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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Notice the always say a threat to "our democracy" and not "Threat to the Constitutional Republic." That is transparent code for "Our Control System is under attack" it's why they avoid saying Republic.

Exactly. Because they are not in control of the Republic...imo

Thanks for that Cranky!

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:25 PM
Fun fact: No Human Being was involved in the creation of this tweet mess. To be this stuck in the polarity loop, AND, be a self reflective evolving Human Being is impossible. Mind Control, maybe. A.I. Probably, the latter two not mutually exclusive.

That said, it all could be a joke, in which case, it's funny. POV matters.

Look, MSM Matt just said it.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Caled

The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless.

They are still drawing the wrong lines...

Maybe focus on the private connections, families? Follow the wifes?

When does a bird sing?

So it seems that bird is free and singing... They usually don't, during a storm. So is it possible that Twitter will be an airtight operation during the storm?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 08:17 PM

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Notice the always say a threat to "our democracy" and not "Threat to the Constitutional Republic." That is transparent code for "Our Control System is under attack" it's why they avoid saying Republic.

I don't see that basic phrasing as much of an issue. Saying "a threat to Democracy", is more common than saying "a threat to the Democratic Republic". The thing I notice though is that it's always "Our Democracy" whenever it's a exposure threat over the Trotskyist agenda.

Besides that code phrase, yep it's clearly coded. My question is who would they need to express this threat too that doesn't already know it within their ranks?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: pheonix358

Noice catch phoenix358!

Also the similar line in #233 of Flash Dir_:

On first read one would assume Flash (drive) Directory but the only letters that makes a word would be:

Flash Dirt
Flash Dirs (Directories)

If it's only four letters, you can include:


posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: kreinhard

You forgot one:
DIRA International

Dira is a consortium that teaches people how to connect to and become a channel of Divine Source Energy.
​The vision of Dira is to make a global shift for humanity from separation to Oneness, resulting in the transmutation of vibration of the world and cosmos by teaching all how to channel and embody their light.

Oh won't somebody think of the children. Well DIRA has:
DIRA children books
Full range of programs for the kiddos

Adults are covered too, so don't fuss,
The DIRA Experience

Dira is focussed on creating wellness programs for a new age and a new generation that offers a sustainable shift to those that experience it. The experience is unique to each individual that comes, and is appropriate for their journey.

Moving away from the traditional methods of Yoga or Meditation, we have developed a new methodology that integrates 20th & 21st century science of healing through quantum physics, science of the mind, and connecting to Divine universal consciousness so that people can realize their full potential.

Direct experience is at the core of Dira's philosophy. The programs offered by Dira aim to empower one to release and reprogram limiting beliefs that have been holding them back from living their magnificent potential.

The premise of all programs is for the participants to use a method of self-hypnosis that bypasses the conscious mind and filter of limiting beliefs and perceptions, enabling the participant to open a clear channel to their intuition, and allowing The Divine to flow through them. We refer to this as “channeling”.

they even have company time for groups

To me this just reeks of virtue signaling, but maybe I'm just jaded?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
a reply to: carewemust

So you are saying just because the article references Nunes that the story is 100% false?

Twitter Google Facebook Youtube DOJ FBI DHS CISA.....ALL conspired to censor free speech related to Trump Covid and many other things......Thousands and thousands of crimes..........

It is all coming out watch.....

I want Congress to set up a Special Committee to investigate all of it in the open, just like the Jan 6th committee did. Only this committee will be revealing REAL CRIMES. Not the minor "lying to Congress" B.S. these Trump witch-hunters keep harping on.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:22 PM
I think this is important... and hinted at by this PG post at 8:38pm EST:

Extraction time.

Sunday is a 5 yr DELTA of #365

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434 No.121327 📁
Dec 18 2017 23:27:52 (EST)
/* / /*
Shall we play a game?
Map is critical to understand.
Future unlocks past.
News unlocks map.
Find the markers.
10 & [10].
12/7 – 12/17.
Concourse F.
Terminal 5.
Private_operated plane (OP)?
Learn double meanings.
Q/POTUS-4 [10]
“Special Place”
Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter?
Coincidence or message?
“The Great Awakening”
POTUS today.
How about a nice game of chess?

If we are 2 days ahead of schedule then this post may apply to tonight? Else Saturday overnight to Sunday?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
Can we trust Devin Nunes anymore?

He went to the same briefings as Adam Schiff while they served on the house intelligence committee together.

Adam Schiff would come right out with a bald-faced lie about how Trump broke a law.

Devin Nunez would not call out Adam Schiff for being a lying azzhole.

As we know, Adam Schiff did this several times. After meetings that both he and Devin Nunes attended.... For years.

Kash has endlessly said Schiff is a POS.

Not in Devin's nature, more diplomatic.

Devin is also suing, so he has to watch what he says.

But Kash who was right there is very vocal about calling all of them out, but one has to actually listen to him lay things out and you know most folks, they cannot be bothered.

Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff attended the same briefings and closed-door testimonies. Adam Schiff would say Trump did all this dirt and needed to be impeached. He was. All this time Devin Nunes would not call out Adam Schiff. There's no excuse for letting a colleague stand in front of the microphones and lie about your party's President, in order to get him impeached.

On second thought, the excuse could be that Nunes wanted Trump impeached, wanted him to lose in 2020 (didn't come to his aid 1 time), and may want him taken out of the picture now, for all we know.

Kash Patel was not in those meetings.

Kash Patel uses his name to pimp/sell "things" that generate money for him from gullible subscribers. More self-promoting and sales-related posts than anything else, as a matter of fact.

He was a tiger before appearing before the DOJ Grand Jury twice...before October 2022. Then, Patel STOPPED talking about how he can verify President Trump declassified bunches of documents before 1/20/2021.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
That outcome is unacceptable.

Also, I'm unimpressed with the last installment of the Twitter Files.

"44. The takeaway: what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless."

This statement lacks enough information and indicates either the writer is uninformed, or purposely omitting information that would fully explain the magnitude of the situation.

Blurred is an understatement. Limiting the statement to state agencies is an egregious omission.

And be wary of ZeroHedge.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Caled

One rider, from my point of view, on Truth being 100% of facts (see my profile), not 20%:

Joe public is only aware of, say, 20 subjects - but you and I are aware of 100 subjects.

In this scenario:

JOE PUBLIC gets 100% of Truth for his world.

YOU and I get 20% of Truth for our world.

Remember, this isn't for us.

The reveal is that, a reveal, it's meaning isn't in the how much or how deep, but the reveal itself. When has the FBI and DHS been outed for steering social media content, even if they've been doing it for decades.

...the reveals are just that, enough for those who need to see. It's gonna be Clif's Notes exclusively.

Remember, Team Muskinator chose totally mainstream, conspiracies do not exist, DJT is evil, folks to reveal this for a reason = that's the audience level, 5th mentality, not Grad Student... we'll not old school Grad Student level.

Of course what is sick, the FBI had a hotline and countless agents doing the bidding to shut down Meme Accounts, and Satire, but seems to have ignored the Child Trafficking, drugs etc. part altogether. Again, folks will not put this together at this point, not their time yet - if ever. [quote/]edited

That may be just fine for right now, but it’s that last “if ever” part that bothers me. If an apple is rotten to the core, just peeling it won’t make it healthy.

I suspect that things like the Epstein client list are being withheld not because they lead to individuals in government but because they lead to agencies of government. Individuals can be weeded out. If it gets to the point of institutional government involvement in things far worse than censorship, that becomes traumatic to the nation, but it still has to be addressed. People have to feel the pain to heal the hurt. We have to understand the magnitude of what went wrong.

This business of only 40 percent of what happens will be revealed means that we won’t ever know if the other 60 percent really got fixed or not. We won’t even know what the other 60 percent was. We can’t say “never again” to stuff we don’t even know happened. If we really want to change the course of Humankind, transparency and accountability don’t max out at 40 percent. There is a necessity for our consciousness to be changed for our future to be changed. That requires awareness.
edit on 12/16/2022 by cimmerius because: messed it up and can't fix it.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
That outcome is unacceptable.

Also, I'm unimpressed with the last installment of the Twitter Files.

"44. The takeaway: what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless."

This statement lacks enough information and indicates either the writer is uninformed, or purposely omitting information that would fully explain the magnitude of the situation.

Blurred is an understatement. Limiting the statement to state agencies is an egregious omission.

And be wary of ZeroHedge.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Caled

One rider, from my point of view, on Truth being 100% of facts (see my profile), not 20%:

Joe public is only aware of, say, 20 subjects - but you and I are aware of 100 subjects.

In this scenario:

JOE PUBLIC gets 100% of Truth for his world.

YOU and I get 20% of Truth for our world.

Remember, this isn't for us.

The reveal is that, a reveal, it's meaning isn't in the how much or how deep, but the reveal itself. When has the FBI and DHS been outed for steering social media content, even if they've been doing it for decades.

... the reveals are just that, enough for those who need to see. It's gonna be Clif's Notes exclusively.

Remember, Team Muskinator chose totally mainstream, conspiracies do not exist, DJT is evil, folks to reveal this for a reason = that's the audience level, 5th mentality, not Grad Student... we'll not old school Grad Student level.

Of course what is sick, the FBI had a hotline and countless agents doing the bidding to shut down Meme Accounts, and Satire, but seems to have ignored the Child Trafficking, drugs etc. part altogether. Again, folks will not put this together at this point, not their time yet - if ever.
That may be just fine for right now, but it’s that last “if ever” part that bothers me. If an apple is rotten to the core, just peeling it won’t make it healthy.

I suspect that things like the Epstein client list are being withheld not because they lead to individuals in government but because they lead to agencies of government. Individuals can be weeded out. If it gets to the point of institutional government involvement in things far worse than censorship, that becomes traumatic to the nation, but it still has to be addressed. People have to feel the pain to heal the hurt. We have to understand the magnitude of what went wrong.

This business of only 40 percent of what happens will be revealed means that we won’t ever know if the other 60 percent really got fixed or not. We won’t even know what the other 60 percent was. We can’t say “never again” to stuff we don’t even know happened. If we really want to change the course of Humankind, transparency and accountability don’t max out at 40 percent.There is a necessity for our consciousness to be changed for our future to be changed. That requires awareness.
edit on 12/16/2022 by cimmerius because: Sorry about the botched attempt above...

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 08:13 AM
Best question of the night
Old I know just wanted to start off Saturday with a positive vibe.
How many days before Elon drops a bomb.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 08:27 AM
You might be on to something there.
The reason the vaccine heads have given as to why they vaccinate children even though they know it is bad for their immune systems is that...
"It is crucial that they train the mothers to trust their Dr.s".
After this cognative dissonance becomes to great to overcome for them as no mother wants to admit they harmed their child so "trust your Dr. becomes having faith in your Dr.
Sad as it is..
The people had to be shown

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 09:02 AM
I’ve met a lot of people with no self-awareness that could be involved in things like this.

If it is mind-control, it isn’t mind-control in the conventional sense. Maybe a forced evolutionary change.

Like sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder. Both nature and nurture, because our society is built to reward it.

Sure. You can spend your time controlling minds like flipping individual switches. But eventually you just need to guide society to move in one direction. Like changing the flow of water. Then you can just pick off the ones that aren’t “going with the flow” so to speak. But every once in a while you get that defective one that’s smart enough to follow the flow on purpose.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Fun fact: No Human Being was involved in the creation of this tweet mess. To be this stuck in the polarity loop, AND, be a self reflective evolving Human Being is impossible. Mind Control, maybe. A.I. Probably, the latter two not mutually exclusive.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 10:19 AM
What A Show !

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 10:40 AM

As I run through all the scenarios from all that is in play I have to draw logical conclusions.

And I cannot accept anything less than impeachment immediately coming after the New Congress is seated.

So the options would be to ride it out or resign for Biden.

Which leads us directly to Kamala being the next prez.

But none of this is by mistake as the timing is too precise.
This is the counterstrike in full force.
So it is easy for me to accept they are more than ready for Kamala and in my own strategic thinking I can find many scenarios to play on for this. The best is to take out Kamala before Biden could resign so as to leave the Dems in even a greater dilemma if she is exposed in a big way.
If this all takes place after 2023 begins the chain of command will be interesting to say the least with a Republican Congress.
And if we are under military occupation then a scripted transition is also at play.

I meant to add.
I will wager McCarthy will not be speaker.
edit on 17-12-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

One more add.
Though I really like the idea of Trump as Speaker it does not have to be.
Just the threat of it during this lame duck timing is enough to force all kinds of crazy in reactions to this fear.
edit on 17-12-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 10:42 AM

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Notice the always say a threat to "our democracy" and not "Threat to the Constitutional Republic." That is transparent code for "Our Control System is under attack" it's why they avoid saying Republic.

I don't see that basic phrasing as much of an issue. Saying "a threat to Democracy", is more common than saying "a threat to the Democratic Republic". The thing I notice though is that it's always "Our Democracy" whenever it's a exposure threat over the Trotskyist agenda.

Besides that code phrase, yep it's clearly coded. My question is who would they need to express this threat too that doesn't already know it within their ranks?

If you're drowning you never stop shouting "I'm drowning" until you have drowned.

They're not signaling as much as it is the playbook battle cry. They can split the difference, people now repeat "threat to democracy" as if it pertains to them and their family while the goons cry with the different meaning. Which, while seemingly a small thing, over time changes the reality creation.

So tell people now this is a Constitutional Republic and they are confused, say it is a democracy and they smile. Say that democracy is mob rule and they are confused, say a Republic is even representation and they are confused, in part, because Republic = Republicans = Evil. Democrats = Democracy = Every Voice Heard. Which all equals Inversion.

I helps to remember we are always in the middle, the efforts now are not for the olds, but the youngs, you're lost to them, but GenZ will have the words and terms inverted.

Remember Joe said he has been in office for 150 years? He wasn't joking. This time that thing won't be back, but traditionally they simply set up the world for their return sequence, Joe's in office because he has been in office, it was just Inverted on them this time.

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 11:40 AM
Things are deteriating in the soccer world. More French soccer players are down with the so called mystery illness. Now we have Raphael Varane, Ibrahima Konate, Kingsley Coman, Adrian Rabiot and Dayot Upamecano and remarkably the odds have stayed steady.
As for Grant Wahol, the journalist who died, the autopsy is in and who would have guessed - an aortic aneurysm.
Circling back to one of the articles this was posted..."A lot of French journalists are in bad shape. It's my theory that these players have Covid." Seems to have mysteriously disappeared.

French Soccer Team Update
Grant Waho Update

Bill Gates has finally decided to break his silence. He probably couldn't help himself.
Grassroot Soccer Non-profit
The Gates Foundation has been involved with them since 2002 and once again he uses something positive for his own for African youth and reproduction.

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