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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 11:33 PM

Dicyanin dye is said to make light waves beyond the human eye capability visible. This can only be done by changing the wavelength, something that other dyes will also do and is known as fluorescence. Dicyanin dye absorbs “invisible” light, uses som…
edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Dicyanin Blue glasses have been brought up before when Hillary was seen wearing those god-awful sunglasses during her Presidential Campaign.

Dicyanin is a synthetic blue dye derived from coal tar that was used for sensitizing photographic plates, first manufactured in the early twentieth century by the dye works of Meister, Lucius & Brüning at Höchst (near Frankfurt), Germany. It became associated with auric research thanks to the experiments of Walter J. Kilner, who used the dye (which he also referred to as spectauranine) in the manufacture of his Kilner screens.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 11:57 PM
Reporter Caught On Hot Mic Revealing Strange New Details emerging On Paul Pelosi Attack

The attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi was initially shocking, and the media was quick to blame Trump supporters or conservative activists. But details emerging show that though the event is still shocking, it shocks in a different direction.

Here’s what Fox News says about the attack:

The husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Paul, was assaulted with a hammer early Friday inside his San Francisco home by an attacker identified by police as David DePape, who a law enforcement source tells Fox News was shouting “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy? rter-caught-on-hot-mic-revealing-strange-new-details-emerging-on-paul-pelosi-attack/

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I remember those sunglasses but do not remember the goggles being discussed/ I must have sped by it trying to catch up.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Isn't this research the proverbial self-licking ice cream cone?

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

The goggles never came up if I remember correctly.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:57 AM
F Jobama

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
Did the discussions bring up them being used in Viet Nam? Apparently they are used to hunting ghosts as well.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 01:08 AM

In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as “Manipulation of History,” “Holohoax” and “It’s OK to be white.” He mentioned 4chan, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.

DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.”

“I’m a little shocked,” she said, “but not really that shocked, in all honesty.”

Authorities have not revealed a motive for the attack at the Pelosi home in San Francisco early Friday. But law enforcement sources said the assailant shouted, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?” before confronting Paul Pelosi, and San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott called the attack “intentional.”

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The more I hear about this De Pape character, the more I wonder if Cyber-Budda is going to come back? This De Pape character really comes across as a Davos plant more than anything else. I bet it's going to be revealed that he was SSRI drugs next.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Yeah they did.
I still have the receipt

edit on 2022/10/30 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

They were brought up, guy!

From memory there was a pair of special "sunglasses" posted, with this chemical in the glass.

The "sunglasses" were in use by the Russian special ops and were described as COBALT BLUE?

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 08:05 AM
The Cold War was a long term operation against WE THE PEOPLE using a boogeyman excuse , For your safety they said ...

Most Secure Elections
Safe and Effective jabs
These are just words
World renowned microbiologist and virologist

edit on 10302022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 09:02 AM
QTSR Oct 30:

The October surprise was imminent.

The alleged attacker, David Depape, is a Canadian illegal immigrant who spent his time in Berkeley, California making hemp jewelry and contributing to Bay-area nudist activism with likeminded deadheads replete with a rainbow flag and a Black Lives Matter sign.

However, they dared to deny the implausible narrative of 9/11 — not exactly the far-right extremist Nazis they would have us believe Depape was a product of.

According to KTVU, Depape had supposedly had with him a manifesto that contained anti-government COVID beliefs and a list of other politicians he planned to target. Additionally, the media had immediately derided Depape’s writings detailing Covid Vaccine danger, The Great Reset and the epidemic of pedophile normalization as crazed conspiracy nonsense. Just buzzwords to be feared.

Oddly Depape hadn’t posted anything online for 15 years until reappearing in August of 2022 right before a forthcoming October surprise.

But the real questions, per usual, open up gaping holes in the Pelosi/Depape narrative. For instance, how and why does a man wearing underwear carry a manifesto with him? And what about the possible depravity of Pelosi’s alcoholic husband; was Depape there for another reason? Why did Pelosi tell dispatchers DePape was “a friend”? Questions that come to mind after others in the California Democratic party connected to the Pelosi’s have revealed their true colors
Anyone would assume that at the very least Nancy Pelosi’s multimillion dollar home in crime riddled San Francisco would be outfitted with an equally expensive government-funded security system to protect the third in line to the Presidency and her expensive Ice Cream Freezer.

And why would police allow Depape to continue assaulting Paul Pelosi after they arrived on scene. Furthermore, why was Depape injured? Details that could certainly clear some things up, but continue to remain a mystery.

Of course we have been here a thousand times before. The left despises questions, because the truth is lurking. And there is nothing more frightening for those invested in lies than the emergence of truth.

_by AJ
The Speaker of the house Nasty pelosi , is working hard to Stop the elections due to violence and has all the MSM media on full reruns of FALSE FLAG staged event......
Lots of NEWS hitting the underground circles that major DS EVENT is slated for the next few days... And several democrated BILLIONAIRES in California and New York have left this week......

I will dig into resources and get back to this subject.

But we all know something BIG IS COMING....////
BEHIND THE SCENES; GERMANY IS TALKING ABOUT CLOSING THE BORDERS ( some EVENT is going to take place and this is their security response)////

QTSR Oct 30:

Florida Officials Open Probe Into Widespread Ballot Harvesting Operation After Democrat Blows Whistle

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is considering investigating a widespread ballot harvesting operation in Orlando in light of a Democrat whistleblower’s testimony.

Florida officials are looking into charges of ballot harvesting in black communities on the recommendation of the newly formed Office of Election Crimes and Security (OECS).

“The Florida Department of State has received a complaint regarding alleged ballot harvesting in Orange County, which is currently under review to determine if an investigation is warranted,” Florida officials told The Epoch Times.

In a separate statement to Just The News earlier this week, the department stated it was first made aware of the allegation last month.

“After further inquiry, OECS received additional information related to the allegation on October 17, 2022, and performed a preliminary investigation,” the statement read.

“Since OECS is an investigative entity and does not [have] authority to make arrests, the office forwarded the complaint to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for possible violation of section 104.0616, Florida Statutes,” it added.

The development comes after former Orange County Commissioner candidate and Democrat Cynthia Harris filed a sworn affidavit with the office of Florida’s secretary of state alleging the ballot harvesting operation.

“You know, it’s just utterly ridiculous that people don’t understand that once that ballot leaves your hand and it’s not placed in the mailbox, or it’s not directly given to the supervisor of elections, you don’t know where it goes,” Harris said.
So what happens is in our community when absentee ballots are mailed, you the candidate or any political party can find out when the absentee ballots are mailed and to whom what happens is these ballot harvesters, they know which batch has gone out, they go to the door and they ask you for your absentee ballot,” she told the “Just the News, No Noise” television show.

“Well, in communities that don’t look like me, no one does this,” she said, referring to white neighborhoods. “But in our community it’s kind of like an accepted practice that the man is coming by to pick up my absentee ballot or the lady is coming to pick up my absentee ballot.”

Ballot harvesting operations like this have been uncovered by numerous entities over the last two years.

Watchdog group True The Vote claimed in 2020 that it had discovered “overwhelming evidence of ballot trafficking” in key battleground states, including Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

The documentary film by Dinesh D’Souza “2000 Mules” revealed an extensive ballot harvesting network across America that was quickly dismissed by the media and Biden administration as fake news.

And Project Veritas uncovered an illegal ballot harvesting scheme in Minnesota on behalf of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and another in San Antonio Texas in 2020.

The midterm elections take place on November 8.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 09:08 AM
QTSR Oct 30:



Whites HATS want to EXPOSE the CORRUPT U S. ELECTION SYSTEM after the FAILED CORRUPTED ELECTIONS that WILL LEAD TO HUGE MASSIVE UNREST. ( this was always the PLAN . ..>a thief usually comes back to the crime of the scene and trys again........ Like I said USSF and NCSWIC OPERATIONS (C_entral to the N_ational C_ouncil of S_tateW_Wide _Interoperability C_oordinators (NCSWIC) purpose is the promotion and coordination of activities designed to ensure the highest level of public safety communications across the nation..>> MASSIVE MASSIVE CIVIL UNREST ( NEAR WAR)

_The Deep State are hoping they can cause enough chaos in election disruptions and blame the REPUBLICANs. Maga. ANONS PATRIOTS.Q movements. Freedom fighters to have MASSIVE ARRESTS due to TREASON. FALSE FLAG MIL. COUP STAGED event

QTSR Oct 30:

The DEEP STATE military COUP is currently taking place in IRAN as VATICAN, Deep State wants control of IRAN... And try to stop IRAN from entering BRICS system //))) there is MASSIVE confusion in IRAN.... Who dearly wants to change to their system to more prone open society and equal rights regimen...... But they have so much DEEP STATE and old laws and hard headed rulers that was confused by world power and old laws........

CURRENTLY RUSSIAN INTEL AND good Whites HATS>Mossad INTEL Battalions are in the country helping to with broken transmissions,/ the coup/ finding the moles. Sleepers black operations.....///

Sources reports everything should be ok.... And these EVENTS ARE HAPPENING EVERYWHERE
you are seeing the ALLIANCE operations in real time taking place. Through IRAN. Ukraine. TAIWAN, China, Turkey, south Africa. ECT ECT RED ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT >>>> U.S.

The huge power struggle of the DS and white HATS are HAPPENING and continue into OVERT operations>>>>

Inside the STORM....

QTSR Oct 30:

CNN anchor Jake Tapper admitted that government officials and mainstream media personalities helped foment a “perfect storm of political violence” following news that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked in the couple’s home on Friday.

“We’re at a moment right now of extreme polarization, where calls for violence are leading to actual violence. We cannot pretend that these are all isolated, fringe events,” Tapper said Friday on “CNN Tonight.”

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 10:52 AM

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
These so called far-right websites of David DePape appear to have been constructed for a specific purpose.
Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape Fabricated

Just one of many problems...
"website cited by mainstreet media that supposedly aligned with DePape were created on Friday and they are no longer active today, Saturday."
More Problems

Just imagine the broken glass was outside their mansion, not inside as one would expect.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Things change in a hurry when you lose control of the narrative

Enjoy the Show!

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:02 PM
What happened to the Pfizer Whistleblower Brook Jackson?
Read carefully.
Why is the 'CLINTON FOUNDATION' back in the news?
How do you protect a valuable witness [whistleblower]?
How do you protect the chain of custody of evidence?
Name IDEN public>FBI intrusion>Lawsuit>Response to lawsuit> Public Reveal [otherwise sealed?]
Moves & Countermoves.
A quick recap. Brook Jackson was the whistleblower who was the auditor of the clinical trials outsourced by Pfizer to Ventavia/Icon/Pfizer. She found alarming issues and reported it to Pfizer and the government. The data was so disturbing that the jabs would never have been approved.
BMJ- Researcher Blows Whistle On Data Integrity

What happened? The U.S. Justice department stepped in to investigate and determine whether they would support her moving forward. During this time period all evidence went under seal and was hidden from the public.
The Justice Department then decided not to join her leaving Brook to face Pfizer, a giant with endless resources, alone.
The Justice Department did not unseal until February 2022.
Brook Jackson Lawsuit Document

The battle continues. In the interview at the link below some very disturbing new information.
Starting at the 1 hour 17 mark lawyer Warner Mendahall reveals some of the legal issues around this case.

-The Pfizer jab was only a prototype. This meant that it did not have to be safe or effective. Also Pfizer was not required to have good manufacturing, chemical and transportation practices.
-The DOD condition for payment to Pfizer was that the Jab had to be safe and effective.
- The "death sentence" for Pfizer is the false claim that the jabs were safe and effective. Some basic math, 160 million jabs X $21K per jab [lawyer calculations = a really big number.]

Why am I not surprised?
As nurses and doctors in hospitals saw jab related injuries and deaths they followed protocal and reported to the VAERS system. Pfizer stepped in and sent letters to the hospitals with some subtle warnings. Those that continued to report were fired or intimidated from reporting. < Maybe this was a slip by the lawyer but I would imagine that he must have some proof to back up this claim.

The Truth Shall Set You Free....John 8:32
The Truth Shall Set You Free

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:10 PM
Pharma wars continue.
Senator Ron Johnson tweet:
"Hearing that Dr. Peter McCullough has been stripped of his medical certificate. On what basis did this occur?"
Ron Johnson Tweet
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing... Grand Jury- The Court of Public Opinion.
Grand Jury

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