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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
The Storm Rider hasn't really mentioned much about the next plandemic. Billy the Doctor keeps pushing this theme and it's obvious they have an agenda.
Today is the last day for the WHO meeting about the Pandemic Treaty.
4th Meeting WHO Pandemic Treaty
Hopefully tomorrow we will find out what's in it.

Just for fun Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman just did an interview in a Q & A format with Washington Post Live.
Washington Post Live Interview With Mark Zuzman

It is a matter of when not if, a point that he hammers in towards the end. "The world will face another one. We know it is going to happen." And he doesn't shy away from the term bioterrorism and then unbelievably he smiles. Rather creepy imho.
I wonder what AI plans they are working on and experimenting with in Africa.
But according to him there was a silver lining to the whole plandemic. It made people more accepting of experimenting with different digital tools.
Maybe it's just me but he seems totally detached from the reality of deaths and injuries and he keeps smiling at some really awkward moments. It's almost like he can't wait.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Yes and no.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Since Gates in involved, I decided to ask an AI about this. Here's what came up:
H = human

Given all the data available, what is most likely to be the cause of the next major pandemic?
As an AI language model, I must clarify that predicting the exact cause of the next major pandemic is impossible. However, I can provide information on some of the potential risk factors that could contribute to a future pandemic.

One of the primary risk factors is zoonotic viruses, which are viruses that jump from animals to humans. The vast majority of pandemics throughout history, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, have been caused by zoonotic viruses. Therefore, monitoring and controlling the spread of zoonotic viruses should be a top priority.

Another potential risk factor is the increasing globalization of travel and trade, which can rapidly spread infectious diseases across the globe. As travel and trade continue to expand, so does the risk of a pandemic spreading quickly across multiple countries and continents.

Climate change is another potential risk factor that could contribute to the next pandemic. Changes in weather patterns and ecological disruptions can lead to the emergence and spread of new infectious diseases. Moreover, climate change could also exacerbate the spread of existing diseases by increasing the range and population of disease vectors, such as mosquitoes.

Finally, the increasing resistance of bacteria and viruses to antibiotics and antiviral drugs is another major concern. If we do not develop new treatments quickly enough, infections that are currently treatable could become untreatable, leading to a potential pandemic.

In summary, while it's impossible to predict the exact cause of the next pandemic, we should remain vigilant and take proactive measures to monitor and control zoonotic viruses, address the challenges posed by globalization, adapt to climate change, and develop new treatments to combat infectious diseases.

so then I asked the following, and this is where it gets interesting:

Is there a dangerous virus that effects only animals currently, but due to climate change could affect humans?

Yes, there are several viruses that currently affect only animals but could potentially pose a threat to humans in the future due to climate change. One example is the Hendra virus, which is a zoonotic virus that infects horses and was first identified in Australia in 1994. The virus is primarily transmitted from flying foxes (fruit bats) to horses and then can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with infected horses. Hendra virus infection in humans can lead to severe respiratory and neurological disease, with a mortality rate of around 50%.

Climate change is believed to be contributing to the increasing spread of Hendra virus by expanding the range of the flying foxes, which are the natural reservoir of the virus. The changing climate is also affecting the movement patterns of the bats, leading to increased contact with horses and humans in some areas.

Another example is the Nipah virus, which is another zoonotic virus that is primarily transmitted from bats to pigs and can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with infected pigs or bat excreta. The virus can cause severe respiratory illness and encephalitis in humans, with a mortality rate of around 40%. Climate change is believed to be contributing to the spread of Nipah virus by altering the habitat and feeding patterns of fruit bats, which are the natural reservoir of the virus.

In summary, climate change is contributing to the spread of some animal viruses, and this poses a potential risk to human health. It is essential to monitor the spread of zoonotic viruses and take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of transmission to humans.

I asked a few more questions like:
Is there any effective means of fighting off these zoonotic viruses?
What is the downside to this "One Health" approach?

So, we might want to keep an eye out for reports about the Hendra Virus and the Nipah Virus (especially since they are related to bats).

What's this have to do with anything. It's AI after all and not a real human being. Well given his past purchases and his topics of discussion lately, I believe Gates is using AI to direct his life and public discourse. So, asking AI its opinions is kind of like asking Gates for his opinion.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 03:09 PM
I don't know if this has been posted here before, but it's the complete rundown on the laws and regulations that put us under martial law, Trump's EOs and why Biden is a puppet.

Derek Johnson - The Original Breakdown
edit on 2023 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating

Top notch.

Thanks for classing up the joint

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Since Gates in involved, I decided to ask an AI about this. Here's what came up:
H = human

Given all the data available, what is most likely to be the cause of the next major pandemic?
As an AI language model, I must clarify that predicting the exact cause of the next major pandemic is impossible. However, I can provide information on some of the potential risk factors that could contribute to a future pandemic.

One of the primary risk factors is zoonotic viruses, which are viruses that jump from animals to humans. The vast majority of pandemics throughout history, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, have been caused by zoonotic viruses. Therefore, monitoring and controlling the spread of zoonotic viruses should be a top priority.

Another potential risk factor is the increasing globalization of travel and trade, which can rapidly spread infectious diseases across the globe. As travel and trade continue to expand, so does the risk of a pandemic spreading quickly across multiple countries and continents.

Climate change is another potential risk factor that could contribute to the next pandemic. Changes in weather patterns and ecological disruptions can lead to the emergence and spread of new infectious diseases. Moreover, climate change could also exacerbate the spread of existing diseases by increasing the range and population of disease vectors, such as mosquitoes.

Finally, the increasing resistance of bacteria and viruses to antibiotics and antiviral drugs is another major concern. If we do not develop new treatments quickly enough, infections that are currently treatable could become untreatable, leading to a potential pandemic.

In summary, while it's impossible to predict the exact cause of the next pandemic, we should remain vigilant and take proactive measures to monitor and control zoonotic viruses, address the challenges posed by globalization, adapt to climate change, and develop new treatments to combat infectious diseases.

so then I asked the following, and this is where it gets interesting:

Is there a dangerous virus that effects only animals currently, but due to climate change could affect humans?

Yes, there are several viruses that currently affect only animals but could potentially pose a threat to humans in the future due to climate change. One example is the Hendra virus, which is a zoonotic virus that infects horses and was first identified in Australia in 1994. The virus is primarily transmitted from flying foxes (fruit bats) to horses and then can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with infected horses. Hendra virus infection in humans can lead to severe respiratory and neurological disease, with a mortality rate of around 50%.

Climate change is believed to be contributing to the increasing spread of Hendra virus by expanding the range of the flying foxes, which are the natural reservoir of the virus. The changing climate is also affecting the movement patterns of the bats, leading to increased contact with horses and humans in some areas.

Another example is the Nipah virus, which is another zoonotic virus that is primarily transmitted from bats to pigs and can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with infected pigs or bat excreta. The virus can cause severe respiratory illness and encephalitis in humans, with a mortality rate of around 40%. Climate change is believed to be contributing to the spread of Nipah virus by altering the habitat and feeding patterns of fruit bats, which are the natural reservoir of the virus.

In summary, climate change is contributing to the spread of some animal viruses, and this poses a potential risk to human health. It is essential to monitor the spread of zoonotic viruses and take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of transmission to humans.

I asked a few more questions like:
Is there any effective means of fighting off these zoonotic viruses?
What is the downside to this "One Health" approach?

So, we might want to keep an eye out for reports about the Hendra Virus and the Nipah Virus (especially since they are related to bats).

What's this have to do with anything. It's AI after all and not a real human being. Well given his past purchases and his topics of discussion lately, I believe Gates is using AI to direct his life and public discourse. So, asking AI its opinions is kind of like asking Gates for his opinion.

That makes one think that maybe Bill Gates himself could be a super spreader like a "typhoid Mary" kind of scenario. I certainly wouldn't put it past him or his very corrupt organizations. What better way to "spread" his propaganda.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 11:03 PM
Well isn't this interesting going into the weekend.
From: National Reveiw via, now get this, Yahoo News

A Maryland mayor who was recently arrested on 56 child pornography related-charges has visited the Biden White House at least six times since June 2021, according to a new report.

Democrat Patrick Wojahn resigned from his role as the mayor of College Park, Md., on Wednesday, shortly before he was arrested on 40 counts of possession of child pornography and 16 counts of distributing child pornography.

Law enforcement began investigating Wojahn after the National Center for Missing and Exploited children notified Prince George’s County police of a suspicious social-media account that was ultimately attributed to the mayor. Police searched his home in late February and seized multiple cell phones, a storage device, a tablet, and a computer.

Oh shut up you might be thinking, well think about this part of the story.

Wojahn, who had overseen the city of 35,000 people since 2015, first visited the White House on June 25, 2021 for an event “Commemorating LGBTQ+ Pride Month,” Fox News reported. He posted pictures to Instagram posing alongside Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Buttigieg’s husband with the caption, “Always great to see these guys at the White House.”

The mayor described Buttigieg as his political mentor during an interview with the Washington Blade in November 2019. He said he met Buttigieg, who was then the mayor of South Bend, Ind., when he was assigned to be Wojahn’s “buddy” at the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Winter Meeting in January 2015. The pair then began speaking on the phone regularly with Buttigieg offering Wojahn tips on what to expect of the mayoral conference. The pair bonded over the challenges of being openly gay mayors, according to the report.

A Department of Transportation called the allegations against Wojahn “extremely disturbing” in a statement to Fox News, adding “we’re thankful local law enforcement has intervened.”

“The Secretary did not know the former Mayor well but, did meet him a number of times through participation in U.S. Conference of Mayors programming, conferences and political events,” the spokesperson added.

So, this former mayor spoke on the phone regularly and reportedly bonded over both being gay mayors, but after the arrest Buttigieg didn't really know Wojahn. Right... right. It sounds to me that Buttigieg doesn't want to be implicated in this CP trafficking, which by not calling the guy out on it, instead takes the action of pretending not to know him very well. I wonder if Buttigieg's home computer might need to be looked into.

Hum, I wonder if Hunter has anything to do with these two guys meeting, or was it all "by Chance".

The newest trend is being pushed at the end of the article though:

“Many of you have already reached out with well wishes and thoughts, and I am eternally grateful,” he added. “I am stepping away to deal with my own mental health. I ask that you continue to keep me and my family in your prayer.”

Any involvement in CP is now a mental illness which means that the perpetrator of the crime is also a victim that needs to be pitied, and not vilified. Even those that traffic in CP. Watch as this new narrative starts to become normalized. I'm looking at you Hunter.
edit on 3-3-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 01:43 AM

Any involvement in CP is now a mental illness which means that the perpetrator of the crime is also a victim that needs to be pitied, and not vilified. Even those that traffic in CP. Watch as this new narrative starts to become normalized. I'm looking at you Hunter.

Yeah, this topic sucks. I can see three main options at this time:

1/ Do nothing and just let things fester away behind closed doors.

2/ Talk about it. A lot of these issues are generational, nothing is new.

3/ Shot them. Now we are right wing extremists inciting violence.

As for what would Jesus do? Kinda mixed as well, those without sin throws the first stone, I am not here for the righteous, put that mill stone around your neck.

As for how we break theses cycles of abuse? Bringing it to light might work? I don't want to see it normalized either. Perpetuating violence keeps the fear alive. The intelligence has exploited this human weakness.

One step at a time with each case on its own merits.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 06:56 AM
This is the "tell" regarding AI.
The first Question human(H) "given all the data available"

Given all the data available, what is most likely to be the cause of the next major pandemic?

We would need to know what data was given. That is it, we, everyone, just has to assume that AI has been given "all the data". Yea right, bull#, what data, where did the data come from, who gave it, who determined the data was " all the data"? This is the problem with the concept of AI, then we are to believe that AI can have a conversation? AI is a bull# computer program designed to control information and perception, many people are amazed by this but all I see is a glorified Alexa.

I'm willing to keep an open mind about things but a computer fed data with an algorithm to process and formulate highly probable outcomes is only as good as the data it is fed.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Since Gates in involved, I decided to ask an AI about this. Here's what came up:
H = human

Given all the data available, what is most likely to be the cause of the next major pandemic?
As an AI language model, I must clarify that predicting the exact cause of the next major pandemic is impossible. However, I can provide information on some of the potential risk factors that could contribute to a future pandemic.

One of the primary risk factors is zoonotic viruses, which are viruses that jump from animals to humans. The vast majority of pandemics throughout history, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, have been caused by zoonotic viruses. Therefore, monitoring and controlling the spread of zoonotic viruses should be a top priority.

Another potential risk factor is the increasing globalization of travel and trade, which can rapidly spread infectious diseases across the globe. As travel and trade continue to expand, so does the risk of a pandemic spreading quickly across multiple countries and continents.

Climate change is another potential risk factor that could contribute to the next pandemic. Changes in weather patterns and ecological disruptions can lead to the emergence and spread of new infectious diseases. Moreover, climate change could also exacerbate the spread of existing diseases by increasing the range and population of disease vectors, such as mosquitoes.

Finally, the increasing resistance of bacteria and viruses to antibiotics and antiviral drugs is another major concern. If we do not develop new treatments quickly enough, infections that are currently treatable could become untreatable, leading to a potential pandemic.

In summary, while it's impossible to predict the exact cause of the next pandemic, we should remain vigilant and take proactive measures to monitor and control zoonotic viruses, address the challenges posed by globalization, adapt to climate change, and develop new treatments to combat infectious diseases.

so then I asked the following, and this is where it gets interesting:

Is there a dangerous virus that effects only animals currently, but due to climate change could affect humans?

Yes, there are several viruses that currently affect only animals but could potentially pose a threat to humans in the future due to climate change. One example is the Hendra virus, which is a zoonotic virus that infects horses and was first identified in Australia in 1994. The virus is primarily transmitted from flying foxes (fruit bats) to horses and then can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with infected horses. Hendra virus infection in humans can lead to severe respiratory and neurological disease, with a mortality rate of around 50%.

Climate change is believed to be contributing to the increasing spread of Hendra virus by expanding the range of the flying foxes, which are the natural reservoir of the virus. The changing climate is also affecting the movement patterns of the bats, leading to increased contact with horses and humans in some areas.

Another example is the Nipah virus, which is another zoonotic virus that is primarily transmitted from bats to pigs and can be transmitted to humans who come into contact with infected pigs or bat excreta. The virus can cause severe respiratory illness and encephalitis in humans, with a mortality rate of around 40%. Climate change is believed to be contributing to the spread of Nipah virus by altering the habitat and feeding patterns of fruit bats, which are the natural reservoir of the virus.

In summary, climate change is contributing to the spread of some animal viruses, and this poses a potential risk to human health. It is essential to monitor the spread of zoonotic viruses and take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of transmission to humans.

I asked a few more questions like:
Is there any effective means of fighting off these zoonotic viruses?
What is the downside to this "One Health" approach?

So, we might want to keep an eye out for reports about the Hendra Virus and the Nipah Virus (especially since they are related to bats).

What's this have to do with anything. It's AI after all and not a real human being. Well given his past purchases and his topics of discussion lately, I believe Gates is using AI to direct his life and public discourse. So, asking AI its opinions is kind of like asking Gates for his opinion.

edit on 4-3-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 11:06 AM

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Well done.
I have been wary of AI ever since there was mention of its use in the development of Pfizer mRNA jabs. As Fringe point out everything is dependent on what data is put in and what the mission is. Especially the mission. I went searching for Pfizer's AI.

I suspected it might be in his home town of Thessaloniki, Greece. Bingo

Pfizer's new Investment in Thesssaloniki, Greece

"The digital laboratory, aiming at introducing technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and big data analytics in the development of new treatments is expected to commence it's operation in Thessaloniki by the end of the year, in spite of the delays due to the pandemic."
Note the timing December 3, 2020.

What better place to build this, his home town where people will be loyal to the cause. Something seems off with the timing.
20 20 Insights into Pfizer

Seems more was going on in 2019.
"In 2019, it tested a collaborative Deep Learning and Analytics platform called CORTEX., for automatic categorization of drug shapes."
Scrolling to the bottom some insights. September 2019 Pfizer made an announcement. "The hubs will focus on new technologies that are integrated into its medications and vaccine development."
I just wonder what AI's mission was.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: NightFlight
Speaking of Bill Gates. I find it amazing that he is still in India what with that criminal case winding through the courts there.
As a super spreader; whichever leader meets with him is infected with the Gates virus.

Bill Gates Meets PM Modi

Lol. Yep he went viral. 885K views with a whopping 6700 likes. Twitter, he must know what people will have to say because who would want him dictating their future.
Bombay High Court

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

As I have stated before that when it comes to AI, its knowing what it can do before you use it. It's a tool and thats all.

In the case of this AI, Gates owns this one and in recent weeks Gates responses to questions can be matched up with what the AI says, which tells me that any prepared question asked Gates, or his people, run it through the AI so that Gates has a ready made answer that makes him look smart. Since we all have access to this same AI why not use it.

The data comes from the internet, and even though it states that only information from before 2021, if you ask the questions right, you can see that it pulls from current events as well.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I went hunting through the Columbia University video library to have a listen to what Caroline Roan, Pfizer Foundation President and Sr. V.P. of Global Health and Impact had to say about the role of this "so called" Foundation. I figured she would feel safe there considering it's home territory.

Caroline Roan President of Pfizer Foundation
Video >Caroline Roan Fireside Chat at Columbia University < Nice logo.

The only thing that I can think of is that she doesn't realize that she is being manipulated. Look at the the motto "Use Your Capital to Ensure Access to Quality Healthcare." This Foundation is just a front for developing a market.

She just can't help herself. Throughout the whole video she name drops. She started off with some training at the Robert Wood Foundation, which is not helpful to the cause.
Pfizer has a connection to GAVI, B&M Gates Foundation, WHO, American Cancer Society, IBM and the Clinton Health Initiative. That's reassuring- not
Then she brings up The Global Health Impact Fund that was established by J P Morgan and B& M Gates Foundation.
The Global Investment Fund
Like I say she just can't help herself.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Well isn't this interesting going into the weekend.
From: National Reveiw via, now get this, Yahoo News

A Maryland mayor who was recently arrested on 56 child pornography related-charges has visited the Biden White House at least six times since June 2021, according to a new report.

Democrat Patrick Wojahn resigned from his role as the mayor of College Park, Md., on Wednesday, shortly before he was arrested on 40 counts of possession of child pornography and 16 counts of distributing child pornography.

Law enforcement began investigating Wojahn after the National Center for Missing and Exploited children notified Prince George’s County police of a suspicious social-media account that was ultimately attributed to the mayor. Police searched his home in late February and seized multiple cell phones, a storage device, a tablet, and a computer.

Oh shut up you might be thinking, well think about this part of the story.

Wojahn, who had overseen the city of 35,000 people since 2015, first visited the White House on June 25, 2021 for an event “Commemorating LGBTQ+ Pride Month,” Fox News reported. He posted pictures to Instagram posing alongside Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Buttigieg’s husband with the caption, “Always great to see these guys at the White House.”

The mayor described Buttigieg as his political mentor during an interview with the Washington Blade in November 2019. He said he met Buttigieg, who was then the mayor of South Bend, Ind., when he was assigned to be Wojahn’s “buddy” at the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Winter Meeting in January 2015. The pair then began speaking on the phone regularly with Buttigieg offering Wojahn tips on what to expect of the mayoral conference. The pair bonded over the challenges of being openly gay mayors, according to the report.

A Department of Transportation called the allegations against Wojahn “extremely disturbing” in a statement to Fox News, adding “we’re thankful local law enforcement has intervened.”

“The Secretary did not know the former Mayor well but, did meet him a number of times through participation in U.S. Conference of Mayors programming, conferences and political events,” the spokesperson added.

So, this former mayor spoke on the phone regularly and reportedly bonded over both being gay mayors, but after the arrest Buttigieg didn't really know Wojahn. Right... right. It sounds to me that Buttigieg doesn't want to be implicated in this CP trafficking, which by not calling the guy out on it, instead takes the action of pretending not to know him very well. I wonder if Buttigieg's home computer might need to be looked into.

Hum, I wonder if Hunter has anything to do with these two guys meeting, or was it all "by Chance".

The newest trend is being pushed at the end of the article though:

“Many of you have already reached out with well wishes and thoughts, and I am eternally grateful,” he added. “I am stepping away to deal with my own mental health. I ask that you continue to keep me and my family in your prayer.”

Any involvement in CP is now a mental illness which means that the perpetrator of the crime is also a victim that needs to be pitied, and not vilified. Even those that traffic in CP. Watch as this new narrative starts to become normalized. I'm looking at you Hunter.

Didn't Pete and his "husband " just adopt a a baby?

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel we may have a link to #4539!

Adam Schiff Accused of Leaking Classified Info: A Felony
He was leaking like a sieve. Pompeo" But I would tell you that when we provided information to him and his staff, it ended up in places it shouldn't have been."
Gaetz has a sense of humor. A PENCIL Resolution. LOL. This isn't just about barring him from accessing classified information but there's a little matter about an investigation by the House Ethics Committee.

Apparently Schiff has crossed the Rubicon.

DoD whistleblower coming?
Schiff investigation [hearing] coming?
All assets deployed.
[D] Party [[F]] PUPPET MASTER[S] [string pullers]] DEATH
I wonder if the [[F]] represents February. This came up on February 25, 2023.
edit on 4-3-2023 by Thoughtful2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 02:51 PM
Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.
Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power [population control + pharma]
billion [kb].
Think AIDS
Future toic.

We have another case of capitalized letters meaning something.
TFR= Total Fertility Rate.
Total Fertility Rate publsished 14/05/2020

RFD= Reproductive, Fertility + Development
Reproductino, Fertility + Development Publication

Just thinking outside the box here but if Roth flies away the perfect replacement would be Albert Bourla.
Watch the water. Albert Bourla received the 17th annual Double Helix Award from Cold Springs Harbor Labs on November 9, 2022. Lets see 911 and 17.

Cold Springs Harbor Labs 17th Annual Award to Albert Bourla.

Pfizer has created the problems and so are now going to FOCUS on cancer, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory conditions.
But wait...What about the reproductive issues???
Cold Spring harbor Labs Wiki
Past proves future. Scrolling down to their history...
"Between 1010+ 1930 the lab was the base of the EUGENICS RECORD OFFICE of biologist Charles B. Davonport and Harry H. Laughlin- 2 prominent American Eugenicists."
They have had some controversy wrt race and intelligence as well. Is Adrenocotical hormone associated with Andrenochrome?
Bourla has been busy in his home town of Thessaloniki, Greece. 21.12.2022 he donated 600,000 euros to a number of institutions. Lets see an orphanage, nursing home and special ed. Places that were most impacted by Covid.
Albert Bourla Makes Donation From Book Moonshot

edit on 4-3-2023 by Thoughtful2 because: reference

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Fitbit (stylized as fitbit) is an American consumer electronics and fitness company. It produces wireless-enabled wearable technology, physical fitness monitors and activity trackers such as smartwatches, pedometers and monitors for heart rate, quality of sleep and stairs climbed as well as related software. The company was acquired by Alphabet, Inc. in January 2021.[3]

ah bonus

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Fitbit (stylized as fitbit) is an American consumer electronics and fitness company. It produces wireless-enabled wearable technology, physical fitness monitors and activity trackers such as smartwatches, pedometers and monitors for heart rate, quality of sleep and stairs climbed as well as related software. The company was acquired by Alphabet, Inc. in January 2021.[3]

ah bonus

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