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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 08:53 PM
I may be able to offer some insights into David Brock.
He seems trusted by Lynn Forrester DeRothschild.
That kind of trust in their world come from family ties.
I suspect he might be her son..
She is a top witch.
Probably for the Rothschild coven.
There is a coven for each of the 13 families and a coven for the heads of each of the families.
A Collins is always the head witch of that coven.
Lynn may or may not be that Collins bloodline.
It is hard to trace it sometimes as they change names and have children raised by other families, which I suspect David Brock is.
From WikiLeaks correspondence Lynn FR and Hillary it was clear they were witches and Hillary was subservient.
And now that Evelyn is dead and said to have been forced to suicide himself my guess Lynn is pissed off. She seems like the type to hold a grudge and vindictive anger.
And if that's Brock's mommy he is motivated to her and their lifestyle and culture.
The canaanite-phoenician-catharginian-venetian-black royalty death cult never gave up their human sacrifices.
They just took it underground away from view.
And it is all ritual and witchcraft Lynn might have been the power behind Evelyn. even though he was the head of the Rothschild's family.
Watch the wives.
Lynn is David Brock's power

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: dashen

You'ld think such a smart PR guy as David Brock would realise that he'll get reputationally dragged thru COMMITTEE by Jim Jordan, with every article he writes?

I can almost hear Jim saying "Look at this Facts First article out this morning... written by the partner of Comet Pizza owner, James Alefantis... who socialised with Ghislane Maxwell" (cue A3 picture on an clip board).

I think this will lead nicely into John and Tony Podesta as well...

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Tomorrow is "Occult Day", so let's see who is sacrificed.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

The Below is not on-line/available yet - should be interesting ... Tick Tock
Reps. Comer and Jordan Hold News Conference on Biden Family Investigation

11 17 22 ~ C-SPAN - Representatives James Comer (R-KY), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and others hold a news conference on the investigation into the business dealings of the Biden family.

Very interesting

edit on 2022/11/17 by CrazyFox because: caught up lol

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Based on what we know about the DOJ, it's likely their personnel were doing more than simply "monitoring" voting locations, as their press release stated.

DOJ Press Release:

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 09:22 PM
This is just a thought.
I was watching Tucker tonight, and I want to point to this SBF/FTX stuff, and also the announcement (and the timing) of this new Biden investigation.

What are the chances that the timing of these two things is related. Along with the election steal too which we already knew was going to happen and the recent DJT running for prez again.
All this has to mean something.
What "IF", and that's a big IF, this SBF guy was a white hat plant to lure in the known deep state actors that would jump on board.?
A lot has happened this past couple of weeks, and I have a sneaky suspicion it's all connected.
And Evleyn Rothschild dying, the Queen dying, DS getting busted trying to FF russia into a war etc

edit on R2022x1630pmThu, 17 Nov 2022 21:23:16 -0600 by Roxstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 10:10 PM
This was making the twit rounds today, but no enough context was put in. It matters here, as I stated last week, the world is not what people think it is that this point. Let's take a short dive, as a lot of this has been covered in here already.

The percentage above is staggering. But it excludes "legal" drugs in other categories that alter the mind. It also excludes "illegal" drugs used to alter the mind.

We can extrapolate that half the country is out of their mind on drugs. Yes, out of their mind, as that is the entire point of the drugs - they help nothing.

So, half the country is out of their mind on drugs, aaaaaaaaaaaaand, that same group is also watching teeeveee, either by choice or default (the later in gyms, waiting rooms, offices etc.) Which, if you know anything about teeeveee, is designed to control the mind through altering brain waves.

All of the country is out of their minds from the ultimate mind control device the so called "smart phone."

Seems all of these people out of their minds are screaming on social media, seems.

Now take a look around, ask yourself, why is it sooooooo important for most of the country to be out of their minds as a result of some external system or another administered by certain folks?

Back to the first topic.

Fact: SSRI's are a wholly made up pack of garbage designed to disguise their true purpose: Cut off the connection to Soul/Source. End. Full Stop.

That's the point, screw any other accepted reason, the whole reason for Fluoride and Fluoride related drugs is to cut off the population from the divine so they think mutilating children, killing babies, and fighting over pronouns makes sense. The uber toxic chemical, in everything, calcifies the pineal, the seed of life, the connection to source, the divine telephone, and it's been turned off.

Notice, I didn't mention the jab.

Pretty grim, but utterly factual and there is no debate here.

The is a spiritual war, as much as anything, and the evidence is right in front of us, everywhere, yet it is so ubiquitous that we don't see it anymore.

Consider this when interacting with folks, as I said, the toxic must be jettisoned from our lives. Those who have given up, through the process of drug taking, no matter their excuse, are to be treated as out of their minds if you want to find your true ultimate reality.

If everyone is out of the mind on drugs, it is the sane, the sober, the undrugged, that seem insane. Isn't that how Anons feel? Sober people among those totally effing blotto. Inversion.

I'm going to edit to add this, seeing the twitter war spillover. The employees at the twit, the old twit, actually bought into the mind control they were charged with disseminating to the masses. Consider that. We always assume they, the "they", are doing it to us with full knowledge, but in the case of the twit army, they simply took the dose of mind control first, then laid waste to humanity. They act like long term welfare recipients at this point "where my free money, don't need no work, I do as I please, screw the man, gimme my check." It's remarkable.

Good speed Twitriots, you're going to need it, you're in a sea of mind control whack jobs.

edit on 17-11-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Thirteen cabal families... only Collins lead covens for each?

Seems to parallel the Levites/Cohens/Kohanim acting as the priestly class for the 12 tribes of Israel?

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Roxstar

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
You MUST see this if you haven't already.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Quite possibly, they take unsuspecting victims from other states, they request a change of address to vacant / for sale homes in AZ, then register these "new residents of AZ" to vote, and then vote with their identities.

I bet this happened all over the country

More than likely or at the very least, the key states like AZ, Penn etc.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 10:42 PM
I phrased that poorly.
A Collins at the head of the main coven comprised of the 13 .
I never have validated this to be the mother of darkness but assume it is

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Thirteen cabal families... only Collins lead covens for each?

Seems to parallel the Levites/Cohens/Kohanim acting as the priestly class for the 12 tribes of Israel?

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Very well said Cranky. I agree 100% and witness this every. single. day. It's gotten worse as technology has grown. I'm 54, so I've seen our progression over the decades.
Everyone has gone a bit crazy especially once the pandemic hit. That was the big one. That was a massive awakening to everyone that even some sleepy ones have woken up. The brainwashing campaign was operating at 1500%.
But everything is starting to unravel now, we may be on the path to finally finish it over the next few years.
Imagine if that completion date was Oct 27 2027. Exactly 10 years from Q post number 1.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I came across this group while trying to understand the whole Maxwell importance to this occult thing.
From: WIKI because, and leave it at that

The Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece (Spanish: Insigne Orden del Toisón de Oro, German: Orden vom Goldenen Vlies) is a Catholic order of chivalry founded in Bruges by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, in 1430, to celebrate his marriage to Isabella of Portugal. Today, two branches of the order exist, namely the Spanish and the Austrian Fleece; the current grand masters are Felipe VI, King of Spain and Karl von Habsburg, head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, respectively. The Grand Chaplain of the Austrian branch is Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna.

The separation of the two existing branches took place as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession. The grand master of the order, Charles II of Spain (a Habsburg) had died childless in 1700, and so the succession to the throne of Spain and the Golden Fleece initiated a global conflict. On one hand, Charles, brother of the Holy Roman Emperor, claimed the crown as an agnatic member of the House of Habsburg, which had held the throne for almost two centuries. However, the late king had named Philip of Bourbon, his sister's grandchild, as his successor in his will. After the conclusion of the war in 1714, Philip was recognized as king of Spain but the hitherto Spanish Netherlands - the old Burgundian territories, fell to the Austrian Habsburgs. Thus, the two dynasties, namely the Bourbons of Spain and the Habsburgs of Austria, have ever since continued granting the separate versions of the Golden Fleece.

The Golden Fleece has been referred to as the most prestigious and historic order of chivalry in the world. De Bourgoing wrote in 1789 that "the number of knights of the Golden Fleece is very limited in Spain, and this is the order, which of all those in Europe, has best preserved its ancient splendour". Each collar is solid gold and is estimated to be worth around €50,000 as of 2018, making it the most expensive chivalrous order Current knights of the order include Emperor Akihito of Japan, former Tsar Simeon of Bulgaria, and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, amongst 13 others. Knights of the Austrian branch include 33 noblemen and princes of small territories in Central Europe, most of them of German or Austrian origin.

The reason this group came up had to do with the theory that Joan D' Arc wasn't executed but instead was sacrificed. This group had its first official meeting only a few months after Joan was set aflame.

Ok so if we look at the point that Gilles de Rais acted very much like Epstein, and the story has it that Joan D' Arc was possibly a G Maxwell type of person, then I would expect that Maxwell will be killed (ie Sacrificed) tomorrow on "Occult Day". Though to be fair, I am most likely wrong but we'll see I guess.

Oh and this "Order of the Golden Fleece", could it be this mystery group that hasn't been talked of yet?

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Confused? That was probably the aim!

...To stop people being able to look into the calculations of each calendar and work out what the date should really be?

The Julian calendar Wiki was a pretty good explanation to me.

Our Kiwi with the noosphere study and 13 moon being important rings true reading this post Rel. I believe the whole thing with calendars and shifting the time zone causes biorhythm pattern disturbances. Possibly causing a lot of problems for all of us on a physical level that affects us also mentally. Like the "Global Hum" would seem to do to people.

Why would the powers that be want to avoid 13 months to coincide with the 13 moons? Could it be that 13 is the number of the Christ and the 12 Apostles and must not be acknowledged? Keep in mind Saul of Tarsus switching teams, and becoming Paul, replaces Judas to keep them at 13. They needed it when Judas quit.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 11:13 PM
Off topic, but wondering if anyone knows where Xthemadness has been. He hasn’t posted since before Election Day- in this thread at least

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Confused? That was probably the aim!

...To stop people being able to look into the calculations of each calendar and work out what the date should really be?

The Julian calendar Wiki was a pretty good explanation to me.

Our Kiwi with the noosphere study and 13 moon being important rings true reading this post Rel. I believe the whole thing with calendars and shifting the time zone causes biorhythm pattern disturbances. Possibly causing a lot of problems for all of us on a physical level that affects us also mentally. Like the "Global Hum" would seem to do to people.

Why would the powers that be want to avoid 13 months to coincide with the 13 moons? Could it be that 13 is the number of the Christ and the 12 Apostles and must not be acknowledged? Keep in mind Saul of Tarsus switching teams, and becoming Paul, replaces Judas to keep them at 13. They needed it when Judas quit.

That's interesting. And not even referring to the biblical reference.
Just the fact that it's changed a few times over the centuries and millenia. Re-adjusting. My guess initially is because the Earth wobbles. Each spin is not exactly the same as the previous one. So I would think it would throw our math out. Summerians did figure it out. Their math is base 60. It's much more accurate from what I've learned from it.

Our history is filled with part truths and holes. Noone in MSM or the like is really going to tell us. We must piece it together on our own.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Confused? That was probably the aim!

...To stop people being able to look into the calculations of each calendar and work out what the date should really be?

The Julian calendar Wiki was a pretty good explanation to me.

Our Kiwi with the noosphere study and 13 moon being important rings true reading this post Rel. I believe the whole thing with calendars and shifting the time zone causes biorhythm pattern disturbances. Possibly causing a lot of problems for all of us on a physical level that affects us also mentally. Like the "Global Hum" would seem to do to people.

Why would the powers that be want to avoid 13 months to coincide with the 13 moons? Could it be that 13 is the number of the Christ and the 12 Apostles and must not be acknowledged? Keep in mind Saul of Tarsus switching teams, and becoming Paul, replaces Judas to keep them at 13. They needed it when Judas quit.

Breaking and inverting natural cycles is mostly the reason. It is simply a form of disruption.

That's not to say that folks didn't take the disruption and invert that into some ritual or another.

There is also rewriting history by rewriting dates and times, very convenient to the process of destroying the past.

So breaking the natural 28 day cycle breaks connections. Consider how effed up people get when the government changes the time. The sun still rises, still sets, but dislodging the tenuous connection to the clock every year creates internal havoc.

I swear there was a vote to end that Daylight savings thing and it had like a 3-factor connect to a dark to light drop,,, yet,,, here we are again with that disruption.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 11:55 PM
A reminder from FOJAK on twitter:


1) in 2021 on Nov 17th, a 1 year DELTA, Mr POOL made a tranche of posts that require a RE_READ/decode.
Something is steering me to list them out as text rather than pictorially - maybe it will throw a lead up:

11 posts with following times in order:
0:12:30, 0:13:30, 0:14:30, 0:15:30, 0:16:30, 0:17:30, 0:18:30, 0:19:30, 0:20:30, 0:21:30, 0:22:30

then these 32 posts

at 18:18 Denver International Airport painting of WORLD CHILDREN IN COUNTRY FLAG MASKS
at 18:20 (801) 596-2727 (phone number for H-11 Digital Forensics
at 18:29 DIA mural (?) of GREEN jellyfish in river styx linking up through LGBT colors to White House in dismal Black/White industrial landscape
at 18:32 Multitude of yellow Smiley face balls
at 19:15 Photo of campus building in countryside
at 19:45 Out of focus DRAPED STARS AND STRIPES FLAG in front of RED MOON BLACK SKY
at 19:47 2:31
at 20:57 B/W photo ELDERLY MAN IN GLASSES (CIA director Bill Casey perhaps)
at 21:21 2727
at 21:21 NOT
at 21:21 WHAT
at 21:21 YOU
at 21:22 BELIEVE
at 21:33 0:23:30
at 21:33 1:01:30
at 21:35 SHUT DOWN
at 21:36 NOW
at 21:36 THIS
at 21:44 INDIAN TEMPLE silhouetted against RED MOON in MAUVE SKY
at 22:05 ORDER
at 22:33 1:00:30
at 22:42 3:03
at 23:33 1:02:30
at 23:37 0:19:30

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 12:11 AM
I wonder why Twitter has closed its offices and disabled badge access until Monday???

...On the same weekend that most banks have scheduled outages for an implementation???

The Guardian

The crisis at Twitter reached a new peak on Thursday night as hundreds of employees were reported to have rejected Elon Musk’s ultimatum to keep working for the business, threatening its ability to keep operating.

As the company temporarily closed its offices to staff, Twitter users began saying their goodbyes and linking to accounts on other platforms.
Twitter later announced via email that it would close “our office buildings” and disable employee badge access until Monday, the New York Times reported.

This smacks highly to me that Musk doesn't want to risk the old twiiter tecchies sabotaging an implementation that tecchie teams from his other companies may be about to make?

Dogecoin integration for example?

edit on 18-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Love the understanding you bring to the thread of history that is not so clear to interpret from the usual searches.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: nowayreally

I really hope XtMN is just taking a much deserved "breather"!

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 12:32 AM
New Mr POOL at 18:44 on 17th... UTAH GRAND CANYON DAM


Rumours that power generated under the Hoover dam powered some US DUMBS.

14 posts with UTAH

UTAH data center (NSA?) may be relevant

edit on 18-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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