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It's About To Go Down...

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posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:31 AM
It's The Petrodollar vs BRICS !!! 😎

All papers are ripped up and thrown in the air 😎

Saudi Arabia and Qatar still want a NG pipeline to Europe !!!!!😎

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: CthruU

Time will tell indeed CthruU.

On that score i completely agree.

Tell you one thing all the same people are not lightly to forget the crap Putin has perpetrated.

Coz let's face it he is now on the same to a similar page as Hitler Mao and Stalin.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

So, no evidence and no reasoned thought......nothing to support your claims.

I know a few Russians, none of them live in Russia either.
How do you think it would go down on here if I posted their opinions as evidence to support anything I said?; I'd get laughed off the site.

You seem to be saying everything so far has been a deliberate ploy. a precursor to a larger, global confrontation.
That means Putin has been lying all along and all those on here who are supporting him, claiming he's been wronged and that its all part of a NATO plot etc are indeed wrong.

58,000 Russian soldiers dead so far.....all for a lie.

edit on 28/9/22 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: WanderingMrM

So, no evidence and no reasoned thought......nothing to support your claims.

I know a few Russians, none of them live in Russia either.
How do you think it would go down on here if I posted their opinions on here as evidence to support anything I said?; I'd get laughed off the site.

You seem to be saying everything so far has been a deliberate ploy. a precursor to a larger, global confrontation.
That means Putin has been lying all along and all those on here who are supporting him, claiming he's been wronged and that its all part of a NATO plot etc are indeed wrong.

58,000 Russian soldiers dead so far.....all for a lie.

It's part of a plan, but NATO and the U.S did push it to this point, consider it fate playing out its role and unfolding everything that required all the actions by the U.S and NATO to get us to this point. Making Putin and Xi put this plan into action!

Also as I said it won't be as large or global as people think, plus it won't be nuclear and if any nukes do go off it will only be like 1 or 2 at most.

Why? Because Europe and America will cave a lot faster than expected, and by the time it all happens they will be too busy to react really.
edit on 28-9-2022 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
I scanned through this thread and made a few observations.

The US is largely responsible for the war between Ukraine and Russia. It was the biden administration, through the consulate in Ukraine, that urged Ukraine to shut down the opposition party tv stations and seize the assets of Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the opposition party. Assets that included a pipeline that carried Russian oil to Europe. Within 2 weeks of that event Russia started massing troops on the Ukraine border. That was not Feb of this year, it was Feb of last year. Russia waited a full year before actually crossing the Ukraine border. I suspect that Urkaine acted under the assumption that the US would step in if Russia retaliated. Instead biden did nothing while Ukraine took it full in the face. Then biden started sending "help".

A seal team could easily get in, bomb the pipelines, and get back out safely. That is not beyond the realm of possibility. If destabilization is the goal, that would be a means to an end.

As for world war, I think it would be wise to understand the difference between global conflict and world war. There could be isolated conflicts all over the world without a world war being declared. I can see quite a few smaller conflicts in the coming years but a world war, that is some serious stuff. I have to be realistic and say it could happen. But I think, at least for now, that is too big - too soon. There is no upside to world war. Not any more.

Medvedchuk was added to a terror sponsor list by the UN, not the US or Ukraine.

Most of the rest of your claims happened as a result of russia's invasion.

Meaning they could not have been the 'cause'.

That is absolutely incorrect.

Medvedechuk being added to a terror sponsor list is akin to US parents being labeled domestic terrorists for wanting to protect their 5 year olds from pornography in the classroom.

Also, everything I mentioned happened in Feb of 2021 except for the part about biden sending help. Russia sat at the Ukraine border for a full year waiting for diplomatic solution to the problem. None was offered. Only after a full year of waiting did Russia actually invade Ukraine. This is not opinion, it is historical fact.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
I scanned through this thread and made a few observations.

The US is largely responsible for the war between Ukraine and Russia. It was the biden administration, through the consulate in Ukraine, that urged Ukraine to shut down the opposition party tv stations and seize the assets of Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the opposition party. Assets that included a pipeline that carried Russian oil to Europe. Within 2 weeks of that event Russia started massing troops on the Ukraine border. That was not Feb of this year, it was Feb of last year. Russia waited a full year before actually crossing the Ukraine border. I suspect that Urkaine acted under the assumption that the US would step in if Russia retaliated. Instead biden did nothing while Ukraine took it full in the face. Then biden started sending "help".

A seal team could easily get in, bomb the pipelines, and get back out safely. That is not beyond the realm of possibility. If destabilization is the goal, that would be a means to an end.

As for world war, I think it would be wise to understand the difference between global conflict and world war. There could be isolated conflicts all over the world without a world war being declared. I can see quite a few smaller conflicts in the coming years but a world war, that is some serious stuff. I have to be realistic and say it could happen. But I think, at least for now, that is too big - too soon. There is no upside to world war. Not any more.

Medvedchuk was added to a terror sponsor list by the UN, not the US or Ukraine.

Most of the rest of your claims happened as a result of russia's invasion.

Meaning they could not have been the 'cause'.

That is absolutely incorrect.

Medvedechuk being added to a terror sponsor list is akin to US parents being labeled domestic terrorists for wanting to protect their 5 year olds from pornography in the classroom.

Also, everything I mentioned happened in Feb of 2021 except for the part about biden sending help. Russia sat at the Ukraine border for a full year waiting for diplomatic solution to the problem. None was offered. Only after a full year of waiting did Russia actually invade Ukraine. This is not opinion, it is historical fact.

Russia actually offered Diplomatic solutions to NATO, E.U and America but they laughed and basically spat in Russia's face while wiping their asses with the proposed solutions and agreements.

Yet now everyone is like "Why you invade poor innocent Ukraine? Why you be like that Russia?".

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Vroomfondel

As for world war, I think it would be wise to understand the difference between global conflict and world war. There could be isolated conflicts all over the world without a world war being declared. I can see quite a few smaller conflicts in the coming years but a world war, that is some serious stuff. I have to be realistic and say it could happen. But I think, at least for now, that is too big - too soon. There is no upside to world war. Not any more.

When has there ever been peace in our time?

I don't seem to recall a time period in all my 47 times around the Sun that there have not been conflicts raging around the globe.

I tend to agree with another world war being an unrealistic notion, else about half of the place is apt to end up glowing in the dark for quite sometime to come.

Nobody in there correct mind wants to see nukes fly.

Then again Vladimir Putin seems to be a mad bastard on the edge of a cliff.

There is always a skirmish or two running somewhere. But nothing that would qualify as global conflict.

As for Putin, he isn't as crazy as some would like to believe. It is politically expedient to portray him that way, which is exactly what the the dutiful media have done. However, this isn't li'l kimmy screaming about blowing up the world if Dennis Rodman doesn't bring him some Frito's and a Dr. Pepper.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

So, its all part of a plan.
A plan to conduct an all out war against NATO aligned countries.
Because China and Russia want to control and dominate the world?

The war in Ukraine is part of the plan.
Its a deliberate attack on Ukraine and Putin has been lying about his reasons all along.
All the death, destruction and misery that has been as a direct result of this invasion and Putin's lies.
All the death, destruction and misery that will happen as a result of this imminent WWIII.

None of that is going to be Putin's fault.....its all because of NATO/The West; its their fault, they caused it?

And no need to worry, it'll only be a couple or so nukes that will get used.
Nothing really....

And it will bring about your heralded Future Russian Tsar who will lead the fight against The Anti-Christ and the Dawn of a Golden Era in the world under Russian hegemony.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Putin had all those reasons and all those reasons are true, but he also put the plan into place with China.

It wouldn't have happened if NATO and the West actually accepted terms, took the requests for the past two decades seriously and did not keep their b.s up of encroaching Russia.

The reason China sided with Russia is that they know they are next if Russia falls and NATO with the West actually manage to take out Russia!

China has better relations with Russia and trusts them more than they do NATO or the West, so it is rather obvious why side with Russia.

However, China will eventually backstab Russia, but that is a bit down the line right now NATO and the West are the threat.

Also the bias of many is that no one batted an eye when NATO and the West leveled Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, and Afghanistan. It's ok because NATO and the West did it in the name of freedom and democracy right? So please don't read me the statement of "death, destruction and misery", while NATO and the West literally wiped out thriving nations for financial gain and b.s reasons.

In comparison to NATO and the West, Putin is a damn quire boy!

Anyway, what is unfolding is unfolding because of Europe and America, and the plan that is unfolding has solid reasons for it to have been hatched and for the cause of Russia to go into Ukraine we all know what threats and issues it would cause. Not to mention what Ukrainians did to ethnic Russians in Eastern regions, and we all knew Zelensky was lying when he said he would end the war. Instead, he was a poster boy for the next conflict already in the making, so the entire situation is nothing more than "It's better to punch first when you see the opponent is about to punch".

Russia was providing decent diplomatic proposals, but they were all shut down by NATO, E.U and the West. When diplomacy fails there is really only one way to be taken seriously and that is through direct action.

So please don't state all these things, when we know well enough that Putin continuously for the last two decades stated for NATO, E.U, and the West to stop, to sit down and talk. America and Europe literally pushed China and Russia towards one another, the failure is theirs and the resulting plan Xi and Putin hatched literally are the result of the hegemony of Europe and America.
edit on 28-9-2022 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:23 PM
the USA looks bruised up right now

but just wait for when the USA leadership gets taken over by the master-mind 'Lawless One' with a small party (aka: coup).... only 3 candidates for the coming 'Lawless-One' are former leaders/presidents of the old style USA

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
the USA looks bruised up right now

but just wait for when the USA leadership gets taken over by the master-mind 'Lawless One' with a small party (aka: coup).... only 3 candidates for the coming 'Lawless-One' are former leaders/presidents of the old style USA

Oh I know that the "Lawless One" is coming St Udio, I'm just waiting for it all to unfold.

Thankfully Russia will have the one to counter him show up soon, but yes the Lawless One will be the first to take the stage though and so many are going to lap that b.s up by the spoonfuls.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

The September financial report shows that the Chinese economy is the only one in the green while European and American took a hit. We're going to see rats jumping ship and investing everything into China while taking everything out of America and Europe.

Where are you getting this information from? As someone who has made a lot of money in China, I can tell you that their economy is not doing so hot right now. China's yuan is at its weakest level in 14 years and that is the least of their economic worries.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

Please never try and pass an opinion about my country's government (rightwing or leftwing) ever again thanks... you clearly know nothing about it. Squashing rights and dissent?.. wtf?

I would enjoy seeing you attempt to stop me.

Yes, squashing rights and dissent. The actions taken during covid highlighted just how far NZ as well as Australia and Canada would go.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: WanderingMrM

And it will bring about your heralded Future Russian Tsar who will lead the fight against The Anti-Christ and the Dawn of a Golden Era in the world under Russian hegemony.

Your starting to get it... lol

Putin actually believes he is defending Christianity, especially in the Orthodox realm of ancient Christian civilization. They believe the Anti-Christ is the WOKE clown show West... as so it appears. 🤣

edit on 03090330pm302022Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:03:23 -0500 by imitator because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: CthruU

Time will tell indeed CthruU.

On that score i completely agree.

Tell you one thing all the same people are not lightly to forget the crap Putin has perpetrated.

Coz let's face it he is now on the same to a similar page as Hitler Mao and Stalin.

How many people has he killed compared to Bush's war on terrorism? Because that's in the millions.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
I scanned through this thread and made a few observations.

The US is largely responsible for the war between Ukraine and Russia. It was the biden administration, through the consulate in Ukraine, that urged Ukraine to shut down the opposition party tv stations and seize the assets of Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the opposition party. Assets that included a pipeline that carried Russian oil to Europe. Within 2 weeks of that event Russia started massing troops on the Ukraine border. That was not Feb of this year, it was Feb of last year. Russia waited a full year before actually crossing the Ukraine border. I suspect that Urkaine acted under the assumption that the US would step in if Russia retaliated. Instead biden did nothing while Ukraine took it full in the face. Then biden started sending "help".

A seal team could easily get in, bomb the pipelines, and get back out safely. That is not beyond the realm of possibility. If destabilization is the goal, that would be a means to an end.

As for world war, I think it would be wise to understand the difference between global conflict and world war. There could be isolated conflicts all over the world without a world war being declared. I can see quite a few smaller conflicts in the coming years but a world war, that is some serious stuff. I have to be realistic and say it could happen. But I think, at least for now, that is too big - too soon. There is no upside to world war. Not any more.

Medvedchuk was added to a terror sponsor list by the UN, not the US or Ukraine.

Most of the rest of your claims happened as a result of russia's invasion.

Meaning they could not have been the 'cause'.

That is absolutely incorrect.

Medvedechuk being added to a terror sponsor list is akin to US parents being labeled domestic terrorists for wanting to protect their 5 year olds from pornography in the classroom.

Also, everything I mentioned happened in Feb of 2021 except for the part about biden sending help. Russia sat at the Ukraine border for a full year waiting for diplomatic solution to the problem. None was offered. Only after a full year of waiting did Russia actually invade Ukraine. This is not opinion, it is historical fact.

Russia actually offered Diplomatic solutions to NATO, E.U and America but they laughed and basically spat in Russia's face while wiping their asses with the proposed solutions and agreements.

Yet now everyone is like "Why you invade poor innocent Ukraine? Why you be like that Russia?".

That is exactly it. Russia offered diplomatic solutions but none were offered in return. He gave diplomacy a full year before actually crossing the Ukraine border. I am not a huge fan of Russia or Putin, but I am a big fan of historical truth.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Been reading this thread with interest. This comment though, hit the nail right on the head 👍

Also from the UK (England). But currently in the US

edit on 2892022 by Broze because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I can't disclose the 2 sources I have but they are of decent ranks and come from 2 separate branches of the Russian military, the American source is one that is out of the intelligence branches.

Disclose them!

What's your problem protecting Russian sources?

The way you are talking the world is on the brink, and your worrying about the feelings of a couple of Russians

Grow a pair and put your money where your mouth is!!

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Sounds like a bad plan.


posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Double my bad.
edit on 28-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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