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Abortions - Why so bad?

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posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium

You are your zygot.

I am not "my zygote". LOL Nothing in me is the same as it was the day I was born. Not even my DNA.

You are the same organism.

Nope. I am what that organism grew into, through evolution and gestation. I have a "reptilian complex" at the core of my double lobbed brain too. That doesn't mean I am the lizard that it evolved from.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: Annee

Actually, you are politicizing it, but what are your personal feelings, forgetting the carefully orchestrated by the political parties' hate fest? It's obvious how you fell about some Christians and Roe.

It's already politicized. Wasn't me.

Saying Christian's are bad -- makes it a hate fest? Really? No, it doesn't. Is it a hate fest when Christian's slam atheists? Somehow that's usually ignored (or encouraged).

And I specified Right Wing Fundamentalists (which can be other than Christians).

I "speak" Christian because I was raised Christian -- speak what you know. I don't slam other beliefs because I am not knowledgeable of them.

Of course, it's obvious how I feel about Fundamentalists vs Roe. Duh!

edit on 5-10-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 02:30 PM
The beautiful thing about the way it was before Roe vs Wade was overturned was that it protected Freedom and The Right to Choose.

No one was forcing a draconian agenda and everyone had the freedom to pursue a termination or carry to term of their own Free Will.

God granted us Free Will...but some Religious communities want to supercede Divine Rights and make us all Obey THEIR authority instead of leaving matters like this between God and His Creation or the rights of a Woman and her Husband.

People need to learn to mind their own business and quit pushing their ways and methodologies on everyone else.

Live and let live.

You can't legislate Morality.

I am Prolife personally...but Prochoice politically.

We are a Secular Nation not a Religious Theocracy.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
The beautiful thing about the way it was before Roe vs Wade was overturned was that it protected Freedom and The Right to Choose.

No one was forcing a draconian agenda and everyone had the freedom to pursue a termination or carry to term of their own Free Will.

God granted us Free Will...but some Religious communities want to supercede Divine Rights and make us all Obey THEIR authority instead of leaving matters like this between God and His Creation or the rights of a Woman and her Husband.

People need to learn to mind their own business and quit pushing their ways and methodologies on everyone else.

Live and let live.

You can't legislate Morality.

I am Prolife personally...but Prochoice politically.

We are a Secular Nation not a Religious Theocracy.


And your post answers the OP's question -- as does mine.

originally posted by: Tipulatedone

Why do people think Abortions are so bad?

I suppose this question is mainly aimed at the American people as over here in the UK (Wales) no one seems to give a rat ass about it.

No right or wrong answers of course just want to see peoples thoughts!

edit on 5-10-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I'm flat-out saying it should not be a political issue since it's an issue of morality based on each person's own views. Confusing I know because people are so used to the politics being married to the issue.

That's why I thought this could be very interesting to find out people's personal views minus politics.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Annee

You keep making my point for me because you can't separate how you personally feel from the politics. Not your fault as the D's and R's have made it that way. They think for their constituents.

I'm equally disturbed by both sides of the debate and the fact that it's been weaponized for so many years successfully.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: Annee

You keep making my point for me because you can't separate how you personally feel from the politics. Not your fault as the D's and R's have made it that way. They think for their constituents.

I'm equally disturbed by both sides of the debate and the fact that it's been weaponized for so many years successfully.

You're the one insisting its personal.

I'm atheist. America is a secular nation,

No religious belief should have the right to politicize a woman's autonomy.

But they have.

FACT -- not personal.

edit on 5-10-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 04:05 PM
We're talking 2 secular nations. Wales & America

One doesn't give a rat's ass whether you have an abortion or not.

The other . . . . ?

So, what's the difference?

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

I'm flat-out saying it should not be a political issue since it's an issue of morality based on each person's own views.

That's the way it was before, when the right to choose was a civil right, before SCOTUS ripped that right, to choose based on her own personal views, from women. Now, that choice is in the hands of politicians, making abortion a political issue.

That's bad.

edit on 5-10-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
God granted us Free Will...but some Religious communities want to supercede Divine Rights and make us all Obey THEIR authority instead of leaving matters like this between God and His Creation or the rights of a Woman and her Husband.

So, you support the Right of the parents to murder their children abed 1? 3? 0.5?

There is simply no rational logical basis for your argument, but it takes a rational, logical mind to grok this.

It isn't about you. It is about your unborn child. A separate living entity, that just happens to be inside your womb as a result of actions you yourself decided to take (in the vast majority of cases, but still innocent life even if it was the result of rape or incest).
edit on 6-10-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 10:51 AM

You can be a Christian, and be happy with abortion.
You can be an atheist, and be unhappy with abortion.

Of the major religions, only some Christian groups are some have negative positions on abortion. Hinduism opposes abortion too. Some denominations of Islam oppose abortion.

The problem in the US is polarised and entrenched.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

You can be a Christian, and be happy with abortion.
You can be an atheist, and be unhappy with abortion.

Of the major religions, only some Christian groups are some have negative positions on abortion. Hinduism opposes abortion too. Some denominations of Islam oppose abortion.

The problem in the US is polarised and entrenched.

I try to remember to state Fundamentalist (which covers all beliefs).

The word fundamentalist is used most often to talk about religion. As an adjective, it describes a very strict, literal interpretation of a religious text or set of beliefs, and the noun means a person who holds those firm, often extreme, beliefs.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:07 AM
TROUBLING Update: 10.6.2022

Pro-Baby-Murder Biden Administration ARRESTS 11 PRO-LIFE PROTESTORS.


Biden-Garland Arrested ONLY 1 Pro-Baby-Murder advocate for protesting outside of SCOTUS Justice's homes. (He tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.)

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
TROUBLING Update: 10.6.2022

Pro-Baby-Murder Biden Administration ARRESTS 11 PRO-LIFE PROTESTORS.


Biden-Garland Arrested ONLY 1 Pro-Baby-Murder advocate for protesting outside of SCOTUS Justice's homes. (He tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.)

The FACE Act makes it a federal crime to use force, the
threat of force, or physical obstruction to prevent individuals
from obtaining or providing reproductive health care services.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

You are completely correct.

MY child.

Not yours.

I have the right to decide what is best for MY child...and considering I have several genetic conditions that would give MY child a life of pointless and preventable suffering I felt I made a compassionate choice to terminate before the brain had a chance to develop to the point of self awareness.

I know you would pitch a fit if some Governmental or State Agency told you how to raise YOUR child without your approval or consent in the matter.

Also for the record I am staunchly opposed to pregnancy terminations past a certain time frame unless there are serious congenital defects and/or the Mothers life is at risk.

I find late term and post-birth abortions deplorable when there is no sane reason or justification for such measures.

But first trimester abortion no later than 19 weeks should not be held to the same standard as a more developed and viable fetus.

It is a sensitive issue because I respect the sanctity of Life but at the same time I also care about the QUALITY of life that child will face once born.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I am not "my zygote". LOL Nothing in me is the same as it was the day I was born. Not even my DNA.

Stop being obtuse.
Why did you even bring up organisms if you want to deny how and what they are now?
It's why I said, here,
"You have to look at the composition and the behavior. You can not compare a human being in the beginning of their life cycle to a Sperm or Cardiac cell."

On Composition: Cells with different composition will have different genetic composition, gene expression, and different proteins will be produced.

On Behavior: Behavior refers to the developmental pathway that an organism manifests, which is largely a function of having a different composition.

So, it can clearly be seen that the zygote is a stage in the development of a distinct organism. You, me and EVERY other human being on the planet started in this way.
Zygote(beginning)-embryo-fetus-baby-toddler-adolescent-adult-senior(ending), all part of an individual distinct human organism, the same human being.

Nope. I am what that organism grew into, through evolution and gestation.

Are you saying that you are not the same organism as you were at birth, during your toddler years, or as an adolescent, that you are now as an adult?
That's absurd and we both know it.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: Annee

You keep making my point for me because you can't separate how you personally feel from the politics. Not your fault as the D's and R's have made it that way. They think for their constituents.

I'm equally disturbed by both sides of the debate and the fact that it's been weaponized for so many years successfully.

I totally agree with this. Well said.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Why did you even bring up organisms

Because you claimed that a zygote is an "individual". My answer to that is, lots of one cell organism are "individuals".

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Annee

I try to remember to state Fundamentalist (which covers all beliefs).

Including your own?

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Because you claimed that a zygote is an "individual". My answer to that is, lots of one cell organism are "individuals".

I made a statement that "An individual human beings life begins at conception".
This is a factual statement.

Your rebuttal, which can be seen here, was "But a fertilized egg is not an individual. An embryo is not an individual. A fetus is not an individual. A newborn baby is an individual".
This is completely false.

They are ALL the same distinct individual human being.
This is a factual statement.

You argue, knowing you are wrong about the facts, why?

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