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It's About To Go Down...

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posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: WanderingMrM

So which weapon?

Still dying to know what that is to be honest.

Oh I know

And so now do we.

But I also know for a fact that 70% would have voted for it in those regions, so no surprises there!

Yet fail to be able to account for they managed to poll states that are only half occupied. LoL

The game was lost 3 days after Putin's failed invasion truth be told, but i canny teach pork.

Board now, have fun.

Pint time on my end.

Read about the two thermobaric weapons used to end the Chechen war, now once you realize how powerful they were back then you'll get a general idea.

The ones they've developed now are 10x - 15x more powerful and also they are a new generation ones so technically not the same thermobaric that was made illegal. It means Putin can go boom boom without it crossing the red line! Plus they can be put onto the hypersonic dagger missiles, which means nothing is taking those things down

This is literally going to turn into "f around and find out" situation for Ukrainians if they are suicidal enough, I believe Putin said they have 3-7 days to get out of the territories of the annexed regions. So it is going to be very very interesting!

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: GAOTU789

Don't forget if Russia does pull this off the Partisan movement will be stomped out, Russia has great experience from the Chechen war and Russians do stay true to their word of rebuilding better.

Chechnya now is thriving and literally is way better than it was before, so my money is on the Russians sticking to their word and if America and NATO do throw Ukraine under the bus at least there is hope for its future still. Unlike what Iraq, Lybia, Syria and Afghanistan are right now!

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Good points but in my opinion, its still not justified to destroy ukraine with a war just to remove the Azov nazis.

Far more harm is being done with a war. Not to mention, Russians have tortured POWs and killed civilians as well.

And even if Russia wins the war and removes nazis, the country will be in turmoil with plenty of ukrainians who have a new-found hatred for Russia.

Much like how afghanistan terrorists are created because of past bombings that were aimed at taking out terrorists but killed civilians in the process.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Read about the two thermobaric weapons used to end the Chechen war, now once you realize how powerful they were back then you'll get a general idea.

And where will they drop these on Ukrainian cities, how do you imagine that will go down on the World stage?

The ones they've developed now are 10x - 15x more powerful and also they are a new generation ones so technically not the same thermobaric that was made illegal. It means Putin can go boom boom without it crossing the red line! Plus they can be put onto the hypersonic dagger missiles, which means nothing is taking those things down

Technically i dont imagine NATO will see it that way. LoL

This is literally going to turn into "f around and find out" situation for Ukrainians if they are suicidal enough, I believe Putin said they have 3-7 days to get out of the territories of the annexed regions. So it is going to be very very interesting!

What's the bet your 3-7 days come and go and Ukraine are still gaining ground whereas Russian forces continue to flee?

Putin canny wave a big thermobaric nor nuclear wand really and just stop them in their tracks.

Well not unless he wished NATO to intervene and respond in kind.

edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Read about the two thermobaric weapons used to end the Chechen war, now once you realize how powerful they were back then you'll get a general idea.

And where will they drop these on Ukrainian cities, how do you imagine that will go down on the World stage?

The ones they've developed now are 10x - 15x more powerful and also they are a new generation ones so technically not the same thermobaric that was made illegal. It means Putin can go boom boom without it crossing the red line! Plus they can be put onto the hypersonic dagger missiles, which means nothing is taking those things down

Technically i dont imagine NATO will see it that way. LoL

This is literally going to turn into "f around and find out" situation for Ukrainians if they are suicidal enough, I believe Putin said they have 3-7 days to get out of the territories of the annexed regions. So it is going to be very very interesting!

What's the bet your 3-7 days come and go and Ukraine are still gaining ground whereas Russian forces continue to flee?

Putin canny wave a big thermobaric nor nuclear wand really and just stop them in their tracks.

Well not unless he wished NATO to intervene and respond in kind.

Will go down the same way as when the Chechens got hit.

NATO will see it that way, because they can't counter hypersonic missiles at the moment. It is why they will most likely finally stop if Kyiv and Lviv get hit!

Not to mention NATO and America talk big game but they don't want a WW3 break out because then no one wins.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

"However instead of an all-out war Putin went with the special operation and made it more humane, so please don't compare U.S wars with the Special Operation that Russia launched."

14,248+ civilian casualities is humane??

Call it a special operation, but its still WAR. Many people are dying and being injured and the country's economy will be crippled for a long time.

Calling it "humane" is just b.s.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Good points but in my opinion, its still not justified to destroy ukraine with a war just to remove the Azov nazis.

Far more harm is being done with a war. Not to mention, Russians have tortured POWs and killed civilians as well.

And even if Russia wins the war and removes nazis, the country will be in turmoil with plenty of ukrainians who have a new-found hatred for Russia.

Much like how afghanistan terrorists are created because of past bombings that were aimed at taking out terrorists but killed civilians in the process.

Hard to remove the Nazis when they use civilian buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and similar structures during the fighting.

Like how several Ukrainian civilians filmed and uploaded videos of the Ukrainian military putting up artillery installations in school yards and near hospitals in cities, etc. Complaining about it and asking them what the hell they are doing, and why would they do such things when they know full well the Russians could fire back on the positions while there are civilians in those buildings just because these aholes are using them as a human shield because Russians are humane and would try to avoid firing back. So in most cases the Russians have no choice but to finally fire back!

Better yet that story where Ukrainians were storing armor, shells and rounds in a public mall, and when the Russians took it out they went "There was nothing there" when we all full well knew what was there.

Just how all of a sudden all those civilians somehow magically ended up with members of their battalion at Azov Steel.

Nah Russia has experience with Partisan networks from the Chechen war, so they will actually stomp it out if it happens.

And just like the Chechens the Ukrainians will side with Russia once the Russians stick to their promise to rebuild better than it was before.

Unlike America and Europe which never kept to their promise and we can see what Iraq, Syria, Lybia and Afghanistan are like right now.

That's why I'm saying I trust Russians more in terms of sticking to their word than I would America, E.U or NATO.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: WanderingMrM

"However instead of an all-out war Putin went with the special operation and made it more humane, so please don't compare U.S wars with the Special Operation that Russia launched."

14,248+ civilian casualities is humane??

Call it a special operation, but its still WAR. Many people are dying and being injured and the country's economy will be crippled for a long time.

Calling it "humane" is just b.s.

14,248+ civilian casualties all thanks to Zelensky and his Nazi boys, plus the backing of America and NATO.

For 8 years Russia told them to stop, for a total of 2 decades they told America and NATO to stop and sit down for talks.

When you are left with no choice and you know an attack is imminent by the other side, do you sit around and wait?

What's the bet if Ukraine had attacked Russia with the backing of America and NATO first that no one would have batted an eye? Instead, they would have called it "Operation Freedom" or some other bull# that they are doing it to liberate Russians. Knowing NATO and American doctrine the number of Russians dead would have been in the 10s of millions.

So what is the strategic move here?

Also, 14,248+ civilian casualties is sad true and should not have happened, but trust me if Russia had followed its war doctrine and actually said "It's war" and did what they did in Chechnya it would have been 10,000,000+ civilian casualties already.

Hence why I am saying we're about to witness a suicide of Ukraine thanks to a NATO & American puppet and their Nazi boys most likely. Do you seriously think NATO or America give a sh*t if 10s of millions of Ukrainians die? Hell no! To them it would be a celebration because they can then blame it on Russia and how evil it is.

We're literally playing with psychopaths who are willing to do anything to destroy Russia including throwing a Slavic nation at Russia as a sacrificial lamb.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Hard to remove the Nazis when they use civilian buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and similar structures during the fighting.

Nazis my arse.

That's a piss poor pathetic excuse if ever there was one.

Considering the same to similar problem Russia shares regarding neo-Nazi scum amongst their own rank and file.

edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

What I would be more concerned about if I was America or Europe, is if this war does end in Ukraine losing and it becoming Russia once more.

The millions of refugees that contain several tens of thousands of Ukrainian extremists becoming pissed off at the West for throwing Ukraine under a bus and handing it over to Russia.

Those tens of thousands of radical elements are nato trained, and unlike Russia, the Europeans and Americans don't have as much experience in dealing with Partisan movements. Terrorists is one thing, but partisans who you've trained personally are another.

So there is greater room for concern for America and Europe than there is for Russia if Putin doesn't go back on his word and actually takes Ukraine.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Hard to remove the Nazis when they use civilian buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and similar structures during the fighting.

Nazis my arse.

That's a piss poor pathetic excuse if ever there was one.

Considering the same to similar problem Russia shares regarding neo-Nazi scum amongst their own rank and file.

See I'd believe it but unlike Ukrainians, each Russian soldier gets a proper screening and photos taken of their entire body and if such stuff is seen on them they are instantly rejected from serving.

Hence why I believe the Russians more than any Ukrainian information posted about neo-Nazis being in the Russian forces

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Does that apply to the Wagner Group Nazis?

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Ah yes, Chechnya. Kadryovs personal khanate. The same place that fights with it's neighbour Ingushetia every year to be the poorest part of the Russian Federation. The same place that continues to be what it is due to money from Moscow. Who's oil and gas industry is controlled by Gazprom. It's a shame that they sent so many of their people to fight jihad abroad, they might have had a chance against Russia. Despite Kadryovs attempt to destroy the Chechen reputation as a fiercesome people, the Chechens are formidable fighters. TBH, if we had armed and backed the Chechens like we are the Ukrainians, the Russian Federation probably would have dissolved 10-15 years ago due to the global financial crisis. It made it through that global recession, I have my doubts it will make it through this one.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: AlwaysoneandTogether

How about we’re all just a little kinder on here and spare a thought for those that are dying right now for many awful reasons.


I am on this team. 2nd!
edit on 30-9-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

What I would be more concerned about if I was America or Europe, is if this war does end in Ukraine losing and it becoming Russia once more.

The millions of refugees that contain several tens of thousands of Ukrainian extremists becoming pissed off at the West for throwing Ukraine under a bus and handing it over to Russia.

Those tens of thousands of radical elements are nato trained, and unlike Russia, the Europeans and Americans don't have as much experience in dealing with Partisan movements. Terrorists is one thing, but partisans who you've trained personally are another.

So there is greater room for concern for America and Europe than there is for Russia if Putin doesn't go back on his word and actually takes Ukraine.

Russia doesn't want Ukraine.

Russia wants Ukraine to allow the regions on the border to become independent states, like those regions want.

There was a deal in place for this to happen, but NATO killed it.

Russia hasn't been the ones fighting this war. It's been militias in those regions fighting for their independence.

There was a deal in place after the cold war, in which the USSR would dissolve, and NATO would not expand east past Germany.
edit on 30-9-2022 by rounda because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: rounda


posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: rounda


Yes, seriously.

Do you seriously believe anything the American government or media tells you anymore?

If I punch you in the face and tell you it's because you're annoying, are you going to believe me? Or are you going to believe CNN when they say it was because of racism?

Putin has made it very clear what he's doing in Ukraine, and he's handling it the same way he handled Crimea and the rest of the 2014 Ukraine crisis. The rebels fight for their independence, Russia provides support when the rebels start losing.
edit on 30-9-2022 by rounda because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Already been proven pal. LoL

As to what Russian soldiers get.

Apparently, let out of gaol to fight against Ukraine.
edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: rounda

How the feck is 58,000 dead troops handling the situation???

The mind boggles at that sort of logic.

As to what Putin is doing in Ukraine.

Well retreating for the last week or so springs to mind.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: rounda

Russia doesn't want Ukraine.

Russia wants Ukraine to allow the regions on the border to become independent states, like those regions want.

Really because he has just declared 4 of them to be part of Russia forever, so there is that.

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