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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 11:29 AM
The Veritas gang has done it again, but this time it seems the Twit is letting if fly free.

The response is fascinating if you know what to look for.

m.A.L.I.C.E.'s dirty 1/0's are all over it.

21 buzzword/phrases that are considered get out of jail free phrases. Use one, good, use 21 and you're the victim and go to the head of the line. Worth noting, all get out of jail free phrases are turning the speaker into the Victim. This matters. So they had to make groomer the victim, as well as the kids, as well as the school, as well as the LGTBITORQAYROP people, as well as the POC. See it?

What is really funny is the mistake she so often makes. The Viral Video contains language, which of course does not comport with the the Victim State. That said, she does a twist which I like here, shows some forethought, by saying it will go more viral because of language, turning that into victimhood. Well played.

Now. Again, Compare with the real, and rather crappy, offspring of m.A.L.I.C.E. Real Time m.A.L.I.C.E.

Watch this, it is everywhere. Folks, well, ummm, just stringing together the accepted buzzword/phrases with the expectation that this always drops the mic. Soon, as in very soon, you are going to see them strung together in ways that simply make no sense at all = that's m.A.L.I.C.E., as self reflective humans just don't.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Ahhhhhhh, brings back memories of the beginning of my awakening in my teen years. JFK is where it all started....

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
What I find very odd, or maybe it really isn't, that Biden is using the America Rescue Plan to replenish the Central States Pension Fund to the tune of $36 billion. Not a small amount. The Teamster Union is literally being saved from going under. Cash for votes?
Meanwhile on Twitter everyone is talking about BG's release and Paul Whelan left behind but not anything about this. This is a big deal because the members are going to get retroactive payments from the time that their benefits were cut.
Whitehouse Fact Sheet
Federal Funds To Rebuild Pension
Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014

Looks like the Biden administration is pulling out all the stops to prevent Biden's popularity dropping to single digits.
Biden's Approval

At this point this American Rescue Plan looks more like a large piggy bank than anything else. Probably just my wild imagination.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Re ethnic Jews:

Ethnicities: Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi Etc.

Jews from different parts of the world have developed distinct cultures and customs. Jews from Germany and Eastern Europe are known as Ashkenazim. Much of what, in America, is thought of as Jewish — bagels, Yiddish, black hats — are actually specific to Ashkenazi culture.

Jews from Spain, the Iberian Peninsula and the Spanish Diaspora are known as Sephardim. Starting in the eighth century, they enjoyed a “Golden Age” of harmony with Christians and Muslims in Spain that lasted for about 200 years. When Jews were exiled from Spain and Portugal at the end of the 15th century, they fled to other areas of the world, bringing their unique traditions, including their language–Ladino–with them.

Mizrahim, or Oriental Jews originate primarily from Iraq, Persia (Iran), and Yemen, but can be found everywhere from Morocco to Calcutta. Though Mizrahi Jews originally faced severe discrimination in Israel because they were seen as provincial, they are now gaining more acceptance in Israeli society.

In addition, a community of Jews has lived in Ethiopia for more than 1,000 years. The majority of Ethiopian Jews immigrated to Israel in the 1980s and ’90s, where many continue to observe a number of distinct practices and customs. Like the Mizrahi Jews before them, Ethiopian Israelis have encountered discrimination and have had to adapt to a very different culture.

There are also numerous Jewish communities in Africa, such as the Abayudaya community in Uganda. In addition, in the United States, the increasing popularity of intermarriage, interracial adoption and conversion has fostered a growing population of Jews of color, particularly Jews with Asian, Latino and African ancestry.

If any more information is desired, I would suggest typing the words "ethnic" and "Jew" into the search bar on your preferred search engine, and you should be able from there to access a wealth of material on the subject.

As to the post where you claim I "put words in your mouth", I would suggest that you carefully re-read that post. I distinctly remember using the verbiage 'may or may not' with regards to any possible motives for your actions. That's not exactly putting words into anyone's mouth, nor is it an accusation. In fact, it was explicitly written so as to not be either of those things.

As I recall it I was advising you to choose your words carefully. Like I said last time, we're not the only ones reading this thread.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 12:35 PM
Following the wives, in this case ex-wife. Spotlight on Melinda French Gates.
Melinda French Gates Donor Collaborative

They're joining forces, as if Gates needs more $ at his/her disposal. Hoping to gather other philanthropies and act as one "These innovative models can provide resources that deliver services at larger scales and they address root causes by changing systems."

The upshot? The Gates gang would have a greater impact than going it alone. Lots of issues around all of this. Case in point Masiyiwa is an inexperienced philanthropist and what better than to "allow" the more experienced Gates to lead the fund, focusing as usual on the divide and conquer gender equity issues. Sounds like another page from the "Trust the Science".

A plan comes together> "Collaboratives are a great way to formalize partnerships, share knowledge and deploy resources and scale to help us take on the biggest, toughest challenges."
I shudder to think what is considered the biggest challenges.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:21 PM
Saw the KJP Clonebot on teeeveee about the Russia deal.

Even the bot can't cope.

"Look, I told you before, look, the fact is, look, I said the president..." Funny how the bots way of answering a present time question is to say "she" told everyone before, so that's the end.

FFS, who listens to this? Seriously, Who listens to this garbage???

But the takeaway that made me laugh out loud among folks I do not know.

"Look, we got to Bring Brittney Back."

BBB for Team Joe, gotta work it in. Pathetic.

Greatest Headline. US Trades Arms Dealer for Basketball Player.

I made note of this last year, watch for Trades.

Team Joe was forced into this, it looks bad to the entire world, all except those watching The View, at home, wearing masks. This panders to a few thousand people, while the Arms Murdering Russian Thug going "Free" feeds the fire of WTF is this guy doing???

Watch for BBB to do the Victim Tour on Teeeveee, complete with ZERO self reflection on how taking drugs into a country that explicitly states "no drugs" is on her.

This is Inversion of the Inversion, this isn't helpful for Team Joe, primarily because no one has ever really cared about the WNBA.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

This is absolutely insane.
These meatsticks are seriously mentally ill. And what's really sad is they're trying to convince everyone it's normal.
It almost feels like were in two opposite timelines at the same time. Everything is soooo f**ked. God help us all please.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 03:48 PM
I asked about your usage of it.
Are you claiming that was what you implied?

If you are talking about the khazars I can address that.
You used it generically and I can do that.
But you used the term to address my claims on Canaanites and addressed the khazars around the Caucasus mtn region to make a point that somehow that is the ethnic Jews when they were Jewish conversions in the 8th century a.d..
So are you claiming Genghis Khan is an ethnic jew?
How does any of this relate to my claims that you attempted to refute, but did nothing of the sort other than as a logical fallacy?
The main chronological root of the Canaanites I address that is historically proven easily is Canaan-Phoenecia-Cathargy- Venice-Black Royalty and the City.
I can also help you trace them from the Hiviites and Hittites overland from the Levant to Troy-Rome-the Steppes-Caucusus-NYC.
The subset of these groups were set up in important port cities through the Mediterranean and established communities in Greece, Spain and Italy.
They are known as the merchant class and the Sea People's throughout history.
So calling them Jews is sooooooooooooooo incomplete when you attempted to refute my claims and calling them ethnic jews only only could confuse me more if you copy and pasted a Google search on ethnic Jews to answer my query of what it is YOU meant by it.
All you did is be less concise by trying to be more generic to your claims.
You mentioned khazars, not me.
You equated it to them only because I referenced to Ukraine.

I am attempting to show you who and how the deep state began and exists.
They are in every country engaged in maritime trade.
So when YOU say the Canaanites are ethnic Jews from the Caucusus by claiming that is what I meant you are wrong to assume that and you are proving to be ignorant on the subject, not I.

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Re ethnic Jews:

Ethnicities: Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi Etc.

Jews from different parts of the world have developed distinct cultures and customs. Jews from Germany and Eastern Europe are known as Ashkenazim. Much of what, in America, is thought of as Jewish — bagels, Yiddish, black hats — are actually specific to Ashkenazi culture.

Jews from Spain, the Iberian Peninsula and the Spanish Diaspora are known as Sephardim. Starting in the eighth century, they enjoyed a “Golden Age” of harmony with Christians and Muslims in Spain that lasted for about 200 years. When Jews were exiled from Spain and Portugal at the end of the 15th century, they fled to other areas of the world, bringing their unique traditions, including their language–Ladino–with them.

Mizrahim, or Oriental Jews originate primarily from Iraq, Persia (Iran), and Yemen, but can be found everywhere from Morocco to Calcutta. Though Mizrahi Jews originally faced severe discrimination in Israel because they were seen as provincial, they are now gaining more acceptance in Israeli society.

In addition, a community of Jews has lived in Ethiopia for more than 1,000 years. The majority of Ethiopian Jews immigrated to Israel in the 1980s and ’90s, where many continue to observe a number of distinct practices and customs. Like the Mizrahi Jews before them, Ethiopian Israelis have encountered discrimination and have had to adapt to a very different culture.

There are also numerous Jewish communities in Africa, such as the Abayudaya community in Uganda. In addition, in the United States, the increasing popularity of intermarriage, interracial adoption and conversion has fostered a growing population of Jews of color, particularly Jews with Asian, Latino and African ancestry.

If any more information is desired, I would suggest typing the words "ethnic" and "Jew" into the search bar on your preferred search engine, and you should be able from there to access a wealth of material on the subject.

As to the post where you claim I "put words in your mouth", I would suggest that you carefully re-read that post. I distinctly remember using the verbiage 'may or may not' with regards to any possible motives for your actions. That's not exactly putting words into anyone's mouth, nor is it an accusation. In fact, it was explicitly written so as to not be either of those things.

As I recall it I was advising you to choose your words carefully. Like I said last time, we're not the only ones reading this thread.

edit on 8-12-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

Noah was greatly inftariated by what had taken place, and he pronounced a curse on Canaan, "Cursed be Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brothers (Shem and Japheth)."

Public servants...forever
edit on 8-12-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: Roxstar
a reply to: crankyoldman

This is absolutely insane.
These meatsticks are seriously mentally ill. And what's really sad is they're trying to convince everyone it's normal.
It almost feels like were in two opposite timelines at the same time. Everything is soooo f**ked. God help us all please.

It's very funny. It creates outrage, which is kind of the point. This is really not for us, this is for those who cannot see yet. At same said teeeveee wall was some POC chat show, god knows who it was, but the topic was all about Bring Back Brittney. The "audience" was mostly women in pink masks - all masked. It is scary. Consider they're so fearful of death they went a chat show.

One thing I have noticed. The Inversion is off the hook.

I've noticed that things on the twit that normally spiral into the chaos zone, are not. The BBB was very heavily "this is madness" rather then OMG a national treasure is returning.

So when they say "all the hate" it is Inverted, they are apoplectic that Team Muskinator is REDUCING the hate stuff they spew and, they've also turned off some energy distortion filters which generate outrage arbitrarily - the last is just my observation.

The more rage at Team Muskinator, the more we see the truth = Inverted and they cannot help themselves. Polarity reality and all.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 04:33 PM
Sorry if any one covered this.

Ok this is double speak actually. She had the

inactive metabolite of coc aine

I bet those of us like me who do not use coc aine, or a derivative, don't have that in our blood. She would be whatever that is when you aren't high on coke.

BUT, she was probably not "doped up" as we say. I recall Coke is supposed to be harder to drug test than hard drugs or pot because your body uses it like sugar. She could have been having a psychotic moment some would say. The video I saw said her car was not at all under her control. That is my bottom line that she was having a mechanical issue that looks like someone offed her.

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday

Did you see this?

Anne Heche's autopsy examination shows the actress was not on drugs at time of fiery car crash

Heche's autopsy report from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner was obtained Tuesday by Fox News Digital. The report showed that the 53-year-old actress had previously used coc aine and marijuana, but was not impaired at the time of the crash.

"The toxicology tested from the hospital admission blood showed the presence of benzoylecgonine, an inactive metabolite of coc aine," the coroner's Public Information Officer Sarah Ardalani explained to Fox News Digital. "Therefore, there was no evidence of impairment by illicit substances at the time of the crash."


edit on 8-12-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 04:38 PM
Joe Biden's Press Secretary blows a gasket and leaves the room during Q&A today.

Quick Vid:

Can you imagine being Press Secretary for a President who rarely talks to you?

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RookQueen

The issue of her car being taken over seems to have magically disappeared again. Much like how Hastings car crash that was used to kill him seem to have ignored the issue of the car being taken over.


That is what I mean too in the post above this one.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox

WOAH: Dr. Fauci May Have Just Lied Under Oath; Here’s What We Know…

When Fauci was asked about his role in responding to FOIA requests about his emails from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci said that he was not immediately involved. However, as the Daily Caller points out, “the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) previously claimed otherwise”


Huge Wave of Liberal Men are Getting Vasectomies to Protest Overturning Roe

The abortion chain tells patients on its website that the sterilization procedure is “almost” pain-free, comparing it to “going to the dentist or getting blood drawn,” according to The Blaze. It also notes that Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, does not cover vasectomies, so Planned Parenthood facilities charge for the procedure.

Twitter be

These people here are helping us out getting the Vasectomy. They are volunteering to eliminate their "subservience to any sick agenda that comes along" genes from our active gene pool. Stupid is checking itself at the door of natures weeding out of the weak genes. I would recommend skipping that door gentlemen before you have to grow a pair again one day.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Thank you for the link. You have mentioned this show once before and I want to watch it but had forgotten about it. This time of year, I get desperate for something decent to watch.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

Can you imagine being Press Secretary for a President who rarely talks to you?

We don't have to image it, we see it everyday now for the last two years.

Side note to everyone:
Has anyone else been seeing the term "BBB" getting used a lot these days?

I first noticed it when I was listening to a lecture on Euclidean Space. The term "Bbb" was being used to define the area where real objects were examined. Could this term of "BBB" be something other than just cute word play?

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Project Veritas really is a brave organization and deserves way more air time then it receives, lol, I guess that’s where we come in ! I’m going to attach the link in case anyone missed it, it’s almost unbelievable that the dean/principal of this school so brazenly and gleefully describes how cool it was giving teens fetish sex toys to “play with” and “discuss” how they work, seriously 😳 ugggg….. Sadly, in it’s purest essence teens coming into their sexuality is a big deal to them, lol, probably was for most of us, wonderful, embarrassing, romantic, heartbreaking, messy and hopefully our education on what to do and not do in our relationships as adults.

It’s predatory to exploit already confusing emotions in teens and encourage promiscuity, which never makes anyone happy in the long run, rather then teach how sexy modesty and integrity can be.:wink: 2

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Well, you asked what I meant by ethnic Jews, so I, assuming you were not familiar with the term, thought you might like some information on it, since it does seem to be a thing. The rest of the "oh do a search" was just a bit of snark to help pass the time.

I didn't know that you wanted a drilled down uber-subjective sort of take on what I consider it for someone to be an ethnic jew. I just thought when you asked what I meant by ethnic Jew, you actually wanted to know what I meant by ethnic Jew, which is why I replied the way I did. If it's the subjective thing then I decline to state.

As for the Canaanites comment, the story of the separation of the Canaanites from the other tribes occurs very early in the biblical canon, so that is exactly what I meant by replying to your mention of the Canaanites as painting with a broad brush. That diaspora happened at least several hundred years if not a thousand or more before the Khazarian convergence, and as such is harder to qualify and quantify in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, people in the US might be red-pilled a lot quicker if this pension fund top-up story actually read as the following headline:


...because that's the reality of what he's done... just before Christmas!

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 06:09 PM
What's going on here?

So this seems to have been sent by Mockingbird, along the "classified documents" = "we got him now..." nonsense.

Declaration of Independence Found in Trump Storage Unit

Donald J. Trump’s legal team struggled to explain how the original Declaration of Independence made its way to a storage unit leased by the former President in Queens, New York.

Yet when searching most are this boiler plate tripe.

More Classified Items Found in Storage Unit Used by Donald Trump: Report

I'd pay no heed normally, but two things. As ML knows I posted about the DOI here a few days ago. And this...

The National Archives Museum in Washington, DC, is home to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. These founding documents, along with the Lawrence F. O'Brien Gallery, the Public Vaults, and the David M.

So did he just walk out with it? Seriously,

Now this.

Trump views rare copy of U.S. Declaration of Independence with UK PM May

U.S. President Donald Trump was shown a handwritten parchment copy of the U.S. Declaration of Independence - one of only two known to exist - during a visit to British Prime Minister Theresa May’s office on Tuesday.

DJT does not have the original, New Yorker is lying. Two, why on earth would they say this? Of all things, not only is that not remotely believable, but easily disproven by a call to the NA.

I'll leave it to you dear reader to draw your own conclusions, but the DOI is the key document, not The Constitution, and if it is coming up now it might be worth examining as to why.

Just because...

National Treasure Film

Benjamin Franklin Gates, a historian, along with friend Riley Poole and archivist Abigail Chase, search for a massive lost Freemason treasure, of which a map is hidden on the back of the Declaration of Independence, pointing to the secret location of this "national treasure".

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, reading between the lines... Are these Foundations merging because they've had so much of their money seized that they can only function by "pooling their kittys"?

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