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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 08:55 PM
Muskinator keeping the boot on the throat.

Q @snowden

Q Snowden

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

CrankyOldMan, do you too believe that if the time comes for citizens to replace our government, as the constitution encourages, we should do so by focusing only on the top evil people in charge, and NOT by destroying half the country, which is akin to using a stick of dynamite to get rid of the mouse in the kitchen?

I can always count on you to reveal the temperature of the collective. TY.

I've seen this pop up a few times in the last 24hrs.

There are two answers to that. One, the goons and ghouls would be more than happy for us to nuke it all, so when cornered they'll put out this energy for us to feel, and hopefully create.

The second answer is more to the point. Macro and Micro always match. So if I were to decide CWM's house is run wrong, and I'm even kind of right, throwing everyone out into the street would not result in meaningful change, but trauma, stress and decisions made on fear.

Now, let's add what brought this to my attention first.

Someone asking about this: Order Our Of Chaos, the goons and ghouls desire - the treadmill of destruction and rebuild. Can we escape the pattern?

Now, let's add the final piece. Most of us are ill equipped to shed out mind control fast enough to see that the old way sucked bad, the current way sucks really bad, and we'd remake a combination of the two systems if living in a real world Lord Of The Flies.

So. All of that said. We'll move slowly, too slow for most of us, but there is no other way. DJT showed us that by exposing the reaction to change regarding reducing Red Tape alone. Hell the SES blockade has to go and it's not taught in civics class as "branch of government."

The financial system event will dictate the pace and the direction of the new direction(s). VERY important to remember, the new system will look like the NWO to 50% of the population and Liberation to 50%. Both will be right, in a way, the tell tale sign is the direction. Net Negative or Net Positive?

Looks Net Positive right now, but we need more in our column to be sure.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 09:17 PM
Brazil is on the clock. Watch.

Right now as I see it, the energy centers that are upfront, or the battle lines are:

Brazil = Election Fraud, will of the people.

Ukraine = Winter = Russia resolving the matter.

China = CCP breakup.

Team Joe = Old Guard.

In the background is the Financial System:

Brazil Via BRICS.

Russia Via Multipolar Level Playing Field.

China Via BRICS/CCP.

Team Joe Via Treasury/FED.


posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 10:05 PM
The Twenty-Seven Most Embarrassing Reactions to Taibbi Thread About Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Tweets

Construct Tweet: [Say formerly respected or once great, etc.] Matt Taibbi [call it PR or comms or like that] for the [world’s richest man, the richest person in the world, so on]. Quote tweet thread. [hashtag optional].

That’s it. That’s the tweet. (Singular).

"There is no such thing as operation mockingbird, 4AM talking points, that's a conspiracy theory."

Okay. What explains this phenomenon?

Mockingbird. (someone sends out a template, people use it)

Group mind. (people are interconnected in some way and spontaneously repeat what is in their hive mind as if it is original thought)

All Social Media is just bots. (All bots, no humans, one program center acting like millions of accounts)

Human Bots. (Human bots, taking orders from an AI of some sort, appearing to be human on teeeveee, and on social media)

So which conspiracy is it?

[not mutually exclusive btw].

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 10:52 PM
Not sure if mentioned before...we have been talking about extreme prices for goods...
pizza, furniture, fashion & so on, but was there mention about Hunter's paintings being
sold involving minor sex trafficking? They sell for $75k to $500k? Sorry if I missed it...

I am pretty sure I picked up the Rona...started with phlegm yesterday morning...I had a Drs
appt up north yesterday & no masking (they require it at hospital here)...
However I had Vet appt with me dog on mask.
Even tho I am compromised due to surviving toxic mold, I still hv to try & build up me immune system
so I stopped masking on me Birthday in March 2022.

Not trying to derail the thread since we have been talking about C19 & Q....
I am following FLCCC but could not find the nasal spray needed today & I know
Xlear with zylitol is awesome, ran out before this ...will pick up 2mro.
A nice strong Martini & a CBD gummy bear on board got me thru the night.
However chest may be starting to feel a wee bit.

You are ALL so appreciated & I respect all the intelligence, research & etc. Sorry I did not mean to
carry on but I truly mean it!

Cheers & Love to ALL!!!

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 11:18 PM
This thread by Navieko is detailing happenings in Australia.

Pertinent to all of us. He nailed it.



posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

can see all the private government and NWO private accounts.

He just bought himself the biggest blackmail library in history.

Best investment ever?

No wonder they going ape$#!+

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Ektar
Start looking into alternative treatments against bacterial infections, not viral.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:42 AM
I haven't logged into ATS in quite some time, but I had to for this. I don't have a link or clip (and woudnt know how to post if I did), but something I just saw on Fox News.

They were interviewing Maddie's dad(Moscow stabbing victim). At the end of the interview they asked him to tell them about Maddie. You get the usual. She was smart. She wanted to be faster than her boy relatives. Then....she was conservative and was always researching and would call him and text him to tell him about child trafficking and how it's a much bigger issue than anyone knows!!!

So...she was probably targeted. Makes me wonder if she was a Q person? Who was she talking to about this? Was she on TikTok or IG spreading info?
edit on 4-12-2022 by nikkib0421 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Your honor, I object to the demonization of Hinduism and present supporting evidence. I ask for reframing of Hindu gods and...

1. Being a student of Sanatana Dharma for many years, it is called Hinduism because of the of the many gifts that keeps on giving.
2. The British explorers/translators did to India, and Africa, what they did to the Americas including raped, pillaged and rewrote/reframed the teachings.
3. Hinduism, in it's purest form is monotheistic, one Supreme source, one God of all. The rest are helpers not unlike Angels, many with very specific roles. Vaikuntha meaning "without anxiety." A life lived in service to God and family is without anxiety.
4. Each of us has a group of lovely devas cheering us on and tossing rose petals upon us when we do what is right and good.
5. The two guards outside Vishnu's abode were fallen, not evil.
6. Vijaya is a common term for victory. Scroll down to v

I think this better explains her karma.
Also, there is no evil, there is no EVIL. There is only evil thinking, acting, doing, bad bad choices, made for bad reasons. We're all capable but desiring to know God can be mighty helpful.
edit on 4-12-2022 by GopiGrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I did see on tgram that someone said it is a type of weapon???? I haven't found anything on that yet.

It's a Buddhist prayer implement.

And apparently I don't know how to add pics here anymore...

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 10:51 AM
No follow up sauce. Curious, I suppose pennies on the dollar, fire sale sort to thing.

I was curious, so checked with a few thousand more knowledgeable than I.

I wondered why the rage about losing money on FTX seemed to be nonexistent, maybe I was missing it. Seems in the CrptoSphere there is very little outrage among the Crytoaddicts. I knew folks who lost with Madoff, word spread fast about their outrage, even on teeveee, oddly, they were never concerned while making 30% a year.

So who "lost" the billions?

Hilarious, thread on twitter about twitter censoring at the behest of gov goons, gleaned from the LA Case.

Email leaks reveal Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was in regular communication with Twitter telling them who to censor
edit on 4-12-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Had no idea who Kiva is, but apparently he supported Russia in the war and moved to Russia when it happened.

Not saying he is right or wrong, but given his situation, his comment is unsurprising.


posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: Enderdog

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I did see on tgram that someone said it is a type of weapon???? I haven't found anything on that yet.

It's a Buddhist prayer implement.

And apparently I don't know how to add pics here anymore...

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 11:06 AM
@Jeff Carlson
Recap of the Elon Live Stream.

BTW, there was a sadly amusing sequence were former Obama staffer Tommy Vietor jumped and asked if Elon would make Twitter accessible in China.

Vietor had to be cut off and told that it was China who was blocking Twitter, not Elon...


Real Time Reality Creation.

Elon was just asked why he bought Twitter. This was his answer:

"My biological neural net concluded it's important to buy Twitter. If Twitter was not bought and steered in a good direction it would be a danger for the future of civilization. And so that's why I bought it."

Fun fact. Jeff is from the epoch times, who is Q-uoted here often = he's brilliant. While determining when to return to this mob with my brand of irritating spam, I got two deliveries of the Epoch Times to my door 2x. I returned to pester this Motley Crew, and, sadly, the hard copy stopped showing up (who knew they had a hard copy?).

edit on 4-12-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: tallcool1
You are making me blush.

Just a little background about absorbing reading material. When I was in Jr High I was selected for a special class, in fact a very odd class. I was taken to a darkened room and a screen was set up. The instructor then projected a round light with words in a sentence bouncing along. Afterwards I would have to take a test to see how much detail I retained. Each day the words would be projected at a faster and faster pace and each time I would have to take a test.
Oddly no one else in the class was selected. Suddenly the class stopped, which at the time I assumed that I had reached the level of speed reading and comprehension that they, whoever they were, wanted me to achieve.

To think that was all done years ago. I suppose this is a skill that is proving important right now as so much material has to be sifted through. When one thinks about it this is really rather odd.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 12:03 PM
Just when one thinks things cannot get stranger.
Bill Gates, the prolific reader has read 4 books twice. One of the books is called "Turtles All The Way Down" by John Green.
This book circles around a missing billionaire.
Not sure why this is showing up now but #Where is Bill Gates? He seems strangely quiet recently. I expected him to be tweeting like crazy about his daughter's announcement of her pregnancy.
Bill Gates List of Books Read Twice

Jennifer Gates Announces Pregnancy

Billy tweets everything, as in every detail. Like who would tweet that they drank treated sewage water but then does not tweet about his daughter?
This announcement in the face of his fondness of depopulation.
Gem: Turtlesallthewaydown

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 12:17 PM
Balenciaga/Simpsons movie

I am actually quite disappointed with myself as I expected to find all kinds of symbolism but I got nothing.
Am I supposed to avoid this stuff and leave it for RATS?
Because IMO PG is about to be revisited as the Balenciaga connections link right back to it. And that is when Q began to unite us all under one banner.
For me.

I knew about it for 30 years and it was and has been all around me and everyone seemed oblivious to it.
6 years ago I considered it impossible to change.

Men seemed only willing to pursue the blessings of moloch worship who is the god of luxury and commerce.
Baal worship and human sacrifice has been behind all nation building for 6000 years.
The Priest/King cult that started with Nimrod and Semiramis went from Babylon-Pergamum-Rome and exists today(or did) known as "the crown" and the mystery religion behind the secret societies (Semiramis)
This is the mother/son cult signified by all the depictions of the mother holding a child.
Semiramis and Tammuz.
Semiramis was the daughter of Shem, who married the son of Cush, Nimrod and also her own son, Tammuz. Pure evil she was, though born a Shemite.
Though Caesars took the title of priest/king as pontif (papa, father) it was later separated in duties within "the crown" between the so-called royals and the true power, the Vatican.
This was the empire of the city/state we just experienced where the world was ruled by the "City" London, the "City" Vatican and the "City" Washington. (Finance, Religion, Military) i.e., the empire of the city. They are a death cult and rule through assassination.
Which is why I believe in Q.
This HAS TO BE a generational plan to take this cult down as they have infiltrated every country through their god of commerce and the millennial control of infiltration of port cities.
Q IMO has to be a "plan" that is generational.
This is not something out of the blue.
It is 6000 year old cult that was intending to bring world order and worship to moloch.
This cult demands human sacrifice to both moloch and Semiramis(Esther).

So, this new thing we call "the Q plan" is thousands of years in planning and failures, Centuries in planning behind families that are targeted for assassination and at least decades in going kinetic with it's execution.

We are all blessed to be alive to see this happening IRT, IRL.
The end of a 6000 year old death cult.
This is the only time in the entire documented history where I can identify we have a chance to end the evil behind the exploitation of our children to satisfy the bloodlust in worship of moloch/Esther.
For me

I have known for 30 years and I cannot compromise my beliefs.
I was seriously contemplating which cave I needed to run and hide in just 6 years ago in anticipation of the purge that was to come when that literal witch Hillary came into power.
But miracle of miracles happened in such a short time and I have gone from despair and cowardice(I knew), to hope.
I see now that this is truly biblical. I believe we are all experiencing a jubilee of jubilees.
Where the slaves are truly and forever set free.
The coming months are going to test men's hearts.
Discernment is key.
We are blessed here with so many that enlighten us for this task of discernment.
All false gods are being brought into the light for all to see.
We have the opportunity to decide to whom we serve. In deed and in truth.
There is no more time for compromise.
If we do not do it now we will fall into darkness and despair with only the hope that is so openly mocked today, that Father intercede and save us from ourselves.
This is that time in all of recorded history where we can overcome this darkness that holds us captive.
We must all choose now.
There is no compromise to this evil.
For me, I am blessed to discern the times.
These last 5 years have filled me with hope.
No cave for me(think Plato's cave).
I can no longer compromise for promises and pursuits of luxury and leisure.
If we fail this opportunity our children and their children's children are destined for the most dystopian future of "humans as currency" the darkest hearts can imagine, and those darkened hearts will be in complete control.
No compromise from here.
Never compromise
PG needs to be renamed to molochgate

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 12:37 PM
Balenciaga fighting back with a little help from friends.

This isn't going to age well.
"Many users also tried to connect the ads to a false conspiracy theory from QAnon- a far-right-wing, loosely organized network and community of believers- that centers on the idea that a cabal of Satan worshipping elitist pedophiles have long controlled much of the so-called deep state government."

All because they placed in their add the 2008 Supreme Court decision banning promotion and distribution of child pornography. And then doubled down with the child bondage theme.

Demna "once dressed Ms. Kardashian for a red carpet event in a skintight ensemble that entirely covered her face." It looks really ugly. Who would want to go out in public in something like that.
Kim Kardashian Red Carpet Event
Balenciaga Implements Changes

Could this link to #1258
Should we tell the good people the day and time?
Red carpet roll out?
Think logically.
The world is watching.

The article was published 9/11 and Kimmy used a knife emoji. The Met Gala which has a red carpet was on the 13th. I can't imagine she took her children with her dressed up like that.

(post by SMOKINGGUN2012 removed for political trolling and baiting)

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