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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:32 PM
Fed Emergency Loans to Banks Post First Rise in Five Weeks

Banks increased emergency borrowings from the Federal Reserve for the first time in five weeks, indicating that financial stresses are lingering after a string of bank collapses last month.

The US central bank had $143.9 billion of loans outstanding to financial institutions through two backstop lending facilities in the week through April 19, compared with $139.5 billion the previous week, according to data published Thursday.

Cash-strapped banks borrowed $300 billion from the Fed’s emergency funds over the past week amid the global financial turmoil

Within the last 5 weeks the Fed has pumped nearly half a trillion dollars into the zombie banking system. They're keeping the system on life support.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:40 PM
Europe became the first major jurisdiction in the world to introduce a comprehensive crypto law called MiCA, which stands for Markets in Crypto Assets.

With MiCA Past the Finish Line, UK's Crypto Industry Calls for Rules of Its Own

The European Union finalized its wide-ranging markets in crypto assets (MiCA) legislation on Thursday, making it one of the first major jurisdictions to clarify its approach on supervising the sector.

U.K. Treasury Economic Secretary Andrew Griffith told CNBC that the government hopes to set out specific legislation for crypto in the next 12 months.

While the EU also made significant room for rulemaking around asset-backed stablecoins, the U.K. is attempting to regulate them as payments. Diverging from MiCA, the U.K.’s crypto proposals leave out areas such as settlement and financial advice.

Ripple Executive Praises EU's Forward-Thinking Approach to Crypto

Ripple executive Susan Friedman recently lauded the European Union's progressive approach to cryptocurrency regulation as the EU Parliament passed the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) legislation.

She emphasized Ripple's eagerness to build and grow in the European market, joining the ranks of other prominent crypto firms such as Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken in welcoming the new legislation.
edit on 21-4-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

A "Leap" Towards Humanity's Destruction

Wellcome Trust has spun off Wellcome Leap. Dystopia on steroids with DARPA [Regina Dugan, Ken Gabriel] teaming up with Wellcome Leap along with Jay Flaterley.

We have another connection to #4966> www.[m] wiki HTPA
Hypothalmic- pituatary-adrenal-axis
"The HPA[ hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal[ axis is mentioned throughout the document and this is significant as it is both a negative and positive feedback system regulating stress reactions, immunity, and also fertility in the human body.
The latter is especially important given the the Wellcome Trust's ties to the UK eugenics program."

All the Who's of Whosville have joined in along with DARPA. We have the WEF, Silicon Valley, Facebook, Google, Venture Funds, Illumina and our current favorite AI.
Wellcome Leap

Wellcome Leap News Announcement 02/02/2022

I went to check out their Twitter account.
Wellcome Leap Tweets

The Q " Will we allow ourselves to continue to be manipulated into allowing transhumanism and eugenics to be openly pursued and normalized, including through initiatives like those of Wellcome Leap that seek to use babies and toddlers as test subjects to advance their nightmarish vision for humanity."

The Trojan Horse [of course] will be a cure for cancer, a disease that has been turbo charged by the mRNA special jab.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I came across something special for you.
Guess when International Bat Appreciation Day is?
Bat Appreciation Day

Nothing suspicious about that, right?

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:48 PM
Putin has confirmed he will attend BRICS summit in Durban, says SA’s BRICS Sherpa

The ICC, of which South Africa is a full member, issued a warrant of arrest against Putin and urged 123 countries who are signatories to the Rome Statute to arrest him. 6c20b8

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:52 PM
A recession is coming — and stock markets won't come through it unscathed, strategist says< br />
MSM finally coming clean about the recession but they're not discussing how bad it's going to get.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 02:13 PM
I mentioned this a few weeks ago, it's pretty important. Most interesting my neighbor sued the government for years over this, he likes flying, couldn't win. Law of unintended consequences afflicts the moron class beyond all reason.

Brace yourself for airline price hikes and limited seats as U.S. prepares for a ‘tsunami’ of pilot retirement

“Over the next 15 years, approximately 50% of the workforce will be forced to retire,” Black said at Wednesday’s hearing. “When a pilot—typically a captain—retires from a larger airline, this sets off a trickle-down effect of upgrades, ultimately resulting in a pilot—typically a captain or captain-eligible first officer—being hired from a regional airline…Thousands of willing, healthy, and skilled pilots, who would like to continue working, are being forced out of the profession at age 65, to the detriment of air service across the country.”

Black pointed out that 12 large carriers alone hired more than 13,000 pilots last year, almost all of whom were sourced from regional airlines.

I know Alaska has a program to get HS students interested. I'm sure transeQuity will solve the problem. If not, we can see where this is going... A.I. my friends. But even the economist is not so sure.

while I don't agree with this, it is amusing to think that the reason JoeBOT was forced upon the world is because Lee Harvey Gets His Due...

8 Minute Clip

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 02:22 PM
I read, didn't dig into it, that renOgade got his check mark on the twat by using a link to some affiliated company, not by verifying it himself. (that account is not run by him regardless, nor HRC's nor BC among many others).

It seems Lebroni still has his check mark after refusing to pay for it.

It begs the Q: Will the reQirement of verification reveal who is not really running the accounts said to be run by X or Y? Is that why folks are livid over "transparency" which would, in turn, make them even MORE valid?

Or, could just be Polarity Reality rearing its head: Ask me to pay I won't, as me not to pay and why aren't I paying?

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
Bill Gates is moving on now that Wellcome Leap has taken the reigns for the Eugenics and Transhumanism agenda.

He was the Keynote speaker at the Global Silicon Valley and ASU Summit, which just happened to start on April 17th.

Youtube ASU + GSV Summit with Bill Gates
Welcome to the Brave New World
According to Gates "AI will be as good a tutor as any human ever could."

Bill Gates Keynote Speaker

During the plandemic lots of children had to use more enhanced computer learning and somehow that didn't work out all that well.
How Did Students Perform
A couple of teacher friends were really frustrated during the plandemic because the computer assisted teaching was not meeting the emotional needs of the children. The learning and the emotional development work hand in hand. These children are not just taking in data like some robot. Plus not all children learn the same way.

This DreamBox Learning may look good but I don't know. Children I have taught using these computer programs, especially when very young, became really, really bored very quickly.
DreamBox Learning

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
Are we having fun yet?
Wall Street Silver Tweet

I have to wonder how they will manage this when tax revenue is heading down 30% from last years receipts at this time. Add that to all the $$$ that the government is spending on "special" projects.

Meanwhile we have companies like Meta announcing more layoffs. These people will not be paying taxes but rather the opposite, collecting unemployment benefits and Medicare.
Meta Layoffs

Just a matter of time before the whole system breaks. Maybe the best scenario is to starve the beast. I just hope we don't end up in a depression.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Considering the opinion of some experts that we are already in a recession, the reality of what comes next may be far worse than what the public is being told. With mainstream media, the public is always last to know.

JP Morgan Survey: The U.S. is Barreling Toward a Recession 2023-4%3famp

Speaking of JP Morgan..

JPMorgan’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Were Deeper Than the Bank Has Acknowledged

Chase & Co. had ties to Jeffrey Epstein that ran deeper than the bank has acknowledged and extended years beyond when it decided to close the convicted sex offender’s accounts, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mary Erdoes, a top lieutenant to Chief Executive Jamie Dimon, made two trips to Epstein’s townhouse on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, in 2011 and 2013, when Epstein still was a client of the bank, said the people familiar with the matter. She exchanged dozens of emails with him and discussed sharing with him fees related to a charitable fund the bank was considering launching, the people said.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 05:25 PM
I'm sure this is nothing.


On Thursday, leaders from across the U.S. intelligence community began arriving in Ohio for an unprecedented national security briefing at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

Among those in attendance at the Friday briefing are Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines, CIA director William Burns, and Gen. Paul Nakasone, director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Security Service chief.

“I don’t recall the committee ever doing anything like this,” Himes told the Dayton Daily News.

Could it be Ukraine?
Could it be Joe CIA Campaign?
Could it be Hunter?

My guess. Trans Reproductive Justice is coming to the forefront.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The article leaves much to be imagined as it doesn't reveal anything. So a National Security group had a meeting in an unusual site.

I was hearing rumors that an arrest was going to be made, but nothing has come from any of it. This rumor came along with another rumor that stated that evidence was found that linked Hunter/Joe to a known group of Ukrainian Human Traffickers.

Given that this is all rumors, but the meeting wasn't off it seems. Has there been any word as to if an arrest was even discussed, or what the real deal is over this meeting?

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Well was there not a hearing about UAP's just a few days ago? Wright-Patterson is huge in ufo lore. Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 07:08 PM
Wright Patt falls under the AF material command. Main operation would be their heavy’s (air mobility command, ie C-17, air transport) the National Space and Intelligence center, the 21st intelligence squadron,global exploitation intelligence group 688th cyberspace wing, 645th aeronautical systems group, and they host B-2 Bombers, RQ4 drones as well as U2 spy planes. Oh and the VC-25 program (smaller AF1)
They also host the Air Force Institute of Technology, operate one of the largest DoD research laboratories (truly fascinating stuff there, at least a decade ago)

The meeting could be about anything

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
I'm glad your back!!!!!!

I'm glad your back!!!!!!

He's pretty a pretty cute poster bat for International Bat Appreciation Day:

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 08:24 PM
Interesting new interpretation for operation WARP SPEED:


This video, reposted on Phil Godlewski's telegram channel, showcases the grpund breaking work the company WITRICITY is doing to develop resonators to replace batteries/power inputs to TVs, laptops, phones etc. (though it builds on Nicola Tesla's discoveries).

The technology uses induction loops but adds the principle of magnetic field coupling to extend range.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 08:42 PM
Looks like Ray is about to hit 60 minutes in his Tour D' Victimhood. I guess appealing to the 100 or so 80+ year old folks that watch the show is considered a coup of sorts these days.

So funny, so predictable, as one cannot be a perpetrator if they are the victim = that's how it works. @Beattie shredding the effort to pieces.

The next set are definitely, positively not related.

On a side note. I mentioned at the outset here that a HUGE problem in the future would be the issue of folks returning to the perpetrator for relief. That meant the Press (when is the press going to?), the Politicos (when are the repubs going to do something?) and as I mentioned the MD goons and ghouls.

So this week I noticed a push for the jab to prevent shingles is a thing. In my personal experience shingles is needed, as the last choice of detox of the metals from life, in this case the jab, is what is happening. When the skin starts to detox it means the other organs are failing to do their job. If the body is getting new signals telling it not to detox through the skin, as required, makes the body is as good as dead, as the natural mechanisms have gone haywire.

We're where I said we would be, well not me personally, but the collective of folks who cannot accept control over their own self but need others turn the equation into them as Victim.

I loathe these days, the reports, these events.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 09:39 PM
Interesting Pr ess release by the Dept of Defense:

The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.

I.E. They funded 46 bio facilities in Ukraine, over 20 years... "but they were peaceful... honest!"

Recall that Renegade went to Ukraine in 2005... 18 years ago!

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: dashen

Genesis 7:11, Genesis 8:4, תהלים 92:8 , תְּהִלִּים 27


- 42 -

Q Parting...Q is dead.
edit on Fri Apr 21 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: Trim Those Quotes

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