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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 01:10 PM
FED Oversite of Clinical Trials is "grossly inadequate", say experts

Shock and awe. Oversite of the clinical trials around Pfizer and Moderna were just about non existent. I am trying to understand what they hoped to accomplish by doing the few that they bothered with virtually.
The timing is somewhat suspicious pausing the site inspections from March to July 2020 as if almost not wanting to know.

Here we have a whistleblower who has to remain anonymous because this person has signed a confidentiality agreement.

Circling back to the Jackson complaint about the highly irregular Pfizer vaccine trials.
"Having worked at the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations, was also concerned about the agency's failure to fully tackle Jackson's complaint about falsified data in the Pfizer's mRNA Vaccine Trial."

Well here's the reason...the FDA has only 89 inspectors.

The reason? Lack of funding! Seriously? Lack of funding?

"Grossly Inadequate" is maybe too mild a term. "Planned and executed" according to the agenda. They have been wildly successful.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

And yet people wonder why there is always so much symbolism in Disney Movies.

Oh Happy "Occult Day" everybody. Let's see if I was right about this, if I'm not I won't bring it up again.

You are right. There is no doubt at all in my mind.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Or, King Arthur's 12 Knight's of the Round Table?
Jesus and 12 Disciples?
I'm sure there are many more 12/13's.

Maybe the symbolism of removal of the head of those two tables, the Lord's and the Round table's, are both symbiology for the missing 1 of the needed 13?

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 01:45 PM
It occurs to me that I have not seen one single eneMedia reference to the single. most. OBVIOUS. issue with regard to the Muskinator Twit take over, aaaaaaand by default the FTX collapse.

So Muskinator is being reamed by people who do not work at the Twit for not knowing how to run the twit. He's also being reamed by the mind controlled minions at the twit for how he is running the twit.

What is the most obvious question no one, and I actually mean no one, is asking???



HOW THE F was twitter making it?

Millions for food, that according to metrics at a metrics run company, no one was using - being tossed out everyday while something something homeless?

Thousands of useless employees for a company with 250m users WW?

He's cost cutting, and people are pissed for some reason, but people are failing to ask why does he have to cost cut so drastically now?

Yes, "well he just over paid, and,,, blah blah blah blah."

Fact is, who and what was subsidizing the twit?

Just like who and what was behind the FTX money laundering scam?

Will the twit, under the ownership of the largest DOD contractor, fully vetted btw, continue to collect information from 3b phones world wide and sell that information to the highest bidder?

Is ridding the Twit of all the employees but a few telling us things we should be paying attention to??? Is there new software about to be deployed that doesn't need the minions, and the minions cannot know and must be gone?

The "reveals" are here folks, as I told you ages ago, they will be right out front, but people won't see it. There will be no giant ww press conferences with DJT or anyone else, spouting a laundry list of horrors to prove to your friends you were right all along.

The "disclosures" will be found in a single line in a book - ie Baby Talk Birx's, or in the most obvious ways so big it makes no sense. Like how was the twit making it? Why is the twit, unlike any other platform, a "national security threat" under "private" ownership?

The twit was being subsidized, being allowed to grow stupid big, in order to hide things just like the DOD etc. Why and by whom? Anons know of course.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 01:48 PM
Then we are going to have to send them a bill for their greedy theft plus damages. That could lead to them being paupers and kids in the poor neighborhood getting new shoes for free from the proceeds of their collective estates.

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
This is why Obama and the Dems are named in the Q drops.....
Read the last line again and let that sink in................

edit on 18-11-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 01:53 PM
That sounds like a logical and sound observation. DON"T FLAME THIS ONE BOYS!
I too believe what that professor taught you. It is about life not meeting the depressed persons expectations. Part of the problem is to not realize YOU can decide to have a happy outlook or not each day you wake. If you start making the choice to be as happy as you can be within the circumstances, it will be much more uplifting when things go "normal" for you.

originally posted by: GopiGrl
a reply to: crankyoldman

Good point to raise, particularly since the FDA announced an adderall shortage October 12 - Big Pharma's too busy w other things...

Some of these people have been taking it for years. When I took abnormal psychology in college, we were taught, if your therapist hasn't helped you after a year, find another. Some people think they (tptb) were drugging the indigo children -

I might get flamed for this but, what the heck...I was told that depression is a response to how someone wants life to be versus the reality. The only way to "cure" depression is to do...make small, practical goals and work your way up.

My observation is, too many young people have no idea how to work because their parents didn't teach them.

We are surrounded by inept, immature and overly emotional individuals -is the US one big psych ward?

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 02:06 PM
Dark to light. Circling back to Africa, Kenya specifically.
Bill Gates is over there currently and has announced the donation of $1.4 billion to help small farmers have more options due to the usual climate change narrative.
He must be really frustrated that Kenya's whole health improved despite the plandemic.
Bill Gates Hails Kenya's Massive Gains in Health

What are the chances that suddenly the government of Kenya has approved 10 million bags of GMO corn?
Trying to have a sense of humor over this> YouTube Kenya to Import 10 million bags of GMO Corn
Quote of the day..."There are so many things here that can kill us." He's laughing...but maybe there is a reason.

Most probably know about Billy's massive investment in Monsanto but circling back to my previous post about Billy's "special corn"- the GMO corn only produces half of the flour than their organic maize. And then there are the issues of stock outs of seeds ect.
Probably a coincidence but there were all those rumors that were swirling around about Obama and Kenya.

Could it be a signal to remind people about Obama? Maybe the next part of the show is to start. The pictures!

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 02:18 PM
The Meem Wars end when we have won total victory.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
That sounds like a logical and sound observation. DON"T FLAME THIS ONE BOYS!
I too believe what that professor taught you. It is about life not meeting the depressed persons expectations. Part of the problem is to not realize YOU can decide to have a happy outlook or not each day you wake. If you start making the choice to be as happy as you can be within the circumstances, it will be much more uplifting when things go "normal" for you.

originally posted by: GopiGrl
a reply to: crankyoldman

Good point to raise, particularly since the FDA announced an adderall shortage October 12 - Big Pharma's too busy w other things...

Some of these people have been taking it for years. When I took abnormal psychology in college, we were taught, if your therapist hasn't helped you after a year, find another. Some people think they (tptb) were drugging the indigo children -

I might get flamed for this but, what the heck...I was told that depression is a response to how someone wants life to be versus the reality. The only way to "cure" depression is to do...make small, practical goals and work your way up.

My observation is, too many young people have no idea how to work because their parents didn't teach them.

We are surrounded by inept, immature and overly emotional individuals -is the US one big psych ward?

It's true to an extent, but that's really an over simplification. Expectations, always not of our own creation, are the bane of our experience to be sure. Eliminate them and life is better. But for kids that's not always the case, and even if it was, the idea of "elimination" is impossible as kids are figuring out how to navigate this hell.

The issue, at the deeper level, is, VERY often, those who are more connected to Source/Self/Soul have to navigate a system that is actively trying to kill them in more ways that one.

They cannot articulate it, and when folks engage "help" they get the MD Mind Control responses. The issue is that Soul/Self/Source is present, and is often in direct conflict with the matrix, so what does one do??? Imagine telling an MD who believes in the Jab that "oh, I feel as if my Soul is not connected to my body, there Soul is saying to do this, but instagram is saying not to, I need to calm the conflict." Try not to laugh at that one.

My nephew was sent by his nutcase mom to a therapist. The therapist thought that he cut the tags out of his close was a sign of mental illness. He told me this, I said "FT, I do it and have for years, and there is a very very real reason for doing it not including getting rid of RFID tags."

The "therapist" is/was a total idiot. Idiot supreme.

The first thing I remember saying to my family was "don't try to live here, it is all going away" but I was totally effing naive about dates and times. Attached to that was my internal thought "WTF, everything here is upside down, backwards, and horrifying."

So, the system spent untold millions of energy units trying to convince me I was crazy. For many they do not have the internal fortitude to persevere through that. You did, many cannot, and drugs are forced upon them.

Being in alignment with Soul/Self/Source is art, not science, as such, it is very hard to help others. Native American Shamans might spend weeks with a tribe member to see what's what. MD's spend minutes before sending folks to the dispensary, dispensing drugs to eliminate the conflict between Soul/Self/Source and the personality.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Yes. It puts each of us in control of our own outlook w/o drugs.

Maybe these points are also of interest - same class:
1. We are all standing on the edge, some closer then others.
2. Our mind is like a rubber band, need to be elastic or flexible otherwise it snaps.

I also think we have to take care of what we put into our mind - movies, games, is interesting to note that we have very little control of what goes into our minds, our ears, our eyes, our brains...we can control what goes into the mouth more so then anything else. Staying healthy is oddly easy in an uncontaminated world.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

If astrology was used in diagnosis, many ills could be addressed easily.

For parents, the raising of a child holds karmic lessons. The child who is ill is teaching the parents - I have mentioned this before, the child/parent relationship is the font of humanity...we need to perfect it. We've got a long ways to go.

Hope your nephew is well.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 03:49 PM
Cranky, it’s great to have you back in here with the regular content that you always used to bring!

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 04:06 PM
How do we know with those e votes that someone can't tweak the numbers and say Joe Biden won when no one hardly came to a single rally he gave?

How do we stop the thieves when there is a group determined at overthrowing our elections with BS votes and we can see it but the Justice Dept sits idle?


I am not so optimistic that the concept is valid when people can interfere with the flow of the data and get away with it right in front of our eyes, but nothing is being done about it.

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: cimmerius

You mention the wrong thinkers, and the interesting thing about the QFS is somehow it is supposed to be connected to your conscious and can somehow determine what your intentions are so in essence money could not be spent for nefarious things or if it is spent can be tracked and cancelled.

Now who invented this technology or developed I do not know. What I have heard is it is not necessarily part of the government and the Starlink system managing all of this will be monitored by the military in the form of Space Force and the way I understand it it is representatives from many nations so it just isn't an American thing, or an Asian thing etc.

I cannot remember where I had heard this but supposedly in the Amazon Prime show the Expanse the handheld units that are used on the show are similar to what these devices would look like. If they work like described then essentially there would be very little need for many of the political appointments we have now since the people could vote directly. Don't like the vote too bad you either need to fight for your beliefs or move to a place with similar thinking

edit on 18-11-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I wonder why Twitter has closed its offices and disabled badge access until Monday???

...On the same weekend that most banks have scheduled outages for an implementation???

The Guardian

The crisis at Twitter reached a new peak on Thursday night as hundreds of employees were reported to have rejected Elon Musk’s ultimatum to keep working for the business, threatening its ability to keep operating.

As the company temporarily closed its offices to staff, Twitter users began saying their goodbyes and linking to accounts on other platforms.
Twitter later announced via email that it would close “our office buildings” and disable employee badge access until Monday, the New York Times reported.

This smacks highly to me that Musk doesn't want to risk the old twiiter tecchies sabotaging an implementation that tecchie teams from his other companies may be about to make?

Dogecoin integration for example?

Also corporate espionage in general. I like the idea that MUSK is yanking the cord asap. It gives the adversaries minimal time to plan and implement countermeasures... mostly the idea of building new Leftard platforms, plus forwarding followers and accessing everything through their Twitter accounts. He should probably ice their accounts completely, like they did to Alt-Media people.


posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
Cranky, it’s great to have you back in here with the regular content that you always used to bring!

Great to be back PM, good to see you.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I wonder why Twitter has closed its offices and disabled badge access until Monday???

...On the same weekend that most banks have scheduled outages for an implementation???

The Guardian

The crisis at Twitter reached a new peak on Thursday night as hundreds of employees were reported to have rejected Elon Musk’s ultimatum to keep working for the business, threatening its ability to keep operating.

As the company temporarily closed its offices to staff, Twitter users began saying their goodbyes and linking to accounts on other platforms.
Twitter later announced via email that it would close “our office buildings” and disable employee badge access until Monday, the New York Times reported.

This smacks highly to me that Musk doesn't want to risk the old twiiter tecchies sabotaging an implementation that tecchie teams from his other companies may be about to make?

Dogecoin integration for example?

Also corporate espionage in general. I like the idea that MUSK is yanking the cord asap. It gives the adversaries minimal time to plan and implement countermeasures... mostly the idea of building new Leftard platforms, plus forwarding followers and accessing everything through their Twitter accounts. He should probably ice their accounts completely, like they did to Alt-Media people.


This ^^^



Twitter Buy, FTX Crash, DJT "Announces", "House Falls", "Ukraine Exposed", "Hunter now Hunted", Vlad Moving Forward With BRICS+++, Joe Lifeless, NanChi Fired (DJT: I got her that job...)

Helluva 11:11:11:11:22

Next Stop: 122122

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 05:03 PM
Not often asked, or even at all.

Why was Klaus Blofeld allowed out into the world these past few years to brag about his plans?

Why were the not secret?

And no, "they have to tell us before they...." is not the answer.

2016 no one knew who he was, or even much about the WEF. After DJT arrived, suddenly this Bond Villain is everywhere, unabashedly bragging about bugs, own nothing, jabs/DNA altering etc.


MultiPolar, he says the word. Vlad and team use this all the time, they don't say "globalization" for a reason. Blofeld just used Vlad's phrasing in front of his minions, which included mumbling incontinent Joe and it had to be the most painful thing ever... well, for a human which he is not.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 06:09 PM
There is a bit of galactic irony here.

Those who openly destroyed morale of those who would not comply with the Fakedemic's edicts, are now subject to low morale and the fallout from those edicts.

If course, followers of the thread know, the minions are the first to go, and, in this case, are the canary in the coal mine - the harbinger, as they are being sacrificed.

Nolte: CNN Staffer Says ‘Never Seen Morale Lower’ as Layoffs Loom

This revelation occurred during a recent company meeting where CNN chief Chris Licht confirmed that layoffs are coming in early December.

“There is widespread concern over the global economic outlook, and we must factor that risk into our long-term planning,” Licht reportedly said. “All this together will mean a noticeable change to this organization. That, by definition, is unsettling. These changes will not be easy because they will affect people, budgets, and projects.

Fakedemic reactions = global outlook doom for doom sayers = Cause and Effect.

Delicious 11:11:11:11:22 keeps on giving, now if we can get Dash a parade it'd be glorious.

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 06:38 PM

posted on Nov, 18 2022 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I wonder why Twitter has closed its offices and disabled badge access until Monday???

...On the same weekend that most banks have scheduled outages for an implementation???

The Guardian

The crisis at Twitter reached a new peak on Thursday night as hundreds of employees were reported to have rejected Elon Musk’s ultimatum to keep working for the business, threatening its ability to keep operating.

As the company temporarily closed its offices to staff, Twitter users began saying their goodbyes and linking to accounts on other platforms.
Twitter later announced via email that it would close “our office buildings” and disable employee badge access until Monday, the New York Times reported.

This smacks highly to me that Musk doesn't want to risk the old twiiter tecchies sabotaging an implementation that tecchie teams from his other companies may be about to make?

Dogecoin integration for example?

Also corporate espionage in general. I like the idea that MUSK is yanking the cord asap. It gives the adversaries minimal time to plan and implement countermeasures... mostly the idea of building new Leftard platforms, plus forwarding followers and accessing everything through their Twitter accounts. He should probably ice their accounts completely, like they did to Alt-Media people.

This ^^^

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