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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 11:39 AM
This is kind of big if they can follow through. There has been four or so years of "Twitter Moderation" vs "Twitter Censorship" polarity points embedded in the collective consciousness. This is a pretty huge implant to exploit.

'This is necessary to restore public trust': Elon Musk says he will reveal all secret documents about Twitter's decision to ban Hunter Biden laptop story

One person wrote: 'Raise your hand if you think [Musk] should make public all internal discussions about the decision to censor the story on Hunter Biden's laptop before the 2020 Election in the interest of Transparency.'

Musk responded: 'This is necessary to restore public trust.'

What would have, or will, get more attention? The contents of the Laptop or the entire mechanism for suppressing it from being exposed? We know folks don't read, twitter headlines are the food of choice for those who cannot be bothered. The laptop requires making huge connections. The details of censoring mechanisms might be digestible. Of course within that data dump might be lots of other content censorship details.

Shocking I see zero eneMedia folks demanding to know why Twitter didn't ban those child exploitation hashtags before Muskinator showed up?

The threat of exposing this has folks shaking I guarantee. I'd like to see them follow through+++.

A.I. Polarity Speak is all this is, there is no hypocrisy, no lesson to be learned, just A.I. swinging from one "side" to the other per design. Still funny.

CrazyFox, I see what you did there = excellent.
Good to see you Pteridine.
Good to see you Xactamundo, hang in.
edit on 25-11-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: pteridine

Well, why not him? or anyone for that matter. Who are these many other info gurus? What makes you think his message will be twisted or that he has no credence yet? What makes you think "they" are targeting a specific demographic? I'm really not following your logic here...

Doesn't it make you suspicious that he suddenly appeared on the scene with a guitar, a giant cowboy hat, and many platforms to spout on? His rhetoric as the injured military "hero," scolding those who would question his knowledge, rings false to me. I don't trust him.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 11:48 AM

There was a login to your account @DashenAnon from a new device.
New login Device: Chrome on Android
Location*: Ashburn, VA, USA
When: Friday, November 25, 2022 at 1:24 AM PST (8 hours ago)

Yea, so I changed my password and they did it again.

All I can say is I love the government I disavow the letter q the number 17 Pizza Donald Trump and anything else that puts me on the G-Man naughty list

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Certain people have been doing this religiously for centuries...

Animals are being converted to Religion.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:21 PM
More about the Epstein "situation".
Staley wiki reveals >Staley Wiki

Snow White. He used this term which is in quite a few ku posts. Could Snow White be JPMorgan Chase?
Staley and Epstein shared 1200 e-mails where this term crops up.
"A Daily Main articles notes that they had seen e-mails by Epstein that 'he had been arguing for Mr. Staley in financial circles in the summer of 2012' while Barclays was searching for a new CEO." He appears to have been actively recruiting for Staley, his "man for the job".

Following the wives> His wife Debora Nitzan Staley also happens to be Jewish.
Epstein is Jewish as well.
Epstein and His Fellow Jews: not a happy story

"What I found producing this series was that there was a pattern of Epstein making close associations with powerful Jewish business men throughout his career....Infiltrate and exploit."
Connecting some people> Epstein-Robert Maxwell-G. Maxwell- Wexner- Leon Black- Hoffenberg.
Not sure if this is true but Epstein claimed to have contacts with Israeli Intelligence.
Circling back to Ku#577 [Snow White link].
Expand your thinking
Planned [3]

Okay we have #1 Staley, #2 Mary Erdoes and then there is #3 Paul Morris, who just happened to be one of Epstein's private wealth managers at both Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase. Talking big $ here.
Morris e-mailed his boss and told them that "Epstein's accounts could generate $100 - $300 million in money flows and $2 million to $4 million in annual fees."

Rel do you think that this is possible?

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:30 PM
Yeah, that’s not good. Now you need to change the password for that account, and the email account you registered with. Are you using two-factor authentication?

Hopefully your computer isn’t compromised. If changing those passwords doesn’t work (and enabling two-factor authentication), I would move on to “scorched earth.”

originally posted by: dashen

There was a login to your account @DashenAnon from a new device.
New login Device: Chrome on Android
Location*: Ashburn, VA, USA
When: Friday, November 25, 2022 at 1:24 AM PST (8 hours ago)

Yea, so I changed my password and they did it again.

All I can say is I love the government I disavow the letter q the number 17 Pizza Donald Trump and anything else that puts me on the G-Man naughty list

edit on 11/25/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:35 PM
Has this last name ever come up as an elite, Kress or the company Green Bay Packaging? The Kress lineage would be from Germany.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 12:47 PM
Some more on Epstein and Deutsche Bank
Who did Morris e-mail to at Deutsche Bank about Epstein? Charles Packard, head of the American Wealth Management division.
Just a bit about red flags and human trafficking...
"Once the Epstein relationship was underway, D.B. executives ignored repeated red flags, including suspiciously large cash withdrawals and 120 wire transfers totaling $2.65 million to women of Eastern European surnames and people who had been publicly identified as Mr. Epstein's co-conspirators, according to the consent order."
These Banksters have names.
Tracking resignations. Paul Morris left DB and headed over to Merrill.
Tracking Paul Morris

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Caled

I think I'm going to rename all my devices Hunter Biden's laptop

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: dashen

There was a login to your account @DashenAnon from a new device.
New login Device: Chrome on Android
Location*: Ashburn, VA, USA
When: Friday, November 25, 2022 at 1:24 AM PST (8 hours ago)

Yea, so I changed my password and they did it again.

All I can say is I love the government I disavow the letter q the number 17 Pizza Donald Trump and anything else that puts me on the G-Man naughty list

Download the free version of Malwarebytes ( and let it look around in your computer. Do the same with Adaware if you still have problems.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 01:24 PM
My senses went crazy when he 1st came on the scene because of the timing and his message as well as some ability for his message to come out at all unhindered.
Without a doubt a plant.

Let me add he started a a Christian singer even.

When you attempt to read tells you begin by watching to establish a baseline. Either truth teller or a storyteller(lies easily)
The same tell means different for each baseline.

The guy does not lie.

I am 90/10 he is WH military setup to establish the narrative.
They chose him for his character as well as his skillsets and true patriotism.
He is getting his act down pat
In the beginning his stuff was highly edited as he was getting comfortable with the camera but now he has his act tight and is killing his interviews.
He sticks with his material which is Law of War Manual.

He has me convinced of what I already knew but he is vocalizing it clearly with correct definitions, like us being under military occupation.
The only other time in history where we can use as a previous example is the 1870-1879 when Grant was president after the civil war and we're under military occupation until they ratified us as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. in 1876.
The Generals that are not DS had a dire predicament in doing nothing. They would go down in the history books of the USA being taken over by foreign forces without a fight, on THEIR WATCH.
Now their job is to avoid a civil war and pass the power back to civilian authority asap.
The Generals are the producers and the directors of this movie now.
The DS has everything to lose now and things worldwide have never been more dangerous.
Joe Biden the actor is a military puppet placed in this position to fulfill a purpose as is an awful lot of other prominent figures now are.
Just look at the new Fauxci as Cranky astutely pointed out.

Yeah, they chose Derek Johnson for this role.
Most likely he was already passionately pursuing the truth in his own manner on his own.
But to me it is obvious he has has help because of how tight his narrative keeps getting.
In the past only BH's were co-intel pro but with DJ it has WH behind it.
A house divided is sure to fall....
I have found nothing DJ has done that is a dychotomy

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: pteridine

Well, why not him? or anyone for that matter. Who are these many other info gurus? What makes you think his message will be twisted or that he has no credence yet? What makes you think "they" are targeting a specific demographic? I'm really not following your logic here...

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
Has this last name ever come up as an elite, Kress or the company Green Bay Packaging? The Kress lineage would be from Germany.

Top 50 Most Influential Leaders: The Kress Family

Kress Family

The Kress Family and the George Kress Foundation are long standing supporters of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and the Athletics Department in particular.

Still digging....
edit on 25/11/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: pteridine

Doesn't it make you suspicious that he suddenly appeared on the scene with a guitar, a giant cowboy hat, and many platforms to spout on?

Maybe a little, but not enough to completely disregard the info. I trust no one anyway so, to me, he is no different than anyone else i get info from.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 01:59 PM
Since “5 by 5” seems to get repeated mention, I wondered what it meant. Don’t know if it has been mentioned before. No links since it isn’t worth the trouble.

“The phrase "five by five" is used several times in the movie Event Horizon to refer to a ship being fully operational. In the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith used the phrase "Five by Five." No one in the show knew what she meant by this.”

“Five by five is a radio communications expression that means 'loud and clear'. ... “

“Five by five (disambiguation) — Five by five may refer to: a phrase used in radio communication to mean I understand you perfectly.”

“Five by five by extension has come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in situations other than radio communication, the way Loud and Clear entered slang, post-WW2.”

These are all from the initial returns page of a search.

I remembered the phrase from the Buffy show years ago, so I thought it might have a specific meaning. Was there any different conclusion with respect to this thread? “fully operational” might be relevant.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 02:01 PM
Ok, not related to your post other than you say you are Welsh.
I mentioned to Rel about the Paleo Hebrew Pictographs and the ancient Hebrew language.
It is said today that the last 2 people's that speak ancient Hebrew in it's closest dialect are the Welsh, and the Cherokee.

The Cherokee do not have DNA that matchup with any other American Indian tribe.
Their closest DNA match to any people are the Scottish.
I suspect their link to the Scots are the same as yours.
The Cherokee syllabary is here

I have listened to the Cherokee songs and can hear almost all vowels are "a". But I cannot hear it in the Welsh and it confuses me.
I would like your opinion on hearing Cherokee if you hear it.

a reply to: angelchemuel

edit on 25-11-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
You really have a way of missing what is actually being said.

I'm not ignoring the actual facts, I'm just not shocked by them and I just don't share your "feelings" on them.

There is a reason why TheBadCabbie said "I do hope some intervening authority is closely scrutinizing and documenting these apparent frauds." a few pages back. The bigger point is that feelings, yours, mine or anyone else's, don't make a difference. Again, that slack was what Q and company were supposed to make up.

What happens if some intervening authority, Q or any other, doesn't act?

Nothing happens if someone doesn't act. If that keeps up we will be speaking Chinese and toys for the CCP politburo.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: nerbot
Thank you for helping. I'm still digging too.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I am no linguist, so really can't comment other than to give you the Lord's prayer in all 6 Celtic languages.

I don't know and have never heard of Welsh being closest to Hebrew.
However, there was a Welsh chap who argued that Brethonic (which is where Welsh evolved from) was the original language and later Welsh was spoken across the whole of the UK in ancient times. For example, the original name for Glasgow was Glas Coed, a Welsh name. He also traced the Welsh all the way back to Egyptian times and that any Welsh speaker could translate/interpret hieroglyphics from the earliest times . I think his surname was Wilson. He also believed the Ark of the Covenant was buried in mid-Wales somewhere. Fascinating stuff. I'll see if I can find one of his interviews.
Aha! Alan Wilson a historian and author.
Found an excellent link with some of his talks/lectures including one where Prince Madoc's (Welsh) went to America in AD 562 which might indeed back up your Cherokee link.
Alan Wilson
To be fair though, I bet there are several threads about his theories buried here on ATS archives. If there aren't, there should be!
Here's a video of him being interviewed by the author of a book based on Wilson's work reading hieroglyphics using the Welsh language.

And I've found it.... here he is explaining how if you can speak Welsh you can read hieroglyphs...

Enjoy! I remember burning the midnight oil many years ago watching everything I could get my hands on this interesting man had done.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 03:12 PM
Actually, the intended meaning may be “best quality.” “1 by 1” is worst quality, and it is on a 5 point scale.

originally posted by: cimmerius
Since “5 by 5” seems to get repeated mention, I wondered what it meant. Don’t know if it has been mentioned before. No links since it isn’t worth the trouble.

“The phrase "five by five" is used several times in the movie Event Horizon to refer to a ship being fully operational. In the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith used the phrase "Five by Five." No one in the show knew what she meant by this.”

“Five by five is a radio communications expression that means 'loud and clear'. ... “

“Five by five (disambiguation) — Five by five may refer to: a phrase used in radio communication to mean I understand you perfectly.”

“Five by five by extension has come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in situations other than radio communication, the way Loud and Clear entered slang, post-WW2.”

These are all from the initial returns page of a search.

I remembered the phrase from the Buffy show years ago, so I thought it might have a specific meaning. Was there any different conclusion with respect to this thread? “fully operational” might be relevant.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
What would have, or will, get more attention? The contents of the Laptop or the entire mechanism for suppressing it from being exposed? We know folks don't read, twitter headlines are the food of choice for those who cannot be bothered. The laptop requires making huge connections. The details of censoring mechanisms might be digestible.

Often times, it’s not the crime, but the cover-up that brings a player down.

That concept also applies to the petition before the Supreme Court that we have seen mentioned. It isn’t against the 2020 election fraud itself. It’s against the failure of authorities to allow a ten day period to investigate complaints of fraud as required by law. Widespread election fraud becomes complex to prove. Violation of one very specific law is potentially much easier to prove.

I doubt anything major will be done over what is essentially a technicality, after refusing to investigate the fraud itself. But it is an important technicality. There is some talk, for what it’s worth, that the SC has accepted the case.

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