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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 3

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posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

I wonder if the West had any business in Russia.

Whilst it kept their nation afloat with weapons and goods.

Via the Atlantic convoys during the Second World War.

Which allowed Russia to fight off the Nazi invasion.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: berbofthegreen

...., the west has no business in the Ukraine.

And Russia does?

Quite frankly yes, I think about a 1000 years or more of yes. How about you? Where are you? USA? you got business in a 200 to 300 year history? you arrogant blank.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: berbofthegreen

He's not from the US, so there is that.

Fact of the matter is that Ukraine is an independent sovereign nation with a distinct identity and international recognition.

Its right to self-determination as a nation is protected by international law.

And Russia's claims over Ukrainian territory lack legal and moral legitimacy.

And is not recognised by the international community.

Hence the reason 141 countries voted in favour of the resolution condemning the invasion of Ukraine.
edit on 28-8-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
a reply to: Freeborn

I think all of your war boners will be flaccid in about 1 month (if even that). Maybe I am wrong. I am flagging this thread so I can gloat later.

If you're equating sexual arousal with war in Ukraine I think maybe you need to see a doctor.

Putin's 'special operation' was only meant to last a week, that was nearly 3 years ago and he's still sending poor Russians to their death. I'll wait for your response in a months time when Putin is still wasting the lives of his own army in his pointless invasion!!

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: berbofthegreen

Quite frankly yes,......


.... I think about a 1000 years or more of yes.

Come on, don't be shy. Please do explain.

How about you? Where are you? USA?

#ing hell, are you for real?
Out of respect for site T&C's and the wrath of DTOM I won't comment any further other than to acknowledge the presence of yet another keyboard warrior displaying his woeful ignorance for the world to see. got business in a 200 to 300 year history?

What on earth are you talking about?

you arrogant blank

Ha ha ha.....silly boy.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
a reply to: Kurokage

So you must trust western media for your opinion. The same media that gave you Russia Russia Russia and Trump, the same media that claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian misinformation and so on.

I am not sure how anyone in the west can trust anything that our media and our politicians can and will say about anything.

As many people cannot define what a woman is, it seems that they also cannot define what military loss is.

I don't think that here in the UK we have heard much or anything about Hunters laptop in our media.

For your information, "the West" does not equal "the US".

Open your eyes and you will see a lot of other countries outside of your own little World.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
a reply to: andy06shake

"The West has no business in Europe? LoL "

No, the west has no business in the Ukraine. Well unless you think money laundering of the elite is business.
Just because a country has corruption problems, doesn't make it fair game for any tyrannical dictator on the planet who wants to invade and take it over. At least Ukraine is trying to reduce their corruption problem, which is more than I can say for Russia, where the president is the head criminal, getting his cut of the corruption for permitting the corruption.

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
Quite frankly yes, I think about a 1000 years or more of yes. How about you? Where are you? USA? you got business in a 200 to 300 year history? you arrogant blank.
So do you believe the real 1000 year history shown in picture related? Or the fictitious revisionist history that Putin is trying to rewrite and spread?

US embassy trolls Russia with meme after Putin's revisionist history rant on why Ukraine is not a real country

The US Embassy in Kyiv trolled Putin with a meme about the history of Kyiv and Moscow.

Kyiv was founded centuries before Moscow, and was once at the center of a political federation that Russia's name is derived from.

edit on 2024828 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 12:44 PM
Russian Forces Capture Kostiantynivka Village in Ukraine's Donetsk

A video released on social media on Aug. 27 showed soldiers placing a Russian flag on a lamp post in the village of Kostiantynivka in Ukraine's Donetsk region.

According to the video, the Russian forces are closing in on the strategically important Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk, prompting some residents to evacuate for fear it will fall in the coming weeks.

Reuters was able to confirm the location as the village of Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk Region, which is about 47 km southeast of Pokrovsk, by the buildings, river, road layout, and trees which match satellite imagery. The date when the video was taken could not be independently verified. However official reports from Ukraine confirm there are Russian heavy assaults in the area near Pokrovsk.

The video was filmed at Kostyantynivka village, 47km (29 miles) southeast of Pokrovsk. This is not to be confused with Kostyantynivka town which is 47km (29 miles) northeast of Pokrovsk.

edit on 28-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Imhere

so they capture a rebel village in ukraine that was already fighting against Ukrainian forces. seems like a zero sum win.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 01:35 AM
28 August Update

    Ukrainian outlet Suspilne reported that sources within the Ukrainian special services stated that Ukraine's Main Military Directorate (GUR) and Special Operations Forces conducted a strike with Ukrainian-made drones against the Atlas oil depot in Rostov Oblast.

    Ukrainian forces recently regained positions in the Siversk direction.

    Russian forces recently advanced southeast of Kupyansk, within Toretsk, southeast of Pokrovsk, and northeast of Vuhledar.

More at URL above.


posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: Imhere

so they capture a rebel village in ukraine that was already fighting against Ukrainian forces. seems like a zero sum win.

That’s one shorted way to look at it.

Any political biased views aside, this opens up/reinforces the flanks further in the south for RF. Towards south Kurakhove and towards north east of Vuhledar.

If anything, it’s an indicator on how dire the situation is in the east/Donetsk with Russian forces continuing to have momentum.

You can brush this off as some “zero sum win” but it’s not a win for Zelensky.

My personal American 2 cents view on this is, it’s possible Zelensky’s options coming up is to have a significant counter offensive somewhere in Donetsk or north by Siversk coming up. Possibly after seeing RF stretched out while having weaker spots. With goals to cut off their vital supply lines etc

Theres been chatter lately that it might be the reasoning for Zelensky to have sparsely defended areas/withdrawals towards Pokrovsk etc. Where as others say Russia breached the defensive lines after Avdiivka fell.

We will see. Next months seems like it’s going to be interesting

edit on 29-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 05:57 AM
Update from Ukraine: Ukraine Goes to the North of Kursk Region and Strikes in Kharkiv

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

yep russia for most of the time in the picture was nothing but a little dump water river town and didn't really become anything until the golden horde conquered it after brunt it down the first time they kicked their ass, then they conquered it a second time, the prince of moscow started kissing the khans ass, marriedf his sister and started stabbing their RUS cousins in the back.

been that way ever since.

ETA i was wrong about it being his daughter, it was his sister.

This wedding was out of the ordinary – in 1317, Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich married Konchaka, the sister of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Uzbek Khan. At the same time, both spouses changed their status – Konchaka was baptized into Orthodoxy and became Agafia, while Yuri Danilovich, according to the laws of the Horde, received the title of gurgan – brother-in-law of the Khan himself. The dynastic marriage was probably meant to strengthen relations between the Horde and the Russian princes, but the life of Yuri and Agafia together didn’t last long.
In the same year of 1317, Prince Yuri went with a campaign to the Tver land and took his wife with him. After Yuri was defeated in the Battle of Bortenev, Agafia was captured by Tver prince Mikhail Yaroslavich and soon died in captivity in Tver. There were rumors that she was poisoned.

Nothing more is known of her life, but her death was the first link in the chain of great events. In a rage at his sister’s death, Khan Uzbek summoned Mikhail of Tver to the Horde, tortured him and, finally, executed him, with the people of the Moscow Prince Yuri taking part in the execution. These events shattered the Tver principality and it soon surrendered its positions to Moscow.It turns out that Moscow princes owe their ascendancy partly to the late Tatar princess.

4 Golden Horde princesses who lived and died in Russia

edit on 29-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: changed daughteer to sister

ETA: it make one wonder why ol farty hasn't revised that history yet.
edit on 29-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:36 PM
Russian forces has captured the village of Stelmakhivka, situated about 34 kilometers (21 miles) southeast of the city of Kupiansk, another important front situated in the neighboring Kharkiv region

Russia claimed on Thursday that it captured two more settlements in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions as Moscow continues to advance on various fronts in the country's east.

According to a Russian Defense Ministry statement, the Russian forces captured the village of Mykolaivka, located about 18 kilometers (11 miles) southeast of the city of Pokrovsk, a key logistical hub in the area where intense clashes continue between Moscow and Kyiv's troops.

It added that the forces also captured the village of Stelmakhivka, situated about 34 kilometers (21 miles) southeast of the city of Kupiansk, another important front situated in the neighboring Kharkiv region.

The ministry said that Russian forces have advanced further in both areas.

Ukrainian authorities have not yet commented on Russia's claims, and independent verification of the claims is difficult due to the ongoing conflict.

Also confirmed on “ISW” and other maps today.

edit on 29-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 07:55 PM
History legends uploaded an update yesterday covering the fall of Neu York, surrounding Toretsk (sp?) some updates on Russian anti-drone EW capabilities and what looks like the field command guys using Discord??
0:00 Introduction
5:08 Recap battle of Toretsk
8:44 July Analysis
22:50 August Analysis
35:59 Conclusion

CNN says an F-16 crashed. I guess the training is not going well.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:26 AM
This Times of India video shows us a Member of the Serve the People Party, Mariana Bezuglaya, criticizes Zelensky, and the military for a culture of lies surrounding the war, including into the cause of this incident. She alleges her sources have claimed this F-16 was shot down by a Patriot missile due to "discoordination between units". This is kind of odd because shouldn't the Patriot know not to hit an F-16?? Maybe they overrode systems and went manually?? Perhaps it was hijacked through EW means?? I don't know, but her post is in the video @ 1:30 , and then followed by a claim she has been added to that Ukrainian intelligence website kill list some folks so Democratically support. FWIW, I was expecting just such a thing when I read her post and suspect her timer just started running. What a shame too, she makes a valid point about understanding 'ish happens in war, but the culture of lying is harming not helpful to the cause.

I also found this recent upload (3 days) from an Indonesian video channel. Seems to be an interesting trench clearing operation, although not sure who or what is happening there is alot of hot potato with grenades in the trenches, so it is an interesting high octane operation to watch.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry
this is the translation to what is occurring in the video above, but for all I know this could be archive footage from years prior, so take it with your preferred volume of sodium.

TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM - Footage of the attack on the Ukrainian Armed Forces position by soldiers from the 39th motorized rifle brigade.

Viral on Telegram Social Media on Monday (8/26/2024).

Entering the third year of the invasion, Russia and Ukraine have not found a middle ground to be able to make peace and end the war.

Instead of abating, the war is getting worse every day.

Russian fighters continue to carry out their mission to destroy their enemies, while Ukrainian military personnel are also intensively launching counterattacks.

Recently in an unnamed area is the narrative of the upload.

Russian troops with the tanks they operate, move forward to the firing point and begin launching their attacks on Ukrainian troops.

The result is in accordance with what the Russian troops expected.

The Ukrainian side suffered a total loss.

Honestly I was wondering in the beginning how the alleged Russians were not getting munched up by drones in the position they were in. Sitting ducks, but I recalled in the video by History Legends above that the Russians have allegedly greatly improved their anti-drone EW capability to a point where the drones only have a 10% effective success rate now, which could explain gains over the last few months. Lets say that trench was staffed primarily with poorly trained in combat video game operators with VR headsets to focus on these drones. Well if the effectiveness of their primary weapon has been mitigated, then the real sitting ducks are the poor gamers in the trenches. I don't know the real date of that video, but the storming troops were quite grenade happy out there.

just adding two links shown in the trench video that may be of any interest to others who want to investigate further. and
edit on 8-30-2024 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:41 AM

Denys Davydov gives an update on the situation in the East.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry
I'm not sure if we will ever know what caused the F-16 to crash in Ukraine.
It's well known the training for Ukraine pilots was accelerated from normal training, so maybe it wasn't as thorough as a result?
Plus, if the pilot is experienced, instead of being a positive, I've heard that's actually a negative for Ukraine pilots with experience flying soviet aircraft who then try to learn to fly the F-16 because it's so different.

Denys Davydov made a special video about the F-16 crash in Ukraine and says the Wall Street Journal said it may be due to pilot error. He has a special interest in aviation being a Boeing 737 pilot himself, who had to switch careers to youtube vlogger when Ukraine airspace became unsafe for commercial flights. Denys shows an example of how much different a basic instrument like the "artificial horizon" indicator works in the soviet aircraft versus the F-16s and other western aircraft. see time index 5:20 in this video for an explanation of that, I had no idea a basic flight instrument would be that much different:

Update from Ukraine | Ukraine Lost F-16 Fighter Jet in the Air Crash Accident | Possible Reasons

If there were 127 missiles and 109 drones flying in the air when the F-16 was also in the air shooting down enemy missiles (it shot down 4 missiles before it crashed), I wouldn't rule out friendly fire, but how could that person possibly know it was a patriot friendly fire incident?

If it was pilot error that caused the crash as the WSJ article suggests, I'm sure there will be a lot of serious questions asked about whether the accelerated training Ukrainian pilots received was adequate. It will be really hard to find enough training slots to give Ukraine pilots the full training because there's a global shortage of pilots who can do the training so that means a global shortage of training slots.

A US defense official says the cause of the crash is still being investigated:

Ukraine F-16 crashes, pilot dies repelling Russian strike

The F-16s had "demonstrated high efficiency" and downed four Russian cruise missiles, it added. Ukraine said Russia launched more than 200 missiles and drones that day targeting the energy sector.

"Connection with one of the aircraft was lost while it was approaching the next target. As it turned out later, the plane crashed, and the pilot died," the statement said.

A U.S. defense official told Reuters that Monday's crash did not appear to be the result of Russian fire, and possible causes from pilot error to mechanical failure were still being investigated.

edit on 2024830 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 07:31 AM
Russians record a video accusing Putin of treason, demanding his resignation

A video has appeared on social networks in which a man is outraged by the results of the so-called Russian "special operation", which instead of a few days stretched out into 2.5 years of fierce fighting. Moreover, the goals declared by Moscow have not only not been achieved, but are also unlikely to be achievable at all.

"Vladimir Vladimirovich, in February 2022, your controlled media said that this operation would be over in 3 days. Excuse me, but it has been going on for three years already!" the Russian says in the video. In addition, he accused Putin of treason and demanded his resignation, since dozens and hundreds of factories in Russia have gone bankrupt and Russians are living worse and worse. "The truth is obvious to everyone, which every Russian sees and understands, but speaking it out loud in Russia is literally life-threatening," people comment on the video on social networks.

Putin likes to project himself as a strongman. But his track record of handling recent crises in Russia reveals a different side of his presidential persona: one of paralysis and indecision...

According to the Russian who made the video accusing Putin of treason, he says Putin told Russians the special military operation would only take 3 days, and now it's approaching 3 years with no end in sight. Did Putin really tell the Russians 3 days? I don't know, I wasn't in Russia to hear what he told the Russians.

I thought that was interesting because Imhere is always objecting to the 3 days rhetoric.

Anyway, what will happen to this guy? Will he fall out a 3 story window, or get arrested? He's not the only Russian who's not happy.

How Ukraine's Invasion Turned Russian Civilians Against Putin

What's the deal with the blue camouflage? Does that help the wearer hide behind blue bushes?

Putin faces coup threat, Kursk invasion 'significantly underestimated'

edit on 2024830 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

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