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It's About To Go Down...

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posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

Yeh, they pushed them back alright! They pushed them back to the exact 4 regions Putin needed for annexation

That's true if one goes by what the ex ambassoder Sergey Markov stated on our BBC news just before the invasion started. He said there is now way Russia would want to occupy the whole of Ukraine, impossible due to terrorism.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Cooler heads need to prevail my friend.

Or mad bastards need to be removed.

The thing is what replaces Putin? It could get a whole lot worse. I heard he wanted some Chechen tribal leader to replace him

Could be WAY, WAY worse, but I don't think putin will ever stop trying to take Ukraine, or that Ukraine will ever surrender, so we may have to accept the potential of 'worse' if we want a chance that the war will end without putin hurling nukes at everyone.

edit on 30-9-2022 by MidnightWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Serious regime change with any sort of luck springs to mind.

Your point is valid enough all the same, might just depose one maniac for another to take his place.

What Putin wants and what Putin gets through, seem to be two different things where the invasion of Ukraine is concerned.

The dude took poor advice imho and now he is reaping what he sowed.

The mobilisation also goes hand in hand from what I've read with Russia's factories going over to churning out military equipment like they did in WW2 in the Urals, a full on war economy. Going to be an interesting time ahead

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: MidnightWatcher

A thirty year Cold War to come, apparently

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: MidnightWatcher

A thirty year Cold War to come, apparently

I hope it's as good as that.

edit on 30-9-2022 by MidnightWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Far as im aware mate the only tank manufacturer in the Russian Federation "UralVagonZavod" has closed its doors for the time being and partially suspended production.

And they don't have the resources or equipment to even replace the precision-guided munitions and missiles they have expended nether.

As to what they have in mothballs, what's the bet most of its antiquated and/or unserviceable?
edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Cooler heads need to prevail my friend.

Or mad bastards need to be removed.

The thing is what replaces Putin? It could get a whole lot worse. I heard he wanted some Chechen tribal leader to replace him

They call Putin the new Stalin/Hitler, which makes me laugh because if this were Stalin or Hitler there wouldn't be a country called Ukraine by now.

Also if Putin gets replaced and god forbid by a Chechen tribal leader that would make all of Europe tighten their butt holes real fast.

Putin is far more logical and humane than what could be happening, but as I stated we're about to see something insane take place and it will either be a mass invasion or razing of Ukraine to the point where the civilians will overthrow the government and literally hand over or hang Zelensky and most of the high command!

Another revolution in Russia won't happen, Why? Because all the opposition ran for the border as soon as mobilisation was announced, and the leftover ones are a bunch of youth that would rather get constantly paid off by the West agencies operating in Russia and being strung along by said youth to keep the payments coming. That's another thing the West doesn't get about Russians if there is money to be made from a cash cow, they will milk it until it is dead and the West agencies trying to fund the youth to start a revolution are the biggest cash cow there is. Hence why for the past 2 decades there hasn't been a colour revolution in Russia no matter how hard the agencies tried!

Belarus has been also mobilising and moving its forces closer to the border, which is why something is about to pop off for sure and smells like an all out full scale military invasion once the war is announced.

Kazakhstan won't do sh*t against Russia because if Russia falls then China will go in and wipe them out, they already having fresh water based disputes with China.

My estimation once America falls due to the economic collapse, and Europe eats itself, followed by Russia retaking more European nations amid the chaos after Ukraine and China had its move in SEA and the Pacific. I can safely say that China once things are settled will make a move on Russia!

Not to mention Turkey is gonna start its own sh*t with Greece and others once E.U starts devouring itself!

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Serious regime change with any sort of luck springs to mind.

Your point is valid enough all the same, might just depose one maniac for another to take his place.

What Putin wants and what Putin gets through, seem to be two different things where the invasion of Ukraine is concerned.

The dude took poor advice imho and now he is reaping what he sowed.

The mobilisation also goes hand in hand from what I've read with Russia's factories going over to churning out military equipment like they did in WW2 in the Urals, a full on war economy. Going to be an interesting time ahead

Yup I stated before that most factories are being retrofitted and directed for pure production of military gear, shells, missiles, tanks, jets, etc. What I know is that apparently it's way above 50% of all the factories in the country and this is something Russia has not seen since WW2!

So we are definitely about to witness something big! How funny would it be if this will literally be the repeat of the Russian offensive against the Germans but instead this time it's Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, etc.

I actually wrote before the operation took place that Putin has plans for several Western European countries and Baltic ones as well.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Yeah you simply cannot just up-stix and retrofit factories to produce modern missiles, tanks, and jets in this day of age WanderingMrM.

Those sort of assembly lines and the procedures involved being somewhat a more complex affair than it was in the second world war and need to be custom built if you wish the toys they are to produce to do what it says on the tin.

Good luck with that.
edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

Hence why I said Putin sent in the mercenary force first, the real war is about to begin and we're going to see what happens when Russian military no longer acts in a humane way.

Being honest and realistic about it, I always wondered why if this is a real war any of Kiev is still standing? I mean proper WW2 style Russian warfare would have seen Kiev completely levelled by now.

So the Ruskies must be operating in the current operation with a hearts and minds approach, like the Brits did in Afghanistan. You could well be correct in your statement. I guess time will tell

I know Russians, Russian history, I still have 2 high ranking contacts in Russia and some contacts at lower levels.

It is why I am telling these people that we have not seen the real Russian force nor what can really happen!

A lot more indiscriminate city bombing and the destruction of russia's air force?

That last bit is exactly why putin mostly pulled his air force out of the action after their kiev disaster until dipping their toes back in recently with similar catastrophic results.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Cooler heads need to prevail my friend.

Or mad bastards need to be removed.

The thing is what replaces Putin? It could get a whole lot worse. I heard he wanted some Chechen tribal leader to replace him

Could be WAY, WAY worse, but I don't think putin will ever stop trying to take Ukraine, or that Ukraine will ever surrender, so we may have to accept the potential of 'worse' if we want a chance that the war will end without putin hurling nukes at everyone.

The worse is literally the total all out war I've been trying to tell you about and Ukraine being razed to the ground, see the thing also is that Zelensky won't even be there to fight. They will pull him out but I think it's 50/50 because they could just throw him under the bus like the rest of Ukraine, wouldn't be the first time Europeans and Americans did something like that!

So right now it is a 50/50 for Zelensky escaping or being thrown to the bear to be ripped to shreds, mostly likely thrown though because it would make him the perfect sacrificial lamb for E.U and America to further spin the narrative that Russia is the Evil in this world that needs to be dealt with.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

"I actually wrote before the operation took place that Putin has plans for several Western European countries and Baltic ones as well"

You're a rare russia supporter willing to state the obvious, I salute you.

Not kidding.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

see the thing also is that Zelensky won't even be there to fight. They will pull him out but I think it's 50/50 because they could just throw him under the bus like the rest of Ukraine

Will Putin be there to fight?

Leading the charge from the front?


He is no Alexander buddy just a megalomaniac with access to nukes, possibly stupid enough to use them by my guesstimation.

edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Yeah you simply cannot just up-stix and retrofit factories to produce modern missiles, tanks, and jets in this day of age WanderingMrM.

Those sort of assembly lines and the procedures involved being somewhat a more complex affair than it was in the second world war and need to be custom built if you wish the toys they are to produce to do what it says on the tin.

Good luck with that.

Oh I know but trust me they've prepared for this, not to mention the stuff awaiting deployment as is. As I keep mentioning that Putin didn't use 100% of the tech Russia has and the reserves that are still available, at best Russia only used I'd say 5% or 10% if we are lucky most of which is outdated tech which were provided to the mercenary force.

Plus China is helping more than people know or realize, I'm surprised that Europe and America hasn't sanctioned them to the ground yet. Surely they know of the tech assistance for said construction of the military equipment Russia is going to be turning out?

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

We need no 'sacrificial lamb', russia already hitlered themselves, and Zelinsky made it clear he wanted ammo - not a ride.

biden went all out to get Zelinsky to surrender to russia both before, and as the invasion began.

Like it or not russia created a national hero out of Zelinsky, and he isn't any more likely to run than putin is.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

"They call Putin the new Stalin/Hitler, which makes me laugh because if this were Stalin or Hitler there wouldn't be a country called Ukraine by now"


stalin would never have made such a series of historically epic military blunders.

hitler was just as bad at it as putin though.

edit on 30-9-2022 by MidnightWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher
a reply to: WanderingMrM

"I actually wrote before the operation took place that Putin has plans for several Western European countries and Baltic ones as well"

You're a rare russia supporter willing to state the obvious, I salute you.

Not kidding.

Hey if I give a heads up and no one pays attention, is it my fault that they didn't? Nope

Should have seen the faces of the people I told this stuff to months ahead of time. Some had like hundreds of questions for me while others keep suspecting I work for the Kremlin

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Oh I know but trust me they've prepared for this,

How so, do they have custom build assembly lines and production facilities with hidden resources to create these new wunderwaffen?

If so could you point to where on the map?

Probably not methinks because they simply don't exist or are likely to anytime soon.

China my arse mate, they don't want any part of this because without the West to consume there products they are as screwed as the rest of us.

And thats the plain hard fact of the matter, China requires the rest of the world to grow.

Putin manages to irradiate half the planet and it bodes badly for them as much as anyone else.
edit on 30-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher
a reply to: WanderingMrM

We need no 'sacrificial lamb', russia already hitlered themselves, and Zelinsky made it clear he wanted ammo - not a ride.

biden went all out to get Zelinsky to surrender to russia both before, and as the invasion began.

Like it or not russia created a national hero out of Zelinsky, and he isn't any more likely to run than putin is.

Nah you need a "sacrificial lamb" it's the textbook play of European and American intelligence agencies, when it comes to starting big wars or revolutions. They get high and hard off the so called "sacrificial lambs" the shadow state is probably touching itself right now hoping for Russia to win and have Zelensky thrown to the bear!

Most Ukrainians hate Zelensky as is which is kind of interesting! I would say about 60% hate him while the other 40% are super die hard loyalists, who are willing to die for the European dream which turned out to be nothing more than a nightmare.

Let's admit Europe and America used Ukraine well to cause this situation with Russia, but what happens once the story ends and Russia does take Ukraine?

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher
a reply to: WanderingMrM

"I actually wrote before the operation took place that Putin has plans for several Western European countries and Baltic ones as well"

You're a rare russia supporter willing to state the obvious, I salute you.

Not kidding.

Hey if I give a heads up and no one pays attention, is it my fault that they didn't? Nope

Should have seen the faces of the people I told this stuff to months ahead of time. Some had like hundreds of questions for me while others keep suspecting I work for the Kremlin

I was actually 100% fooled.

I heard the warnings and saw the evidence, but
I honestly didn't think putin was recklessly stupid enough to commit national suicide over all the crazy stuff his 'intelligence' agencies were feeding him.

I thought it was putin doing the brainwashing, not the other way around.

I was clearly wrong about that.

Does that make it my fault?

edit on 30-9-2022 by MidnightWatcher because: (no reason given)

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