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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: FlyingFox

Why in the hell are they already voting in Arizona? And the mules are covering their license plates.

It’s going to take 2-to-1 honest votes just to offset the fraud out here. I’m hoping the drop boxes spontaneously combust.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: carewemust

Former President Trump confided last year that deep state corruption extended wider and deeper than even he thought it was...and he'd been "studying" it since before the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

Wonder if -Q- will provide us a reassessment now.

Q should have just stuck with pointing out articles, documents, EO's, etc.. and telling us to use our common sense to complete the puzzle.

Giving many predictions and statements, then periodically saying he has to lie to us from time-to-time, was maddening. Maybe it was necessary, as Q said.

But It certainly got under Nancy Pelosi's skin. The Official Congressional condemnation of Q's messages, only strengthened his legitimacy while raising his profile.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 12:06 AM
On this day in history, Oct. 19, 1789, John Jay sworn in as first Supreme Court chief justice

Fox News article

Only 16 other people have held the title of Supreme Court chief justice in the 227 years since.
"John Jay filled more high offices than any other Founding Father, including president of the Second Continental Congress, secretary of foreign affairs under the Articles of Confederation, and, most famously, the Supreme Court’s first chief justice," wrote the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in its praise of the foundational figure in American history.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Just the fact that an amatauer team can catch a mule out in the open, this early in the game, shows how prolific it is.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 03:02 AM
I'm just going to drop this right here.
From: Washington Post
Repeated on: MSN News

In a July letter to a financial adviser to Hunter Biden, Comer suggested a text exchange found on a hard drive copy of the laptop Hunter Biden supposedly left behind for repair in a Delaware shop in April 2019 indicated that the president’s son “was aware of these SARs and took steps to avoid detection in his financial dealings.” Experts working with The Washington Post have verified thousands of emails contained on the hard drive but not text messages.

A lawyer for Hunter Biden declined to comment. A representative for James Biden said: “We have no information regarding SARs allegedly filed about James Biden.”

In the statement, Collins also said the Biden administration has sought to restrict congressional access to SARs.

“Under the Biden administration, the Treasury Department has changed long-standing policy to restrict Congress’s access to these reports,” she said. “We need access to these reports to determine whether the Biden family’s business schemes threaten national security or have compromised President Biden. Instead of defending Hunter Biden’s SARs, it would be better to investigate why Biden’s Treasury Department is trying to hide them.”

The article explains that just because a SARs report is filed doesn't mean that anything illegal took place. So, if these were all "Above Board" than why hide them from being looked into by Congressional oversight committees?

remember what -Q- said?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a3163 No.11130507 📁
Oct 18 2020 00:01:04 (EST)
Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.
Dark secrets.

Seems to me that somebodies doesn't want Hunter to be hunted. Looks like -Q- needs to step back in and either regroup, or flat out expose how wide this corruption really is.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

You are watching a movie.

They have them all.

Movies a bit slow from this perspective.

I would love me some action sequences about now.


edit on 19/10/2022 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:29 AM
Careful what you ask for...

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: Guyfriday

You are watching a movie.

They have them all.

Movies a bit slow from this perspective.

I would love me some action sequences about now.


posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:13 AM
BBC prepares secret scripts for possible use in winter blackouts

The BBC has prepared secret scripts that could be read on air if energy shortages cause blackouts or the loss of gas supplies this winter.

The public would be advised to use car radios or battery-powered receivers to listen to emergency broadcasts on FM and long-wave frequencies usually reserved for Radio 2 and Radio 4.

One draft BBC script warns that a blackout could last for up to two days, with hospitals and police placed under “extreme pressure”.

Another says: “The government has said it’s hoped power will be restored in the next 36 to 48 hours. Different parts of Britain will start to receive intermittent supplies before then.”

It is understood they were written by BBC journalists as part of routine emergency planning to deal with hypothetical scenarios. They include local details for the different regions and nations of Britain.

In a national emergency, the BBC has a formal role in helping to spread information across the country, as part of the government’s civil contingencies planning. The broadcaster’s governance framework states: “If it appears to any UK government minister that an emergency has arisen, that minister may request that the BBC broadcast or otherwise distribute any announcement or other programme.”

The government works with the BBC as part of its emergency planning process, although it is unclear whether it had any input on these scripts. A spokesperson said: “The government is confident that this is not a scenario we will face this winter.”


Specific memories can be erased while you sleep — using simple ‘sound cue’ method

makes one wonder - if you can remember
--- for example
It's not a humdrum problem! Low murmur plaguing locals remains a mystery after council probe draws a blank

edit on 10192022 by MetalThunder because: CARPE F'N DIEM

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 07:39 AM
So, Putin has declared "Martial Law" in occupied area's of Ukraine.
Sorry on Mobil. Can't link
edit on 19-10-2022 by crappiekat because: Too add

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: crappiekat
So, Putin has declared "Martial Law" in occupied area's of Ukraine.
Sorry on Mobil. Can't link

Putin declares martial law in annexed Ukrainian regions

Now we need to formalize this regime within the framework of Russian legislation. Therefore, I signed a decree on the introduction of martial law in these four subjects of the Russian Federation,” he said on national television.

Uh oh

Illinois teen Daniel Moshi dies after collapsing while singing choir solo

The DuPage County Coroner’s Office is investigating the incident, but no cause of death has been released

edit on 2022/10/19 by CrazyFox because: Coincidence?

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Caled

Be careful indeed.
From: MSN News

Despite their extraordinary efforts, Democrats and their enforcement arm, the FBI, failed to prevent either Trump’s victory or his removal from office. So they turned their attention to the 2020 election. There are many ways to skin a cat, and the Democrats employed every one of them to ensure Trump’s defeat.

According to the Constitution, changes in election law must be ratified by state legislatures. Ahead of the 2020 election, however, the secretaries of state in crucial battleground states bypassed the legislatures entirely and changed rules pertaining to signature requirements, ballot collection, and more in the name of the pandemic.

The explosion of mail-in ballots made vote counting and accountability a nightmare. Approximately 1,000 poll workers signed sworn affidavits claiming they’d witnessed fraud in battleground state vote-counting centers. These allegations have never been proven because not a single court was willing to hear any of the cases. Whether enough fraud was committed to change the results of the election is questionable, but the fact is that it is still a question.

Democrats also found ways to interfere with the will of the people. We’ve learned from whistleblowers that the FBI scuttled an investigation into Hunter Biden to protect then-candidate Joe Biden ahead of the election. Additionally, Big Tech and the liberal media colluded to censor the New York Post’s October 2020 bombshell report about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Moreover, 51 former top-ranking intelligence community officials signed a letter claiming the story had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Days later, this letter provided cover for Biden in a debate with then-President Donald Trump.

Polls have shown that had Biden voters been aware of the Post’s story, many would have switched their votes. Could this have changed the outcome of the election? It’s a distinct possibility.

Given the FBI’s brazen attempts to undermine Trump’s campaigns in both 2016 and 2020, it is remarkable that his claims of malfeasance haven’t been taken more seriously. Indeed, the more we learn about the establishment’s meddling, the more it seems likely that the “Big Lie” is a bit closer to the truth than many would like to admit.

So, can we call it a "Conspiracy Theory" still? Wouldn't this just be a "Conspiracy" now?
edit on 19-10-2022 by Guyfriday because: it's early, and I had no coffee yet

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Florida police cameras show August arrests for alleged voter fraud

Also FL

Florida sees rise in flesh-eating bacteria amid Ian concerns

FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Florida has seen an increase in cases of flesh-eating bacteria this year driven largely by a surge in the county hit hardest by Hurricane Ian.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Offers Visas, Perks to Reverse Brain Drain After Losing 140,000 From Workforce

Former police chief who is now city’s chief executive puts emphasis on restoring Hong Kong’s role as global hub after pandemic and political upheaval spurred an exodus of talent


Silvio Berlusconi boasts of closeness to Vladimir Putin

Silvio Berlusconi, who will be part of Italy's new coalition government, has whipped up a storm of criticism by boasting that he had renewed ties with Vladimir Putin through exchanging "lovely letters" in which the Russian leader had called him "number one among his five best friends".

Special master Dearie unhappy with Mar-a-Lago document progress: ‘Where’s the beef? I need some beef

The parties have not yet indicated how many of the nearly 22,000 pages seized at Mar-a-Lago Trump are in dispute and will require the special master to make a call.

Big day

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:13 AM

This moment marks a failure of House leadership — and it’s yet another example of why I believe that the Democratic Party needs new leaders in the halls of Capitol Hill, as I have long made known,” Spanberger said in a statement after the bill was put on hold until after the midterm election.

Kind of ironic?

NYC plagued with large increase in rat sightings: report

Or just a coincidence?

edit on 2022/10/19 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:14 AM
Dick Morris in his book "The Return" and in interviews said the Supreme Court was going to address this last month in Moore vs. Harper.
It is about State Legislatures having the sole responsibilities to organize, manage and enforce all voting per US Constitution.
I personally believe it has already been ruled on.
Though weeks away I do not believe the mid-terms will take place.
If so then what we will see is tons of fraud caught and exposed in RT. A military operation and trap.
We cannot have free, fair and transparent elections until 2020 is addressed.
Buckle up buttercups

a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

I don't think the elections will happen either but my theory is that some large scale military operations will kick-off and the politicians will vote to suspend the elections so their money laundering and power infrastructure can remain in place.

The vote to postpone the election will also include many Yes votes by Republicans that will out themselves as cabal players bringing some needed clarity to what we the people are up against.

Its at this point where I see the SHTF and martial law being called and behind the scenes clean-up happening world wide. It is going to get ugly in the next few weeks I believe. I hope I am wrong but militaries all around the world are winding up.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:32 AM
Unless we are totally fooled once again I have to believe both Durham and Barr are doing their part to show how completely broken our entire 3-body system of accountability through checks and balances is in order to ensure people fully understand that the military is the only way.
As an example.
When SCJ Scalia was murdered I had a dilemma to consider.
What was worse?
A SC Justice was murdered with nobody held accountable or how in the world did Scalia get away with cover up for the child trafficking and controlling all the federal judges and their placement in order to coverup child trafficking?

It is time.
We need a do over

a reply to: carewemust

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:48 AM
QTSR Oct 19:


The Russians have a stolen Copy of the Hunter Biden laptop hard drives/ .... Who ever gave access to these hard drives came directly from within the 3 letter agencies. This interesting turn of events and facts has DNC/ BIDEN/OBAMA in a PANIC....... And Several major News Outlets are in the know of the this information leaking.  As HUNTER BIDENs dealings connected to BURISMA INTENSIFIES and POLITICO, WAPO & NEW YORK POST begin to run stories on the EXPOSURE of the BIDENS CONNECTIONS to UKRAINE oil dealings and selling of U.S. oil to CHNIA, the DNC is in PANIC>>>> As RUSSIA sends threats to BIDEN ADMIN and[ DS] military threatening to drop the FULL HUNTER LAPTOP hard drives into the INTERNET before the COMING ELECTIONS/////).........
>RUSSIA BEGINS MILITARY TRIBUNALS IN EASTERN UKRAINE against UKRAINIAN Officials, military and Leaders...... As Zelensky goes into hiding and can't be reached the past two days he's and great fear of being apprehend ( many sources say he is hiding in the west regions as Kiev was bombed and several Russian Special operations went forward to seek him)////
_The prosecutor who had began his investigation into BIDEN crime family for their illegal dealings with BURISMA has now gave his FULL accounts and Reports to the Military Tribunals RUSSIA currently is holding in Donbas region. This prosecutor was fired on behalf of Joe Biden then vice president who threaten to take the Billions away from Ukraine if the prosecutor wasn't fired and investigation into his family and son wouldn't stop ( pay to play)
_IMPEACH Joseph R. BIDEN President of the United States, for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes >
And they are ALL being watched.... Tracked///

What to EXPECT:
_Several STATES.WILL Contest the outcome of the ELECTIONS And will HALT the Elections
_BIDENs EO on Elections was improperly made( mistakes on purpose) and these Will STALL the Elections from going forward in November
_Bill Gates WARNED the elections will not happen And lead to Civil War ( this #turd knows slot because he's invested in the outcome and has [ DS] Mil.Intel ties
_RUSSIA and several countries Mil INTEL and WIRES; all report ELECTION DISRUPTIONS INCOMING
_many things are slated..... But what's important is BIDENs approval rating has hit 19%
( If you know what that mean...80% and more of Americans have reached the Military intervention RED>> LINE/////)/ >>>>>>>>> Everything leads too

Military is the only way

edit on 10/19/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Boston University Version
I wandered over to see what Boston University had to say about this new research.
They claim that their research was taken out of contest and that the mice that they used were highly susceptible. That may be the case but what bothers me is that they did not disclose funding from our favorite government departments, the NIAID and the NIH.
They claim that the funding was only for the development of tools and that they were not conducting "gain of function' research so they did not believe that this reveal was necessary.
There also seems to be a discrepancy between the intel drops about this. He claims the lab was a biolab level 4. Boston University claims that it was a level 3. This matters because research involving making a virus more deadly would have to be conducted in a level 4 biolab.
Someone must not have read that part of the script.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 11:31 AM

We already thought it was

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Unless we are totally fooled once again I have to believe both Durham and Barr are doing their part to show how completely broken our entire 3-body system of accountability through checks and balances is in order to ensure people fully understand that the military is the only way.
As an example.
When SCJ Scalia was murdered I had a dilemma to consider.
What was worse?
A SC Justice was murdered with nobody held accountable or how in the world did Scalia get away with cover up for the child trafficking and controlling all the federal judges and their placement in order to coverup child trafficking?

It is time.
We need a do over

a reply to: carewemust

I've been thinking along these lines as well. In order for military tribunals to be accepted (or acceptable), they need to show that the regular justice system is broken. That the courts simply cannot be trusted to provide anything like actual justice.

Q the Storm rider is also saying that the elections are going to be cancelled. (That channel has become visible in preview again.)

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