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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

When I had sx 30 Nov 2021 & in Aug 2022 at the same hospital, I asked them in advance if I needed to have blood taken in case I needed & they said I would't need any. So I told them if I needed blood that I did not
want blood from anyone jabbed nor blood containing
the vax.
Appears now we may have to give some blood ourselves or have a relative or friend that has not been jabbed donate or be ready if there's a problem? Not even sure if its safe from someone who has had covid 19?

Thank you for all of your time, research & hard work
trying to keep us informed re the jabs!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 12:22 PM
Not even hidden, it is publicly available on the IEA website and can be directly tied to the devastating economic manipulation being used to drive the agenda. The velvet glove has been removed to reveal an iron fist.

Net Zero by 2050

Cablegate: Competing Pipelines (Oct 10, 2008)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Caled
Not delusional, never was

Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis …

Morgellons disease (MD) is a dermopathy characterized by multicolored filaments that lie under, are embedded in, or project from skin. Although MD was initially considered to be a delusional disorder, recent studies have demonstrated that the dermopathy is associated with tickborne infection, that the filaments are composed of keratin and collagen, and that they result from proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in epithelial tissue. Culture, histopathological and molecular evidence of spirochetal infection associated with MD has been presented in several published studies using a variety of techniques.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 12:41 PM
Watch the water again. Gates related.

Featuring EcoLab.
Gates Loves Ecolab

Not only is Billy buying more but also some of Ecolab Directors.
One of the more interesting Directors is Jeffrey Ettinger who just happens to be running for the first time in the Minnesota's First Congressional District as a Build Back Better candidate, who also has raised more $ than any other dem candidate. Just shocked, shocked that Billy has so much invested in the company that he is a board member of. Suddenly Jeff is an Agri expert. < Nothing to see here.
Jeffrey Ettinger

Ecolab is a
global leader in water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and centers.
Food related "supplier of chemistries used by beef and poultry processors to reduce pathogens in uncooked beef and poultry".

Prior to Billy's latest investment between the B&M Gates Foundation and his personal investments he had a 25% ownership in the company.
What are the chances that in 2018 he purchased another $230 million of shares. He feels so strongly about Ecolab that it is the 5th biggest position held by the Gates Foundation.

Covid related:
The pieces of the puzzle falling into place.>Ec o Disinfectant First To Receive EPA Approval as Proven Effective Against SARS-COV-2
Who could forget the fear of Covid contaminated surfaces and what did everyone need but disinfectant wipes and sprays because... Only the EPA could approve and the EPA has water, water everywhere authority.
Since Fauci has more than doubled his net worth during the plandemic I wonder how much of Ecolab shares he has in his portfolio.

Ecolab Wiki

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Ektar
Indeed complicated times. If they could develop the Pfizer mRNA jab in a mere 9 months using a completely new technology then maybe they can circle back to artificial blood. Really that should have been solved ages ago but as usual no $ in it.

Artifical Blood

According to Scott Gottlieb in his
book up to 40% of the people were asymptomatic and they would have IGg and Igm antibodies. Maybe this is a positive and would help provide enhanced protection to the receiver of the transfusion. The big, big problem is if the blood is not tested how does one know if it has mRNA in it or the antibodies which could be a positive.

As we have seen repeatedly the CDC and other organizations are broken, very broken. Like you say you could use your own blood but if you run short is there someone that you can trust and feel okay with using their blood? At least you would feel confident that it does not have mRNA in it.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:35 PM
That can't be true. The Atlantic says so.

"The Atlantic says it "even received pop-culture attention" when it was featured on Criminal Minds, adding that "Morgellons patients have further alienated themselves from the mainstream medical community" by "linking Morgellons to another illness viewed skeptically by most doctors, chronic Lyme disease, and by attacking those who doubt their condition".[41]"


originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: Caled
Not delusional, never was

Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis …

Morgellons disease (MD) is a dermopathy characterized by multicolored filaments that lie under, are embedded in, or project from skin. Although MD was initially considered to be a delusional disorder, recent studies have demonstrated that the dermopathy is associated with tickborne infection, that the filaments are composed of keratin and collagen, and that they result from proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in epithelial tissue. Culture, histopathological and molecular evidence of spirochetal infection associated with MD has been presented in several published studies using a variety of techniques.

edit on 10/4/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:40 PM
Uncontrolled S P R E A D

We now have a link with Ecolab.

Early on in the Plandemic the CDC flamed the fear that the Covid virus could live on surfaces and for a long time. Hence the need for wipes and sprays to kill the germs. Who can forget the images of people not only wiping their grocery carts, food packages along with all surfaces including mail boxes. All along Gates was profiting!

But even more serious criminal...
The CDC was using the Influenza Like Surveillance System to try and track the spread of Covid. Quick recap. This system would report the # of respiratory specimens they've tested for influenza and the # of positive specimens. They were looking for negative test results as an indicator for the community spread of Covid.

Here is the crux of the issue. The CDC flaming fear of Covid on surfaces had people using disinfectants which had the effect of distorting the influenza data and delayed a spike in the ILI system. There was a flu epidemic but the numbers may have been much higher. This allowed Covid to slip in under the radar. Pages 78-81
To be clear this was deliberate!

"The timing of the introduction of SARS-COV-2 arriving in the U.S. just as we were experiencing a flu epidemic; was absolutely optimal for keeping it hidden"! Page 81
Add that to the Presidential election. It took time for Covid to gain community spread.
Just so many problems with the system but the CDC needed to keep using it. As Gottlieb points out over and over and over again the CDC choked off any testing except through their Atlanta lab and that left only this system to detect community spread.

Some examples of the short comings of the system:
1.Historical data, so historical that data from Medicare and Medicaid was lagging by 3 months.
2.40% of the population were asymptomatic,
3. Testing was only reaching only 1 out of 10/15 cases, so hardly accurate. Page 80

Two Red Flags:
The CDC reinforced surface transmission [fomites] to explain how it was being transmitted and quashed the transmission by asymptomatic people.
* The CDC already knew that the flu spread asymptomatically but refused to acknowledge that with Covid. Page 84
What did Fauci have to say? " "all of history of respiratory- borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been a driver of outbreaks...Even if there is a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers." Page 84 # Fauci lied people died.

The Lancet had something to say about this at the same time "As shown in this study it is still crucial to isolate patients and trace and quarantine contacts as early as possible because asymptomatic infections appears possible"

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:55 PM

Bombshell: Danchenko as CHS Gets Worse

When did John Durham find out that Danchenko was a paid CHS?

Hans raised this point last week, and indications are that it could be fairly recently.

Danchenko was a paid CHS it seems through October 2020. John Durham was appointed in April/May 2019, and there is no way he knew before October 2020. The IG Horowitz report came out in December 2019, and they withheld that information about Danchenko from John Durham until at least October 2020.

Today, Carter Page had a brilliant filing that shows how bad the FBI corruption really is. Make sure to read it here.

Linked to a PDF court doc Carter Page vs James Comey (9/29/2022)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 02:02 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 02:34 PM
Heads up

New topic...Testing

We know from all the books I've reviewed that the CDC seemed to be more than in love with their tests. They kept control, introduced tests that didn't work, refused the tests approved by the WHO and made it mandatory that all tests, if doctors begged enough, had to be sent to their Atlanta lab which was only capable of conducting a few hundred tests a day.

It's almost as if they didn't want any testing to be done that might have given a heads up about community transmission.

Circling back to H1N1 [2009]- Must have been a different CDC. They were able to design a test within, gasp, 10 days! And mass produce it as well. So what happened with Covid??? Page 95

Meanwhile Germany was happily humming along mass producing tests that the CDC refused to permit in the U.S. Just such snobs. Page 96
If we have any doubts...
January 24 the CDC published a blue print of their miracle test but then told manufacturers that the CDC was in complete control. I suppose they wanted to make $ from the manufacturing process as ell as the jabs so the big boys walked away. They must have loved it when a plan comes together. They chill manufacturers from making more kits and that way there is less testing and we know what happens...more undetected community spread. Page 97

Since the CDC and the FDA are best buds the CDC asked the FDA to limit testing.
-The testing could only be used on respiratory specimens.
- Could not be used on saliva because nose jabs are way more fun.
-If the test was inconclusive it had to be sent to their huge lab in Atlanta that could only conduct a few hundred tests a day.
- Just in case things got ahead of the plan only 115 public health labs were allowed to conduct them. Page 97

So here we are stuck with tests that don't work in the field and only the lab in Atlanta have one that was reasonably accurate. So what was happening in that humming facility. By March 1st a whopping 36oo tests were conducted.
Like I say they must be so insecure. Of those 3600 tests, multiple tests were done on the same samples.
Page 99
Just to make certain that Robert Redfield, Director of the CDC doesn't feel left out, he doubled down on the scary message by Nancy Messonier, CDC Director National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease who gave the confidence boosting message " disruption to everyday life might be severe" which triggered a massive stock sell-off.
Redfield managed to delay mass testing in 4 cities by two weeks. Page 88

Just a reminder the CDC blocked Helen Chu's PCR test and then there was DeRisi's tech which was blocked as well.
493 pages, only 99 down.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 03:20 PM
Here's the letter from team Musk, declaring his intention to go through with the Twitter deal..."provided that the Delaware Chancery Court enter an immediate stay of the action, Twitter vs. Musk...and adjourn the trial and all other proceedings."

Exhibit S

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
In case it's not yet been posted:

The SEALED INDICTMENTS count had risen to 340,259, by end of July, and currently stands at 358,609.

Last I checked it was down around 240k so still increasing bigly!

Consider that 358,609 sealed indictments is roughly one for every thousand people in the U.S.!!!

Source: Qawakening on telegram

So this is the last one I had....

Since Oct 2020 +110,000 sealed indictments!!
I wonder how many are voter fraud related.....
I know Ex Gov Blago in Illinois said shortly after getting out of prison he was going to spill the beans about Dem voter corruption .....have not heard a peep he has been singing like a songbird....LOL

Northern Illinois is up 3000 in just 2 years....

BTW I am still wondering what the hell happened in Aug-Sept of 2020 in NIllinois....2900 and 2600 within 2 months??????
edit on 4-10-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
Here's the letter from team Musk, declaring his intention to go through with the Twitter deal..."provided that the Delaware Chancery Court enter an immediate stay of the action, Twitter vs. Musk...and adjourn the trial and all other proceedings."

Exhibit S

Maybe he is in a hurry for some reason to reinstate Trump.....KEK....

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 04:01 PM

WEF Insider Reveals 'Bug-Eating Agenda' Is About Destroying the Human Soul

Spy Games: Steele dossier source trying to keep Russian intelligence suspicions out of Durham trial

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 05:33 PM
The Exposé

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 07:01 PM
The heat is on, sorta...
South Korea & US Fire 4 Surface-To-Surface Missiles In Rare Response To North's Launch

BREAKING: Videos and photos provided by the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff show US and ROK combined ATACMS surface-to-surface ballistic missile launches conducted late Tuesday from the east coast city of Gangneung in response to North Korea's missile launch earlier in the day (1/2)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: FlyingFox

People don't like me, and apparently neither do bots.
From your link:

You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets.

Hmm, that might be a new development. You should follow him, if possible.

It's good that you let me know, so I can screen grab it when needed. The visual content is minimal here, that's why I skipped it.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 08:20 PM
Just Do It!

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

When I started in Vet Med as a Tech in 1995 (became Lic & etc later) we used Oxyglobin
especially for anemia & immune - mediated hemolytic anemia & other issues.

You would think by now we would already be more advanced with alternative blood transfusions
by now & especially for humans. I believe we are so ahead of the BS but not allowed to know...
Does not fit agenda...bloody hell sorry if I sound a wee bit looney, but we have a space force & etc
how the hell do we not have an alternative for blood transfusions at the least?
Hope I made some since...


posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Just following up on this with the video.

If you need a synapse of what the deal is, just check out the post that I'm responding to.

at the 4:07 mark you will see a door in the underpass where the VP was removed from her car and placed in another car. Well, this might be a game changer, did she get replaced by a body double in front of everyone's eyes with this "curb jump"?

Think about the situation for a minute...
An SUV hits a curb that shouldn't have done squat to the vehicle
The VP was removed from her car in the view of the public due to this event
The VP went on to the White House after that

So, if she was swapped out for a body double while under the overpass, nobody watching would even have known at the time. Let's make an assumption that Harris has been pressured to 25A Biden due to the global tensions he's created. Jill Biden has already made it known that she isn't a fan of Harris. If Intel was found out at the last minute of a possible attack by Jill on Harris. If this did happen, then moving Harris at a point before arriving at the White House would have been needed, and this underpass provided that exact location.

Now let's be very clear here, I'm not saying that this happened, but it is very weird that Harris had to be moved from car to car just a few blocks from the White House.
edit on 4-10-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

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