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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
That is too funny. I keep telling my son the same thing.

CDC related. Strep A infections are on the rise. From the article...
"The CDC said it was looking into a possible increase in infections among children in the U.S.
Parents should make sure that their children are up to date on their shots for flu and chickenpox, which also increase the risk for strep A, the CDC said."
Maybe a horribly written statement but at this point ...?
U.S. on Lookout for Strep A Infections

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I’ve met a lot of people with no self-awareness that could be involved in things like this.

If it is mind-control, it isn’t mind-control in the conventional sense. Maybe a forced evolutionary change.

Like sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder. Both nature and nurture, because our society is built to reward it.

Sure. You can spend your time controlling minds like flipping individual switches. But eventually you just need to guide society to move in one direction. Like changing the flow of water. Then you can just pick off the ones that aren’t “going with the flow” so to speak. But every once in a while you get that defective one that’s smart enough to follow the flow on purpose.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Fun fact: No Human Being was involved in the creation of this tweet mess. To be this stuck in the polarity loop, AND, be a self reflective evolving Human Being is impossible. Mind Control, maybe. A.I. Probably, the latter two not mutually exclusive.

Like sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder

This ^^^ is sort of a trap. There are no people with that, that is a description of behaviors, which, can very easily define Robots. What has happened is folks have taken to using the established description as the cause, which is the trap. A.I. is all of those things, and, more importantly, is absent a Living Human Being connected to source.

I know this is a frustrating thing I say, it irritates people to no end. Bodies are bodies, they are not indicative of Conscious Source Connected Self Reflective Evolving Beings.

There is a thread posted here somewhere by a guy describing what he can do to people with the phone from his remote area. Pretty harrowing stuff. So when the phone influences people to act "narcissistic" are they narcissistic or are they being controlled by the AI?

I mentioned how much I despise the Psych world and their 300 definitions of what is wrong with people. It turns people into categorizers, layman and medico alike, very much 1/0's thinking. There are no books that define what is right with people. A short meeting among total effing idiots my utter hatred for the mind control of the Laundry Soap Chemical Smell can be turned into a "he's laundryphrentic" which is an irrational hatred for the Fresh Spring Scents contained in helpful household products, recommended dosage of 20mg thorazine to start.

Bodies are bodies, not all Bodies are connected to Human Souled Beings who are Connected to Source, many are anything but, and their "behaviors" are indicative of the lack of connection among other things.

Here is an example. We'll take an alcoholic. There are many reasons for being in that state, but here are a few never discussed.

One, the person finds the current state of reality a vibration too high to handle, so they lower their vibration using booze to a level they can live with. To me, that level is beyond anything I can live with, but it is all they can do. This can be temporary, or permanent.

Two, the person is caught in a loop where lowering their vibration allows for the SPIRITS part of Wine Beer and Spirits to take over said person's existence. Demon or other has this person lowering their vibratory rate to a level where Demon can enter. So "split personality" is simply two different beings occupying the same body at different times. It isn't a personality issue.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 12:23 PM
Good Morning All…..🌲

Geez the pace that things are being revealed is astonishing ! As the old play book goes, lol, sneaking stuff through ( The Fed ) and important issues getting somewhat buried because people are focused on Holiday plans and not paying enough attention is unfortunate. Although, being a big fan of preserving the goodwill and valuable Family & Friends time this season promotes overall, not sure I could say what the Bigger priority is ? How can we fight for the macro world if our micro world is void of Love, Fun and Humor ?

While listening to Washington Journal on CSPAN this morning, it was encouraging hearing so many people calling in that were really “getting it” ! Meanwhile, preparing for a small neighbor dinner party this evening and am so curious about where our conversations will take us, lol, whatever happens this house looks festive and we’ll have some yummy food !

Have a Wonderful day 🥰

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
You have mail.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
That is too funny. I keep telling my son the same thing.

CDC related. Strep A infections are on the rise. From the article...
"The CDC said it was looking into a possible increase in infections among children in the U.S.
Parents should make sure that their children are up to date on their shots for flu and chickenpox, which also increase the risk for strep A, the CDC said."
Maybe a horribly written statement but at this point ...?
U.S. on Lookout for Strep A Infections

I am surprised they don't have a daily reminder....if the wind is blowing more than 1mph today you should get a booster to save you from whatever is blowing in the wind.

Do they have any clue how utterly ridiculous and galactically stupid they sound??

This is all part of their govern by fear 24/7 propaganda BS......

The head of the CDC needs to be put in front of a firing squad on live tv.
edit on 17-12-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 02:39 PM

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

The People's Bridge is a little over a mile from my house. I take 90 West often and it straddles it before the Bryn Mawr exit.
I remember when Bernie was running, Ms. Wolski was putting up Bernie signs for honks. Then a while after Q became known, she switched.
I remember seeing the Q stuff on there too.
She seemed a nice person and many from the area liked her. Her signage and smiling waves are missed.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 04:52 PM

Interesting Exchange. Highlights why they selected Matt and Bari.

While I agree in part with Muskinator on the retort, I think the bigger issue is that Bari is of a class who actually doesn't know how to do anything at all in real life.

IIRC there was a story about a NYPravda Bari twin, who destroyed the nail salon business in NY precisely because she didn't know how anything actually worked, made a ton of assumptions, and put people out of work just like that. Maybe on purpose, as she went into hiding after.

There is an entire class of people who are experts in everything yet have done nothing. There are experts in Ferrari's who have never owned one, yet the know how the company should be run, despite not being an accountant, money person, designers, sourcing person etc. And they are internet vocal.

Remember the tweet from Patagonia supporting supporting the end of using oil, yet not realizing their entire business comes from oil, from clothing to distribution?

These are the "here's what you should do" people.

Bari is one, she has lived her entire life in a vacuum, she knows how Twitter and Government should run precisely because she's never done either and had to make real decisions.

Here is where it connects in crazy ways. Trial by a "Jury of One's Peers" should mean accountants for accounting issues, law enforcement for law enforcement, construction for construction. Instead Trail by "The most ignorant Jurors we can find" is the norm = people who know nothing of the issue in real life.

GenZ will be the last generation for this reason as much as any.

It is also why I think using Matt and Bari was perfect, it allows the exposure of this aspect of our reality. They are MSM, the are exposing their own, they themselves are the Jury for their own, which, is most interesting, as, in the end, Team Muskinator will dump all the docs for everyone to see.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 05:12 PM
Oy, our compatriots in NZ have to deal with this idiot.


For YOUR Safety.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 05:27 PM
OMG, file this under "who TF saw this coming???"


So this KidBot is extorting the Muskinator for 50k, by stalking him [only 50k btw, no more]

FBI works at Twitter, evidently still does in some way.

Muskinator doesn't care for KidBot extorting him, so makes it known. Also, makes it known the FBI WORKS AT TWITTER.

Totally insane BotCollective reacts, DEFENDING,,,, actually DEFENDING, KidBot's EXTORTION plan and they get banned.

Moments later it is Journalism Armageddon because KidBot's extortions is the hill to die on, now known as the Thursday Massacre.

What didn't we see coming?

Had Muskinator just paid the extortion fee, Poor Aaron Rupar wouldn't have had to cry about being the victim.

Had the FBI done their job, Keith Olberman wouldn't have had a heart attack over his banning.

This is too funny, just simply too funny.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: daskakik
Back to ya.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Is this "kodbot" thing real, or is the kids an CoA tool being used to publicly threaten Musk?

CoA Scholarship programs and such
first thing first, I think it's great that it allows students the opportunity to get college and expand their personal academics, but also this type of program could be exploited by unscrupulous program leaders or organizations. Luckly, since they are watching, the CoA will root out this type of character, but that doesn't mean that some might slip through. This "kodbot" seems to have abilities that exceed his program's ability. For example, how would a program that could track Muskd flight plan also be able to track a car owned by him.

I don't think that this issue was about a sloppy person getting caught, as much as it was about publicly shoving it in his face that the people that are being exposed are able to track his and his family's every movement.

I will point out that the fact that the CoA has programs for students, and this "kodbot" thing is something that looks suspiciously alike is just a coincidence and nothing more than it really seems.
edit on 17-12-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 06:35 PM
WTF? Why do I keep letting this sh*t shock me?

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 06:39 PM

General Flynn posted this on telegram, at 08:51 EST on 17th:

All I want want for Christmas is accountability for those who committed treason, sedition, & fraud against America, & against me as the incoming & sitting U.S. National Security Advisor to President @realDonaldTrump . I’d like them wrapped up tight in really bright orange wrapping paper with a black & white striped bow & then stuffed down a deep dark hole in the middle of prison-town USA.

Yes America, we the people demand accountability & we must get it. Otherwise, we lose our country.

(Bolding mine)
Note FBI reference in picture!

Note that the FBI statement qualifies that they only did this to "FOREIGN malign influence actors" yet they requested account suspensions of Americans... Does this mean they classify every US citizen, whose account they requested suspended, as under the influence of foreign actors?
Isn't this exactly what the FISA court is supposed to put process and validation around?

This was also spotlighted by Phil Godlewski, here, at 09:20:17 EST.

This ties to post #2557

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8ef2d1 No.4171504 📁
Dec 5 2018 17:47:00 (EST)📁
What do you want for XMAS?

Bolded timestamp encodes Dec 17th as well as D5!

The url is a article: "FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of fisa abuses yet"

Now if we blend the Q post and the Gen Flynn post, we get the following build on the "Twitter files":

The FBI emails to Twitter show requests for data and for tweet/account suspensions/removals against US citizens; presumably without going through the FISA court process, as these were requests... not demands

Looks like Gen Flynn has pulled to strings of the planned reveal together: MSM and FISA ABUSES!

ETA - What's with Gen Flynn's choice of wrapping paper; "really bright orange wrapping paper with a black & white striped bow"?
That has to be some sort of comms?
What symbols do we know that are orange/black/white?
Or does it mean "All will be clearl in black and white at dawn"?
edit on 17-12-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Sex toys have been sold in other stores that are "Family Friendly", but in those stores the toys are usually sold next to the condoms and sex gels. Having them sold next to the oral care is kind of funny, but somebody needs to correct that matter.

Ok now for a little oddity that might be speaking out against something coming down the poop-shoot.
From: MSN News

The Biden administration has reversed a decades-old decision to revoke the security clearance of Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist called the father of the atomic bomb for his leading role in World War II’s Manhattan Project.

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the 1954 decision by the Atomic Energy Commission was made using a “flawed process" that violated the commission’s own regulations.

Great news, but why now? Well... I think this part of the article might explain why now;

In stripping Oppenheimer of his clearance, the Atomic Energy Commission did not allege that he had revealed or mishandled classified information, nor was his loyalty to the country questioned, according to Granholm's order. The commission, however, concluded there were “fundamental defects” in his character.

Years later, an Atomic Energy Commission lawyer concluded after an internal review that “the system failed" and a “substantial injustice was done to a loyal American," according to the secretary's order.

Granholm said the commission's decision was driven by a desire among its political leadership to “discredit Oppenheimer in public debates over nuclear weapons policy.”

“Such political motives must have no place in our personnel security process," she wrote.

U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont applauded the reversal, saying the 1954 decision followed a “manifestly unjust and unethical hearing that would be resoundingly condemned today.”

“This decision reaffirms that government scientists, whether renowned like Oppenheimer or a technician doing his or her daily job — including those willing to raise safety concerns or to express unpopular opinions on matters of national security — can do so freely and that their cases will be fairly reviewed based on facts, not personal animus or politics," Leahy said in a statement.

We know that the GOP are threatening to go all out on an investigation into the Bidens (Hunter mainly but with that comes getting the Big Guy). I bet that this current ruling over the Oppenheimer security revocation will be part of the Biden defense plan during these hearings.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

ITs a matter of
Not mind control

edit on 12172022 by MetalThunder because: ANNI 201

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

ETA - What's with Gen Flynn's choice of wrapping paper; "really bright orange wrapping paper with a black & white striped bow"?
That has to be some sort of comms?
What symbols do we know that are orange/black/white?
Or does it mean "All will be clearl in black and white at dawn"?

It reminds me of "Orange is the New Black", sort of jail attire meets black and white tuxedo/dress events. Possible reference to the elite being arrested, black tie events, new year.

Guessing here.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Hi Rel. Could bright orange mean an orange prison uniform and black and white an old uniform or cell bars?

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: igloo and RookQueen

Orange prison uniforms behind Black&White jail bars makes sense!

Also, re the "Bow"... think Bow & Arrow... and caricatures of prison uniforms with Up Arrows on them?

ETA -may be related to this Phil Godlewski intel from a GITMO pilot on 14th that 12 from congress were flown there:

Rumble link; starts at 44:09 mark.
edit on 17-12-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I don't think sex toys have been sold in Family Friendly stores in the south....lmao. I feel quite sure I would have heard about it if they are. Hell it would have made the evening news in Arkansas for days! I can see it happening in other areas though.

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