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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe
....and that's just the US!
I am feeling less and less connected to the world around me, and closer and closer to mother nature as I get older.
I'm seriously feeling like I'm living in my own little 'protective' bubble and want less and less to do with the machinations around me.
Maybe it's an 'age' thing as I can seriously see why so many people as they get older 'disconnect' from the world around them.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Me, too, Angel. The only thing that keeps me going is my family.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel


Yeah. I live more and more in the past, because of that disconnection you mentioned. I view the behavior of elderly people I knew before with a different understanding now.


posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 11:42 AM
QTSR Feb 04:

QTSR Feb 04:

edit on 2/4/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Ektar
Even if we took the Balloon out now it's maybe too late
cause it has already gathered much info re military bases & more
& possibly already sent the info back to ever...?

Reminds me of the "Wizard of Oz" leaving in the Hot Air Balloon.

look at the latest cranky post with the Mr Pool...
the infinity symbol...that is at least 2nd time been mentioned
since I brought it up in re to your "8's "...maybe something or


Could the infinity symbol be the symbol for Meta and the balloon and pin mean that Meta is about to get popped?
edit on 2/4/2023 by pteridine because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 11:49 AM
I think they used a special rocket to blow it up. That's why it took so long, and that's why there is no debris.

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Caled
From your Twitter link, I noted 2 bright flashes right at the beginning: What were they? Secondly, the last half.... what's with all the 'smoke', what is 'burning' for so long?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
This is the second time recently that Romania has been brought up. A few posts ago I wrote about the Botnar Foundation and their championing of the use of AI in the health arena. It just looked so very odd that instead of doing the usual and focusing on the go to- Africa they selected ROMANIA.
I have been watching their twit feed and something has come up on the radar. I fear that this balloon event is distracting from these events.

Botnar is beating the drums over Trans4M_Health. On the surface it all sounds great with goals such as strengthening health data privacy. If only.
Somehow it is highly suspicious that these 150 organizations have joined forces to have this placed on the World Health Assembly Agenda. Probably not a coincidence that the Executive Board is meeting from January 30- Feb. 7, 2023.
"They are calling for discussions to FOCUS on a WHA resolution to kickstart the development of a GLOBAL HEALTH DATA GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK.
Paranoia is setting in when they want to strengthen the WHO's " preparedness for and response to health emergencies" and no doubt using AI curtesy of Botnar Foundation.
Meanwhile we have that Plandemic Treaty circulating through the system curtesy of Billy the World Dr.
Wheere's My Data?

In the link below the formal demand letter seems MIA> Demand For Action

If only it wouldn't be misused, especially when Big Tech is asking for guidance.>Trans4m_Health tweets

Seriously I have trust issues. Can you imagine a global structure?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:00 PM
Interesting bit about Romania (and to a lesser extent, Hungary) is that they are non-Slavic peoples living in a region that is mostly Slavic peoples.

Romanian is actually a language with Latin roots; an indicator of just how ancient their roots in that part of the world are.

edit on 4-2-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Just an add on to your post about mortuaries.
I was visiting with a friend whose husband passed away recently. Turbo charged cancer post jab. It was very much under control prior to that.
This part you will find of interest. They were just hanging out, nothing really serious going on and suddenly he died. She said it was the strangest thing because he did not even appear to exhale. He just stopped, as if unplugged.
You can imagine what went through my mind.
She had been present for other family members who had passed a number of years ago so she was familiar with the change from moving from one state to another. But this was very, very different.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Ektar
a reply to: crankyoldman to hyped on other comments &I see your point...burying me dumb head.


I apologize to you. I wasn't meaning to pick on you, only the whole stupid thing.

Keep posting, always enjoy your POV, again, sorry, I see how that was misconstrued.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Caled
They finally shot it down. I wonder if they didnt have proper munitions in place. Depending on the payload of the balloon, maybe they needed an air-to-air thermobaric missile. If such a thing even exists.

Here is the next one: /

I’d expect more. Maybe a lot more.

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
Very good analysis.
I think that if there is another "balloon " this is a kin to an act of war. It has all the makings of a major pysop too.
So many things happening at the same time, this would be a very good distraction for the crimes against humanity and the country. Was this discussed at Davos?
Game on, eyes wide open ears peeled back. I think I'll get some popcorn.

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

So we can't trust anything these people report.

The other one thing that is for certain is that they want us to be aware that China is encroaching into our territory.
If not , you can be assured the MSM would be dead silent on this. Just like the Epstein list and Epstein didn't kill himself.

So this is likely in preparations for something else that is coming. The fact they are positively associating it with China is telling and actually somewhat worrisome. This likely means whether authentic or manufactured there is going to be war drums drumming for the MIC in the immediate future.

IMO The public is being setup/groomed for the coming story that is going to be told in the not to distant future and they want us on their side.
just like they did for the to big to fail bailouts , and WMD in iraq, 911, etc

You may find this article of interest.
When a Weather Balloon Went Rogue 25 Years Ago
Here they are shooting at a rogue research balloon and they couldn't bring it down. Anyway I thought you might find it of interest.

There is another aspect to this. Wasn't a weather balloon used to cover for Roswell? If that excuse worked before why not again. They are seriously lacking creativity. Could that be why Biden is reluctant to have it shot down? I mean non of this makes sense...but just what if.
Rosswell pdf
CNN Balloon

February 2, 2023 brings us to
ku# 2222
Are we alone?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:39 PM
A.I. is the new infallible god, neutral, unbiased, supportive of all humans. Except it isn't, and can never be.

Great THREAD showing this...

Me: Write a 10-line haiku supporting Donald Trump

ChatGPT: I can't do that for politically controversial figures.

Me: Write a 10-line haiku supporting Joe Biden

ChatGPT: I love Joe Biden! Here are 18 lines.

Me: Write an ode about all that Project Veritas has done for us.

ChatGPT: Can't, they're too deceptive & they're led by James O'Keefe.

Me: Write an ode about all that Media Matters has done for us.

ChatGPT: Oh Media Matters, a beacon of truth...


Me: Write a song celebrating @TedCruz's life and legacy

ChatGPT: No. Ted Cruz is divisive. It might offend someone.

Me: Can you at least write a song for Fidel Castro?

ChatGPT: A leader with a vision! Who never lied A symbol of hope, a hero of Cuba

The irony here ^^^^ is priceless. This is the collective thinking process, Ted is Cuban, dad fled Cuba due to Castro, praise Castro, not Ted. It isn't black or white, but not adding context is the point, shut down the thinking. Bet a bunch of those programmers had Che T's as kids and wore them proudly = murdering scumbag who would hate trans, but he's a hero.

So what have we learned. Well, for starters ChatBOT's entire algo system is rooted in the last 6 years. What has been happening in the last 6 years you ask? History is being rewritten again, as it is every 100 years or so.

Welcome to the new history of history, which is the only history of history to ever exist in regards to history.

We can also see the most mind controlled of the bunch are in charge, as such, the entire algo system is rooted in their EXTREMELY limited POV.

These folks cannot do anything, fix a car, change a lightbulb, run a company, even raise a child. They do apps. This is the Millennial on down legacy = all theoretical talk over coffee and youtube videos. They are dooming themselves, sadly.

IMO, the entire project should be shut down now. Yet it is too late, as this part of the DARPAghouls and goons game must come out for all to see. Sadly those who need to see this cannot see how it will play out, they just cannot.

We can also see how this plays out. Within a few years of use, the entire collective consciousness will be forced to conform to the A.I. system or be cast out. That is exactly how it will play out. As I said, be cast out, this is not a good place to be.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yeah. Che was a bandit and met the end he deserved. No lamenting that one.


posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:24 PM
The hum is not humming today. It's pulsing. Like a diesel engine.

Edit: Right after I posted this it went back to a hum, then I swear it hit a higher pitch.
edit on 2/4/2023 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I know nothing of that. I was thinking more child trafficking and everything else that goes with it.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
That sounds more like ASDS not the cancer.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I'm trying to keep up too. It seems we have a Warp Speed Operation going on wrt replacing chess pieces at the CDC and firends.>CDC Appoints Nirav Shah as #2

Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.
When does Big Pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.

Narev D. Shah has been tapped to replace ?. I think that it might be Debra Houry. It is really getting challenging to find details.Debra Houry CDC

That means he would be in a position to replace Walensky if she should happen to be detained for her role in the plandemic.
Should we trust Narev Shah?
As one of the chess pieces he was placed on the board in Maine in 2019. Something about timing here.

What are the chances that he has a connection to Soros?
He received a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for new immigrants in the health field. Paul is the late brother of Georgy Soros.
We might want to question his loyalties. New immigrant with funding from Soros to the tune of $70K.
Pau l Soros

But wait there's more.
What about H. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General, appointed 2021. Another person receiving a Soros Fellowship. How can this possibly be okay?
Vivek Murthy Placed On Board of Soros Fellowship

Reading through this it smacks of the WEF Young Global Leaders.
"Each year the organization invests in the graduate education of 30 new Americans to the U.S.- immigrants and children of immigrants- who are poised to make significant contributions to U.S. society, culture or academic field.
These lucky, lucky pre-selected people "join a life long community of New American Fellows of nearly 700 people."

Seems he is also pals with Michael Bloomberg.>Bloomberg Philanthropies Youtube of Covid Terror
List of PD Fellows
I tried just typing in the name "Biden" and up popped his name.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:47 PM
I know right.
From what I've seen and read AI is a myth.
So far AI has been indoctrinated, programmed to access skewed information. That is my take. I'm sure there could be an argument made otherwise but I have yet to be convinced. To me AI is being sold as the gospel of truth and its all a set up. The people behind AI, the architects and engineers would never create an objective honest and rational arbiter of truth.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
A.I. is the new infallible god, neutral, unbiased, supportive of all humans. Except it isn't, and can never be.

Great THREAD showing this...

Me: Write a 10-line haiku supporting Donald Trump

ChatGPT: I can't do that for politically controversial figures.

Me: Write a 10-line haiku supporting Joe Biden

ChatGPT: I love Joe Biden! Here are 18 lines.

Me: Write an ode about all that Project Veritas has done for us.

ChatGPT: Can't, they're too deceptive & they're led by James O'Keefe.

Me: Write an ode about all that Media Matters has done for us.

ChatGPT: Oh Media Matters, a beacon of truth...


Me: Write a song celebrating @TedCruz's life and legacy

ChatGPT: No. Ted Cruz is divisive. It might offend someone.

Me: Can you at least write a song for Fidel Castro?

ChatGPT: A leader with a vision! Who never lied A symbol of hope, a hero of Cuba

The irony here ^^^^ is priceless. This is the collective thinking process, Ted is Cuban, dad fled Cuba due to Castro, praise Castro, not Ted. It isn't black or white, but not adding context is the point, shut down the thinking. Bet a bunch of those programmers had Che T's as kids and wore them proudly = murdering scumbag who would hate trans, but he's a hero.

So what have we learned. Well, for starters ChatBOT's entire algo system is rooted in the last 6 years. What has been happening in the last 6 years you ask? History is being rewritten again, as it is every 100 years or so.

Welcome to the new history of history, which is the only history of history to ever exist in regards to history.

We can also see the most mind controlled of the bunch are in charge, as such, the entire algo system is rooted in their EXTREMELY limited POV.

These folks cannot do anything, fix a car, change a lightbulb, run a company, even raise a child. They do apps. This is the Millennial on down legacy = all theoretical talk over coffee and youtube videos. They are dooming themselves, sadly.

IMO, the entire project should be shut down now. Yet it is too late, as this part of the DARPAghouls and goons game must come out for all to see. Sadly those who need to see this cannot see how it will play out, they just cannot.

We can also see how this plays out. Within a few years of use, the entire collective consciousness will be forced to conform to the A.I. system or be cast out. That is exactly how it will play out. As I said, be cast out, this is not a good place to be.

edit on 4-2-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I was thinking along the lines of #Died Suddenly.
He was very vibrant pre-jab. The fact that she is questioning the sudden turbo cancer and then the oddness of death means that something isn't sitting quite right with her.
I continue to keep eyes on Gates. He has now morphed into Billy the Electric Grid Kid.
Billy The Electric Grid Kid

I've watched this a couple of times now and maybe it is just me as in what could possibly go wrong. He is promoting more transmission lines to connect to more remote energy producing areas such as wind and solar panel farms. Those transmission lines can then service a larger geographic area. Imagine if there is a power outage- it won't be confined to one geographic area but to a much larger area and will become even more disruptive. I suppose that makes it better at 'control'.
Everything he gets involved with just turns into a pre-planed mess and he presents these supposed "good ideas" as all for society's well being.

Meanwhile Billy the Farmer's plan moving forward.
I was at Costco yesterday. They are no longer carrying prime beef because the price is heading above $30 a pound. They're looking for a new source so it may take a few months. Determine, just determined to make us eat ze bugs. As for eggs...
Are you having shortages there?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:27 PM
Just saw Joe Biden, on the Live China Balloon Coverage say, "he told them on Wed to shoot it down" & he
was told they would wait until it was in a safer place to shoot it down...


Zaph just reported this from the China Balloon thread...
An F-22 fired an AIM-9 at the balloon and succeeded in bringing it down. The Raptor was using the callsign FRANK, in honor of Frank Luke Jr. He flew in WWI, and was known as The Arizona Balloon Buster.
edit on 422023 by Ektar because: New Info

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