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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RookQueen

I have met people who have told me that they would take a jab every single day if necessary. How do they explain all of the people who are unjabbed still walking around?

I honestly don't understand. Some of these people operate successful business, are heavily involved in the science field and have accumulated great wealth and yet there's no critical thinking going on. They totally believe in "Trust the Science."

In a word, conformity.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:54 PM
Did you guys see the Q drop reference in Elons twit message today ? Drop #621 mirror of 10-26 “ Let that sink in “ ! Very interesting !
Read through the comments.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Operation warp speed.
Trump's cover for the vaccines ready to roll out so quickly

Operation Warp Speed, initially funded with about $10 billion from the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) passed by the United States Congress on March 27, 2020,[1] was an interagency program that includes components of the Department of Health and Human Services, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA); the Department of Defense; private firms; and other federal agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.]

Remember when Bill was "impeached" glass stegl was repealed causing and many of our rights disappeared during the dress distraction?
During the 16 election every time Hillary be in the news Trump would do something so they could point a finger at him?
The rumor Trump ran after a call from Bill?
Infiltration instead of invasipn.

Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"
edit on 2022/10/26 by CrazyFox because: crisis

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, re Boston University gain-of-function research:

I've just noticed that the Bloomberg NARWHAL TUSK tweet I posted yesterday, also mentions Boston..., I wonder if the Narwhal tusks were also a comm to start injecting (vaxxing) with something new?

Hi Rel,

Love your posts btw.
The way I'm seeing this play out is that the DS sickos want to upgrade us into Human 2.0. Literally "re-creating us after our image and after our likeliness"
to kinda quote from the bible.
It is plural in the bible too. Which means there was more than one that actually decided the creation of man.

They have the technology to do it too. They don' t hide it. The constant covid boosters are a part of it of course. How else would you get to install technology into people unless you can inject them with some kind of technology that breaks the brain barrier, and is able to install an operating system.
This might seem farfetched, but to any tech savvy person, they would agree.
They can hack DNA now. It's literally easy to do for them.
There will be many upgrades as they test this tech out. A lot will die or be completely disabled from these tests/boosters. Which they are openly admitting they want to do it every 90 days, especially in children. They know we're all gonna die off in 20-30 years, so if they start now on the younglings and anyone born into the world from this point on, they will get what they want eventually. Let's pray we can stop this soon, or it'll be too late.
If not, eventually they'll perfect it and by 2050-2060 our kids and grandkids will be living in a very different world. And scary. They will never know true freedom. They will never be able to have discussions like we do on ATS. That will be abolished.

This war in Ukraine all ties into it, albeit one piece in a big puzzle.

edit on 26-10-2022 by Roxstar because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2022 by Roxstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: Roxstar

Hi Roxstar! You put your post across well too!

To save space and add value, we may have a NEWS UNLOCKS MAP moment!

I saw the tweet first but then X22 report covered it also...

Elon Musk tweet, 26/10/2022 13:45:58

Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!

The URL is a video of Elon Musk carrying a bathroom sink basin through the lobby of Twitter HQ, "with his sleeves rolled up for work?"

This fulfils KU post #621

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9c289 No.176185 📁
Jan 27 2018 03:23:35 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 803654 No.176166 📁
Jan 27 2018 03:22:00 (EST)
Holy crap!!! Q, you're killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I'm guzzling coffee to fight it.

God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.

Nobody is sleeping tonight.
Let that sink in.


As tonight's X22Report bitchute video says...
Those not sleeping will be not only the 3 letter agencies using Twitter to abuse us, but also all the deepstate actors that were using Twitter as a communications back channel - which Musk will have full access to the records of!

A few other items of note:
1) The sink appears to have something approacking a "Q" shape underneath it,
2) Since there are no taps or accessories, he is literally just carrying the PORCELAIN basin - and porcelain = CHINA?
3) He's wearing all black slacks and T-shirt.
4) Elon's twitter profile now reads:

Elon Musk
Chief Twit
Location: Twitter HQ Joined June 2009
123 Following 110.1M Followers

"1,2,3 Let's GO!" reference? xref Mr Pool.
edit on 26-10-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel


posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Considering that Twitter is one of the social media companies in that lawsuit. I can see Musk actually handing over the documents, as opposed to obstructing the investigation. Is it time for the bird to sing I wonder?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:20 PM

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

Nice perspective... hadn't thought of it that way round.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Roxstar

Eventually, this will become "the good old days"

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 12:26 AM
Breaking news: Fungus among us

Fungal infections increasing during pandemic, expanding globally due to climate change, WHO says.

Justin Beardsley from the University of Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute led the WHO Fungal Priority Pathogens List's study group.

He hopes the research will provide a roadmap for a global effort to tackle current and emerging fungal pathogens.

"Fungi are the 'forgotten' infectious disease," Dr Beardsley said.

More $$$ for the climate money pit & Bio-surveillance to keep us safe.🐸

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Yeah there’s probably all kinds of stuff folks picked up wearing dirty masks around 24/7 for two+ years.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Hil seems somewhat in love with herself. The phrase "self licking ice cream cone" comes to mind.


posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
From your first link...

We gratefully acknowledge funding provided through the UK government’s modern industrial strategy by Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, and from the EPSRC project “Advanced Nanotube Application and Manufacturing Initiative under Grant No. EP/M015211/1. The authors thank Prof. D. Mariotti (Ulster University) for lending the Dressler Cesar 1312 RF power generator. We thank S. Fordham, K. Ablett, and M. Vining (University of Cambridge, Main Workshop, Engineering Department) for producing the HV system and cabinet. We thank G. Smith (University of Cambridge, Division C, Engineering Department) for carrying out the tensile tests and M. S. Sukma (University of Cambridge, Division A, Engineering Department) for her help in the TGA runs. P.A.K. also gratefully acknowledges the Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for funding to conduct this research under the auspices of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Computational Methods for Materials Science, EP/L015552/1.


The authors declare the following competing financial interest(s): This work was partially funded by Q-Flo ltd.

Q-Flo Ltd website

Oh and lookee here from their website....!

A team of scientists and engineers from Cambridge, UK and Ma’alot-Tarshiha, Israel, have developed a revolutionary new carbon-based material that captures and destroys an animal coronavirus, a close relative of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Link to press release

Just because of the word 'nano' makes me think they can adapt this to an 'internal' application, not just in 'external' filters.....

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
"Down the plughole" is a Brit saying which comes to mind...

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Fungi are more complicated organisms than viruses and bacteria—they are "eukaryotes," which means they have cells. Of the three pathogens, fungi are most similar to animals in their structure.


Certain environmental fungi reproduce "spores," particles that can enter our body through the lungs or on the skin. These fungi can be especially damaging for people withweakened immune systems, as the fungi can spread quickly and damage many organs.

Bolded part mine,from...

Is parasite and fungus same?
Fungi are eukaryotes, meaning that like parasites, their cells have a true nucleus and complex internal structures. They are most commonly found as environmentally resistant spores and molds, but can cause disease in humans in the form of yeasts. Fungi most often cause skin infections and pneumonia.

From....and worth the very short read to understand the differences between viruses, bacteria's, parasites and fungi...

Then there's this.....

Why would an antibiotic not work on a fungal infection?
Fungi include yeasts, which grow as spherical cells; and molds, which grow as elongated, tubular cells. Both yeasts and molds are more closely related genetically to humans than they are to bacteria. Therefore, it is hard to develop antibiotics that attack fungi without damaging human cells.

CDC link
Fungus are like parasites. Interestingly up to 80% of cancers are parasites.

Is colon cancer caused by parasites?
It is well documented that chronic colitis such as inflammatory bowel disease can predispose individuals to colorectal cancer. Additionally, there is evidence of chronic parasitic infections inducing the development of cancers in other organs within the gastrointestinal tract.


Then we have Ivermectin...

Ivermectin. The chemical compound ivermectin belongs to the group of avermectins, which were originally isolated from the fungusof the Streptomyces avermitilis group by Professor Saitoshi Omura (Japan, Kitasato University).

Bolded part mine, from.... Link
Intestinal parasitic infections are prevalent in Africa and sub-Sahara...

However, other evidence indicates that COVID-19 lethality rates are significantly lower in Sub-Saharan Africa than in the industrialized world (25). Wolday et al. (26) carried out a prospective observational cohort study to investigate whether there was a potential correlation between co-infection with intestinal parasites and the severity of COVID-19 in two sites in an endemic area of Ethiopia in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study revealed that patients co-infected with parasites had lower odds of developing severe COVID-19,


Considering that a large number of patients with COVID-19 will have some degree of immunosuppression, it is expected that they may be at risk of reactivation of dormant/latent parasitic infections, especially in endemic areas. For instance, the protozoan To. gondii infects about 25–30% of the world's population, with a seroprevalence of 10–80% across countries.7 The dormant tissue cysts that contain the bradyzoites of To. gondii are at a high risk of reactivation with decreasing levels of CD4+ T cells, as in AIDS, and usually manifest as Toxoplasma encephalitis. Such a reactivation is also a likely scenario in COVID-19 with progressive lymphopenia, but may remain unnoticed because the presenting features of Toxoplasma encephalitis, such as altered sensorium, seizures and other neuropsychiatric symptoms, overlap with those of COVID-19.8 It is also noteworthy that some of the neurological and psychological clinical features of long-COVID are also known to exist in toxoplasmosis,8 and such patients who require additional post-COVID care may benefit from evaluation and management of Toxoplasma.


In my view, there is a link between Long-Covid and the Epstein-Barr 'virus', which is actually a parasite.

EBV is a very ancient parasite of humans that has been in the human evolutionary tree for at least 40 million years, and as such has established a delicately balanced relationship with its host.

I've said from the beginning of Long-Covid becoming a 'thing', that EBV lies dormant, but sees itself as the 'boss on the block' and woe betide any other virus rearing its ugly head! EBV is well known for leaving people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME, myalgic encephalomyelitis.
So in order, and just my thoughts.....
a) you catch C19 (virus)
b) EBV (parasite) doesn't like C19 and re-activates and kills said virus.
c) EBV (parasite) now out of control, CFS/Long-Covid ensues.
d) EBV so busy fighting off C19, other parasites (which EBV kept in check) also start rearing their ugly heads. Thus CFS gets miss-diagnosed because now your intestinal parasites are multiplying and has same symptoms.
e) fungal infections start joining the 'soup' as your immune system is now in overload.
I'm no virologist, medical doctor or any other type of allopathic practitioner, but being a multi-disciplined Clinical Complementary Therapist I have a foot in both allopathic and complementary approaches to human health and as such will view things and their possibilities from 'outside the box'.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 06:14 AM
Speaking of Watch the Water

What about this comment from W.E.F. 's Yuval Harari

The Elites "Ark " ? - technologically speaking

Pitch Forks and Black Rock

edit on 10272022 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:51 AM
Chinese Huawei ‘Spies’ Charged — FBI is Mad as Hell

Huawei isn’t a real company. Huawei is a foreign intelligence agency masquerading as a business, and they are under no pressure to ever make money. Their only job is to get a footprint that they can use as leverage and for intelligence. Crypto AG was similar.



Podesta ?

Tony Podesta made $1M lobbying Biden White House for China’s Huawei

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:54 AM
In light of our current times consider this as another option.
Yahweh/Zeus/moloch who was the leader of the fallen and host of heaven took Adam, who was already created by YHWH and sedated Adam and removed by surgery,DNA to make Adam wholly male and created Eve female, separating Adam from being "like them" into both male and female.
This is the 1st act in the Bible where man's blood was shed.
This required blood for blood as is the rule and law.

Zeus would later place his son up for "payment" as a blood sacrifice at the end of the 2nd dispensation of Moses law as it came to fruition. It was at this exact time when Father sent His own Son, the Word, to pay the price as propitiation for all sin setting us free of the bondage from law and sin.
This is who Yahshua met in the wilderness and tempted, the son of Zeus.
2 men, 2 Christ's.
One spent time in Pergamum living in the temple of Zeus and travelled to India and the other spent time in the Synagogues and Egypt.
Appolonius of Tyana was the son of Zeus.
Yahshua the Son of Yahawah is the Word.
One meant to continue to enslave us, the other two set the slaves free.
All that background to point out that Yahweh's sins requiring blood for blood when he genetically altered Adam are taking place today.
"As in the times of Noah so shall it be in those days"
I believe we are reenacting today the original sin in the garden.
Why now?
We are at the end of grace and about to enter the kingdom age

originally posted by: Roxstar

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, re Boston University gain-of-function research:

I've just noticed that the Bloomberg NARWHAL TUSK tweet I posted yesterday, also mentions Boston..., I wonder if the Narwhal tusks were also a comm to start injecting (vaxxing) with something new?

Hi Rel,

Love your posts btw.
The way I'm seeing this play out is that the DS sickos want to upgrade us into Human 2.0. Literally "re-creating us after our image and after our likeliness"
to kinda quote from the bible.
It is plural in the bible too. Which means there was more than one that actually decided the creation of man.

They have the technology to do it too. They don' t hide it. The constant covid boosters are a part of it of course. How else would you get to install technology into people unless you can inject them with some kind of technology that breaks the brain barrier, and is able to install an operating system.
This might seem farfetched, but to any tech savvy person, they would agree.
They can hack DNA now. It's literally easy to do for them.
There will be many upgrades as they test this tech out. A lot will die or be completely disabled from these tests/boosters. Which they are openly admitting they want to do it every 90 days, especially in children. They know we're all gonna die off in 20-30 years, so if they start now on the younglings and anyone born into the world from this point on, they will get what they want eventually. Let's pray we can stop this soon, or it'll be too late.
If not, eventually they'll perfect it and by 2050-2060 our kids and grandkids will be living in a very different world. And scary. They will never know true freedom. They will never be able to have discussions like we do on ATS. That will be abolished.

This war in Ukraine all ties into it, albeit one piece in a big puzzle.

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