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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I remember seeing this exact list shortly after the Epstein stuff broke. It may be a contact list, but it is not his "client blackmail list"
And plus it doesn't prove if any of these people went to the "island". The flight logs however, are more evidential of trips to the island. I've seen lots of different ones in the past few years as well.
Personally, I don't believe Trump went to pedo island. If he did, why would help to expose it all, that would incriminate him.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 07:25 PM
Well what a random thing to happen, NOT!

Much more of "we are watching a movie" than I think I want to sit thru at this point. The sad part for me is it appears the EPA lied their asses off on the water quality issue, the safety issues and God knows what else. Maybe even their pre knowledge of it? I am having a hard time with all the dots building a picture that shows an agency I work closely to is involved with anti safety. If I may coin the phrase anti safety. The water is unsafe if it is coming from wells or not properly treated. The air quality would be surely disrupted. I can also say the possibility of more explosions are high too.

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Perfect 10

In the 2022 Netflix film White Noise, a train carrying toxic chemicals gets into an accident and is derailed, unleashing fumes that create an “airborne toxic event.” This chemical spill requires everyone nearby to evacuate the area and seek shelter far from the crash. Last week, in an instance of life imitating art (or vice-versa), a train carrying harmful chemicals derailed in the very same town used as filming location for White Noise‘s on-screen crash. for White Noise‘s on-screen crash.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 07:44 PM
Almost an assuredy 5g is the symptoms behind the plandemic then.
They chose the common cold and flu to ensure everyone is affected.
The military applications are too vast and important for 5g with drones and nano.

It was always about 5g.
Long COVID is long term exposure.

This is probably an area that incorporates both white hat and black hat.

Very dangerous times if the DOD is implicated now. Let's hope the fake nuclear war coming is fake.
Alien invasion is bluebeam of course.

Ohio is screwed.
Food crisis inevitable.
Martial law introduces 15 minute cities everywhere and probably never lifted.

New world here we go.

I have no idea what I am hoping for least in this world.
That Superbowl halftime by Rihanna with all the hazmat suits was so boring it terrifies me of what they have in mind.
If this is a military operation then they are about to try and make us forget about c19

a reply to: Justoneman

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 08:13 PM
Happy Valentines Day Everyone
This is NOT a Fantastic Night to tie HELIUM BALLOONS
to your Wife or Girl Friend's Chair & let them float, hover & explore the countryside.
Unless..(I cannot say that...?) but the BEST Answer is MANY MANY Balloons &
you have friends all over the country who could eliminate each balloon singly as
they glide thru different states & therefore you can relocate them where you want
them to be...
Hey Solved that for mystery for many!!! LOL


just a wee break from all the stress...

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Roxstar

Personally, I don't believe Trump went to pedo island. If he did, why would help to expose it all, that would incriminate him.

Did he really? He might of helped start the investigations to bring down Epstein as the international child trafficking issues got more priority. But as it become a domestic matter, Trump was quick to say Epstein did kill himself, case closed.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I posted this in another thread, but felt that it needs repeating here.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Oh, I was thinking along the lines of a complete Railroad shut down due to safety concerns, and also a massive destruction of produce and people's private gardens due to chloroethene, phosgene, and/or hydrogen chloride contamination from the Ohio train derailment. Effectively stopping middle of the country commerce and creating a food shortage in the middle of the country.

I'm not going to deep dive the train derailment, but I can see how it could be exploited to punish traditional right leaning states.

While this train derailment may or may not have been planned, we have to watch out for what is done because of it. We are already seeing signs of ugliness by the government in the way they are responding. I'm wondering if a major event like this could be used to force the public into governmental housing (either by force or by coercion).

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Tim's compound is near the site.


posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:16 PM
Speaking of Tim, his ChatGPT dive is pretty thorough.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:27 PM
Just to state the obvious...

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 08:33 AM
Not saying this is what happened, but if you faked someone's death for witness protection, you would obviously also agree with it. Saying it wasn't suicide would be counterproductive to the whole effort.

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: Roxstar

Personally, I don't believe Trump went to pedo island. If he did, why would help to expose it all, that would incriminate him.

Did he really? He might of helped start the investigations to bring down Epstein as the international child trafficking issues got more priority. But as it become a domestic matter, Trump was quick to say Epstein did kill himself, case closed.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Someone once told me the crazier the story the more likely to be true!
Speaking of...clone

Same person said politicians do the opposite of what they say.

Ever notice how a lot of headlines say the exact opposite of the actual articles?
it's like whack a mole

edit on 2023/2/15 by CrazyFox because: Cfx

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Everyone will probably think this is a just way out there thought but I am connecting some dots.

Columbian County, where the East Palestine rail disaster has happened, was in a major dispute about having a large solar farm built.
Columbian County Commissioners Stood Opposed to Solar Project

Billy the Farmer happens to have 9000 acres of farmland in Ohio.
Savion has an option to buy 6,300 acres of Gates land in Madison County to build the largest solar farm in the U.S. Now we know why he has bought farmland all over the U.S.
Renewable Energy Company Moves Ahead with Massive Solar Farm On bill Gates Owned Land

This fits in. Billy the Grid Kid set up a new venture fund called Breakthrough Energy Ventures who happens to have Jeff Bezos on the board.
Bill Gates Breakthrough Energy backs Terabase's robot built solar farms

The lethal environment caused by the derailment would matter not to a robot.

But there is a ray of hope for the solar farms.
"The solar power boom that has been underway in Western Ohio is finally making some in roads into the eastern half of the state- including a proposed site in COLUMBIANA COUNTY.
A ray of sunlight for Solar Power in Northeastern Ohio

Trouble has been brewing for the last couple of years. Local people want to have a say rather than having these solar farms imposed upon them.
Important local input or unnecessary roadblock? Bill headed to DeWine adds hurdle for wind, solar
Senate Bill 52 passed.
"Represents a monumental change to the siting of wind and solar in Ohio."
Senate Bill 52

Just speculating here but one way to get cheap and now unusable land is to destroy it. Then all aboard, ready for solar farm development.
And the need is great because Amazon, Facebook and and Google have energy demanding data centers in Ohio.
Really nothing else makes sense.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Yeah, the popup headline I saw was how Biden is "beating up" the Republicans on Social Security.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Why hasn't FEMA responded to the rail disaster in East Palestine? Just look at their tweets.
FEMA Tweets
When they do finally acknowledge the situation all they do is provide a telephone number.

Maybe they have forgotten what their role is.
Reminder "FEMA supports citizens and emergency personnel to build, sustain and improve the nation's capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to and recover from, and mitigate all hazards."
FEMA here is what you are

The National Guard from West Virginia was deployed to assist on Feb 6th.
W. Va. National Guard's 35th Civil support Deployed to East Palestine February 6th

This is getting confusing because one would think that they would have ensured that residents were evacuated and kept away.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Savion only bought 6300 acres from Bill Gates 9000 acres. That would leave Gates with 1700.

I'm getting a really bad vibe about all of this.
Imagine they could get that land for next to nothing.

The EPA tweets are confirming my suspicions.
U.S. EPA Tweets
Scroll down a bit... instead of really dealing with the disaster they tweet this> "The $7 billion Zero-Emission Technology Fund competition will enable the deployment of residential rooftop solar, community solar and more- ensuring all families benefit from clean, affordable energy options."

And then they retweet Biden "Because of our climate investments, our kids will breathe cleaner air, drink safer water, and get to school powered by clean energy. That's the future were building." The irony.

Another captured agency. I mean most solar panels are made in China.
Solar Panels made in China

The EPA has a new program The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, armed with $27 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act.
This program targets low income and disadvantaged communities. East Palestine ticks the boxes. Tucker Carlson mentioned that the average income of the residents was $45K a year.
Greenhouse Reduction Act

Whatever solar farm company gets to take over the land there they will not only get the land dirt cheap but will also get government funding paid for with our tax $'s. What a deal.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Justoneman
Everyone will probably think this is a just way out there thought but I am connecting some dots.

Columbian County, where the East Palestine rail disaster has happened, was in a major dispute about having a large solar farm built.
Columbian County Commissioners Stood Opposed to Solar Project

Billy the Farmer happens to have 9000 acres of farmland in Ohio.
Savion has an option to buy 6,300 acres of Gates land in Madison County to build the largest solar farm in the U.S. Now we know why he has bought farmland all over the U.S.
Renewable Energy Company Moves Ahead with Massive Solar Farm On bill Gates Owned Land

This fits in. Billy the Grid Kid set up a new venture fund called Breakthrough Energy Ventures who happens to have Jeff Bezos on the board.
Bill Gates Breakthrough Energy backs Terabase's robot built solar farms

The lethal environment caused by the derailment would matter not to a robot.

But there is a ray of hope for the solar farms.
"The solar power boom that has been underway in Western Ohio is finally making some in roads into the eastern half of the state- including a proposed site in COLUMBIANA COUNTY.
A ray of sunlight for Solar Power in Northeastern Ohio

Trouble has been brewing for the last couple of years. Local people want to have a say rather than having these solar farms imposed upon them.
Important local input or unnecessary roadblock? Bill headed to DeWine adds hurdle for wind, solar
Senate Bill 52 passed.
"Represents a monumental change to the siting of wind and solar in Ohio."
Senate Bill 52

Just speculating here but one way to get cheap and now unusable land is to destroy it. Then all aboard, ready for solar farm development.
And the need is great because Amazon, Facebook and and Google have energy demanding data centers in Ohio.
Really nothing else makes sense.

It's Columbiana County, not Columbian.

Also, if anyone thinks solar is viable in NE Ohio, they must be smoking crack. I live 30 miles from East Palestine near Youngstown, and it's cloudy to overcast about 290 days out of the year.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Brilliant post, thank you for your research.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel we may have a connection to #1929 and #1928 "Enjoy the show."

President Trump has just announced some musings about public executions.
"telling close associates that he wants to bring back firing squads, hanging and "possibly the guillotine" should he return to the White House. He is even discussing group executions.

Connecting to Enjoy the show. "have a flashy video" showing these executions.
Report" Trump wants to bring back hangings and firing squads in his second term, is thinking about the guillotine too.

I'm not sure about a video but televised or in the movie theatres might be better.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Why hasn't FEMA responded to the rail disaster in East Palestine?
When they do finally acknowledge the situation all they do is provide a telephone number.

Maybe they have forgotten what their role is.

Their role is to follow orders isn't it? And perhaps those who give the orders are conducting an experiment that needs no interferance until all parts have been acted out.

Think of it like keeping a cat safe from eating mice when you are testing how a new poison works on them.


The "burn off" they did of the chemicals spilled had apparently started having potential nasty effects on people and natural surrounding areas.

REAL People in the Area Reveal What's Really Happening in East Palestine Ohio

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Everyone will probably think this is a just way out there thought but I am connecting some dots.

I'm hopping along those dots behind you. I agree with the evident connection and have to say it fits it perfecly with how a psychopathic narcissistic meglomaniac does business.

Where's Erin Brockovich when you need her?

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