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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I have not followed the case very closely but much of what Jones went by was information from Wolfgang Helbig I believe. I know Wolfgang has had a bad time as well filing for bankruptcy etc but Wolfgang had boots on the ground soon after the Sandy Hook incident and from the start received a lot of obstruction to his requests and legitimate questions based on his professional experience. For those that watched the trial etc how much was this brought up?

There was a movie on Bitchute Titled Dear Wolfgang - Revisiting Sandy Hook where some serious questions were raised and I don't believe have ever been answered so I'm not sure without proof on some of these things how they could be written off as false or made up?

It is interesting to me that Sandy Hook and most recently Uvalde hit with a full frontal assault and then just seem to totally fade away with many serious questions and faults by local authorities who are never held accountable. Th trials of Chauvin and other police have come and gone with serious consequences for them but these incidents with lots of kids where numerous casualties, property damage, and dereliction of duty etc, seem to go unchecked.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 11:30 AM
Dr. Kary Kullis- Fauci

What are the chances that the inventor of the PCR tests, Dr. Kary Kullis, died from pneumonia complications August 7, 2019, just before the launch?
Highly suspicious that of all things his death was due to pneumonia. Could it have been Covid? Very similar symptoms.
These PCR tests were crucial to turbo charge the Plandemic narrative. Kullis seems to have been a very outspoken, colorful person and would not have been afraid to speak up about the faulty use of these tests.
He knew that Fauci was a problem.

Kullis Wiki

Project Veritas has suspicions as well.>Projct Veritas

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
Do you have a link for that Bitchute? Thanks.

I believe that they count on public amnesia. They know from experience that over time, the public just moves on since it does not impact them at a personal level.
Consequences? Having been the parent of a child that went through a school shooting many of us expected some consequence to the administration at the school. The principal and the staff knew that this student was a danger and they did nothing. Just hoped to move him along.
After the shooting the teachers were chilled from co-operating in the investigation because of their job security. The administration remained but in the following years there was a string of student suicides and still no consequences.
To this day no one has been made accountable. What I did find mind boggling is that somehow the students were encouraged to stand outside the school and conduct rallies in support of the principal.
Lots of manipulation.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:01 PM
Munich Security Conference 2022

Sadly the Omicron is a type of vaccine. Billy must be sad, really sad. Since he loves his word games SAD> Sudden Adult Deaths due to the mRNA jabs. Just call me suspicious because he likes to believe that he's clever.
I still think there is something up with the wording of his Corn song. Do You Got The Juice?
"One has the juice if they have respect, influence, power, authority or... Lol sexual desirability, among other things. [Nov. 14, 2018]. He had to go to Epstein Island for that

You got he juice? Billy responds "I got the juice."
We'll see about that. Getting close real close to the point where they will not be safe to walk the streets.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:01 PM
Covid Vaccination in Pregnancy Research Study

I was wondering how they recruited pregnant non men participants for the Covid jabs clinical trials. They went to the very places where women would have the most trust.
Were they given informed consent that something could happen to their pregnancies? This would be ground zero. They would see that women were suffering miscarriages but they said nothing and did nothing! Instead they allowed the clinical trials to continue.
edit on 13-10-2022 by Thoughtful1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Looking like the Stock Market crash is incoming at the end of this week?

I believe it has already started. Strong downtrend as of a few days ago.


posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

He was associated with Dr. Joshua Lederberg.

2009 Resume/CV for Kary Mullis - check out the lengthy list of bio & chemical companies he worked.šŸ‘€ Cetus Corp > Monsanto > Chiron (Fauci) / Perkin-Elmer-Cetus and many others.

Scientific American Vol. 262, No. 4 (APRIL 1990), pp. 56-65 (10 pages):

The Unusual Origin of the Polymerase Chain Reaction by Kary B. Mullis

A surprisingly simple method for making unlimited copies of DNA fragments was conceived under unlikely circumstances-during a moonlit drive through the mountains of California.

"In the spring of 1984, while working on the patent, I presented a poster describing the PCR at the annual Cetus Scientific Meeting. [...]. Yet nobody seemed to be interested in my poster, and I felt increasingly anxious. [...] Finally, I noticed Joshua Lederberg, president of the Rockefeller University, nearby, and I snared him into looking at my results. Josh looked the poster over carefully and then turned his enormous head, the Nobel-laureated head, the head that had deduced in 1946 that bacteria could have sexual intercourse. "Does it work?" He seemed amused. Pleased, I confirmed that it did, and we talked for a long time. At one point he mentioned that about 20 years previously, after Kornberg had discovered DNA polymerase, the two of them had considered the notion that the enzyme could somehow be harnessed to make large quantities of DNA.They had not figured out exactly how to do it, however. I reminded him that oligonucleotides were not readily available at that time and that there was hardly any DNA sequence information either. But he looked back at my poster with an expression that I have almost come to expect. I think that Josh, after seeing the utter simplicity of the PCR, was perhaps the first person to feel what is now an almost universal first response to it among molecular biologists and other DNA workers: "Why didn't I think of that?" And nobody really knows why; surely I don't. I just ran into it one night.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Your in-depth and Focused and Important research into what is going down in the Medical community has been Stellar and Thoughtful šŸ˜ŠšŸ’• If I remember correctly you lost your Son, so very terribly sorry for your loss and šŸ˜„ I admire your commitment to bring this terrible nightmare into the public consciousnessā€¦ā€¦.some days I break out in tears, thinking about losing 3 of my most Beloved people in the world and the incompetence and downright ā€œmistakes ā€œ that I saw happen, Haunt me deeply. I wanna call these Monsters OUT too !! Hope youā€™re also carving out some time to smell the roses, so to speak šŸŒ¹

Geezā€¦not saying that right and just donā€™t have time to ponder it at the moment, be back in a few hours.

Has anyone seen Candiceā€™s new documentary ?

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 03:18 PM
Today I find myself pondering the events surrounding the Philadelphia Experiment...a ship vanishing briefly and reappearing...

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Caled

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 03:56 PM
Great interview with McGregors

Russia will win this war. The time for peace talks is now. There is no possible way Ukraine wins this war, but yet, Nato keeps pushing.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 04:22 PM

In an interview with Russiaā€™s Rossiya 24 news channel aired on Thursday, Lavrov was asked whether he thought Bidenā€™s reluctance to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin would further complicate tensions in the international arena.

ā€œIt doesnā€™t complicate [it] at all, because the state of affairs as it stands today has already been driven, first of all by the US, to such a condition that it canā€™t get any worse, in my opinion,ā€ the Russian minister replied.


Oh no...
Bloomberg (archived link)

"The chipmaker had 113,700 employees as of July." That is 13,700 too many.

So we have:
ā€” A major global chip manufacturer
ā€” Anticipating serious slack capacity
ā€” In the middle of a PSYWAR
ā€” With a munitions shortage due in major part to chip shortages
ā€” And we are letting this happen.

Henry L. Stimson and Andy Grove are turning over in their graves.

Luv me some Sanctions... The US Gov't sends the EU into the economic slaughterhouse.

The Economist (archived link)

Queue up the music!

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Luv me some Sanctions... The US Gov't sends the EU into the economic slaughterhouse.

The Economist (archived link)

At some point the people behind this economic collapse are going to start pushing the message that, "It's not a Depression, it's a financial Reset".

It's clearer than ever that those who bought into the "Great Reset" are failing, while those that chose not to partake are succeeding.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 05:27 PM
Remember all that talk about how the DNC needed an opportunity to steal the next election?
From: MSN News

The Biden administration said Thursday that the COVID-19 public health emergency will continue through Jan. 11 as officials brace for a spike in cases this winter.

So, who had extending the pandemic on their bingo card?

Watch as fellow Trotskyists say that the only safe way to vote is through mail in ballots.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 08:15 PM
The FBI didn't corroborate or verify any of these Steele Dossier allegations before they used them in the FISA warrant on Carter Page.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: RookQueen


Trump Organization II: The Trumpening...

NY Times

Registered same day as NY AG filed lawsuit. LOL.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Covid Vaccination in Pregnancy Research Study

I was wondering how they recruited pregnant non men participants for the Covid jabs clinical trials. They went to the very places where women would have the most trust.
Were they given informed consent that something could happen to their pregnancies? This would be ground zero. They would see that women were suffering miscarriages but they said nothing and did nothing! Instead they allowed the clinical trials to continue.

I just starting looking at your link and the trials appear to be worded with the assumption the shots were safe but that the trial was mostly to find the most effective timing between doses in pregnant women. Yikes.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 09:03 PM
Typically I am against animal abuse but this takedown of Mrs. Ed
Was a sight for all.
This popped up in the feed too.

The order itself is pretty straightforward, at least with respect to Sethā€™s personal laptop, because it directs the FBI to ā€œproduce the information it possesses related to Seth Richā€™s laptop and responsive to Plaintiffā€™s FOIA requests within 14 days of this Order.ā€ On the other hand, the order does not discuss Sethā€™s work laptop, which is also in the possession of the FBI.

edit on 2022/10/13 by CrazyFox because: a reply to: RookQueen

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
I know she will! I'm hopng she doesn't read this thread.......

..........I pm'd a video for you to look at when you get time.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 09:34 PM

Pfizerā€™s COVID Drug Paxlovid Can Cause Deadly Blood Clots If Taken With Other Heart Medication, Study Warns

pinky poo not tg

Five of the most important cardiovascular drug interactions with Paxlovid to be aware of include:

Former Oregon Mayor Pleads Guilty to Possession of Pornography

speci al

Supreme Court Denies Trump Appeal for Special Master To Review Classified Records

Trumpā€™s legal team, in their initialĀ filingĀ to the Supreme Court, argued that ā€œthe unprecedented circumstances presented by this caseā€”an investigation of the Forty-Fifth President of the United States by the administration of his political rival and successorā€”compelled the District Court to acknowledge the significant need for enhanced vigilance and to order the appointment of a Special Master to ensure fairness, transparency, and maintenance of the public trust.ā€

Supreme Court fumbles is military going to recover.

Trump Responds After Jan. 6 Committee Votes To Subpoena Him

Why didnā€™t the Unselect Committee ask me to testify months ago? Why did they wait until the very end, the final moments of their last meeting?ā€

edit on 2022/10/13 by CrazyFox because:

edit on 2022/10/13 by CrazyFox because:

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