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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:04 PM
This might be the single greatest Political Polarity Push ever, certainly that I've seen.


To understand the TDS Polarity Pattern reQuires them to say: More censorship, more CIA in Press Rooms, No Digital BOR, Free Speech is the problem, and so on. The must, he just occupied the Polarity of Sovereignty so the must occupy the Polarity of Enslavement.


edit on 15-12-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

SUPER Teaser, then the BOOM.

classic Don

hey, he definitely got me good hah

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

SUPER Teaser, then the BOOM.

classic Don

hey, he definitely got me good hah

he's batman

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:49 PM
Another salient post on 8K....

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. #5

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #6

The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. #29

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #91

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. #111

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled. #142

20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. #189

80% dark ops necessary. 20% public for justice. #190

The world cannot handle the truth. This pill cannot be swallowed by most. #199

The world cannot swallow the truth. #213

We were inspired by anons here to make our efforts more public. Find the exchange 2 days ago. Feel proud! #299

We listened. Find the exchange. No coincidences. #405

Correct exchange. Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private / Public. We are listening. Highest priorty. Have faith. #409

Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING? #487

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE. #512

PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60]. #527

SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. #532

Set the TRUTH FREE. #630


Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? #666

You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. #764

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH #777

What you see is 2%. #832

We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. #854

Truth will shock the WORLD. #928

Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. #1043

Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. #1496

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. #3721


Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. #4021

In other words, 99% cannot even imagine the True True, it's too terrifying for them and this is the # hole we find ourselves in… truly FUBAR as without the true true and the pursuit thereof, there would be no True Anons ie: "Conspiracy Theorists"

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:54 PM
edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago12 by RookQueen because: spelling

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:55 PM
What's that saying about hidden advanced technology versus retail technology...?


There is a story about a French Guy avoiding jail by claiming to be the lost kid of a Texas family (IIRC). He was sent to them, lived with them for a while - they didn't know he wasn't their lost family member. Don't be so sure you know who's who concerning people you have only seen on Teeeveee.

Our five senses are easily fooled.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Turns out there was a secret trial of the Trump organization last year.

What else could be happening in secret??

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That trial was no secret at all....public here....his CFO took all the blame and is going to prison....

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

You're right, that wasn't secret! In fact, last week they were talking about putting the CFO in a nice jail, if he would if he would squeal on Donald Trump ordering whatever was done illegally.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 04:52 PM
"Trump got all these clowns to jump the gun on his “major announcement” and they all wrote a bunch of Trump-deranged hit pieces on his digital cards.
Now they all have to tuck their tails between their legs and report on the REAL announcement, which is a step by step plan to restore free speech in America.

DJT plays these idiots every time, and they ALWAYS fall for it"

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That's funny since yesterday that warehouse burned down with all the information on these types of cases. Now nobody can file a FOIA Request for any additional information.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 05:12 PM
Are we in the Q timeline outlined below?

a) #1415 NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! referred to Dec 14th/15th... yesterday and today? Deep state thought TRUMP CARD/BILL of RIGHTS was coming yesterday but it came today?

b) Friday, tomorrow, is December 16th... #16

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147437247 📁
Oct 31 2017 22:31:00 (EST)
Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

Bolded timestamp encodes December 16th, followed by 2:3 = PAIN.

c) Saturday is 17th... drop the zereoes from #1700

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1dc9cb No.2282049 📁
Jul 25 2018 13:08:27 (EST)
— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —

Is the Internet Bill of Rights one of the new guards?

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 06:07 PM

The NFT thing is interesting. On the one hand the NFT nonsense is just that, but........ The NFT's can be seen as a sort of placeholder for what is to come in the new system.

Replace NFT with Land Title and you understand that the blockchain system, not Pump and Dump Casino Coin, will be used to store and verify everything we now store in paper or worse. Making it accessible and verifiable in an instant, allow for what folks refer to as Smart Contracts to occur.

So, on the one had it seems corny, and gimmicky, on the other hand it might just signal the emergence of the New System.

Problem > Reaction > Solution.

The problem is the old system which was designed to fail, with the new system created when the old system was first introduced. But how to get folks to accept the new? Problem = FTX, Binance Shortly, Tether to follow. Reaction = "For The Love of God please do something, people are losing their life savings!!!" Solution = new system designed 100 years ago.

DJT announces the NFT, right after The Bank Man is taken to prison, right before Binance is about to tank etc.

Gimmick or Harbinger? Depends on POV.

One thing we do know, DJT hates the banking system and the old guard, so he's in for a Net Positive version of the new system and not the NWO Net Negative.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Roxstar
"Trump got all these clowns to jump the gun on his “major announcement” and they all wrote a bunch of Trump-deranged hit pieces on his digital cards.
Now they all have to tuck their tails between their legs and report on the REAL announcement, which is a step by step plan to restore free speech in America.

DJT plays these idiots every time, and they ALWAYS fall for it"

Amazing, isn't it? BTW, it's pretty clear that response was meant to show the coordinated effort to someone or something.

Worth noting what he said, which is interesting language even for him.

"It must happen immediately" as in now, not 2 years from now.

"Within hours of my inauguration..."

So he skipped election, he skipped "building a coalition" etc. he just went right to "I'm ordering."

So to be clear "Within hours of my inauguration I'm ordering..."

Frankly, it sounded like a post election speech from the winner's celebration ballroom. His intensity is also off the charts in terms of "this isn't speculation or an idea" but pretty much a promise.

Now the Polarity Push arrives, which will be effing hilarious.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

How do we know he hates the old banking system? It made him rich. He acknowledged how he legally avoids certain taxes just as any other 1% person would.

I’m trying to track with what you’re saying, and don’t mean to simply be contrarian or argumentative for simple argument sake. But when I see/hear “NFT” it just takes me back to Meta and virtual living etc

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I always thought Robert was by himself a special
effect long before "a Light In the Sky".
There's a lot of background noise now, and it's still
not doing the proper job for a master level sleight-
of-hand. Dangerous times, my friends. Bak2Lurkn

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
a reply to: crankyoldman

How do we know he hates the old banking system? It made him rich. He acknowledged how he legally avoids certain taxes just as any other 1% person would.

I’m trying to track with what you’re saying, and don’t mean to simply be contrarian or argumentative for simple argument sake. But when I see/hear “NFT” it just takes me back to Meta and virtual living etc

Using the system doesn't mean you like it. You can dislike it and still live in it, use it. There are not mutually exclusive.

He's got a lengthy history of pointing out the flaws, doesn't mean he cannot use them - you're free to use them too, as am I, oddly enough they are in fact freely available to anyone to use - people just don't.

This is a common flaw in people's thinking. They think if you don't rage against the machine it is proof you love the machine. The machine created that false dichotomy. The other issue, as far as I know, DJT made his money providing services, so again folks saying he "got rich by the system" suggests he got rich through some nefarious means, ergo he must love the system. Building stuff is hardly Madoff stuff.

He's successful, he paid for his own campaign, he took no money as POTUS, he gives a ton away. I'm good with it all.

That's not what an NFT is, it is an introduction element to the new Hybrid System, as something represented on the Blockchain, while there is crossover on META etc. they have little to nothing to do with that. Again.

What's coming will look like NWO to some, Liberation to others, the POV will matter not the system.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 07:55 PM
This is very funny.

Aaron Rupar is trending. Those who have demanded X be banned, are being banned and the outrage is hilarious.

Funny this is being done after DJT trolled the Polarity Push and the predicted reaction occurred.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

This is a common flaw in people's thinking. They think if you don't rage against the machine it is proof you love the machine. The machine created that false dichotomy. The other issue, as far as I know, DJT made his money providing services, so again folks saying he "got rich by the system" suggests he got rich through some nefarious means, ergo he must love the system. Building stuff is hardly Madoff stuff.

Often times people get called out for Hypocrisy for doing stuff like that, but in reality, the system that exploits is often the only system in town. The system itself forces labels and name calling in order to keep people quiet about the reality of how the system exists.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I greatly appreciate the dialogue.
I have further questions
You say NFT are an introduction to a hybrid system.
What if “me” as an anon, along with tens of millions of other anons…BECAUSE of Q related activity do not accept that notion
Is there an answer to that? I ask because there are many that frankly will not fall in line because something said so

To be quite honest I look at the “great reset” as a overwhelming redistribution, flip, switch, whatever you wanna call it, as a net negative.
Regardless of which “powers that be” implement it.
Because implementation of such currency is advocacy for a digital world.
And a digital world removes the human aspect
Which has been the endgame for years.
Which leads to “how does 15 dimensional chess prove something for thee and for me” because all I can identify thus far is “trust me and not them” in regards to presidential society and I frankly don’t have the gall to trust any of them
Especially someone who somehow in this chat can play 58 dimensional chess with the highest intelligence apparatuses in the world yet doesn’t actually mean things like “I’ve always been a democrat and if I want to win I’ll just run as a republican cuz they are too stupid”
edit on 15-12-2022 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

And I want to reiterate. We are all in fact here for this reason right? Whether it be a Q or a T. These words are held onto for a reason. Selectively by who speaks them
So why exactly, can 2018 trump be Q coms but 1988 trump was “just being one of the boys”. Look at every single person you’ve ever known. How many of them can play such a long game with ANYTHING without a tell, without spilling the beans, without divulging
All for the purpose of “hey man in 20 years some dude named Elon will own this thing called a “website” and he will be the white rabbit.
I simply don’t care how deep the game pretends to go. At some point someone is gonna chime out “are you #ing crazy?
edit on 15-12-2022 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

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