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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 10:32 AM
Are these your pics? We need to get you a new camera. What in the heck is this?

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: dashen

I watched for Q stuff from him at the rally on Saturday, but I'm not really that good.

It was a heck of an event anyway. I actually made some friends, which is uber-rare.

edit on 9/7/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Caled

Is that a zombie cryptkeeper Trump fan?

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I'll be missing Sara Huckabee Sanders speak today........literally 20 minutes away. I wish you would expand on your perspective about Trump speaking on the Q stuff.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 10:57 AM
Hopefully my imagination is just working overtime...
The B&M Gates Foundation made a grant of $2 million to Manus Bio. This is the 4th time so what they are involved with must be of real importance and close to Billy's heart.

Once again this is under the cover of fighting malaria.
This is just so creepy. The WHO recommends the use of the drug artemisinin which is traditionally extracted from the sweet wormwood plant.
The company plans to use a fermentation process to develop this drug.

Wormwood...Gates like his word games. Robert F. Kennedy has also mentioned this in his book 'The Real Anthony Fauci' so it's not just my imagination.

Biblical. Revelation 8:10-11 talks about the star Wormwood poisoning 1/3 of the waters. It is represented by the third trumpet. Watch the water?
Trumpet #1 Covid-19
Trumpet #2 mRNA vaccine/jab
Trumpet #3 ???

This just feels really off.
Manus Bio Receives Additional Funding to Fight Malaria Through Biotechnology

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:11 AM
Trolling around the internet led me to something that really bothers me.

"Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics"

The biggest anomaly is phosphorus. About 5x normal. Remember the claims about vaccinated people's skin glowing at the injection site? Which conveniently all search engines have scrubbed off the face of the internet and replaced with articles about how it isn't true.

There is a lot to unpack here. Luciferase among other things.

Just speculating, but I would imagine you could use phosphorus to create some kind of facile energy absorbing biological material that you could use as a power source for some kind of self-assembling biolelectronics.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:46 AM
News unlocks the MAP
Lets see
Clear and Present Danger


Former Sec of Defense: Classified Document Investigation Confirms Trump is ‘Clear and Present Threat to Democracy’

Cohen is a life-long Republican who served as Defense Secretary under the Clinton administration and was asked by co-host Willie Geist what to make of the recent report. “I think the Justice Department is going about it very methodically and very differentially,” Cohen said. “I think that time has come to an end.”

edit on 972022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:48 AM
Bill Gates just dropped another note. This time about childhood deaths under 5 years old.
He says this is the hardest question that he ever had to answer is why children die. Many more people will be asking him the same.

"When I saw the breakdown of diseases, I thought here is our road map. This is what the Gates Foundation should be working on.
With the right team, partners, and funding; we could help the world move through the list."

Following his hyperlink takes us once again to Inventprise who has been funded by the B&M Gates Foundation. They are manufacturing a pneumonia vaccine that will protect against 25 strains of pneumonia.
According to Gates this is very difficult to do. Combining 25 different vaccines into one. < What could go wrong giving babies 25 jabs in one? Is it really necessary? Why not just select the most prevalent strain?

Gates Notes Inventprise
Why Children Die?

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
I started seeing Ezra Cohen Watnick several times on tgram 30 minutes earlier than when Dashen posted this. Went back to find them but it was impossible. They were posting like madmen and I'm following to many peeps. Hope to follow Admiral Rogers trail this evening!

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
News unlocks the MAP
Lets see
Clear and Present Danger


Former Sec of Defense: Classified Document Investigation Confirms Trump is ‘Clear and Present Threat to Democracy’

Cohen is a life-long Republican who served as Defense Secretary under the Clinton administration and was asked by co-host Willie Geist what to make of the recent report. “I think the Justice Department is going about it very methodically and very differentially,” Cohen said. “I think that time has come to an end.”

"Threat to democracy" must be the new talking point, given to the MSM. That'll be the socialist headline, for every single campaign against a Republican running in the mid-terms.

it's theater and the actors have been given their lines.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:12 PM
I think pResident Biden has said "MAGA" more times than Trump.

When Satire Becomes Reality

Today, in 1984, the Reagans watched John Milius's RED DAWN at Camp David.

Reagan's Daily Diary

The Camp David viewing of RED DAWN as described in "Movie Nights with the Reagans" by Mark Weinberg. MGM-UA board member and script consultant Al Haig loved it!

Al Haig on RED DAWN.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:23 PM
Breaking Pfizer news.
First question why is the B&M Gates Foundation funding Pfizer? Seriously why when Pfizer has so much?
Pfizer awarded Grant to Evaluate Vaccines to Protect Newborns Against Group B Streptococus

The corrupted US FDA has granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation for a maternal vaccine candidate GBS6. This is reassuring > "Pfizer will publish outcomes from the clinical trials when it is completed".

The FDA fast tracked this March 2017. Why is this suddenly being turbo charged now? Right on the heels of Gates dropping his note about children's death under the age of 5.

Pfizer Breakthroughs Changing Patients Lives

We now have the dubious honor of jabbing babies with mRNA jabs and now going for the pregnant women.
People need to be shown comes to mind.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I wonder if there isn't medical / pharma bureaucratic rage being shown because a bit of heat was put on Fauci.

System is out of control.


posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:44 PM
Albert Bourla is back peddling as fast as he can. They can't hide the vaccine injury numbers any more. Time to blame the scientists because he trusted the science.
Albert Bourla Not My Fault

Really? One for the history books. Fortunately Albert Bourla wrote the book 'Moonshot' with a little help from his friends.
It provides a breakdown of the decision making process...
page 51 and 52.
Oddly I have kept a marker on those pages. Pfizer had two promising candidates b1 and b2. They had 80% data on b1 and not enough on b2 and they did not have enough time to get more. b2 was also much more complex to manufacture.
In a critical meeting July 24, 2020 Bourla himself made the decision to go with b2 despite no safety data to justify the decision.
"In the months to come, we held our breath that the Phase 3 efficacy and safety data would justify our decision, because once we started down this path, there was no turning back."

I bet he is really glad he wrote this book. Lots and lots of evidence.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I agree with you the system is completely out of control. I am still reading the book 'The Real Anthony Fauci' by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is a must read.

Ivermectin was demonized by the entire medical establishment to promote Remdesivir meanwhile the WHO, The World Bank and The Carter Center have statues honoring the development of ivermectin. Page 38
Something not safe or effective having a Nobel Prize and statues honoring it.

How on Earth do we ever fix something so very broken?

Kennedy states that our medical organizations have been captured by Big Pharma. An understatement. Seems more like hostage taking. Now Pfizer and gang are just dictating what they want and Fauci acts as the enforcer.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I agree with you the system is completely out of control. I am still reading the book 'The Real Anthony Fauci' by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is a must read.

Ivermectin was demonized by the entire medical establishment to promote Remdesivir meanwhile the WHO, The World Bank and The Carter Center have statues honoring the development of ivermectin. Page 38
Something not safe or effective having a Nobel Prize and statues honoring it.

How on Earth do we ever fix something so very broken?

Kennedy states that our medical organizations have been captured by Big Pharma. An understatement. Seems more like hostage taking. Now Pfizer and gang are just dictating what they want and Fauci acts as the enforcer.

As much as I hate to go this route, I wonder if the answer isn't to nationalize Big Pharma. Remove the profit incentive.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Caled
The biggest anomaly is phosphorus. About 5x normal. Remember the claims about vaccinated people's skin glowing at the injection site? Which conveniently all search engines have scrubbed off the face of the internet and replaced with articles about how it isn't true.

Reminds me of Dr. Charles Geschickter. Second image screencap in this post.

New study looking at markers of cardiovascular disease risk.

Most important risk factor: fibrinogen, a protein involved in blood clotting and inflammation. Cholesterol barely registered.

Interestingly, after diabetes, the biggest risk factor is being a white male.


posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 01:38 PM
The Real Anthony Fauci.
There is so much packed in but here are a few points that should be highlighted. My overall impression is that pharma war was declared on the public. Everything was done for profit and not for the health of people.
Page 35 + 36
Apparently the vaccines that were being manufactured using the mRNA vaccines were so risky that the insurance industry refused to underwrite them. If people had known this there may have been much more vaccine hesitancy and would have highlighted the significance of real potential danger with this new unproven technology.

Bill Gates> "the risk was so great that he would not provide them to people unless every government shielded him from lawsuits".

May shield him from liability but not from murder charges that have been filed in India. We can only hope they are successful.
Page 34 Fauci spent a great deal of time blocking the use of hydroxychloroquine and insisted that its efficacy be proven in 'randomized, double blinded placebo studies". He knew what he was doing. He knew that no one would bother since the patent was expired on hydroxychloroquine. No $ in it. He had to ensure that the drug he and Bill Gates was invested in, Remdesivir, was the only drug of choice.
Imagine the cost to produce it was only $1 and could be manufactured with existing facilities.

If he was so concerned about clinical trial why didn't he have the NIH conduct it if no one else would?

Page 35
If possible it gets worse. Fauci doubled down and "cancelled two NIAID sponsored trials of outpatient HCQ before completion!"
Why didn't Fauci allow compassionate use? For other drugs he had "urged compassionate use: If I were a physician in a hospital and someone were dying, rather than do nothing, you can see if these work."

June 17, 2020 the WHO [under Gates/Fauci control] "called for the halt of HCQ trials in hundreds of hospitals across the world." Tedros demanded that nations stop using it, a completely safe, effective, re-purposed drug in the midst of a plandemic.

There were so many different strategies deployed to do anything to prevent HCQ from the public. From Fraudulent studies, destroying inventory, keeping it in the national stockpile and not releasing it, removing it from store shelves, making it a prescription vs over the counter, deploying the AMA to intimidate Drs. from prescribing and the pharma association over- riding Drs. orders.
Page 26. Gates has big involvement in all of this >Near lethal doses of HCQ were given during the Solidarity Trials and the Gates Foundation developed the model. "BMGF's unique dosing model for the studies deliberately overestimating the amount of HCQ that necessary to achieve adequate lung tissue concentration. The WHO report confesses that 'This model is however not validated'." All just on Bill Gates say so.

My best approach is probably to break this down by subject so as not to overwhelm everyone.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
I hear you.

The problem I see with nationalizing Big Pharma is that once again we have corruption seeping back in. The controlling group get to pick the winners and losers. Just consider Gavin Newsome's plan to start manufacturing insulin. Before we know it the costs are going to skyrocket. Any time the government is involved in something it is mismanaged because there is never any accountability.
Maybe we need to have organic remedies and less reliance on Big Pharma products.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
I hear you.

The problem I see with nationalizing Big Pharma is that once again we have corruption seeping back in. The controlling group get to pick the winners and losers. Just consider Gavin Newsome's plan to start manufacturing insulin. Before we know it the costs are going to skyrocket. Any time the government is involved in something it is mismanaged because there is never any accountability.
Maybe we need to have organic remedies and less reliance on Big Pharma products.

Hmmm... good point. How about this idea: Any pharma company that is found to have engaged in misleading us about COVID will be punished by having the patents for all of their products revoked. Everything they put out will immediately become a generic product.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 02:16 PM
Big post by QtSR:

What was the Trump RAID really about?


(Last year I told you that inside UN and NATO a rebellion, WAR had begun as INFIGHTING among the council, generals and leaders was silently erupting. (The ALLIANCE had fully
] INFILTRATED [ >UN . NATO< back in 2010 and was secretly giving DECLAS to certain heads in the programs.... Now the INFILTRATION of White HATS Inside UN have begun INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO OBAMA AND IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL.)

>In part of the 11,000 documents TRUMP had, the FBI main focus was to Classified documents that [EXPOSE] OBAMA to the 2015 IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL.
>The payoffs to UN COUNCIL and top ELITEs who were bribed in part of the illegal deal with IRAN
>Over 200 Billion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in U.S. tax payers money to create SLUSH FUNDS with 400 Billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
More in international financing funneling through UKRAINE into IRAN
>The over site/Negligence/Corruption of UN. NATO in the Obama IRAN Deal was fully documented with banking records/servers/computers and inside Agents with direct contacts to UN. NATO LEADERS and payoffs.
>]WIRES; OBAMA>IRAN COVER-UP of the death of Osama bin laden connected to the FBI RAID

BACKSTORY> IRAN/CIA gave Obama false information on the location of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. > Immediately OBAMA sent Military Special Forces to Arrests/detain/ kill Bin Laden.
Immediately only minutes After Osama Bin Laden was killed in the operation. The special forces confirmed his death. With this President Obama held a special broadcast on almost all networks and told the American people they had killed Osama bin Laden...... But only minutes after OBAMAs speech, the military forces confirmed it was a mistake and a lookalike/stand-in for Bin Laden was the person they had killed. (that's why the fake Bin Laden lookalike was thrown over the mountain from the Helo and the false story that bin laden was buried at sea was a lie)
OBAMA had lied to the American people and was re-elected on the lie that he was the president who brought justice for 911.... IRAN had set up Obama and his administration and dark GENERALS. >NOW IRAN HAD OBAMA in their pockets.... And the blackmailing began and hundreds of BILLIONS of U.S. $$$$$$$$ in cash was delivered to IRAN with BILLIONS more being diverted through UKRAINE banks and companies.
This would all lead to OBAMA & THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL and world corruption who supported the illegal deal that could potentially connect to a Nuclear holocaust or near NUCLEAR Event.

TRUMP sets the stage. ( Documents in possession)
>White HATS INSIDE FBI set the Stage ( RAID)
>White HATS INSIDE UN. NATO set the Stage
(International investigation into Obama/IRAN DEAL through IAEA)

Now you understand
>Why BIDEN.DOJ was after Trump papers
On IRAN. >JANE SULLIVAN< who pieced together the deal with Obama now works for BIDEN as National Security Advisor. Sullivan's spouse is the councilor (TOP-AID ) to ATTORNEY GENERAL Merrick Garland who ordered the FBI RAID to seize the Nuclear documents.

The short version: It's all about the Iran nuke deal.
Pakistani intelligence lied to the CIA about where Osama bin Laden was. The SEAL team killed a decoy. The Iran nuke deal was blackmail to keep it quiet that Obama didn't really kill bin Laden. Of course there were tons of payoffs involved.

All of this was documented, and that is what the FBI was trying to recover.
edit on 7-9-2022 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

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