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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 01:00 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: daskakik

For more than 30 years, Deep Throat's identity was one of the biggest mysteries of American politics and journalism and the source of much public curiosity and speculation.

DT fed "confidential" information from inside the White House to the press through select channels. Does that sound like anyone we know?

So, if "Q" is just a few Anons who are working off insider info leaked to them, why so much pressure to square the circle? Is it really incumbent on a few basement dwellers to produce a handbook to the deepest secret conspiracy facts on Earth, when they're simply a bit of alt-media..?

Less and less people these days seem to want to trust their own powers of observation and reason.

Yes! This!

I would add that I don't know why any of you would expect this Q poster(s) to post on some regular schedule, or on cue, or on demand. They're not. Whatever this is, they're going to do what they do, regardless of however much we might want them to suddenly throw out a bunch of secrets, or make some specific prediction, or post some confirmation.

There's a lot going on right now that's pretty out of the ordinary, without some anonymous internet poster giving some sort of blow by blow account, wouldn't you say? I don't need Q highlighting it every three days to know we've been through the looking glass with current events for awhile now.

All one has to do is read the news with a skeptical and cynical eye. The holes in the tapestry are pretty obvious to me. That sucks for you guys if you can't see it, you should work on that.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise


posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Anyhow, don't mean for any of that to be rude toward you or dask, or you RookQueen, I just think you might be expecting too much if you expect this Q entity to post on some regular basis. It is going to do what it does, not what we want it to do. That might include posting its diary next week, or never posting again at all. I'm not so sure that it matters in the big scheme of things. Like I said before, attention has been focused using this Q larp thing in the past, so perhaps that was all it was about.

I don't think that is true, I merely suggest it to make the point that Q doesn't have to post every three days or ten minutes to be effective. This larp has already had a significant impact on US politics for the better, even if Q never posted again.

Anyhow, I don't think it's over, but I reject your notion that Q has to post on some regular schedule to be effective. nevercompromise may be a bit gruff in his presentation, but I think he's correct about that. I respect your right to have a different opinion, but nah, totally disagree. It's still this thing, whether they post every ten minutes, or not for another year.

It would suck to see the ATS thread series end though. Interesting encyclopedia set we're putting together here.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
They are not campaigning with a platform and public presentation that speaks the typical code words and presents the typical symbols that signify their allegiance to the globalist faction. This is a distinct departure from the typical behavior of political candidates from past election cycles.

It could just be pandering.

The fact is that nobody knows how they will vote when it comes time.

Saying an R beat a D is cheerleading for one side and I never called it shilling.

And, more importantly in regards to the topic, it in no way proves Q is who they say they are.

Possible pandering...that assumption doesn't really hold true when you look at Trump's actions while in office. Many were actions that appear to be disruptive to globalist geopolitics. This type of political activity is not typical in the US. It is usually terminated with extreme prejudice. To have an entire cadre of candidates running on such a platform is not a regular occurrence. Could some of the candidates be pandering, sure. Is the entire movement bunk? Certainly not, based on the actions of Donald Trump over the last six years. I said, this is not politics as usual, even if you can't tell the difference.

Proves Q is who they say they are...what do you mean exactly? Are you saying that you would believe that Q is actually an omnipotent multidimensional being who has deigned to look in on us mortals because of some bet he lost with orange while DJT was time traveling back to the past to save the time-space continuum from certain unravelment due to the Astley paradox, if sufficient proof were presented? Personally, I am skeptical of this claim.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 02:01 AM
In terms of dirt, and when more of it gets presented...hell guys, the dirt is practically digging itself out of the ground these days. The 'bad guys' are tripping over their...uh, coat tails...every ten minutes or so, what's to discover? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's more dark to light before the end of this story, or it sure seems so. Do we really need a full blast of some extra stuff right exactly now? I would suggest instead that one simply open their window and look out of it, into the world.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
I didn't take anything you said as rude. I actually agree with most of what you said. I think everything that we wish would happen could happen and we may not ever know who Q is and may never hear from him, her, them, or it again.
The thing with Never is that he comes in acting like everyone here is stupid and can't possibly know as much as he does. Just read through some of his posts! I have a great deal of respect for the people in this thread, and in other threads as well, but I watched them work their arses off to put this thread together and they deserve much more respect than he is giving them.
Then he comes in telling me that I don't know anything about Q because I used a word he didn't like! If I want to call them The Dbag Q queens it's none of his damn business! Members have a right here to disagree without being harassed.
Dask gets a pass, he has been around a long time and means no harm. He just feels the urge to point out just wants to point out the things that the hardcore Pro Quer's don't like to hear and has the right to do that. If he doesn't want to know what people like, Guy, Dask, and I are discussing he has a really simple option which is to scroll on by us. I do it quite a bit.
He can't which imo makes him look like a narcissist. Gruff is definitely not what I''d call his attitude.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

That wasn't rudeness.

Anyways, it's not that I expect -Q- to post every Monday or something along those lines, but instead they have asked that people not get involved with fixing issues taking place so that they (meaning -Q- and whatever team they have) can fix it without us being in the way.

The problem with that is as I pointed out, it creates a fog of war type of situation where people not involved could have prevented issues or brought resistance to issues and prevented things from getting to where they are today. -Q- should have to answer for asking people to stay out of things, but then seemingly sits by as the world falls apart. Is it really too much to ask for that when many of those people could have done something, instead of doing nothing?

Now, at this time in history, we have an issue where rioting and an actual civil war in the US, as well as a protracted war in Europe can be stopped or escalated by the same people that -Q- is supposed to be bringing to justice. Accountability is all I'm asking for, or at the very least let people have an idea of what's going on before panic sets in and the blood red line is forever crossed by people waiting for -Q- to finish up whatever it is they claim to be doing.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
Possible pandering...that assumption doesn't really hold true when you look at Trump's actions while in office.

We were not talking about Trump but some representative from Texas. I guess Mayra Flores. I said, this is not politics as usual, even if you can't tell the difference.

I wasn't talking about the politics but about JOM's reaction.

Proves Q is who they say they are...what do you mean exactly?

A WH insider, as labelled in the titles of these threads until chapter 35 or part of a government group working to take back america and punish the pedo cabal. You know, what they claim to be.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Interesting video, by the way. Long watch, he gets a bit ranty in there too, but I went with it and he had some interesting observations and points of law that he referenced. It seemed like something he could probably boil down to fifteen or twenty minutes, so hopefully he'll do that. Like he says in the video, most people's attention span isn't that long, so he probably loses a lot of viewers with the long presentation.

Some or all of it may be true. Be interesting to look back at the Jan 20th, 2021 videos to see if they match his description, and whether or not all of his interpretations of symbols presented in public process are correct.

I agree with Rook Queen that you're coming into the thread too condescendingly, but you can do what you want I suppose. Still, a more polite approach might elicit more meaningful discussion. I noticed some attempt at moderating your behavior based on feedback, so perhaps that will be good enough for everyone to continue the discussion without too much bickering.

Regardless, I thought some of the thoughts and speculation that you shared to be interesting enough, so don't let others discourage you. While I would encourage more civil discourse and less egotistical type stuff, I also would like to hear your thoughts.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Right...JOM's reaction...calling it cheerleading...except this is not typical election politics, which was why I responded to you to disagree with your statement in the first place. What JOM is doing is not typical Republican cheerleading, because these are not typical candidates running and winning the primaries.

I've never been a Republican, still don't consider myself one, but if I'm being honest with myself my best assessment is that these candidates will be a net win for liberty in this nation if we can get these candidates in office.

Like I said before, maybe you just don't see it because you don't live here, and don't really understand the finer distinctions in the language these public figures are using and the campaigns they are presenting to the public, and how much that differs from campaigns and candidates of the past.

Maybe you're just being contrarian for kicks or something. In that case, replace the above argument with: 'No! You!!! Neener! Neener!!!'

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Hehe. The 'D Bag Q Queens'! I like it! I think we need to work this colorful euphemism into future comments and installments. Perhaps part 50 could even be titled: 'Revenge of The D Bag Q Queens' or something.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Not only did people die while Q stood by and asked us to Stand down but now there are millions of people being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, quite a few at young ages, that will live a miserable life or take more of their poisonous meds.
I just read in another thread on here that several children have been diagnosed with a new and rare type of Alzheimer's
. A 6-year-old with Alzheimer's!!!! One little girl had forgotten how to talk. All are believed to be linked to the vax.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
LMAO! DBX2Q's. I was trying not to be vulgar believe it or not. I have a sharp mouth (in this case fingers) when I get angry. I blame it on being a fire sign.....but who knows.
I watched a video by the same guy that Never posted. I was on tgram and thought it was the same one but it wasn't. I liked him but wish he could cut his time back. I think it would be interesting to look back at some of his earlier vids to see what he got wrong and right.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I watched a video that was of the same guy on the vid you posted yesterday. I liked him very much, just wish he could cut his time back a bit. I'm gonna try to watch the one you posted and possibly some older ones later today. Do you remember his name? I can look back and find it if I need to.
Hey, also what you said in an earlier post (this is now here near verbatim< just the gist of it) about no longer feeling alone......I get it and I think you will find several here that get it........

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:18 AM
Love this FBI PR effort to make it look like they are being cleansed by the same ones who helped fuel the current corruption roflmao.

The Zuckerberg revelations and this new resignation are simply gems 😎

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:33 AM
This is interesting....

This fencing, surrounding the US Supreme Court building, has been here since early May. Its going on 4 months now. What exactly is its purpose, and exactly how long, will it remain here? Im sure we would all like to know.

Crickets everywhere guys.

Will someone please tell me how put the link on here but call it a different name? Like linky (only one can remember right now). I have looked in the Freshman forum and did not find it.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:38 AM
Ok now we agree on something.
If you think the vax thing is bad.
I am pissed of the coming famines and starvation while Q and Trump stood by and did nothing about it.
They could have told people to grow a garden if they were hungry.
This really pisses me off as Q stood by and did nothing when they could have spoken up about it. There are millions of school children that are going be hungry waiting for government provided free lunches that will never come because Q did nothing about it when Q could have warned us of how important it is to eat while we had time to prepare. We could have prepared sack lunches in advance if only they didn't stand down and instruct us to do nothing

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday
Not only did people die while Q stood by and asked us to Stand down but now there are millions of people being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, quite a few at young ages, that will live a miserable life or take more of their poisonous meds.
I just read in another thread on here that several children have been diagnosed with a new and rare type of Alzheimer's
. A 6-year-old with Alzheimer's!!!! One little girl had forgotten how to talk. All are believed to be linked to the vax.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:50 AM
Guys, Ghislaine Maxwell tweeted this back in 2021

"When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a ‘cellmate’ called A-17 so when something strange happens I blame it on A-17."

Now check the documents regarding the mar a Lago raid, you can see "box labelled A-17". Related?

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:01 AM
Well see I think you guys are both mistaken in claiming that Q instructed us to 'do nothing'. Q did instruct us to 'trust the plan', and to 'trust(insert name here)', but that's not the same as instructing readers to 'do nothing'.

The names of people Q said to trust have been advocating thoughtful, non-violent, civic engagement(see Flynn's recent statement), which is not really a bad thing, and is not nothing. It's not the call to organize citizens arrests of the evil doing corrupt politicians, or anything more drastic, which is what I expect some would think would be called for, but it is not nothing.

Maybe I'm wrong and some sort of calls for standing down were made by Q that I'm not remembering, but I don't remember anything like that from Q's posts. If there are Q posts that directly say that, please point them out to me. I think you guys are editing it within your memories though.

Also, @RookQueen:
When you go into the posting field for your comment, just above the editing field you'll see a row of buttons. The button in the middle area, a square with the diagonal upward pointing arrow, is the 'insert a link' button. If you press that button, then you can type or paste in the title you want to appear, then when you okay that the next field is for the url of the page(the web address).
edit on 30-8-2022 by TheBadCabbie because: to edit

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