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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 12:44 PM
What is the conclusion we should draw from this?

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

originally posted by: Roxstar
Americans working in Chinese tech must quit and come back to US or lose their citizenship. This is an interesting development. I thought y'all would be interested in this and what you think it means. Is there something sinister going on behind the scenes?

I've started a thread on this here:
E.O. 13873
This is all done under Trump and Brandon gets the fallout

I tried to link a PDF from cve36to&cs=0&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALiCzsb-T3ZBQYUbaDfLM_wp0y2mb5KD4g:1666104934906&filter=0&biw=412&bih=647&dpr=1.75#ip=1
but had no success.
It is the crs report dated 2019 down the page

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 12:59 PM
It sure does fit the pattern. If it is quacking at me and looks kinda like a duck............

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Justoneman

Your posting got me thinking: "What if D5 is a varient of DS?"
It changes the context of things a bit. Q-D5

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d01c12 No.4158577 📁
Dec 5 2018 00:01:07 (EST)
Logical thinking.
D5 drops 1st - last.
Content & Dates.
Huber drops 1st - last.
Content & Dates.
Role of Huber (as portrayed by 'Q')?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) GHWB passes away and the State Funeral date is on D5?
What other interviews and investigations were wiped clean (postponed) given a STATE FUNERAL takes up media coverage for a week?
Why does the (global) FAKE NEWS media [largest in the world] continually attack 'Q'?
Why is the WASH POST leading the attack?
Think ABC agency.
When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY.

So this would mean that the Deep State drops 1st - last.
Huber testified on the Clinton Foundation on Deep State?
George HW Bush passed away and the State Funeral date was on the Deep State?

We've seen this typo stuff before, so I was just putting this out there. I know I'm late on this thought but D5 is a puzzle.

This also works for the Q-post that don't have a space after the D5. I wonder if that (space) is more important than we might have first thought?
Q-D5 No space

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Thought for today...has anyone ever done the math for how many terawatts of power is generated vs actually consumed by the public? Is it possible the DS has been shunting power off to other things or facilities we are not aware of?

Well, not that I know about Caled. That might be worth the time to find out too.

I will say this, there is "leakage" from the apparatus from beginning to end of the electricity or actually of the electrons and there are measurable waves of energy that would have to be quantified too.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Caled
What is the conclusion we should draw from this?

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

originally posted by: Roxstar
Americans working in Chinese tech must quit and come back to US or lose their citizenship. This is an interesting development. I thought y'all would be interested in this and what you think it means. Is there something sinister going on behind the scenes?

I've started a thread on this here:
E.O. 13873
This is all done under Trump and Brandon gets the fallout

I tried to link a PDF from cve36to&cs=0&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALiCzsb-T3ZBQYUbaDfLM_wp0y2mb5KD4g:1666104934906&filter=0&biw=412&bih=647&dpr=1.75#ip=1
but had no success.
It is the crs report dated 2019 down the page

What Trump negotiated in 2017 (USMCA) and in 2018 with 70+ nations is bigger than anyone can imagine and it all goes into effect January 1,2023.
Taiwan and China already have their deals in place.
The entire world is constricting to within their borders for all production of anything starting with food going local
It looks like everyone gets to start over with RV's and an even playing field with fungible currencies, as fiat and the FED are done.
China is no longer and not gonna be our #1 trading partner with just about anything national security related.
Not pharma, not food, not tech related.

Spies and spying is just about to become a big deal when this begins the transition.
Any foreign interference in trade and elections will be seen as an international event taken very seriously. And this includes the USA.
The world is about to change bigly.
And all parties are on board except the khazarian mafia(CCP).
Which reminds me.
I have to go open that link now of Ben Fulford to see what he is saying

edit on 18-10-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Caled
What is the conclusion we should draw from this?

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

originally posted by: Roxstar
Americans working in Chinese tech must quit and come back to US or lose their citizenship. This is an interesting development. I thought y'all would be interested in this and what you think it means. Is there something sinister going on behind the scenes?

I've started a thread on this here:
E.O. 13873
This is all done under Trump and Brandon gets the fallout

I tried to link a PDF from cve36to&cs=0&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALiCzsb-T3ZBQYUbaDfLM_wp0y2mb5KD4g:1666104934906&filter=0&biw=412&bih=647&dpr=1.75#ip=1
but had no success.
It is the crs report dated 2019 down the page

IDK exactly Caled, but remember Cranky saying it all had to fall on “Brandon” and who knows anymore if the actual “Players” are the Real people ? LOL, if this is all a “Movie”….the plot and characters really suck ! Seriously, is it possible that Joe has agreed to be the “Fall Guy” ? Remember the Q post about ‘what would you do for the Love of a Son” ? Hunter is in big trouble and Q referenced “Where’s Hunter” more than once ? Time will tell……

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:23 PM
Back in the 1980s Col Oliver North proposed a plan for an "Alamo-style fight" in Nicaragua where the contras would be massacred in a major battle, generating immense public sympathy and further US military support.

Financial Times, June 4, 1987:

In 2022 NY Times called the battle of Azovstal "Ukraine's Alamo."

Same ole days, different drug.

Wait, we already seen this movie.🤡

“Miss Atomic” pageant, Las Vegas, 1955, complete with mushroom-cloud crown:

Radiant "Miss Cue" for Operation Cue, Linda Lawson, who went on to play Mora the Mermaid in the 1961 horror film "Night Tide" and died on May 18, 2022 at age 86 at the Motion Picture and Television Retirement Home.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 02:03 PM
I believe the D5 refers to Death Day +5. I got that from watching a documentary about the Operation London Bridge protocol for the Queen's funeral, but because she died in Scotland they went with Operation Unicorn which changed the timing for everything. According to London Bridge her coffin would have been moved to Westminster Hall 5 days after her death. See that.
Now we also have Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was also given a ceremony by family in the Court's great hall 5 days after her death. Just a hunch, but I bet most great figures who receive large state funerals have the ceremony 5 days after they die. Should be easy to research. The next thing would be to find out what also happened on that same day, if its designed to suck up all the media coverage.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Justoneman

Your posting got me thinking: "What if D5 is a varient of DS?"
It changes the context of things a bit. Q-D5

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d01c12 No.4158577 📁
Dec 5 2018 00:01:07 (EST)
Logical thinking.
D5 drops 1st - last.
Content & Dates.
Huber drops 1st - last.
Content & Dates.
Role of Huber (as portrayed by 'Q')?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) GHWB passes away and the State Funeral date is on D5?
What other interviews and investigations were wiped clean (postponed) given a STATE FUNERAL takes up media coverage for a week?
Why does the (global) FAKE NEWS media [largest in the world] continually attack 'Q'?
Why is the WASH POST leading the attack?
Think ABC agency.
When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY.

So this would mean that the Deep State drops 1st - last.
Huber testified on the Clinton Foundation on Deep State?
George HW Bush passed away and the State Funeral date was on the Deep State?

We've seen this typo stuff before, so I was just putting this out there. I know I'm late on this thought but D5 is a puzzle.

This also works for the Q-post that don't have a space after the D5. I wonder if that (space) is more important than we might have first thought?
Q-D5 No space

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:08 PM
QTSR ) Oct 18:

An EXODUS from the Democratic party is HAPPENING In real time....///
People are waking up to Soaring gas prices/ inflation and the BIDENS continuous in supporting BILLIONS to the Ukraine War.

Those in EU and other countries need to understand the Democratic party is connected to their Partys in their country.. This huge DNC party is deeply controlled by the DAVOS.UN GROUP that was created by the 3rd Reich and their connections to the ROTHSCHILDS and 16 other Royal families and their allegiance to the VATICAN and Freemasons, KAZARIANs , Jesuits, and a host of other secret parties//// as the FBI EXPOSURE continues so WILL the EXPOSURE of BIG TECH ..
Which controls the information of countries...... Is not a coincidence that FBI whistleblower Dan Woods cyber security and links into national security and CIA Pentagon announced that [TWITTER] is 80% FAKE ACCOUNTS ( BOTS ).

This information is hitting the the world stage behind the scenes and EU leaders are in a Scrabble to find out what's happening with the TWITTER and the Power they control to sway mass opinions and control World ELECTIONS and TWITTER did control the outcome of other throwing governments and presidents in colour revolutions.............. The crumbling of Big TECH is incoming..... As TRUMP SMILES, ELON GETS READY TO DEAL CARDS, ......EU ELITES ( WHITE HATS) MAKE CHESS MOVES AGAINST BIG TECH and the EXPOSURE THE FAR LEFT PARTIES AROUND THE WORLD

Allot is happening my friends.... As the crumbling ROTHSCHILDs, DAVOS, Rockefellers, ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT... Make Major move in the next two weeks to cause CHAOS and try hard to cover up their world deep State corruption////


General. Jack Keane
"Ships (Battle fleets), airplanes
(Chinese Air force) , Missiles, Defence Missiles, ... You name the category, the Chinese out gun us! "

_General Keane talking about China attacking TAIWAN much much sooner than BIDEN admin. Pentagon thought ( they thought the Chinese would Attack in 18 MONTHS.... But the reality is CCP is conducting large military operations at this moment with Nuclear exercises in case the U.S. intervenes with Japan )//
How did many of us in TRUTH community know CHINA was preparing to attack months ago and I reported several times recently of the imminent attack coming and all the Inside information on Chinese operations, exercises and recent MILITARY COUP attempt by the Deep state against XI ( even Benjamin fulford and polish intelligence used my drop)////

The larger Truth as everyone knows is DNC and MSM,UN are constantly lying and hide the True Times lines of EVENTS and use to manipulate they masses.

> This ELON MUSK buying TWITTER and taking CONTROL of TWITTER is far more than people can fathom......... It connects to EXPOSING>>>FACEBOOK. GOOGLE. YOUTUBE. TIKTOK, ... and the DEEP STATE DIGITAL BOTS ARMY that control the NEWS ALGORITHMS and the reasons behind so many Colour Revolutions///////.....
_Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, ITALY., INDIA, All Telling their citizens to leave UKRAINE immediately! In the last 32 hours ///
CHINA made calls to several Alliance countries and WARNED of the Leaving UKRAINE immediately.

The mobilization of over a 300 thousandth troops in record time for any country now belongs to RUSSIA as they finished the mobilization 2 weeks ahead of time....////
_BELARUS MILITARY Starts military mobilization as their government issues antiterrorist laws connected to UKRAINE conflict nearing their borders and NATO MILITARY getting closer with combat units disguised as freedom fighters. >Belarus has already stopped a terrorist ATTACK and put the story out and in the same hour their Military was put in high ALART and mobilization began with missiles systems fully activated. The terrorist were tracked back to Poland forces that were trained in CIA Ukrainian camps. Russian intelligence immediately gave WARNING to Belarus military and Russian sent a full squadron of jet fights to BELARUS.
_IRAN publicly backs RUSSIA in the Ukraine conflict and sent Iranian MILITARY drones to bomb Kiev ( kyiv) the capital of Ukraine.
>Over 500 cities without power in Ukraine

NATO holds NUCLEAR strike exercises in the EU region and China also holds NUCLEAR strike exercises in south sea of China. And RUSSIAN continues to build up NUCLEAR STRIKE AIR SQUADRONS AND HAS SEVERAL SUBMARINES UNACCOUNTED FOR IN THE DEEP ATLANTIC OCEANS.
CABLES: as the WAR escalates in EU. UKRAINE.>>> The DEEP STATE in the U.S. issues ⚠️ WARNING [ COMMS] in MSM of a deadlier Stain of COVID virus 80% more deadlier than the bio-weapons COVID 19 release of 2019.
>>>> MILITARY SOURCES say this is a MAJOR threat and attempted blackmail for U.S. WHITES HATS OPERATIONS TO BACK DOWN FROM THEIR OPERATIONS, ,, ( back channels between Jesuits/DAVOS/ROTHSCHILDs in EU ..... Are trying hard to hold the U.S. HOSTAGE WITH THE NEW VIRUS////if the ALLIANCE does not back down from DEVOLUTION OPERATIONS IN THE U.S...///

(I will keep up in this development of the Boston virus
..... source says the idea the Blackhats [DS] have is to create a false flag EVENT and blame Russia for an attack on the Boston LEVEL 4 BIOLAB and release the virus///)....
Two other sources in NY say the lab is already under Whites HATS military control the past 16 hours

The past 32 hours.. Several Russian military battalions are heading into Red Zones in UKRAINE////and evacuating Russian populations in the regions

Insider Paper

1,162 towns and villages now without power and hundreds Ukraine power Stations destroyed.....////

As Ukraine president comes into PANIC and asks Biden for more and more help... BIDEN tells zelensky
"Stop complaining"

edit on 10/18/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:21 PM
QTSR Oct 18:


New Chinese Emperor oversees Khazarian mafia purge

The failure of a Khazarian mafia coup attempt in China means the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is not going to be able to escape bankruptcy this time, multiple sources say.

This is because a new emperor -who is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan- has taken power in China, according to dragon family sources. So far, over a thousand senior Chinese officials and three generations of their families have been executed for accepting bribes from the KM, the sources say. The rest of the top levels of the Chinese government remain under house arrest until investigations are completed.

It is still not clear if Chinese President Xi Jinping has been replaced by an avatar or not, the source adds. However the real Xi Jinping has a shoulder injury from an assassination attempt in Singapore so, when the new Chinese politburo is revealed on October 16th, the thing to watch for is the presence or absence of this injury on Xi if he appears, they say. Either way, any Xi who appears will not be a KM stooge, they add. The fact that KM propaganda rags like the New York Times are now viciously attacking Xi is another indicator their attempt to take over China has failed.

Polish intelligence sources corroborate saying:

It is now clear that the Military Brigade that entered Beijing was there to defend Xi and surround it for protection. Some CCP members have been arrested and executed. The coup attempt was staged by the ROTHSCHILDs / ROCKEFELLERS / VATICAN / BLACKROCK / DAVOS GROUP ETC. in an effort to stop Chinese support for the Russian Alliance and the annexation of Ukraine. The second reason for the coup attempt was the takeover of the BRICS temporary reserve system, into which half of the world’s currencies have already shifted.

The fact that OPEC+ has decided to cut oil production by 2 million barrels per day in order to help Russia is another sign the entire non-Western world is cooperating in the effort to cut off oil and gas and thus collapse the US Corporation. Even the fake White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was forced to admit “It’s clear that OPEC+ is aligning with Russia with today’s announcement.”

This effort appears to be working. One of the principal owners of the US Corporation, Blackrock International has filed for bankruptcy, Mexican intelligence sources point out.

These same sources say Russian, Chinese and other specialists have entered the US via Mexico to help US special forces hunt down and destroy remaining KM leadership and strongholds in North America.

A public sign the Mexican government has joined the planetary liberation alliance can be seen in that they are now using the Russian Glonass GPS system that the US has tried to ban.


Shoot to kill orders issued for Khazarian mafia bosses

Worldwide shoot-to-kill orders have been issued against all Khazarian Mafia members until they surrender unconditionally, according to an agreement made between MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the Russian FSB and other military/intelligence agencies worldwide. This is legal because the KM are actively trying to kill 90% of humanity. If they surrender, they will face Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals. If they don’t, they face death.

It is with good reason that Russian President Vladimir Putin said the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves [it is] pure Satanism….Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits, ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.

For those who still do not understand what we are dealing with, take a look at this video of a child sacrifice.
It is proof we really are dealing with Moloch-worshiping and child-sacrificing fanatics. They view us as “Amalak” and think they have the right to kill us or enslave us like cattle. These are the ancient enemies of the Jews, the Romans, the Christians and most of humanity. They are the ones who tortured Jesus Christ to death and put his body out for public display.

The video is from the Chicago world’s fair of 1933 but to this day they carry out mass sacrifices. Our MI6 sources say they have a video of “beautiful children being sacrificed,” in a holocaust at a ceremony inaugurating the new World Trade Center building. A holocaust is a burnt offering to Moloch, also known as Ba’al, Set or Satan. These are the people who murdered tens of millions of Chinese, Russians, Germans, Japanese, Jews etc. during and after World War II as a part of their plan to turn the planet earth into a giant animal farm.

The event shown above was organized by the Zionist Organization of America, sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and produced by Meyer Weisgal, with help from Rabbi Solomon Goldman as well as Maurice Samuel, the author of “You Gentiles.” One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration.

These are the people who enslaved the Americans and turned them into their killing machines and enforcers worldwide.

The shoot-to-kill order includes but is not limited to: the descendants of John Rockefeller I, the members of the Rothschild family, the Habsburgs as well as the Dutch, Italian and Belgian royal families.

Individuals targeted for immediate execution include the actors pretending to be President Joe Biden and Pope Francis, Jeff Bezos, Jared Kushner, Justin Castro (Trudeau), Chrystia Freeland, Emanuelle Macron, Ursula von der Leyen , Angela Merkel, Anthony Fauci, Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, the Chief Rabbi of New York Ephraim Mirvis etc. We will ask our readers to help compile a more comprehensive list but this is a good starting point.

If you are a member of the protection unit for any of these individuals, you must either obey the order or face war crimes penalties of life imprisonment or death. If you think this is extreme, remember, these people are actively trying to kill you and your extended family so this is legitimate self-defense. We are in a state of war folks and it is either kill or be killed.

OK, now let us look at some of the recent development in the battle to liberate the planet earth.

The latest attempt by KM to start World War III was seen last week when they “blew up” the Nordstream I and II gas pipelines that supply Russian gas to Germany. This was followed immediately by the announcement of an alternative pipeline supplying gas from Norway to Poland. The problem is the entire thing was a propaganda lie designed to make money by manipulating financial markets, Russian FSB sources say.

edit on 10/18/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:29 PM
QTSR Oct 18:

It is a pretty sure bet that, if you investigate, you will find out that the Rothschild-owned trading companies based in Switzerland made a killing from insider trading based on the fake pipeline incident.

Also, Germany will now have to pay “transit fees” to Ukraine and Poland for gas from a pipeline that probably does not exist. However, that is not going to be enough to save the KM from financial collapse. The reality is that Western Europe must either overthrow its Satanic leadership or face an industrial shutdown and freezing winter.

The Americans also need to do something about the fake Federal Reserve Board Biden regime or face hardship as well. In a sign the KM-owned UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation failed to make its September 30th payments deadline, the FRB has called for a secret emergency meeting


☝️ I must acknowledge my thoughts on this sensitive confusing subject....//// I am not anti-jew or antisemitic..... You must understand the Jewish people were INFILTRATED LONG AGO and was taken over by KAZARIANs and Thuggies long ago with other satanic groups connected to the dark families of the bible and the MOLOCH God devil of FALSE light, Illuminations ILLUMINATI (GOOGLE> illuminati>> ( backwards)> ITANIMULLI < and see what page it takes you too.)...... So these false groups became Jew like known as JEW->ISH

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I just stumbled onto this. Is it real is my only question because I have reasons to believe it is?

Bill Barr is a plant for the DS

Yes, and that's great research, but...

Not issuing an order to investigate could have been for a reason of which we aren't yet fully aware...

edit on 18-10-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

edit on 10182022 by MetalThunder because: ANNI 201

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: Justoneman
I just stumbled onto this. Is it real is my only question because I have reasons to believe it is?

Bill Barr is a plant for the DS

BREAKING: Danchenko NOT GUILTY - the usual WaPo trope.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

That prosecution was a bit of hair-splitting, and not quite the big picture, by any means. If anything, it bouies the civil cases against HRC/DNC, at al.

This vid from the other day shows the underLYING method. Forge a half-truth, then repeat it as truth informally, like in a Presidential debate...

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:45 PM
For da luv of science...

Boston University researchers create hybrid COVID virus

The lab-made virus combined elements of the omicron variant with the original virus. The results were more deadly to mice than omicron, but less deadly than the original virus.

Scientists took the spike protein of an omicron variant of the virus and attached it to a virus of the original strain that spread around the world in 2020. The goal was to study why omicron has a lower rate of severe infections.

However, the hybrid virus created by BU’s researchers still killed 80% of the lab mice infected with it, making it more deadly than the natural omicron variants. It is crucial to note that the original virus killed 100% of the lab mice exposed to it.

Mid-term X variant...🤡

Daily Beast


posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:11 PM

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:48 PM
Sunglasses Deadly Coincidences
Where have we heard that before?
Asked a vxd person to denounce Baal Gates
Football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, Global, cabal , play ball, lots of balls. Right in our faces! How many false idols are worshipped in FB BB BB ? Anyone make it all the way thru the CERN ritual opening. I can only handle a few minutes at a time.
Time to crack another keg of hopium

Watch: MSNBC Host Refers to Clarence Thomas as ‘Justice Pubic Hair on My Coke Can’

holy smokes no one else thought this

Ghislaine Maxwell: Jeffrey Epstein’s death in jail is ‘profoundly suspicious’

Speaking of Bill
edit on 2022/10/18 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Why in the hell are they already voting in Arizona? And the mules are covering their license plates.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Great find! If further confirms that Bill Barr was a "Deep State" operative/protector.

He helped facilitate and cover-up the murder of Jeffrey Epstein,

stopped Trump-ordered declassifications from happening,

upgraded Durham to Special Counsel to keep President Trump from revealing Hillary-Obama-Biden-Lynch-Comey-Brennan Treason, and as your post verified,

and didn't launch any investigations into Nov 2020 Election abnormalities. (People really believed Barr when he announced just 8 days after the election that the DOJ had scoured the USA and Italy for reported fraud and found none!)

Former President Trump confided last year that deep state corruption extended wider and deeper than even he thought it was...and he'd been "studying" it since before the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

Former President Trump confided last year that deep state corruption extended wider and deeper than even he thought it was...and he'd been "studying" it since before the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

Wonder if -Q- will provide us a reassessment now.

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