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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 09:11 AM
Is this normal?
Is that not supposed to be AF1?
For Zelensky?
Where is our military?
Did he just land is DC in this pic?
We sent a plane for him?
I am so confused from this pic.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Blood red carpet, hmmm.

The heroic greeting for this guy is hilarious. He has no chance, zero, none, nada. They lost before it started, as if Vlad didn't know it all. So after going all in with guns, money, troops, on the 100-1 shot what happens when Vlad ends the charade???

Very difficult to believe this has been sold as a fight for democracy when Ukraine isn't a democracy.

YoelBOT acting like a hero. Story in two parts.

American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA and NSA

In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased directly from Twitter.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Is this normal?
Is that not supposed to be AF1?
For Zelensky?
Where is our military?
Did he just land is DC in this pic?
We sent a plane for him?
I am so confused from this pic.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Blood red carpet, hmmm.

The heroic greeting for this guy is hilarious. He has no chance, zero, none, nada. They lost before it started, as if Vlad didn't know it all. So after going all in with guns, money, troops, on the 100-1 shot what happens when Vlad ends the charade???

Very difficult to believe this has been sold as a fight for democracy when Ukraine isn't a democracy.

YoelBOT acting like a hero. Story in two parts.

American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA and NSA

In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased directly from Twitter.

It is the USAF VIP livery. C40 clippers (737) vc32 (757) vc25 (747/AF1) and smaller gulf stream jets (c37)

Any can be used as Air Force 1 (or any bird that potus is on really, but these are the official and common ones)
They are also used for distinguished personnel and SAMs (special air missions) so the house and senate leaders, generals, commanders, etc typically when traveling in official capacity will be on these planes.
I’d be curious to know if this was sent to pick up Zelensky to prevent Russia from shooting down a Ukrainian bird with Zelensky in it

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Speaking of calling for immediate arrests, patience isn't always easy.

Circling back to V-safe where people could use it to report adverse effects from the jabs. It seems that the CDC was busy, busy, busy. We have all been conditioned to believe that the VAERS reporting system was not very reliable but still it at least provided some information as to what adverse events were happening.
Imagine only 4% of adverse events, those especially linked to heart issues and cancer made it to VAERS! Only 4%! Of 800,000 adverse events only 30,492 made it to the record.
Walensky needs to be arrested along with Fauci.

"When you started seeing the CDC deleting hundreds of thousands of records and removing them, in this case over 32,000 records, or at least the search term, that's my suspicion here- they didn't delete the record. What they deleted was the word myocarditis, pericarditis or 'heart inflammation' in the actual report."
Cover Up of Mass Murder

Nothing digital is ever really lost.

Nothing is ever truly erased/deleted.
Wayback Machine

Rel to be honest I can't imagine how much more evidence of treasonous actions and Crimes Against Humanity are needed. Those that are asleep are determined to stay that way regardless of how much evidence is revealed. They continue to only get their news from CNN and Good Morning America so until those sources reveal the issues it simply doesn't exist.

Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. Naomi Wolf is very suspicious that this is related to the investigation that Ron De Santis has started. At this point nothing surprises me.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 12:02 PM
Polarity Reality = Victim or Perpetrator.

FBI = Victims, is priceless. In fairness, they had no option, but damn is it funny.

Read that again ^^^, they are claiming to be the victims, understanding that will Awaken folks even more.

No idea, so don't ask.

Zel performing was likely directed by the WH Brigade. This is a "must show them moment" if there ever was one. They brought in this total idiot, pasty, stooge, hack, in a US Jet, and slobbered all over him, and he performed just like a petulant millennial.

From one POV he's going to save them, he's their last hope, from another POV he's their last hope. LOL.

Consider what just happened on the world's stage. The US didn't broker piece, they brought the "enemy" of Russia to the US to fellate him while telling the American pewblick this is good for democracy in Iowa. The symbolism is clear, this is it for them, they are all in on Zel, Zel!!!!!!!

Understand what happened at the same time. This one just pleaded guilty to, in effect, laundering billions to and through Zel among others. BTW, the real folks behind this are still hidden and likely will be.

Sam Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend and FTX co-founder plead GUILTY to fraud charges

Also, tied directly to Joe, and through daddy the SEC among other things....
Mother of crypto 'crook' Sam Bankman-Fried walks into NYC court for his first appearance following extradition from Bahamas

The FBI and CIA outed officially as meddling in the elections.

CIA outed was officially meddling in the death of JFK.

Arizona Trial showing lots of Bots, they cannot be human, meddling in the election.

The Jab information is coming out, all over.

In fact, there is quite literally tooooo much in the way of reveals at the moment. As was foretold here in this thread last spring. And the reactions were as predicted. CIA/JFK/ELECTIONS = not much momentum, as those who knew knew, as those who did not do not want to know. See my post above.

This is what everyone wanted, it has arrived. Much more to come in the new year. We're looking for the moment Team Joe moves into the position of PROBLEM, in the Problem > Reaction > Formula. As we can see, generally speaking, this is going to require an eneMedia flip and more.

To bring it all around... I'm not sure this is comedy.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
The best is yet to come. Christmas Comms?
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo twitter
@US_FDA is definitely feeling the Christmas spirit! For @pfizer they are generously giving the gifts of ..."
Joseph Ladap Tweet

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 12:59 PM
Clinton Foundation is back in the news.
Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.
CHAI/discounted pharmaceuticals to distribute abroad.
Pharma alliance.
Protect domestic prices

Paxlovid related.
The Quick Start Consortium was just launched by none other than the Clinton Health Access Initiative.[CHAI]
With support from The Open Society Foundation and Pfizer
Quick Start Consortium

Doubtful that Zambia will cough up $530 per course of this 'rebound drug'. Seriously? Albert Bourla calls that price really very attractive? The plan for Paxlovid will be like the jabs- way more expensive for 2023.
Fun fact- Medicare Part D can't cover it because it has to be an approved drug.
Paxlovid Sticker Shock 2023

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 01:23 PM
We are saving Israel for last.
Very Specific reason not mentioned a single time.

We have a new book to get through...BiBi- My Story by Benjamin Netanyah published October 18, 2022. I'll try and get the English translation.

The Plan> Genetic Database
Just imagining Pfizer with not only 20 years of digitized medical data on 98% of the Israeli population but then add in a genetic data base. So while Pfizer rolled out the mRNA jabs they had real time data on adverse events related to specific health conditions.
They are not going to stop, ever. Crimes Against Humanity. He almost got away.
Bourla and BiBi

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder



Not sure if I’ve ever discussed with you guys how much my Motherly instincts were in conflict with Tesla girl being jabbed, the 1st time our happy, healthy baby was ever sick was after having her 6mn baby shots and somehow “ Oh, that’s normal “ didn’t sit right with me. After that, my question always was do we Have to do it ? Once she got to school age, the same thing, what does she HAVE to get, lol, and did as much dodging and weaving as I could to protect her from what I believed were unnecessary ( possibly harmful ) jabs.

Anyways, the link below is an interesting comparison to what the difference was in the 90’s compared to now , requiring jabs for children and parent’s control over it, only 4 jabs required and parents could opt out to a degree that seems to not be honored now.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 04:42 PM
Is this the first Team Muskinator Correction?

View Count > Impressions.


Q 2:29

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 05:18 PM
Posting because DARPA, also..... oyve, this isn't helpful to the goons and ghouls at all.


"the reason why not work..."

Read that line again.

So Early Treatment = GOOD!
Masks, mRNA = BAD!

Inversion. See it. Learn it. Live it.

Funny how we here were correct all along with every. single. thing. contained here.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Since you know some people will point this out:
the quote is (bolded the part certain people will fight against)

The reason why nonpharmaceutical interventions like masks and medical countermeasures like the mRNA vaccines do not work well can be extrapolated from the details. The reasons why the early treatment protocols work as curatives are apparent.

It's nice that this points out that these vaccines don't work well, but to me the damning part for Fuaci and friends is where it says:

SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recumbinant bat vaccine, or it's precursor virus.

So the covid vaccine was possibly the virus this whole time? Doesn't that mean that they knew from the very start that forcing people to get the jabby-jab is the problem? All those people that trusted the government or who had to choose unemployment or jabby-jab.

Not to mention all those people that died not only from the vaccine, but also from medical procedures that were denied during the lockdown or because the patient didn't get the jabby-jab. This is a dark stain on the people of this world.

As a former active duty Marine, this pisses me off even more knowing that the CMC knew this crap and still enforced the vaccine mandate on the Marine Corps. What a failure of friggen leadership. During my time in service CNO Admiral Boorda took his own life due to "personal issues", if this flying-"F" of a Commandant doesn't openly fight this, then he doesn't even deserve that which Michael Boorda used to end his career. What an embarrassment...
edit on 22-12-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:01 PM
Irony, the pic is an abomination, and should be removed.

Then again,,,

Weird it might be attacked by the bots, don't they want this glorification of the Freedom Fighter cum Money Launderer on the front page everywhere? Isn't the imagery more important than the snark about another flag being flown in our state capital, a flag from a country less democratic than ours?

Remember, everything they Invert will Invert on them within a short period of time. Looks like this was ultimately a bad idea.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

Since you know some people will point this out:
the quote is (bolded the part certain people will fight against)

The reason why nonpharmaceutical interventions like masks and medical countermeasures like the mRNA vaccines do not work well can be extrapolated from the details. The reasons why the early treatment protocols work as curatives are apparent.

It's nice that this points out that these vaccines don't work well, but to me the damning part for Fuaci and friends is where it says:

SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recumbinant bat vaccine, or it's precursor virus.

So the covid vaccine was possibly the virus this whole time? Doesn't that mean that they knew from the very start that forcing people to get the jabby-jab is the problem? All those people that trusted the government or who had to choose unemployment or jabby-jab.

Not to mention all those people that died not only from the vaccine, but also from medical procedures that were denied during the lockdown or because the patient didn't get the jabby-jab. This is a dark stain on the people of this world.

As a former active duty Marine, this pisses me off even more knowing that the CMC knew this crap and still enforced the vaccine mandate on the Marine Corps. What a failure of friggen leadership. During my time in service CNO Admiral Boorda took his own life due to "personal issues", if this flying-"F" of a Commandant doesn't openly fight this, then he doesn't even deserve that which Michael Boorda used to end his career. What an embarrassment...

I think another key point is appears from this very limited doc that Fauxci was really working for our old friend Petey Daszak, since appears he has it all laid out, whatever it is. The ugly point is DARPA is effing everywhere, a plague onto itself, pretending to a hip place where geeks hang with robots all day.

Pete's plan needs to be revealed in the hearings, as well as all of DARPA's involvement,,, should be illuminatiating.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

DARPA seems to be all about that "transhumanism" crap. I wouldn't put it past them to have planed this whole thing out from the start.
From: their tightly controlled WIKI

As of 2021, their mission statement is "to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security".

So basically, since it was possible for this report to come out, they decided to change their mission. I bet that only their new mission statement will be stated if this ever goes to court/oversight hearing.
That place is the real virus on us all. In the meantime, the Yersinia pestis reports in China are constantly being hidden from public view.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Not for nothing but Daszak in Polish means visor.
because it fits. websters

a: a face mask

From Daszak's WIKI page: HERE

Starting in 2014, Daszak was Principal Investigator of a six-year NIH project which was awarded to the EcoHealth Alliance and which focused on the emergence of novel zoonotic coronaviruses with a bat origin. Among the aims of the project was to characterize the diversity and distribution of Severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV) in bats, viruses with a significant risk of spillover, in southern China, based on data from spike protein sequences, infectious clone technology, infection experiments (both in vitro and in vivo), as well as analysis of receptor binding. The six 1-year projects received $3.75 million in funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health agency.

Daszak has served on committees of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, World Health Organization (WHO), National Academy of Sciences, and United States Department of the Interior. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and Chair of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)'s Forum on Microbial Threats and sits on the supervisory board of the One Health Commission Council of Advisors.

What do we really know about this guy? I don't mean his employment history, but his personal life? Hell, even with Fauci we know who his wife and kids are, but does this guy have a history or did he "just show up" one day?

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I feel like we should know plenty about Peter. There’s been people saying the onus was on him for 2.5 years now.
I was kind enough to share the darpa report on the ecohealth twitter lol

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

DARPA seems to be all about that "transhumanism" crap. I wouldn't put it past them to have planed this whole thing out from the start.
From: their tightly controlled WIKI

As of 2021, their mission statement is "to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security".

So basically, since it was possible for this report to come out, they decided to change their mission. I bet that only their new mission statement will be stated if this ever goes to court/oversight hearing.
That place is the real virus on us all. In the meantime, the Yersinia pestis reports in China are constantly being hidden from public view.

I know one thing for sure, bank on it, bet on it. When the DARPA connection comes out the official DARPA statement will paint them as the victims. Pete as well, we've seen Fauxci do it to no end.

The perpetrators will shift to the victims when the spotlight shines = the reveals will be very unsatisfying for many.

Worse, like zero percent of normies even know that DARPA exists.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:09 PM
Almost Christmas
ELF on a Shelf ? Sound off lurkers, its been a journey, appreciate the rest stop


DO NOt be a Stranger

edit on 12222022 by MetalThunder because: BRING IT

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:53 PM

edit on 12222022 by MetalThunder because:

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
a reply to: PeteMitchell
a reply to: Guyfriday

It would not surprise me to find the DARPA report to be 100% accurate. That's been a pet theory of mine pretty much since the outset. That the coordinated response to the "pandemic" was the test bed for the true biological weapon to be produced. If you think about it this explanation really fits the circumstances.

If you were bioweapon engineers trying to develop a deadly new toy, that's just what you'd need. A huge sampling data set, like billions of mucous samples. An added benefit to pimping the PCR test so hard. In addition to being able to bump up the numbers by arbitrarily manipulating the number of reproduction cycles to increase the frequency of a positive result, each sample would contain a myriad of biological material that would be very useful to such researchers. Its accuracy has always been questionable to me if you understand how it works, but it was expensive when introduced, the results can be manipulated, and a mucous sample is required.

Respiratory illnesses like this that are highly transmittable, and have a high transmission rate, usually aren't very deadly. It's a survival trait, helps the virus stay alive by not killing everything the first time around. To make a deadlier version of it, an engineer would have to cast a very wide net. Most typical data sets available through the medical system or studies that could reasonably be put together simply wouldn't be adequate, there's not enough genetic variation in there.

You trick billions of people into sending in mucous samples though, well that's a very sizable sampling pool to work with. The jabs may or may not be the results of that research(they could just as likely be other bizarre experiments that weren't allowed until recently), but regardless, we haven't seen the end of this pandemic scenario. That data pool, if it exists, and I'm almost certain it does, will persist, and will be useful for that kind of detestable work far into the forseeable future I'd guess.

All those people sending off their snot on a stick to the lab like good little rabbits, just trying to do their part, engineering their own undoing in the process...think about that for awhile...that'll piss you off...

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