least a good estimation will come later on.

Yes I do think that these products are a hazard and just as the Astrazeneca was pulled because it was a hazard, the same will happen with the mRNA products.

The reality is that the virus was never as lethal as portrayed in the media. The global average infection fatality rate was always low and of the order of 0.15% estimated long time before the vaccines came into play.

The response to Covid was catastrophic. Including the mass vaccinations.

We are not measuring deaths per shots but per vaccinee. How many deaths these shots can cause. One vaccinee can get two shots usually others choose boosters and so on.

The UK had 72 deaths only from Astrazeneca and they have vaccinated around 50 million people. The bummer of deaths of course are not just 72. Scale up now to 5.5 billion people all over the world and possible more at this time who have been vaccinated and you can get tens of thousands of deaths.

The establishment is reluctant to give actual figures as it only recognises a few deaths and calls many more 'mysterious' with 'unknown causes' when the circumstances are similar.

So yes I think the deaths and injuries are even with the most conservative estimates massive.

Estimates are 10-20 million deaths (so far) from the bioweapon shots and whatever number of people the flu kills from covid.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

And will point out again that we measure deaths per vaccinee. And not per shot.

So 1 in 100,000 means 1 death per 100,000 vaccines. An individual can have multiple shots.
The way you have put it in your other post implies that one shot will cause a death. Some people have died after their first shot, other after the second or third. And many more had a range of debilitating conditions.

The number of people who have been vaccinated are 5.5 billion with at least one shot. Most have taken the standard two doses.

And to remind you, that I wasn't naive or stupid enough to play roulette with my health over a virus they does nothing to most of us. I was asymptomatic by the way.
edit on 10-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Do you see the issue with mass vaccinations?!

And we have only talked about deaths without considering the debilitating conditions and the severe adverse reactions i.e multiple times the number of deaths.

We haven't even talked about the adverse reactions to the actual virus either, but hey that isn't a place you all want to go.

After watching a video about elderly in Britain being put through the Liverpool death pathway during the pandemic I am firmly convinced it was all a scam to reduce population. These people were given massive doses of medazolam and morphine at increasing rates til they expired. They were written up on their death certificates as covid deaths but some actually tested negative on entry to hospital. They were deprived of nutrients and liquid to hasten the deaths. The families were not allowed to feed them or give them water while the patients were still conscious and were abused if they tried. All the family members felt it was about upping the covid death numbers in the media and said the hospital staff were cold and guilty looking. Covid symptoms were sensationalized in the media with shortness of breath being a main indicator and the medazolam suppresses breathing to the point of mimicing "covid"

With this in mind, we have to go back to think about traditional vaccines and the fact that it was always said that the common cold would never have a vaccine as it mutates so fast. Common cold being simply a coronavirus. So we had a media screeching about a vaccine cure for an ailment we were always aware of as not worthy of pursuing do to it being too slippery and too commonly mild.

The stat of 75 deaths per 100000 stated for arthritis... those were people who had daily struggles with arthritis to the point of either disability now or in the near future. I've know some with rheumatoid arthritis whose quality of life was so impaired that they couldn't work so lived in poverty, couldn't sleep so it had knock on effects into other areas... at that point they are given the choice. It's their choice. I know you are not pro mandates but that really is the fundamental issue here. No one had free choice when the only info was propaganda and their questioning is censored and under the cover of that our governments have done something vile.

We can squabble about stats but it doesn't change the problem of a rogue and corporate infiltrated government or the damage that has been done both physically and psychologically to the world population.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
According to what evidence we have for the severe adverse reactions it seems there are many vaccine injuries and deaths. The true number or at least a good estimation will come later on.

The problem is everyone is grabbing whatever number fits their narrative, and not really looking objectionably at it all, so yes true numbers will evolve over time, but we have close to 2 years and 13 billion shots, so that should give us something, right? We got one side suggesting millions are dying to the vaccine, 100s of millions more are going to have lifeline disabilities from it too, so where is the real info once we get past the doom Porn stuff.

Yes I do think that these products are a hazard and just as the Astrazeneca was pulled because it was a hazard, the same will happen with the mRNA products.

Astrazeneca wasn't pulled from the US...They never filed for approval due to competition from the vaccines we already had here. They saw no real market for it here. It is also not a mRNA vaccine but is based on viral vectors and is made in Britian, so maybe ask them.

So, I believe that I read in the past that Astrazeneca had the biggest issues with Myocarditis in young men and blood clots in young women at a much higher rate than mRNA and accounted for the vast majority of the cases, so no I don't see the same thing happening with mRNA vaccines as we are pushing like 13 billion given. I found this interesting and is from WHO and the council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences that classifies rates of adverse events for medicines and vaccines.

Uncommon (infrequent) >1/1000
Rare > 1/10000
Very rare < 1/10000

edit on 10-2-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
According to what evidence we have for the severe adverse reactions it seems there are many vaccine injuries and deaths. The true number or at least a good estimation will come later on.

The problem is everyone is grabbing whatever number fits their narrative, and not really looking objectionably at it all, so yes true number will evolve over time, but we have close to 2 years and 13 billion shots, so that should give us something, right? We got one side suggesting millions are dying to the vaccine, 100s of millions more are going to have lifeline disabilities from it too, so where is the real info once we get past the doom Porn stuff.

Yes I do think that these products are a hazard and just as the Astrazeneca was pulled because it was a hazard, the same will happen with the mRNA products.

Astrazeneca wasn't pulled from the US...They never filed for approval due to competition from the vaccines we already had here. They saw no real market for it here. It is also not a mRNA vaccine but is based on viral vectors and is made in Britian, so maybe ask them.

So, I believe that I read in the past that Astrazeneca had the biggest issues with Myocarditis in young men and blood clots in young women at a much higher rate than mRNA and accounted for the vast majority of the cases, so no I don't see the same thing happening with mRNA vaccines as we are pushing like 13 billion given. I found this interesting and is from WHO and the council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences that classifies rates of adverse events or medicines and vaccines.

Uncommon (infrequent) >1/1000
Rare > 1/10000
Very rare < 1/10000

There is difference between what you think you know and what is really happening. Unless you haven't followed the developments regarding the mRNA products. The number of vaccine injuries and deaths are quite high regardless of whether the establishment admits it or not.

There are calls for the immediate suspension of the products due to health and safety concerns and given the risk in many cases outweighs the benefit of vaccination.

I don't know if you are trying to play it dumb or to downplay the issue but I think you understand why people like Professor Levi or Dr Malhotra and others ask for the immediate suspension of the product. To argue that these products are safe and effective van only happen if you have the evidence to support such claims.

As one of the Italian members of the European parliament said: This is the greatest medical scandal in history.

The 13 billion shots given doesn't make the product more safe by the way. The number of vaccinated is around 5.5 billions and we measure deaths per vaccinee and not per shot. Several times I have repeated it but I can repeat it again and again if you want.

We haven't discussed Astrazeneca in the US.
The vaccine was pulled from most markets due to severe adverse reactions and deaths.

The most conservative estimations give thousands to tens of thousands of deaths. The fact that the establishment hasn't admit it yet doesn't make these deaths and injuries anything less than they are. They haven't even sait they were pulling the Astrazeneca vaccine from the market. It happened quitely and methodically.

As Levi said: This is the most failing medical product in history in terms of safety and effectiveness.
edit on 10-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

And will point out again that we measure deaths per vaccinee. And not per shot.

It should be per shot as there is data coming out that past the initial 2 shot increases the risk of adverse effects, so shot 3, 4, 5 for some age groups is worst. This means not only measuring per shot but also increasing the risk factor per additional shot. I'm still waiting on good data for this, but if this is true then we need to look at per shot.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 02:30 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

There is difference between what you think you know and what is really happening.

You all need to follow your own advice.

Unless you haven't followed the developments regarding the mRNA products. The number of vaccine injuries and deaths are quite high regardless of whether the establishment admits it or not.

OK great... But it always seems the case that the establishment is hiding all the data, but your trusted sources can somehow get the data the establishment is hiding... Its like playing ring around the posy with you all...

I don't know if you are trying to play it dumb or to downplay the issue but I think you understand why people like Professor Levi or Dr Malhotra and others ask for the immediate suspension of the product. To argue that these products are safe and effective van only happen if you have the evidence to support such claims.

I do understand you grab whoever fits your narrative. The bottom-line is you, v1rtu0s0 and your chosen few you use as your facts will never be the ones to convince me of crap. We played this game over and over and you all are untrustworthy sources, sorry to say. I'm at the point when you link someone, I don't even care anymore to listen to what they have to say. There are people I do listen to that also tend to be anti-Big Pharma, but your sources and narratives just down right suck and every time I look into them, I come up empty, so why bother.

The 13 billion shots given doesn't make the product more safe by the way. The number of vaccinated is around 5.5 billions and we measure deaths per vaccinee and not per shot. Several times I have repeated it but I can repeat it again and again if you want.

I didn't say it does, but boy that is a big sampling, isn't it? Or do you believe we have 20 million dead bodies hidden somewhere, of 10 times that in long term adverse reactions... We are rapidity approaching billions dead or seriously injured by the vaccine, where are they all?

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

And will point out again that we measure deaths per vaccinee. And not per shot.

It should be per shot as there is data coming out that past the initial 2 shot increases the risk of adverse effects, so shot 3, 4, 5 for some age groups is worst. This means not only measuring per shot but also increasing the risk factor per additional shot. I'm still waiting on good data for this, but if this is true then we need to look at per shot.

Not really.

We are measuring number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinees or per million vaccinees. The standard regime is two doses.

If people were getting only one shot then yes. But they don't.
edit on 10-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

There is difference between what you think you know and what is really happening.

You all need to follow your own advice.

Unless you haven't followed the developments regarding the mRNA products. The number of vaccine injuries and deaths are quite high regardless of whether the establishment admits it or not.

OK great... But it always seems the case that the establishment is hiding all the data, but your trusted sources can somehow get the data the establishment is hiding... Its like playing ring around the posy with you all...

I don't know if you are trying to play it dumb or to downplay the issue but I think you understand why people like Professor Levi or Dr Malhotra and others ask for the immediate suspension of the product. To argue that these products are safe and effective van only happen if you have the evidence to support such claims.

I do understand you grab whoever fits your narrative. The bottom-line is you, v1rtu0s0 and your chosen few you use as your facts will never be the ones to convince me of crap. We played this game over and over and you all are untrustworthy sources, sorry to say. I'm at the point when you link someone, I don't even care anymore to listen to what they have to say. There are people I do listen to that also tend to be anti-Big Pharma, but your sources and narratives just down right suck and every time I look into them, I come up empty, so why bother.

The 13 billion shots given doesn't make the product more safe by the way. The number of vaccinated is around 5.5 billions and we measure deaths per vaccinee and not per shot. Several times I have repeated it but I can repeat it again and again if you want.

I didn't say it does, but boy that is a big sampling, isn't it? Or do you believe we have 20 million dead bodies hidden somewhere, of 10 times that in long term adverse reactions... We are rapidity approaching billions dead or seriously injured by the vaccine, where are they all?

The establishment is indeed hiding data or don't recognise deaths and injuries. As the matter of fact many vaccine injured individuals have been gaslighted.

The establishment was actually lying in promoting that vaccines are safe and effective or presenting Covid-19 as the Spanish Flu. Lying and deceiving the public about stopping transmission and infection so to impose lockdowns and mass vaccinations.

We cannot trust them.

The establishment never admitted that the Astrazeneca vaccine was withdrawn for health and safety reasons for example. But it has been withdrawn for those reasons.

If it wasn't for those threads you wouldn't have known any vaccine deaths. I have made numerous threads covering them and my sources are highly reputable. Most are from peer reviewed publications, pre-prints and scientific articles.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

There is difference between what you think you know and what is really happening.

You all need to follow your own advice.

Unless you haven't followed the developments regarding the mRNA products. The number of vaccine injuries and deaths are quite high regardless of whether the establishment admits it or not.

OK great... But it always seems the case that the establishment is hiding all the data, but your trusted sources can somehow get the data the establishment is hiding... Its like playing ring around the posy with you all...

I don't know if you are trying to play it dumb or to downplay the issue but I think you understand why people like Professor Levi or Dr Malhotra and others ask for the immediate suspension of the product. To argue that these products are safe and effective van only happen if you have the evidence to support such claims.

I do understand you grab whoever fits your narrative. The bottom-line is you, v1rtu0s0 and your chosen few you use as your facts will never be the ones to convince me of crap. We played this game over and over and you all are untrustworthy sources, sorry to say. I'm at the point when you link someone, I don't even care anymore to listen to what they have to say. There are people I do listen to that also tend to be anti-Big Pharma, but your sources and narratives just down right suck and every time I look into them, I come up empty, so why bother.

The 13 billion shots given doesn't make the product more safe by the way. The number of vaccinated is around 5.5 billions and we measure deaths per vaccinee and not per shot. Several times I have repeated it but I can repeat it again and again if you want.

I didn't say it does, but boy that is a big sampling, isn't it? Or do you believe we have 20 million dead bodies hidden somewhere, of 10 times that in long term adverse reactions... We are rapidity approaching billions dead or seriously injured by the vaccine, where are they all?

I have told you what the conservative estimations are.

Maybe I have to repeat them again.

The UK had 72 deaths only from Astrazeneca and they have vaccinated around 50 million people. The numbers of deaths of course are not just 72. Scale up now to 5.5 billion people all over the world and possible more at this time who have been vaccinated and you can get tens of thousands of deaths.

The establishment is reluctant to give actual figures as it only recognises a few deaths and calls many more 'mysterious' with 'unknown causes' when the circumstances are similar.

So yes I think the deaths and injuries with the most conservative estimates are massive.

Is not my job to do what the state has failed to do by the way.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Your argument about untrustworthy sources is flawed. One only have to look at the sources I provide in various threads.

The idea that you haven't seen 130,000 as per 1 death per shot is the most flawed I have come across. You are not even aware of a single death let alone several of them. My threads are very educating on this area.

You don't know how many deaths are per vaccinee and the fact you haven't heard of deaths doest make the problem go away. Or trying to imply that we don't have 130,000 expected deaths and therefore the vaccines are safe and effective. Terrible and flawed argument.

edit on 10-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

If it wasn't for those threads you wouldn't have known any vaccine deaths. I have made numerous threads covering them and my sources are highly reputable. Most are from peer reviewed publications, pre-prints and scientific articles.

Really? I follow other sources not you, so give me a break...

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