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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: dashen
So were those Dominion voting machines connected to the internet this year as well?

In Florida where they banned mail-in voting and the ballot harvesting it is a completely Red State now.

When you remove those variables I think you find where most of the cheating is happening

even the pro's noticed. They just didn't notice too loudly.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

I remember posting on here and elsewhere in 2019 and 2020 about how bad trump was too trust barr and not use executive power to put the corruption of the fbi

I watched some of trumps biggest supporters insist that wasn’t necessary cause the white hats were gonna show everything before the election

Trump seemed to act as if he believed that was true

Q people didn’t have some deep insight

They were larping that they were characters in some novel and were changing the world. And the best part? They didn’t have to do anything other than cryptically post and “trust the plan”

And meanwhile the corrupt establishment thanks q and his believers for helping placate trump and his supporters until it was too late

Instead of admitting “we were duped” q people pretend it’s all still part of the plan. Or that none of it was to be taken seriously, and instead it was all about researching yourself , which is a cop out to avoid they were duped

I sympathize though

We all want tje corruption to end

Q people need that security blanket of larping this because things look bleak and so this is how they cope

I get it because part of my coping is reminding q people of how they are and were tools of the establishment

Both of us are coping; but only q p actively helped the real world corruption and they would be shattered if they were forced to acknowledge the truth

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:14 PM
TBH I don't think either the apparatus is in place, nor public "opinion", nor the flow of events is ready for a major flip....yet.

The results are not yet locked in. There wasn't a disaster, and gains were made.
Look at examples of The Squad...they are essential to make the Ds look stupid. Will Fetterman suddenly seem like pure genius, or is it our job to make a CLOWN of him?

edit on 9-11-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Hi y'all, how's the water (dips in toe). You've been watching the water during my absence, right? Long time no sea... Always busy during summer, only started lurking again the past few weeks. I noticed com also just returned (waves! sea, waves... geddit?)

I'm thinking Tulsi Trump Ticket, maybe?


posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I don't see it that way at all. That's the beauty of this whole thing...a Question pops up and the Quest begins for the answer. We, as individuals and as a collective, begin the digging process.

What happened regarding Barr? So many Questions have been asked. If Trump hadn't hired Barr, would we have ever found out about his Epstein ties or Questioned how Epstein died on Barr's watch? The can of worms is opened and you can bet your bottom dollar there are those that are surgically removing each little putrid wiggler.

You wanted Trump to "crush" the FBI? What do you think an Executive Order to do that would have resulted in? A temporary bandaid that would have done nothing to clean up that deep festering corruption. we "see". The pattern is getting clear, especially after their cover-up of Hunter's laptop, Biden's criminality, Hillary's shenanigans, the raid on Mar-a-Lago, and more. The People have awakened to it and you can bet your bottom dollar there are those that are examining that nasty deep seated festering boil within that agency.

Nobody's been duped except those that have duped themselves.

Q merely asked the questions, provided some leads, opened minds, asked us to dig, and then trust ourselves. Let the show play out, then if you still so desire, stand on your soapbox and paint the movement with your Big Broad Brush of cynical self-righteous judgment.

But, now, We'reWatching.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Please point at the success attributed to your condescending lectures.
Show us the fruit of your labor.

Organize us under the umbrella of your individualized consensus.

Teach us to look upon and see the horizon through the forest of trees.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:32 PM
edit on (11/9/2222 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

edit on (11/9/2222 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:45 PM

the tools you need (4960/4959)

March 2017
Remarks by President Trump Aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford

We will give our military the tools you need to prevent war and, if required, to fight war and only do one thing — you know what that is?  Win!  Win!  (Applause.)  We’re going to start winning again.

NOV 3, 2022

Carrier USS Ford Heads for Europe With Allied Escorts

The carrier is rumored to be headed for the Royal Navy's main base at Portsmouth, UK, as tensions between Russia and NATO continue to rise in the European theater. She is expected to anchor in the sheltered waters of the Solent in mid-November.

Trump's "very big announcement" on Nov 15th...

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

would we have found out that Barr took over a million dollars from dominion?

i feel trolled by Q, TBH

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: queenofswords

I remember posting on here and elsewhere in 2019 and 2020 about how bad trump was too trust barr and not use executive power to put the corruption of the fbi

I watched some of trumps biggest supporters insist that wasn’t necessary cause the white hats were gonna show everything before the election

Trump seemed to act as if he believed that was true


Keep patting yourself on the back then.
edit on Wed Nov 9 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Trim Those Quotes

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 01:20 PM
Important here, as it connects to a lot of stuff, including lengthy pieces I wrote last spring about Crypto, Elon, Twitter, The FED and so on. Which is now coming to fruition.

Sam BANK-MAN - Fried, as in Sam The Bank Man is now Fried, is FTX, which has now collapsed in a Black Swan Event. FTX is tied to Tether, which is tied to Evergrande, which is tied to the CCP, all of which are collapsing.


This year alone, the "crypto" valuation system has lost trillions. Over the course of Team Joe's term, the system at large has lost trillions in paper valuations across the board. Meaning, we've been in the middle of a Planet Wide Black Swan Event for 2.5 years, but is has been a controlled demolition. Why "inflation?" Think controlled demolition + salvaging + panic

So, A Rothschild is announced dead, FTX crashes, Election Happens, Blood Moon, 11.11 just days away. All of this is very, very important. The events are NOT unrelated, but interwoven. When the Queen was announced dead, ALL of her agreements were dead, as they were NOT with "The Crown" but with her. Doofus Dimwit does not "inherit" her deals, as he isn't even crowned yet - he's a symbolic dead man walking. I'd argue that Truss' demise was because she was appointed by the Queen and that agreement died with the Queen - whatever eneMedia excuse was given IMO the agreement died. It also means the Queen's trusts are in dispute, and, low and behold A Roth is dead - who controlled the trusts?

No spoilers anymore from me, but what is to come will be spectacular depending on POV what kind of spectacular is very POV dependent. If you can't put things together, you won't get it, I'll be honest, and it is not for you. If you can, you can see the movements in the last few days as astonishing - ignore the "election" it matters not at this point.

Eyes on Team Joe and International Relations - They've be frozen out, and this is what matters most, as without the international backing = money, the US Old Guard is totally screwed, and the blew wads electing Fetterstein because if it worked in the past it will work now - one playbook.

I'm sure this was covered but worth seeing again with new eyes. The CCP was perpwalked for the world to see, watch the body language to understand. This was a lesson in humiliation 101 Chinese style, where pomp, circumstance, symbols, precision is of utmost importance - this was planned for certain folks to see.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

The tools you need (USS Ford's first deployment btw) - some watch the water context:

NS1/NS2 blown up. Russia pointing finger (mainly) at UK.

HMS Queen Elizabeth Returns Home After Replacing Stricken HMS Prince of Wales in US Visit


Sept 5 HMS Prince of Wales has “Significant Damage” Likely Requiring Dry Dock

significant damage to the shaft and the propeller

Sept 7 Britain’s flagship heads for the USA ahead of autumn on European operations

Sept. 8 death of QE2

Just before the death of the Queen her successor is publicly humiliated as impotent (symbolically speaking) and replaced first by the soon to be dead Queen and then replaced again by the tools you need, the USS Ford.

Sept 27 NS1/NS2 blown up. Lettuce to vegetable: "it is done"

Nov 8 Top secret operation is aborted after fire breaks out on nuclear sub as it heads for overseas base

The HMS Victorious had been sailing to a base overseas when the fire broke out 

Blaze started by an electrical fire six weeks ago and taken to Scotland for repairs

Around 130 sailors were on board at the time of the blaze but no one was injured

6 weeks before Nov 8? I'm not good at math but damn that seems like exactly the time Nordstream got blown up. So many questions: if top secret why do we read about it in the MSM? But let's roll with it. HMS Victorious was reportedly operating in the North Atlantic. She's a SSBN (Vanguard class). North Atlantic critical infrastructure? Undersea cables (internet).

Truss/lettuce got replaced by Rishi Sunak who wrote the following paper in 2017:

Undersea Cables: Indispensable, insecure
edit on 9-11-2022 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: loveguy

I’ve failed

No question

I’ve tried, I tried to motivate people push them to push trump, get them to take action instead of trusting the plan

I failed

But I’m one person

Q had huge numbers and they not only didn’t help, they pushed the opposite direction

He democrats fbi and cia have to laugh hysterically at how good q was for them

“You mean they took the most dedicated trump supporters made them larpers who told everyone to trust the plan? Lol”

And yes running it in here is doing nothing to help really

Just making me feel a little better today to say I told you so

But maybe just maybe in person will say “yeah I was duped this was bad” and then it would be worth it

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I am still in shock that this ma roon won....Geez!

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Grambler

push them to push trump

Are you really so tuned out that you don't think Trump has been "pushed" every which way but loose? Trump is no buffoon, no pushover, and no imbecile. MAGA is not a phrase merely pulled out of the hat for a political slogan.

I think you have your own idea of what "The Plan" means, and you have your own opinion of what "taking action" entails. Also, you call people larpers only, not knowing what some of those perceived "larpers" are actually doing action-wise.

It is impossible to be "duped" into Questioning and Questing for the Truth. You can only dupe yourself and imo, you have been duped by your own blindness into thinking nothing is being done. I think Time will show you just who has been duped. The Future will prove the Past.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

I understand your need to rewrite history and pretend qs predictions were so wrong and placated people into defending bad actors like trump

I’d want to try to rewrite that too if I were a q supporter

I think yiu are well meaning dupes and I feel bad for you

You’re a laughing stock

The establishment thanks you, keep up your good work

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

My Gosh, the most exciting last 45 days and then Com puts his cherry on top lol, you been missed, sensed you, blessings.

Gramby you see your plan, your future, Qetc asked the now of one as the plan, as it is.

Allways if able bring it back to self, every soul is absolutely amazing doing this hands held time line Quest, all movie Stars.

Those going into winter , cave, some light reading >

Prussiagate i started at the slavery point, most here will know some to most of data, still gems.

Blessings all, Kia Kaha

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 02:20 PM
Me Yesterday

[s] :01


In other kind of important news.

There is an extraordinary concession by Virginia Giuffre in the settlement agreement with Alan Dershowitz: “I now recognize I may have made a mistake in identifying Mr. Dershowitz.” Both have agreed to drop their respective cases related to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

Important Quote:

The allegation was often used by critics to attack Dershowitz, who has been treated as persona non grata for offering dissenting views on contemporary legal issues.

Dersh argued impeachment, in other words, defended DJT.


posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Sept 5 HMS Prince of Wales has “Significant Damage” Likely Requiring Dry Dock

significant damage to the shaft and the propeller

Sept 7 Britain’s flagship heads for the USA ahead of autumn on European operations

Sept. 8 death of QE2

Just before the death of the Queen her successor is publicly humiliated as impotent (symbolically speaking) and replaced first by the soon to be dead Queen and then replaced again by the tools you need, the USS Ford.

The rumor is Doofus Dimwit doesn't make it much past the first of the year, health issue - See Rel's Sausage Finger observation. Not being crowned would doom that miserable bunch, especially in the international eye where Doofus Dimwit is seen less favorably than Joe.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Rewrite history? Explain, please.

Bad actor? I disagree. Trump has done more to shine the light on the swamp and how it works than anyone that came before him. In that respect, he has held the Lamp up and is keeping it well-oiled. Shine on! The best is yet to come.

You feel bad for who?... People that were inspired to dig, research, take up their own lamp, and do the best they could to expose the fraud and corruption that is suffocating the will of the people for a bunch of self-interested agenda-driven globalist leeches?

Or maybe it's the inner spiritual grown some have experienced due to their searches that you feel bad for? Who, exactly, are you gnashing your teeth over?

"The establishment thanks you..." ??? Now, I know you're clueless. "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

edit on 9-11-2022 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

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