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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 12:18 PM
Knowingly or not Elon Musk is orchestrating the last mile of this Q operation.

In the past week he exposed Twitter's silent consent for child exploitation to run amok on their servers,

Direct government involvement in censorship and the greatest First Amendment violations in United States history

James Baker who is a q notable name intercepted at least some of the leaks and deleted it to hide what we can only imagine

Michelle Obama somehow has power to make Twitter delete sitting heads of States from their platform

Direct election interference that very likely affected the past two elections

Yoel Roth is a pedophile degenerate.

We are about to find out how they censored covid-19 information that would have saved countless lives

Somehow I think this is just the beginning

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 12:23 PM
Circling back to Balenciaga. [Just a though GA= Georgia Guidestones?]
December's WSJ magazine is out and guess who has adds in it?
Page 108 and 109 [8+9]

They probably didn't have time to pull the adds.
The middle spread add shows one side with the model in a white dress with black round dots sitting on a black chair. The other side shows the model dressed in a black dress with a pyramid shaped building in the background standing before a white chair.
As Cranky would say a little inversion.
What is striking though is the background. In both cases they look like they are standing inside a jail because the window frames look like jail bars!
Circling back to Michelle Obama twitter.
December 8, 2022
"Every time I tell people how much I love to knit, they seem so surprised! But it truly has become one of my most meaningful [and fun] past times.
For me knitting is a release. It lets my hands lead the way as my mind trails behind."
The image is of Michelle sitting in a white cinder block room, with grey grout lines with partially opened blinds. Looks like a staged prison cell!
I don't know how to link this tweet but if someone can that would be great.
Rel do you think this means that these people have been rounded up? Maybe in GITMO? One can only hope since she seems to have helped if not directed the targeting of Twitter censorship of President Trump.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: dashen
#Faucigate may be the start of the awakening of the deeply asleep but I do have some reservations. This morning I encouraged one to have a look at #Fauci as it was trending #1 spot on Twitter. The response? They will not look at it because Elon Musk has bought Twitter and now it is all just misinformation that is posted.
I feel like banging my head against the wall.
Meanwhile other friends, up to date jabbed have caught Covid again. But according to them their symptoms should be mild. But wait, they are now taking paxlovid which they got from a friend ! so that their symptoms won't be too bad. Yet they have no reason to take it since they are not at high risk.
I'm going to need thicker walls.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 12:47 PM
Repeal of Military Vaccine Mandate

This Defense Bill has passed and is on its' way for Joes approval. I wonder what he's going to do? Since he is "not compromised" will he veto it? Then what? The part that bothers me is that they did not carve in the bill the reinstatement for those who were left because they would not bend the knee for the jab.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 01:05 PM
They never thought Hillary would lose....why? They have been stealing elections for 20+ years....

NOW I bet they NEVER thought they would lose control of Twitter.....AND get caught with so many FBI and political ties to illegal censorship.....I bet the FBI is crapping their pants right now....

Next up is ALL the others.....

If anyone does not see what is happening right now they are just damm blind.

I wonder if the Govt panics and either changes laws about social media or take them over and nationalize them under the guise of how dangerous it (the truth) has become.

They can't have people knowing how bad they really are.....this will be very interesting to see how they attempt to block all this info coming out.....

The Covid truth will be a massive trigger.....after all it was world wide.....
edit on 11-12-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-12-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Does it say covid or any vaccines in the future? BIG difference....

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:11 PM

Hunter Biden plans defamation lawsuits against Fox News, Giuliani

During a recent meeting between Hunter Biden, his lawyer Kevin Morris, Media Matters founder David Brock, and other political operatives the group discussed the idea of bringing defamation lawsuits against entities such as Fox News and people like Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani.

The meeting took place at Morris's home and Hunter reportedly briefly called-in to join and strategize about those who have accused the younger Biden of using his father's influence to make profitable business deals overseas stemming, reported the Washington Post on Saturday.

Greasy Brock means it really isn't a Lawsuit but PR campaign using the Lawsuit as as rouse.

Imagine the Case Discovery...

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:14 PM
From Wall Street Apes on Truth.....ROFLMAO....

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: dashen

Excellent Summary! Thank-you. The biggest bombshell (imo) will be exposing the numerous ways our sitting President has betrayed America over the past 30 years.

Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vows to investigate who AG Barr called the "Political Whores" who are protecting the Biden Crime Family.


McCarthy must have reached some kind of agreement with former President Trump, for Trump to whole-heartedly endorse McCarthy as Speaker of the House. There's something BIG brewing. Probably several. MSM is totally ignoring the incoming MOABS, even though they know what's coming.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:23 PM

Breathing down your neck
Team by team, reporters baffled, trumped, tethered, cropped

[Verse 1]
That's great
It starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes
An aeroplane
Lenny Bruce is not afraid
Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
World serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs
Feed it off an aux, speak, grunt, no, strength
The ladder starts to clatter with fear fight, down, height
Wire in a fire, representing seven games
And a government for hire and a combat site
Left of west and coming in a hurry with the Furies
Breathing down your neck
Team by team, reporters baffled, trumped, tethered, cropped
Look at that low playing, fine, then
Uh-oh, overflow, population, common food
But it'll do, save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed
Dummy with the rapture and the revered in the right, right
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light
Feeling pretty psyched
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine

[Verse 2]
Six o'clock, TV hour, don't get caught in foreign tower
Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn
Lock him in uniform, book burning, blood letting
Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate
Light a candle, light a votive, step down, step down
Watch your heel crush, crushed, uh-oh, this means
No fear, cavalier renegade steer clear
A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
And I decline

It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine (I feel fine)

[Instrumental Break]
You might also like
Metro Boomin, The Weeknd & 21 Savage
Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
Lana Del Rey
Kill Bill
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

[Verse 3]
The other night I dreamt of knives, continental drift divide
Mountains sit in a line, Leonard Bernstein
Leonid Brezhnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, vermouth
You symbiotic, patriotic, slam but neck
Right? Right

It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (It's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

For some reason, when I see the word "riots" in Twitter communications, I think of the riots that occurred across America in the months after George Floyd was killed, where people were destroying private property.

I don't think of the Capitol protest as a "riot", because they were Americans trespassing on, and trashing property that they paid was theirs/ours.

I bet the Communist Twerps at the top of Twitter didn't think the burning, looting, killing during 2020 were "riots".

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Discovery and my favorite undisputed fact,that gift of a diamond! That optic is worth, well a diamond
As you have pointed out inversion. The Republicans investigating Biden is retribution, so what are the Trump investigations again? Feels like they are painting themselves into a corner.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 04:02 PM
FYI - Reminder to studiers of Q.

Corrupted MSM-INTEL-DOJ traitors were warned about what was coming their way, and to prepare themselves, after they successfully, fraudulently, installed puppet Biden in the White House.

From 11.29.2020:

Guilty top-tier officials in government and media, along with many of us here on ATS, understood what groundwork was being laid. But to this day, 99% of Americans have no clue what's coming.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 04:13 PM
I absolutely agree with you 100% and I believe they are identified throughout history by specific markers.

The badcabbie tried to pidgeonhole it in being khazarian Jews when that is only partially correct identifying these people from just this one area.
But that is but a snapshot in time with but a pixel on the screen.

I believe Eustace Mullins identified this people as the Canaanites.

They are the merchant class.
They have identifying markers that can be found in every country and every city.
They have learned to take over host countries by keeping their heritage, customs and language.
The language they use has morphed through time and used by them from country to country within marketplaces and the source of all of today's corporate symbolism.
They began infiltrating port cities thousand+ years ago in pursuit of controlling trade.
It started in Tyre with the color purple which they had a monopoly on and where they finetuned their merchant craft.
They used their Canaanite/Phoenician language for this purpose of communicating within their culture from port-port, country-ciuntry.
It was their language that spread throughout the Mediterranean because of their mastery of trade.
Another marker is their exceptional mastery of the sea. It was essential for trade.
The language is a marker.
It was inside knowledge of ports that allowed their brethren known as the Sea People's to execute maritime raids where they ransacked and terrorized port cities for centuries amassing great wealth and power from terrorism.

They assimilated into cultures everywhere they went and assuming that country as their own. It is not a Jewish thing at all.
These people did it to every country especially those that expelled them at any time throughout history at any point in time.
They never forget and never forgive. They are the assassin's.

Their language was key. They take their base language and assimilate it into other native tongues.
It went from Canaan/Phonecia- Greek in the Mediterranean and there when they began to change the direction of reading from right-left, bi-directional (boustrophedon), and then to left-right. They were experts at maritime trade and conveying language accurately for trade was the reason they created the Greek language.

Bring us to modern times and you will see this in what happened with the Jewish language known as Yiddish. This is where the "j"sounds currently used and accepted in so much biblical translations that you have heard me reject.

Khazars was great because of trade and they created the silk road.
This is the biggest marker.
The chi sound they use in the language they speak for trade.
You can track them throughout history by language.
Religion(moloch or asheterah), language, their mastery of maritime trade, and they were experts horsemen (mongols, huns Scythians). These markers trace the successful genealogy of the Canaanites who were cursed by Noah to be a people to forever be servants of servants. These are who makeup the deep state in every country all over the world.

The entourage of Asheterah court was made up of transexual men.
The spirit of Asheterah is everywhere today.
The sacrifices of children to moloch is found everywhere today.
More markers
a reply to: Caled

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

For some reason, when I see the word "riots" in Twitter communications, I think of the riots that occurred across America in the months after George Floyd was killed, where people were destroying private property.

I don't think of the Capitol protest as a "riot", because they were Americans trespassing on, and trashing property that they paid was theirs/ours.

I bet the Communist Twerps at the top of Twitter didn't think the burning, looting, killing during 2020 were "riots".

Of course, they removed the "riot" label from ACTUAL riots as Orwell showed/taught.

But folks fail to see the psyop unfold, as it did in real time. The goons and ghouls had contingencies, of course they did, and the Capital Riot Not Riot was one.

So, what did the press demanded DJT agree to prior to the election over and over: "Will you step down if you lose?"

That wasn't a random question issued from the mockingbird, it was the set up for 1-6,,,, DJT refuses to step down, Pence doing his dirty work, Rioters Storm the Capital, Officers Dead, Legislators Fear for Their Lives: Treason, Impeach.

They went through with the script even though none of the script played out and it made no sense. Even the Twitter Goons went nuts because DJT didn't say "Storm the Gates!" It was in the script planted in their 1/0's and when they didn't see it it confused them, so they switched gears.

That script was written after the 2016 election. It wasn't random, we know the playbook.

Speaking of GF,,, FFS...

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 05:53 PM

Thinking Outloud
How's ALICE doing ?
Carry ON

edit on 12112022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

If presented with just enough detail to seem real, people will believe that it's real.
Here for example from 1989:
From: KING 5 News

Big, bold letters at the top of the screen read "Space Needle--April 1, 1989. April Fools Day." At the bottom was what appeared to be Seattle's most iconic structure, in pieces.

A lot of people didn't get the joke as the actor-reporter stayed in character and kept reading.

"Information at this point is incomplete. We do know that injuries are minimal. Fortunately, the needle was nearly empty when the accident occurred. A maintenance man who was working on the lower level has apparently been taken to Harborview's emergency room for minor injuries," he said.

The skit was not devoid of cast members. Tracey Conway played the role of hysterical eyewitness.

"I was walking along Mercer here and I heard this sound. It was like thunder and I looked up and it was swaying. And it went over. It was like somebody just kicked the bottom out from under it. You wouldn't believe it," she said.

"So many people called 911 that it shut the 911 lines down," said Keister. "There were people from Eastern Washington, medical people, who came over to volunteer."

Even though the fake report said that it was an April Fools day joke, people still panicked. The part that got me was that people who lived in the City thought it was real when they could have seen that nothing had happened with their own eyes.

Now imagine if the Government was involved with the HOAX, then who would even know. Covid indeed... now thanks to Musk, even jaded people that only follow the official narrative are questioning those stories.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: dashen
#Faucigate may be the start of the awakening of the deeply asleep but I do have some reservations. This morning I encouraged one to have a look at #Fauci as it was trending #1 spot on Twitter. The response? They will not look at it because Elon Musk has bought Twitter and now it is all just misinformation that is posted.
I feel like banging my head against the wall.

People have an emotional part and a rational part. Emotion drives the rational part far more often than the other way around. Skills like logic have been abandoned.

It is easy for people to succumb to emotion that distorts their rational thinking. There is a word for it:

1. attempt to explain or justify (behaviour or an attitude) with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate

On the other hand, it is hard to overcome emotion with mere rational information. One of Biden’s spokespersons described this with no sense of irony as “preferring truth to facts.” No factual argument will change the position.

At this point Elon is providing factual information without emotional charge. But there will be more to come, and Elon won’t be the only one making revelations. Q was the covert starting point, but Elon is the mainstream starting point. He opens the door for others to walk through. No emotion yet, but it will come. Like brutal evidence of child trafficking. Pictures, videos, filmed confessions. Stuff that hits people in the gut in a personal way.

One of the things that has struck me throughout these threads is the sheer massive mountain of wrongdoing that has been presented without undeniable proof. Always with a certain ambiguity.

The seeds have been planted. We have been shown who not to trust. Negative control and censorship are crumbling. But the shocking stuff hasn’t officially hit the fan yet. Not even close. When the ambiguity is removed from that mountain of horrible possibilities, that will be the real storm. It will be directed at the bad players, but everyone will feel the hurt.
edit on 12/11/2022 by cimmerius because: OCD

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 07:37 PM

If you have been following the thread you know the playbook. Many do not know the playbook and are still under the spell.

I've said since day one, DJT's greatest gift is cornering the polarity talking points, he cuts them off forces the goons and ghouls to defend the worst possible positions. I remember him saying something like women make up 33 percent of the trafficking across the border, and the TDS rage fact check was, "he lies, it's 31."

What Team Muskinator is doing is creating the same effect, but much much worse as the eneMedia goons and ghouls are stuck, if they report they out themselves, if they stay quiet they will release more and more, if the report the truth they anger their masters. More to the point, like YoelBot, they can only do one thing, no changes allowed.

"We need transparency, show us DJT's tax records..."
Team Muskinator, "here's your transparency..."
"Shut up, jail Musk."

See it?

Watch the language morph by the second as they simply bang from one side of the polarity to the other trying to counter.

Now you can fully see why DJT had to be out of office.

This will be remarkable, as the counters will be beyond stupid... which takes us back to DJT and what he started. We are here because of that + TDS + Great Awakening + Anons +++

Do not expect the uninitiated to process this in any meaningful way, they are waaaaaaaaaay behind. This will NOT be the lightbulb moment where the most asleep turn on Joe and embrace The Movement.

This is not about that right now, the is foundational = for the future.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I prefer Data, one man sees facts while another man sees lies, is just observable truths which provides credibility to one of those while destroying the other.
Ex Joe Biden won the 2020 election
Donald Trump tried to trademark Truth

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