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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 27 2022 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Cheers for the expanded info Guy!

Yes, I'm getting other clues in the crypto world of 10 days darkness up to Russian orthodox christmas on Jan 6th which also equals Epiphany in Western church.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 02:38 AM
Did Suicide weekend start a couple days early? I know we were two days ahead of schedule, but is that still the case?


Russian sausage tycoon Pavel Antov has been found dead at an Indian hotel, two days after a friend died during the same trip.

They were visiting the eastern state of Odisha and the millionaire, who was also a local politician, had just celebrated his birthday at the hotel.

Antov was a well known figure in the city of Vladimir, east of Moscow.

Last summer he denied criticising Russia's war in Ukraine after a message appeared on his WhatsApp account.

The millionaire's death is the latest in a series of unexplained deaths involving Russian tycoons since the start of the Russian invasion, many of whom have openly criticised the war.

Reports in Russian media said Mr Antov, 65, had fallen from a window at the hotel in the city of Rayagada on Sunday. Another member of his four-strong Russian group, Vladimir Budanov, died at the hotel on Friday.

Superintendent Vivekananda Sharma of Odisha police said Mr Budanov was found to have suffered a stroke while his friend "was depressed after his death and he too died". The Russian consul in Kolkata, Alexei Idamkin, told the Tass news agency that police did not see a "criminal element in these tragic events".

Tourist guide Jitendra Singh told reporters that Mr Budanov may have "consumed a lot of alcohol as he had liquor bottles".

I mean my god, Depressed, drunk as all ends, had a stroke, fell from his window. This guy was "Rasputin'ed". I mean I'm surprised he didn't shoot himself twice in the back of the head while falling to the ground. How many Russian have "died" from falling out a window?

One would think that instead of money to Ukraine, we could just send a bunch of windows so that they can fight the Russians.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Q Alerts is still up.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:48 AM

How quietly people seem to forget about Jimmy Savile and King Charles. If necrophilia is acceptable, then what really happened on Epstein Island?

I'm sorry, what?!
What did I miss???
Savile!? KC?!

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:06 AM
DeSantis and Gabbard should make a formidable team in '24

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:07 AM
"Says the support America has given Ukraine would be much more complicated if America were still in Afghanistan."

That statement is extremely telling. What that really means is the Ukraine situation was scripted well before America pulled out of Afghanistan in 2020.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Kind of strange, it's getting grief for this and I think for the wrong reason. Afghanistan isn't relevant, and even if it was, it wasn't an active war, but a "peace keeping" scenario or some such euphemism, as after 20 years there was no win-goal.


posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
As we get ready to say goodbye to 2022 and enter 2023, what should we expect given the undeniable evidence that we have a fraudulent government actively working against us ? In this day and age could something equivalent to the Nuremberg Trials even happen ? I guess I need to learn more about those trials, were they conducted by the Military ?

It does seem that the “ Military is the only way “ is true. The new House can investigate the scamdemic, Jan.6th, Government infiltration of social media, election fraud, Hunter’s laptop, FTX, Ukraine money laundering, etc. , but Who enforces any wrong doing, lol, the FBI ?!

What comes to mind is infiltration wrt the International Criminal Court. Case in point is Renee Maria Tremblay, a Senior Counsel to the Supreme Court of Canada. She has connections to the Hague Academy of International Law.
But she is also a Young Global Leader-WEF connected. Canada seems to have an unusually large number of connections to Klaus Schwab's cozy group. It's not a difficult stretch that if anything ever comes before them that they will pull lawyers that have been involved with the Hague already in some capacity.
I'm not sure which other judges are compromised but it seems that WEF has tentacles everywhere. The big Q is it even possible for fair trials through the International Criminal Courts. Like you say maybe the only way is the military.
Renee Maria Tremblay- Young Global Leader

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
As we get ready to say goodbye to 2022 and enter 2023, what should we expect given the undeniable evidence that we have a fraudulent government actively working against us ? In this day and age could something equivalent to the Nuremberg Trials even happen ? I guess I need to learn more about those trials, were they conducted by the Military ?

It does seem that the “ Military is the only way “ is true. The new House can investigate the scamdemic, Jan.6th, Government infiltration of social media, election fraud, Hunter’s laptop, FTX, Ukraine money laundering, etc. , but Who enforces any wrong doing, lol, the FBI ?!

In this day and age could something equivalent to the Nuremberg Trials even happen

This is a great question. My answer is no. The "trials" were shows, theater, meant to give people the impression that the war(s) had led to something good.

"Rules" were established. And, within minutes the rules were broken.


Elephant in the room, GOF = Bioweapon = To Kill Masses of People = Banned = Still Happens,,, all over, in Ukraine no less.

Folks are under the impression that laws, codes, agreements, contracts, etc. are made of titanium and prevent wrong doing. Not one law prevents anything, or ever has, they only allow for redress when folks break their MORAL character and violate the redress provision.

Morality is what prevents things, not paper with words.

So a spectacle of a trial would lead to nothing, if even possible, as folks cannot process why this would happen if their are laws. To say nothing of the fact that as near as makes no difference, zero, would actually watch, digest and incorporate the information: They'd watch Hannity or Morning Joe for their entire view of it.

Hell, use the Twitter Files is the example. CIA/FBI running Twitter, literally, nothing but crickets. Ask regular folks, they don't get it.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I hope "Suicide Weekend" was describing U.S. liberals...not foreign VIPs.

I've been watching Biden's new and improved "988" hotline activity.

Looks like mostly liberals calling in for "help".

edit on 12/28/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Here's the rub.
Tulsi Gabbard has been connected to the WEF Young Global Leaders special club, which would be the kiss of death for her career as a viable candidate for many, many people.
Tulsi Gabbard Young Global Leader

This WEF group are a crafty lot. The just sent her an e-mail out of the blue welcoming her to the club, whether she was interested or not and then just published her picture on their website without her knowledge or consent. Considering how toxic any connection is to the WEF she needs to continue to refute the connection.

Dan Crenshaw is another person who has had the same experience.
Dan Crenshaw WEF Young Global Leader
How much more toxic can WEF be?

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Caled
"Says the support America has given Ukraine would be much more complicated if America were still in Afghanistan."

That statement is extremely telling. What that really means is the Ukraine situation was scripted well before America pulled out of Afghanistan in 2020.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Kind of strange, it's getting grief for this and I think for the wrong reason. Afghanistan isn't relevant, and even if it was, it wasn't an active war, but a "peace keeping" scenario or some such euphemism, as after 20 years there was no win-goal.


My take on this development is different then most. Most think BR is hedging on Ukraine winning, I think Inversion here, BR knows now Russia will win/has won, and wants to be invested in the rebuild of the Ukraine that stands after the redistricting.

Zelensky announces he is planning to join World Economic Forum in Davos, to sign new postwar loans with BlackRock

"Specialists of this company are already helping Ukraine to structure the fund for the reconstruction of our state."

I'll take this quote at face value. One "reconstructs" after things are over, not during, and we know what BlackRock is. And BR's Fink said a few months ago, NWO is dead. Multipolar is coming, BR wants in early.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 12:52 PM
Makes sense to me.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
"Says the support America has given Ukraine would be much more complicated if America were still in Afghanistan."

That statement is extremely telling. What that really means is the Ukraine situation was scripted well before America pulled out of Afghanistan in 2020.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Kind of strange, it's getting grief for this and I think for the wrong reason. Afghanistan isn't relevant, and even if it was, it wasn't an active war, but a "peace keeping" scenario or some such euphemism, as after 20 years there was no win-goal.


My take on this development is different then most. Most think BR is hedging on Ukraine winning, I think Inversion here, BR knows now Russia will win/has won, and wants to be invested in the rebuild of the Ukraine that stands after the redistricting.

Zelensky announces he is planning to join World Economic Forum in Davos, to sign new postwar loans with BlackRock

"Specialists of this company are already helping Ukraine to structure the fund for the reconstruction of our state."

I'll take this quote at face value. One "reconstructs" after things are over, not during, and we know what BlackRock is. And BR's Fink said a few months ago, NWO is dead. Multipolar is coming, BR wants in early.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I need to do a circle back on a very early post I made about Tanzania President John Magufuli, who at the time I believed had been killed due to his push back against the Covid narrative.
How do you provide cover for invalid 'positive' test results?
Think pawpaw

He was the one who had the pawpaw tested and then oddly died March 17, 2021.

The Covid push back was the last straw. The real war was about Nickel, which is needed for the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution 'green' agenda. No doubt he was suicided but with Tanzania having such a large supply of the very minerals needed for electric batteries and his push back against the global corporations he was a serious threat.
He made one very powerful enemy when he kicked out the Gates genetically modified crops earlier on. Gates does not like anyone pushing back against any of his agendas.

Just about anyone who is anyone was circling around Tanzania, Israeli Mossad, Gates Foundation, WEF, WHO, Open Society Foundation, CIA infiltrated Jamestown Foundation and probably the Clinton Foundation was lurking as well.

Just to highlight Gates involvement The Nation [newspaper], Gates funded, was the first to report his death.
Just one week later miraculously a new variant was discovered by none other than KrisP, a genetic testing company which just happened to be funded by the Gates Foundation, the gov'ts of the U.S., UK and South Africa.
Not to leave out Tedros, he immediately jumped out encouraging the WEF connected new president Suluhu's to reverse course on Covid policies.
Talk about the swamp running deep. M view early on was just too superficial, but this makes much more sense because it is always about the $ and the WEF Great Reset.

Tanzania President Magufuli
Magufuli Shrugs Off Covid
Tedros Tweet

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 01:30 PM
Make Sunsets
I think this might link to this post.
Faster than you know.
But, that will soon change [re: visibility].
Public interest forces the SUN to SHINE.
Why are we here?

Following on the heels of Bill Gates another dimming the sun project.
Bill Gates Funding Block the Sun

What could go wrong when something is so simple that any climate cultist can contribute to the effort.
Why we should be concerned... the Pioneer Fund who is contributing to the cause has, gasp, a eugenics background and Nazi link.
Why would this project merit any funding at all?
"No application form or set of guidelines. An applicant merely submits a letter containing a brief description of the nature of the research and the amount of grant requested. There is no requirement for peer review of any kind."
Pioneer Fund Wiki

According to the CEO Luke Iseman "Climate change is such a grave threat, and the world has moved so slowly to address the underlying problem, that more radical interventions are now required."

If they are so determined to dim the sun why are people bothering to put up solar panels? I must be missing something here.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 02:10 PM
Rel I have a really bad feeling about this. Angel and I were discussing FOSUN Pharmaceuticals and the connection to BioNtech/Pfizer mRNA jabs a while back.
China has not permitted their citizens to receive that type of jab despite a completed manufacturing facility ready to go in China.
Now China is letting it 'rip' and the people of course are getting ill. At the same time China has eased travel restrictions in advance of the Chinese New Year. After all the lock downs people are racing to leave and many are heading to Hong Kong.
FOSUN has done something very curious.
"Aside from the escape, another draw of Hong Kong may be the chance to get inoculated with one of the mRNA vaccines that China has yet to approve for use at home. Shanghi Fosun Pharmaceuticals [Group] on Tuesday said people in mainland China can register via WeChat to get Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE's mRNA Covid vaccines in the semiautonomous territory."

The enemedia is drumming up fear of new variants because of the new relaxed policy but after everything we have learned the greater danger is from the mRNA jabs.
I'm not sure where this is headed but things just feel really off.
Since we have been through this before what are the chances that the Biden Administration is going to bungle screening of travelers from China entering the U.S.? And then we get to start the whole thing all over again.
Have you heard anything about how the U.K. is planning to handle this?

U.S. Weighs New precautionary Measures for Travelers From China

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 02:18 PM
Q Tick Tock [LLC]

A Story in 4 parts...

Given what is known about Twitter, and what is overtly known about TickTock and it's origins one has to wonder... well, there is no wondering here...

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: FlyingFox
Here's the rub.
Tulsi Gabbard has been connected to the WEF Young Global Leaders special club, which would be the kiss of death for her career as a viable candidate for many, many people.
Tulsi Gabbard Young Global Leader

This WEF group are a crafty lot. The just sent her an e-mail out of the blue welcoming her to the club, whether she was interested or not and then just published her picture on their website without her knowledge or consent. Considering how toxic any connection is to the WEF she needs to continue to refute the connection.

Dan Crenshaw is another person who has had the same experience.
Dan Crenshaw WEF Young Global Leader
How much more toxic can WEF be?

I believe I saw a thing where Tulsi renounced the WEF. I’m still trying to find it.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 04:21 PM
In Major Step, Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — The Space Force has taken over all of the Department of Defense's military satellite communication functions, a major step in building the new service.

Some Circle Back Jen for you, bleach the eyes after watching.

Q Space

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Ya I seem to remember her denouncing the WEF earlier this year if I'm not mistaken.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:25 PM
Fun with 33's

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