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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Sincerely meant, take your meds and just stop posting utter madness?

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 01:34 PM
The 27 Club is an informal list of famous people (mostly from the 20th century) who died at age 27.

It is connected to the Dictatus papae, a compilation of 27 statements that was promulgated by Pope Gregory VII in the year 1075. This Dictatus advanced greatly the cause for papal supremacy, giving the Pope more powers than he previously enjoyed.

An image of this manuscript:

The English translation of the Dictatus papae:

A modern script version of this document, in Latin and Spanish:

My interpretation:

The 27 Club is an assertion of the Dictatus papae. The people belonging to that “club” could be divided in two groups:

1) Those not belonging to the conspiracy, who were murdered by the conspirators.

2) Those belonging to the conspiracy, which in turn could be divided in two subgroups: The ones that let themselves to be killed by the conspirators, and the ones who faked their own death, like Adolf Hitler did. This last subgroup will probably reappear at some point in the future too, coming back as they really are.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 12:04 PM
Quoted from page 3 of this thread:

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

This 333 from the above message can be found in the wall from the 2017 motion picture Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge, the 5th installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean film series:

I am deciphering much more information from Pirates on this thread, now moved (unfairly, I should add) by the moderators to the “ATS Skunk Forum”.

333 = CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 01:00 PM
I have found a very important announcement/confession from the inner level of the conspiracy in the following motion picture:

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a film released on 26 July 2019.

On it we can see this scene where a fictional “Tex”, one of the members of the Manson criminal organization, responds this when he is asked who is he:

The Spanish version:

Another angle from the same scene, a few moments before the above mentioned dialogue:

With this dialogue the conspirators announced/confessed why they have been committing so many crimes for so long: They are impersonating the devil, therefore they must do the work of the devil.

References to fascism in this film (just two of them):

Musso and Frank are hints to Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco, respectively.

1919 is the year in which the Fasci Italiani di Combatimento (precursor of the National Fascist Party) and the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (precursor of the NSDAP) were created.

An image of Charles Manson, who belonged to the reactionary conspiracy:

edit on 3 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: Correction

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 03:26 PM
This mysterious hand appears twice in the following film:

The Inquiry is film released in 1986. It is about a Roman official sent to the Province of Judaea by Emperor Tiberius to investigate the alleged resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

Early on this film we can see this duo of magicians performing before the Roman rulers of Judaea:

Decoded meaning: The conspirators use misdirection in order to advance their agenda.

Then we see Pontius Pilate (seated, dressed in white) under a ensign that resembles a lot the nazi emblem:

Afterward, the investigator goes to the mountains to search for Jesus. First he passes through to a lake:

Then he reaches the mountains:

Later, this official meets a patrol led by Pontius Pilate. Here we can see the second hand:

A closer view:

Another angle:

A closer view:

A few moments later:

Deciphered meaning: Pontius Pilate represents Adolf Hitler. The lake symbolizes his escape from Berlin using a mini-submarine. The mountains mean Bhutan.

So this would be another film used by the conspiracy in order to announce/confess that Adolf Hitler survived the Second World War, and has been hidden since then in the Kingdom of Bhutan

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Adolf Hitler was born in 1899.

Do you seriously think he might still be alive?

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 06:10 PM
This conspiracy can be independently proven by using the logic.

Why a painting in a Denver airport is so suspicious but the fact that Randolph Churchill, the only son of Winston Churchill, and Robert F. Kennedy, the brother of John F. Kennedy, died on the same day, 6 June 1968, isn’t even worth mentioning it by any of the so-called conspiracy theorists?

These two men died on the 24th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, an operation known as D-Day, being that a day has 24 hours, and yet not a single American or British conspiracy theorist has anything to say about this?

Why would they do something like that?

Answer: Because all of them are members of the conspiracy I am denouncing here on ATS.

I am writing these threads with the hope that this information arrives to the people able to defeat the conspiracy: The U.S. Armed Forces, the Russian Armed Forces and the People’s Republic of China.

Concretely, the information that I am telling on this thread should be transmitted to the military intelligence of the United States as soon as possible.

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 02:56 PM
A world map of the ecclessiastical provinces of the Catholic Church:

Typically, a catholic province is composed of a metropolitan archdiocese (where the capital of the province is located) and one or more suffragan dioceses.

The North American zone:

A closer look to the East Coast:

The Ecclesiastical Province of Washington is only composed of two entities:

• The Archdiocese of Washington, encompassing the District of Columbia and five counties in Maryland.

• And one suffragan diocese, the Diocese of Saint Thomas, encompassing the U.S. Virgin Islands of Saint Thomas, Saint Croix and Saint John.

The configuration of this ecclesiastical province is quite strange, because from a geographical point of view, it would seem more logical that the Diocese of Saint Thomas were part of the province of Puerto Rico, also a U.S. territory, or of the Floridan one. Its current configuration seems to be done on purpose to send a message or to highlight something important.

Thomas etymologically means “twin”. So this province contains allusions to the two places attacked during the 9/11.

Also, note how they are two entities, one and one, two ones, and it has nine territories in the United States: 6 in Washington and 3 in the U.S. Virgin Islands. So this would be a second hidden allusion to the 9/11 attacks in this ecclesiastical province.

edit on 11 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Bit of a stretch?

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 01:39 PM
In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Catholic Church is mentioned in a very positive way by O’Brien, a key member of the Inner Party, who gives the former as example of long-term survival of an oligarchic power:

A Spanish version of this fragment:

Another Spanish version that omits completely the allusion to the Catholic Church:

In conclusion: I consider this fragment tantamount to a confession by which the Catholic Church reveals itself as the leaders of the Inner Level of the reactionary conspiracy.

Additionally, the Catalan/Valencian word “obrien” means “they opened”.

edit on 16 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: Correction

edit on 16 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Following the trail of the Black Stone, I have deciphered a very important part of the conspiracy: The third secret location, after Bhutan and Somerset Island, where the conspiracy would have a key facility: the Sultanate of Oman.

The Kaaba has four corners:

The Iraqi Corner (north-east)

The Shami Corner (north-west)

The Yemeni Corner (south-west)

The corner where the Black Stone is situated (south-east)

A picture of the Kaaba with the information written in Spanish:

Piedra Negra = Black Stone

Esquina = Corner

Muro and Pared = Wall

Madera = Wood

Mármol = Marble

Escalera al techo = Stairway to roof

Thus, if the other three corners point towards those mentioned places, then the Black Stone corner should point towards Oman.

There is even a marble lane (Banda de mármol) signaling the starting point of the Tawaf, the Islamic ritual consisting in going around the Kaaba seven times.

A map of this country:

This Sultanate is very significant because it is the only country in the world where Ibadism, a minor and lesser known third branch of Islam (after Sunnism and Shiism) is the most practiced form of this religion.

This branch is marked with a black circle in the following image:

Ibadism (or Ibadiyya, in Arabic) is the surviving moderate part of the Kharijites, a fanatical sect (probably Islam’s first one) that emerged very early in the history of this religion, in the 650s.

By their actions and beliefs, the Kharijites are often compared to current jihadist organizations like Al Qaeda or ISIS/Daesh.

In conclusion: Oman seems to be a country that could have an important role in the reactionary conspiracy.

edit on 19 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:56 PM
A fragment of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four with the phrase “God is Power” highlighted with a blue rectangle:

I read 1984 in the 90s and I don’t remember that sentence at all. Was it in the older versions of this novel? With that word order? God is power?

Same fragment, in Spanish:

Another two fragments in Spanish, but this time with the word order changed:

El Poder es Dios = Power is God

From this it can be concluded that the God the inner level of the conspiracy worships is Power, their own Power.

As one conspirator answered me some time ago when I asked him, in Valencian, “Why are you doing that?”: “Perquè puc i perquè podem” (Because I can and because we can).

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 02:07 PM
More excerpts from 1984 related to this part of the conspiracy:

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:20 PM
I was wrong with the meaning of 92 and 28. These numbers are not the duration of two parts of the Phase 5. In my opinion, they are a secret code put by the inner level of the conspiracy in several places: So far, I have found them in some ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church and in the Quran:

• The Muqatta’at (known in English as mysterious letters) are combinations of between one and five Arabic letters that appear at the beginning of 29 out of the 114 chapters (surahs) of the Quran. They are named that way because their meaning is unknown.

I am sure they are a code put there by the inner level of the conspiracy.

One and five are alluding to the numbers 1 and 5, thus they mean: 15 = AE = Arriba España

The number of surahs that have these letters is 29. If we read it from right to left, it gives us 92.

• There were five of these councils held in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran (the seat of the Pope), but they are distributed in a curious way: they first four were held consecutively, while the last one took place after another five had taken place in other locations:

(This symbolizes a five inside a five)

Between the 1st and the 4th ones there were 92 years:

Between the end of the 5th one and the beginning of the next ecumenic council 28 years passed:

Notice how the conspirators marked this part of the puzzle:

First, with a X, meaning “you all pay attention, this is important”:

Then, using several figures that work as check digits, and that serve as a validation in order to proof that this is not just a coincidence:

A forty-two (blue asterisks), a twenty-three (red asterisks), and a eighteen (red underlining) repeated twice each one.

Additionally, between the end of the First Vatican Council and the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, also 92 years passed:

In conclusion: 92 and the 28 are thus another way by which the leadership of the conspiracy reveals itself and, at the same time, they unveil a new period about the existence of the conspiracy.

Therefore, I have to change again my estimation about the beginning of the conspiracy. Based on my current understanding of the reactionary conspiracy, I think it was designed in the centuries preceding the birth of Muhammad, the founder of the Islam, who lived between the years 570 and 632 of the Common Era.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:21 PM
The 92 also appears in the telephone country code of Pakistan:

The country code of Bhutan, one of the secret headquarters of the conspiracy, is 975. This figure also appeared when I deciphered here the clues left by the conspiracy in the rigging of the 2020 US presidential election (green underlining):

975 seems a hidden way of writing 92, since if we subtract 7 - 5 = 2, then we end up with 92.

Notice how the country code of Bangladesh is 880. As the conspirators say the zeros don’t count, then that figure would symbolize a 88, meaning HH = Heil Hitler.

Moreover, Spain’s fascist dictator Francisco Franco died in 1975, and the country code of Thailand is 66, meaning FF = Francisco Franco.

Also, it is worth mentioning that the country code of Myanmar is 95, this would be a reference to the 95% target I’m telling in this thread.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I have found another two of these mysterious hands on a very important document:

• The Ashtiname of Muhammad, also known as the Covenant or Testament of Muhammad, is a charter granting protection and other privileges to the followers of Jesus, given to the Christian monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery, which was build between 548 and 565 at the foot of Mount Sinai, in Egypt.

An image of this document:

Location of this monastery within the Sinai Peninsula:

The Saint Catherine Monastery is the world's oldest continuously inhabited Christian monastery. The site also holds the world's oldest continually operating library, as well as possibly the largest collection of early Christian icons, including the earliest known depiction of Jesus as Pantocrator (ruler of all), dating from 6th century of the Common Era.

This monastery is also peculiar because it has a mosque inside its fortified walls, and also because it was the only Christian site that remained in the Sinai after the Muslim conquest of the 7th century, which did eliminate all the Sinai anchorites.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Now that the copyright of this novel has expired, it is worth noting that the Spanish edition of Nineteen Eighty-Four where this page appears:

It is an edition approved by The Orwell State:

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 02:06 PM
I found another hand in a Indian religion:

Jainism is a religion that traces its history to a succession of twenty-four supreme preachers, of whom only the last two have historicity, so the first twenty-two could be mythical. The twenty-third is dated to the 9th century Before the Common Era, while the twenty-fourth, named Mahavira, lived in the 6th century BCE and was contemporary of Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha).

This is the symbol of Jainism:

It was adopted in 1975, precisely the year Francisco Franco died.

Two of the symbols found inside the hand resemble two aitches:

If this religion is another one created by the conspirators, then it would mean that the inner level of the conspiracy already existed in the 6th century BCE.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 03:01 PM
In the 2000s two internet accounts, claiming to be “insiders” from the real rulers the world, held questions and answers sessions with other users. As always, they told some truth mixed with a lot of disinformation, but they did give relevant information, so I have selected a few of their answers to put them in this thread:

• The first one was “Elite Family Insider”, who wrote in 2005 in another conspiracy-discussion forum. His messages can be found in this link.

This is one of his responses:

• The second one was “Hidden Hand”, a self-proclaimed “Illuminati” who wrote in 2008, here on ATS. His messages can be found in this link.

The beginning of this compilation:

His response (his moniker in this compilation is HH) when asked about the 9/11 attacks:

At the end of this answer, which he had used to announce secretly the 95% objective, he wrote again the word “Sacrifice”:

When asked about the Catholic Church he also used that word:

On the three cases he wrote Sacrifice with capital S.

Although he said “the lower parts of our Family”, I think what he really meant was “the higher parts of our Family”.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

Although he said “the lower parts of our Family”, I think what he really meant was “the higher parts of our Family”.

Or perhaps he meant “the lower instincts of our Family”.

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