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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 10:58 PM

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: daskakik
It is about tallying them. We only go with the ones we can prove not how many that failed. All that matters is the truth, the dead ends are just that. See how easy that is?

Someone here has a "I don't see it, I don't hear it" approach after we have seen and heard it for real. That is where we are here on a case by case basis. I do sometimes agree with you on some observations too. Nothing wrong with being right. Nothing wrong with working to prove something that helps us all here and not get lost in the weeds when it is often very simple.

I got here on this thread because I choose freedoms I want to see restored. And to discuss scrutiny over gov employees/elected officials to follow our COTUS and not the Chinese overlords that it appears hired them. The positives we glean from this, are things that we can take with us like Hunter's laptop is now proven to be what we on this site knew it was all along. At least for many of us. Where were you on Hunter's laptop being fake? Where you a nothing to see here on that laptop and Wiener's laptop?

edit on 23-11-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Comey might not be what people think he is.

I agree and have since the beginning. I think he may be a white hat acting a part. His words and actions were and are discordant. Reminds me of the Pied Piper.


posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
It is about tallying them. We only go with the ones we can prove not how many that failed.

And sometimes I don't agree with what you consider proof. That is just how things are and why I don't put stock in your tally.

Someone here has a "I don't see it, I don't hear it" approach after we have seen and heard it for real.

Again, you are not getting my point. Who cares if you can see it and hear it if you can't do anything about it. That is where Q is supposed to step in and make the difference.

You can talk about what you see and hear anywhere else on ATS but these are the Q threads so, Q being real and being able to do what they claim is the crux of the matter.

Where were you on Hunter's laptop being fake? Where you a nothing to see here on that laptop and Wiener's laptop?

Like I said in my previous post, I don't care if they are real or fake.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 12:42 AM

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman
a reply to: pheonix358

edit on 24-11-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
a reply to: RookQueen

Hey guys, the disappearing posts you mentioned. It has something to do with the way the site works. Causes the post function to not work sometimes. I can't remember the specifics, and I didn't see a thread on it in the Board Business Forum in the brief look that I took. I think it might happen at a specific time every hour, like minutes 29 and 59 or something like that.

Best way I've found to try and prevent it is to right click and copy your post before you hit the post button to back it up just in case. I've had some epic posts disappear too on account of that weird bug.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: FlyingFox

I do hope some intervening authority is closely scrutinizing and documenting these apparent frauds. If we can spot it from the armchair just reading some independent media, it's got to be easy to document for any investigating authority with sufficient access to surveil the scenes of the crimes. At least, you'd think so.
This has got to be the quote of the year. It must apply to dozens of events identified right in these threads.

The fact that so much blatant shadiness has apparently gone unaddressed by authorities has become the foundational anomaly that requires some kind of conspiratorial explanation, Q or no Q. Anyone who says, ah nope, nothing to see here, must be deaf, dumb, and blind. Or they are part of the conspiracy.

I think you have to keep in mind the psychology and social dynamics of the situation too though.

Cognitive dissonance plays a big part for many. Many turn away mentally, or at the least can't process it all at once, because the problem is so vast as to seem overwhelming. It also involves so many horrible and repugnant things, that fact also tends to shut people's brains down.

The social dynamics of bureaucracy also play a role for most who are part of that bureaucracy. Taking up against the system you are a part of often renders you the enemy in the eyes of that system, or at least a malignant aspect of it that must immediately be cut away to protect the bureaucratic machine. This is a powerful incentive for many not to act I'm sure, as they will wish to protect themselves or their families.

It's also a social dynamic that comes into play regardless of any knowledge or lack thereof of any conspiracy. People will protect their bureaucratic machine out of a sense of loyalty and chivalry at times, even when it's wrong. There's a tendency to be protective of the agency(authority) you represent, even to a fault at times.

There are also those who have been successfully mind controlled, and those who have been compromised by blackmail or intimidation.

I agree with you essentially, I just thought I should add that there are these other categories and dynamics that are an important part of that equation. I've seen all this at work in real life as it directly relates to these types of topics. Interacting with people over the years, and encouraging them to think about these important issues, these types of reactions to this type of information are common. Hopefully the times we are living in are helping more to clear these hurdles than have in the past.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 07:40 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!

They were laughing about the fraud all the way back in April 2021


Democratic Rep. Arrested for Stalking Woman Twice, Violating Protective Order

Hudson Police Department report that Laughton’s Nov. 12 detention was the second time officers arrested the representative in less than three months. Laughton was arrested in September for violating the same court order but was released shortly thereafter, according to The Daily Wire
read the comment

Gunman Who Killed 6 People in Walmart Shooting Rampage Was Store Employee, Police Confirm

The comments from the police chief come after a video emerged of an employee claiming a store manager carried out the mass shooting.
Kevin Harper, a Walmart employee who managed to flee the store, said in a video that “we lost a few of our associates.”
. Please for the love of god stop shopping at Wal Mart
Presidential achievements

Twitter users were quick to pan the post with many pointing to the severe inflation and rising prices as cause for strong pushback to the claims pushed by the Biden administration.
Careful Exploding Turkeys?Talk about passing gas?
Tips from the White House

White House Publishes Tips for Dealing With Your Republican Uncle Over The Holidays

Uncle? What about Cousins Aunts Nephews nieces Gramps & Granny?
Should the WH stick to what they know (weird handsy relatives who sniff?)

Judge Preska overrode objections from Tom Pritzker, the billionaire executive chairman of the Hyatt Hotels, and ordered material related to him be made public
Interesting What country did his family come from


Dozens of court docs relating to eight of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's associates - including billionaire hotel magnate - will be UNSEALED after judge rules public interest outweighs right to privacy

edit on 2022/11/24 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
It is about tallying them. We only go with the ones we can prove not how many that failed.

And sometimes I don't agree with what you consider proof. That is just how things are and why I don't put stock in your tally.

Someone here has a "I don't see it, I don't hear it" approach after we have seen and heard it for real.

Again, you are not getting my point. Who cares if you can see it and hear it if you can't do anything about it. That is where Q is supposed to step in and make the difference.

You can talk about what you see and hear anywhere else on ATS but these are the Q threads so, Q being real and being able to do what they claim is the crux of the matter.

Where were you on Hunter's laptop being fake? Where you a nothing to see here on that laptop and Wiener's laptop?

Like I said in my previous post, I don't care if they are real or fake.

I am getting your points and am countering the proper way IMO. You don't care comes thru a lot. Thanks for admitting it at least.

One day, maybe in heaven even, you will get it. It will come to you like a tidal wave of realization. Here is to that day coming soon! I will remind you it is about the actual data that sometimes you have to agree is accurate even to your tastes. Enough of this.

What specifics makes you say Hunters laptop means nothing to you if it is real or fake?

Huge issue actually. Isn't that a stretch to say something like that now with the Earth shattering news from that information being the media finally admitting it wasn't a Russian Hoax and all that means?

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 09:37 AM
FF I know you picked the photo's, but I can't help but see "a shape of an L" on Mueller's forehead, kinda. He doesn't pass the eyeball test for brains for some reason already. These pics don't help my perception of him. Barr has that serious ability to BS that must mean he is smarter than Mueller for certain. Will they end up shackled together at Gitmo? Not likely, but it would not be a total shock. I am not ready to believe they all have been tried and executed any more than the leftists on this board. I don't wish them dead, but whomever has justice coming have used up their freedom from their Karma by now.

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: crankyoldman
a reply to: pheonix358

edit on 24-11-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:33 AM
Good Morning……Thankful for you All ! 🌾

Whatever this day brings, large or small gatherings, Traditional Feast or Sushi, Football or Movies ( lol, maybe some awesome conversation
) I hope we all lay our heads on our pillows tonight feeling fulfilled that we put our best Hearts forward. 🥰

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:01 AM
Yknow, even though ICEBro 0311 isn't allowed to post on account of his job for the time being, I know hes here.

I like seeing that the new Rep House will be focusing on human trafficking involving the Bidens both at the border and abroad.

Im looking forward to hearing from our ICEmarine soon.

the situation has altered course

Just The News put together a terrifying report on the announcement by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations. Data released Monday unearthed that the agency arrested more than 130 sex offenders illegally present in the United States in a nationwide campaign.

ICE’s removal office conducted 3,415 arrests of noncitizens for sexual assaults last fiscal year, authorities said.

He's been a busy bee.
edit on 11 24 2022 by dashen because: 🐝

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
Stumbled into this today

At this point y not
good laugh

Best meme on the internet right now. Watch till the end.

edit on 2022/11/24 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:26 AM

There was a login to your account @DashenAnon from a new device.
New login Device: Chrome on Android
Location*: Ashburn, VA, USA
When: Thursday, November 24, 2022 at 8:53 AM PST (25 minutes ago)

*Location is approximate based on the login's IP address.

Uh oh.

Welp, it's been real, see yall at the Gitmo Spa!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:30 AM
Lori Spencer
An archive of tens of thousands of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email are inaccessible.

The Democratic National Committee emails, provided to #WikiLeaks ahead of the 2016 election are gone from

“Search” bar broken!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: dashen
Yknow, even though ICEBro 0311 isn't allowed to post on account of his job for the time being, I know hes here.

I like seeing that the new Rep House will be focusing on human trafficking involving the Bidens both at the border and abroad.

Im looking forward to hearing from our ICEmarine soon.

the situation has altered course

Just The News put together a terrifying report on the announcement by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations. Data released Monday unearthed that the agency arrested more than 130 sex offenders illegally present in the United States in a nationwide campaign.

ICE’s removal office conducted 3,415 arrests of noncitizens for sexual assaults last fiscal year, authorities said.

He's been a busy bee.

He did bring the connections to our awareness in detail. Seems that this is bubbling up. Begs the question again: Why is Elon's ownership doing this, not the previous?

This tweet reads: Twitter facilitated child trafficking prior to my arrival, even with all those invaluable employees.

The polarity point response to this becoming mainstream is going to be something to behold.

Include this CLIP, this victim of the Muskinator was a content moderator.
edit on 24-11-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:44 AM
Oh, poor m.A.L.I.C.E., relegated to doing crossover characters.


m.A.L.I.C.E.'s minions tomorrow "seeeee, this kid was MAGA damnit."

Best part of about her and her minions is their inability to course correct, it means there is ZERO point to engaging it, and only a fool would do this at this point.

Might be worth watching with the This "is all algorithms gone mad" glasses on, then the "makes no sense" aspect makes sense.
edit on 24-11-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:51 AM
Klaus Schwab has been busy again. If we had any doubt China is the role model for his infamous systemic transformation.
Kluas Schqab again

The Great Resist has made a good thread roll out of Schwab and friends.
The Great Resist Tweet

May be jab related in combination with other issues. Male Fertility Plummets

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: FlyingFox

I do hope some intervening authority is closely scrutinizing and documenting these apparent frauds. If we can spot it from the armchair just reading some independent media, it's got to be easy to document for any investigating authority with sufficient access to surveil the scenes of the crimes. At least, you'd think so.
This has got to be the quote of the year. It must apply to dozens of events identified right in these threads.

The fact that so much blatant shadiness has apparently gone unaddressed by authorities has become the foundational anomaly that requires some kind of conspiratorial explanation, Q or no Q. Anyone who says, ah nope, nothing to see here, must be deaf, dumb, and blind. Or they are part of the conspiracy.

I certainly hold everyone accountable who is in some kind of authority to do something, but doesn’t. Yes, they are included says me.
…and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, including all of you non-US. Giving thanks for all of what we all hope happens soon.

edit on 24-11-2022 by Kaiju666 because: (no reason given)

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