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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

That's an interesting take, Nc!

If so, he could at least have upped all my stats to maximums!!!

Time will tell.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:49 PM
Until I know you have other reasons to doubt it I will assume it is because you are too humble to know how important you have been to this entire ordeal from beginning to end.
You have sacrificed and shown tremendous durability without ever seeking personal notoriety or glory.
If I were to choose one person in this from anywhere I have looked for integrity and trustworthy intentions it would be you.
And THEN add this crazy mind of yours that sees pattern recognition and detached from driving your personal narratives in pursuit of codes, puzzles, etc...
It would be you also.

This thread is most certainly watched and probably a lot by those higher up the Intel world who communicate in those ways.
Way above my payscale.
I understand and implement game theory but you do things that leave me in awe.
Your breakdowns of photos is unbelievable.
And I see things being an INTJ personality.
But nothing like what you do and are capable of doing.

The movie will be about Q when this is all done but if all the declas validates alot of your work you might be the lead as narrator of the tale through the whole show.
I'ld say movie but it will have to be a weeks long docudrama.

Dude I have nothing but respect for you.
And I only say all this so you will like me😁
And forgive me for jumping into this thread when I did the way I did.
I had my reasons

If I was them I'd let you know also.
But who knows

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Nevercompromise

That's an interesting take, Nc!

If so, he could at least have upped all my stats to maximums!!!

Time will tell.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:18 PM
Cheers for the kind words Nc!

Re the picture analysis - you may not believe this but... I was absolutely cr*p at interpreting Art/pictures before I joined this thread; so glad to have grown in that perspective!

If you look across all platforms and events, there must be tens of thousands who have made amazing contributions - I'm not sure I want to be singled out as I'm not the "poster boy" type... be nice to have some kinda "campaign medal" in the drawer to pass down to the grandkids and their grandkids tho.

One needs to consider the impact on the lives of family and friends before jumping into the spotlight - and from that perspective I see myself more as the prompter than the person on stage.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:19 PM
Why now?
No doubt in my mind.
Twitter is the tipping point

And to save space.

When P Pelosi was arrested I cannot remember what but something made me watch for Paul and Nancy and their locations and movement.
I got the feeling they had broken communication.
They were on opposite sides of the country and Nancy never flew back to SF to be there.
It was said that night that Paul was arrested twice 2 hours apart after the 1st arrest they confiscated his phone.
So I watched and listened and it did not look like Nancy left the East Coast(d.c. I think) until a week or so later when both Nancy and Paul met with the pope.
I wondered if Nancy was under house arrest of sorts.

And now this.
I do not feel, yes feel, that Nancy and Paul are able to see and speak with each other.
Maybe both have been under house arrest.
And also of course it is known.
Paul had a passenger when he crashed the car

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Nevercompromise

That's an interesting take, Nc!

If so, he could at least have upped all my stats to maximums!!!

Time will tell.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

According to Real Raw News, Paul Pelosi was arrested and taken to GITMO, around August 7th... and then found guilty in Military Court and sentenced to life in GITMO.

Article 1
Article 2

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:53 PM
You only get life if you talk about everything and never get caught lying

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Nevercompromise

According to Real Raw News, Paul Pelosi was arrested and taken to GITMO, around August 7th... and then found guilty in Military Court and sentenced to life in GITMO.

Article 1
Article 2

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:54 PM
QTSR Oct 28:

Behind the scenes:
Asi have told you multiple times of the Las Vegas shooting massacre and how the real story of the FALSE FLAG event staged by DEEP STATE CIA,FBI.MOSSAD to kill > MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ( Prime Minister)... But the Mil. INTEL Connected to TRUMP saved his life and stopped the [ DS] from taking over Saudi Arabia and their Trillions in resources. /// Weeks after the massacre Bin Salman came to TRUMP and pledged his Allegiance and joined the ALLIANCE., soon after Bin Salman arrested his own family who were part of the deep state connected to the cabals/ CLINTONS/ DAVOS ECT. Ect.... He purged his country of the INFILTRATORS and imprisoned hundreds of government officials who were part of the [ DS] plan..... Later on he invited TRUMP to his country and they held a sacred celebratiom and TRUMP was the first White man and Foreigner to ever hold the Sacred Sword of the FAMILY POWER of Saudi Royal family. ( This honor was to let all Muslim nations know Saudi Arabia was loyal to TRUMP.....TILL DEATH...A BLOOD OATH OF FAITH HONOR)

_A few weeks ago BIDEN went to bin Salman to ask for more oil... The Prince had denied invitations to the White House several times to meet BIDEN ,so Biden came to him to ask for oil. The crown Prince agreed to Biden to give him 500,000  barrels per day more .. But after two weeks the Saudi cut off BIDEN and reduced the oil 2,000,000 million barrels a day.
> This deliberate back stab by Bin Salman was directly connected to his knowing that BIDEN knew about the attempted murder on his life in las Vegas in 2017 and OBAMA ( Biden knew)/CIA ect ect green lit bin Salman for death.
_As Bin SALMAN joins forces with RUSSIA and China and gets ready to enter the BRICS system ... The CIA BIDENS. Deep State have now put into operations to over throw the Arabian Prince loyal to TRUMP and start military coup in SA.
>>>>>Several counter coup operations are in PLACE in SA as deep state gets ready to make their moves)////// .............. \\You can bet TRUMP, PUTIN Xi are smiling somewhere as their PLAN unfolds and the deep state is running out of oil and resources and money world wide. PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN

BEHIND the scenes: BIN SALMAN owns over a Trillion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in SOCAL MEDIA, through several subsidiary companies and hundreds of investors he controls........I had gave you several DROPS MUSK would buy TWITTER long long long ago and the man pulling strings in the back ground is Bin Salman/////

♟️ CHESS ♟️

QTSR Oct 28:


_As U.S. Intelligence Space Force operations continues their operations monitoring the second coming Fraud Elections and corruption the Sting OPERATIONS are connected to the take down of TWITTER and into the hands of an operative agent ///and EXPOSING the social media companies though BOTS and corruption Linked to [ DS] INTEL agencies. _ _ _ _ As the U.S. WILL head into EXPOSING big tech in cohesion with deep state AGENDAs, MUSK the operator WILL come forward with all EVIDENCE, SERVERS and OPEN investigation into his company ( this will connected all Facebook, Google, YouTube .. interference and corruption into U.S. Elections >>>TREASON...

🎥 These stupid things MUSK says publicly is all a ROOST .... Whether it's AGAINST RUSSIA. PUTIN. Xi. Or his departure from TRUMP in 2016.......... Everything is optics. EVERYTHING HAS MEANING.

I told you long ago MUSK was going to take Twitter and was a white hat. I said this long before MSM was reporting this....I told you this for a reason. Their are still allot of people who don't trust MUSK. that's ok.>NCSWIC

You don't get into World super power, into placing the Worlds most advanced sats. In the atmosphere with no control or earth out running into the USSF who is U.S. military intelligence that controls all the military SATs.

You just don't become one of the richest men in the world and not choose sides or be placed Inside Sensitive operations with our knowing it........( The military intelligence agencies just can't have the richest man running around freely and spending money on any projects as he likes and support any President he wishes
.. Because when a man is that rich... He can control GOVERNMENTs.presidents. prime Minister's. Military branches easily. readily with 100 million or 100' s of millions.. Or even billions.....a man this rich is a national security threat and issue!................ That's why MUSK. IS DEEP IN THE TRENCHES OF THIS WAR AND IS AN OPERATOR................ He often plays the grey hat. It's a role 🎥 it's needed...
.] INFILTRATION [. Not invasion.Q//////

As MUSK secretly works with USSF and TRUMP is proud of MUSK......... It's reported MUSK Will back Ye (Kanye West). In 2023 with BILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CNN WILL change as expected and slowly HAPPENING///-

Somewhere bin Salman is smiling. As is PUTIN



posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

According to Real Raw News, Paul Pelosi was arrested and taken to GITMO, around August 7th... and then found guilty in Military Court and sentenced to life in GITMO.

Article 1
Article 2

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:58 PM
QTSR Oct 28:

>As white HATS. Cruz. Cotton. The coming force of the 2023 powerhouse Republicans and Congress come after Joe Biden and the EXPOSURE of HUNTER BIDEN as a CCP MILITARY INTELLIGENCE OPERATOR begins to leak and Witness's Whistleblowers, 3 LETTER agencies come forward to blow the lid on hunter BIDEN and his connection to OBAMA five eyes agencies becomes more clear .... The World is headed into SHOCKING REVELATIONS as several countries ELITES , PRIME MINISTER'S, MIL HEADS WILL START TO BE EXPOSED TO THE WORLD WIDE CABAL CCP RING///
_EVENTS are unfolding as we speak....... There is a reason White HATS also Surpressed the HUNTER LAPTOP story this LONG and the REASONS THE EPSTEIN LIST, VIDEOS AND MASSIVE WORLD BLACKMAIL , MONEY LAUNDERING RING, HUMAN TRAFFICKING RING .. Hasn't been fully dropped by the White HATS ( Military INTEL/ TRUMP/ CONGRESS) yet......... They are waiting for the power to take control of the House.///// Everything had to happen in this order.......////

TRUMP is right when he said he's going to fire thousands of government leaders in 2024
(And hundreds of thousands will head to jail and TRIBUNALS////////


ALL IN PANIC AS CHINA is>EXPECTED to start dropping DECLAS for the WINTER on a large scale ... They have over a hundred MILLION Cyber army techs through the world in every country awaiting commands//// 🔥

edit on 10/28/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: QTSR posts are no longer viewable without TG

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:19 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:22 PM
Lunatics will make the appropriate sacrifice.

On November 7 at sunset, the moon is in the constellation Aries. The Pleiades, reddish Aldebaran and Mars are to its northeast. By the evening of November 8, the moon and the Pleiades are much closer in the sky.

The moon is now waning and crossing from Aries into Taurus. On November 9, it’s within a triangle formed by the Pleiades, Aldebaran and Mars. The next two evenings the moon is much closer to Mars as it continues its journey across the ecliptic.

"Earth's magnetotail extends well beyond the orbit of the Moon and, once a month, the Moon orbits through it," says Tim Stubbs, a University of Maryland scientist working at the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This can have consequences ranging from lunar 'dust storms' to electrostatic discharges."

Anyone can tell when the Moon is inside the magnetotail. Just look: "If the Moon is full, it is inside the magnetotail," says Stubbs. "The Moon enters the magnetotail three days before it is full and takes about six days to cross and exit on the other side."

It is during those six days that strange things can happen.

During the crossing, the Moon comes in contact with a gigantic "plasma sheet" of hot charged particles trapped in the tail. The lightest and most mobile of these particles, electrons, pepper the Moon's surface and give the Moon a negative charge.

The common symbol used for electrical charge is the letter “Q”.

On the Moon's dayside this effect is counteracted to a degree by sunlight: UV photons knock electrons back off the surface, keeping the build-up of charge at relatively low levels. But on the nightside, in the cold lunar dark, electrons accumulate and voltages can climb to hundreds or thousands of volts.

Celestial circuitry, currents and magnetic fields are very influential and events can be timed in advance. There will be no dayside or sunlight during the eclipse to counteract the build-up of electrons, allowing them to envelope the moon and amplify its negative charge, in Taurus nonetheless, and aligned with the Pleiades. A transfer of power indeed.

edit on 28-10-2022 by ELECTEDOFFICIAL because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:33 PM

edit on 28-10-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
January 2019 at Davos

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Caled

Was it a peening hammer? That's a biker's weapon.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

British pop singers sound American, to me.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Excellent meme, XtMN - the Pepe Pasta has been aligned!

...and thanks for the reminder of teenage Mod parties - time for a SKA revival next methinks!

Taken your timely advice.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:41 PM

Astronomy doesn't "click into place" easily for me like other subjects - so thank you for that nicely broken down post, EO!

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Good analysis, intuition, and granting of credit where credit is due!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the really stupid action of forcing through an official Congressional condemnation of Q's messages, Q himself and Q "followers" in social media.

The "Condemnation":

LEGITIMIZED Q-anon and EXPOSED the facts presented at: to millions of people all over the world.

Nancy and Democrats attempt to limit exposure of Truths and Logical Theories, only made them more known and popular!

As Q often said, "These People Are Stupid".

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Has Storm Rider accrued a good name for himself yet, by being accurate with key predictions?

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Storm rider has called quite a few world events months in advance from what I've noticed. Dask hasn't debunked any that I've posted here yet so that may say something lol.

edit on 10/28/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: clarity

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