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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:13 PM

TRUTH Barred from Google....

.... The Great Uniter..... Coming for the Soul of The Nation ....

Bid en Warns 'Brave Right-Wing' Americans—'If You Want to Fight Against the Country, You Need an F-15'

Speaking from Pennsylvania on Tuesday
August 30, 2022

“And for those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping Americans independent and safe, you want to fight against the country? You need an F-15, you need something a little more than a gun,” Biden told the crowd, referring to the second amendment

At least nukes aren't needed
Rehashed rhetoric .... 2021 for the memory impaired

edit on 8302022 by MetalThunder because: As the World Turns-π

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Discussing the lack of results predicted by Q in a Q thread isn't protesting. It is just an observation of the current state of Q affairs.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

With all of the ANON infrastructure now firmly in place, it might actually be a good idea not to focus on Q quite so feverishly, same thing for Trump, if that's how things pan out.

I'm ok with the balance I've struck....but daskakik might want to quit breaking the pills in half.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:06 PM
All of this 2D thinking around here lately is kinda depressing. 4958 "Q" posts and we still get the "but Hillary wasn't arrested so it's all bunk". Usually I would post a gif or meme here but apparently ATS hasn't updated their security certificate for the image page so all I have is:

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

That kind of rhetoric never fails to make me laugh. Them F-15's need landing strips and fuel! Fighter jets can't be powered with green energy!!! Didn't the Taliban lack F-15's???

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Here's your thumbs down:

Here's what I'm complaining about with -Q-.
From: MSN News

“No one expects politics to be patty cake. Hey, sometimes it gets mean as hell. But the idea you turn on a television and see senior senators and congressmen saying, ‘If such and such happens, there’ll be blood in the street.’ Where the hell are we?” Biden said.

I guess we just ignore when this happened.
From: CNN of all things

Rep. Maxine Waters on Saturday night called for protesters to "stay on the street" and "get more confrontational" if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the killing of George Floyd.

Oh that Waters comment was from last year. I guess things change when it's an election year.

Point being Trotskyists are pushing out the message (no thanks to people like Graham) that non-members of the Trotskyists are going to act out and become violent. it's only a matter of time when Antifa, BLM, and Atomwaffen start showing up in the news and making claims about being conservative groups while rioting and violent protesting Republican ideas. Nobody is going to remember that these are Soros and DNC backed group because the people will repeat the messaging that the paid for media will push.

The Silent Majority can only stay quiet so long, and there are so many of us that even a slight noise will echo throughout the land. The question is "Will that noise be one of relief, or one of bloodshed?"
-Q- as repetitively asked its followers to sit and not interfere, but all that seemed to do is bottle up a lot of pressure. It's that worry that I think -Q- owes us an explanation.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise


posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Thanks for the pic, perfect. As for the rest I don't disagree with you except that "Q" owes us an explanation. I don't think "Q" owes us anything any more than any other anon does.
edit on 8/30/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: browser acting weird

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:06 PM
The cover to German magazine Der Spiegel, from Feb 27th, 2002. Headline translates to "The Bush Warriors, America's battle against evil."

Obama Confronts the Joker of the Middle East

To make extra cash while ironing out the kinks in its relationship with gov't surveillance, Palantir developed a system called Gotham which watched who accessed what information online. This was 2005-06. Dark Knight came out in 2008 & features a mass surveillance angle.

"Palantir’s commercial team, which was in charge of selling the company’s software to the private sector, would eventually get a new code name: Inception, after the Christopher Nolan film about corporate spies who implant ideas in the subconscious of their targets."
The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's Pursuit of Power (2021) by Max Chafkin .

Christopher Nolan's brother, who co-wrote The Dark Knight with him, created a tv show called "Person of Interest." As @cuttlefish_btc noted, this show preceded Edward Snowden's media spectacle by about a year, but had numerous similarities with it.

HIIDE is an acronym for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment. The device was embedded with Microsoft XP and can operate either in the field or hooked up to a PC. Came out just prior to Person of Interest.

The Internet being more centralized and yet at the same time more tribal is a strong indicator we're being played.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Justoneman

Cheers JoM but even the chicken pellets aren't working this year - and they + seaweed are usually the best additives.

My tomato vines, well bushes, are loaded again. I am sad to hear that. We all need to master the edibles that can grow where you live. That is what our Native Indians are telling us in my family.
I am allowing free range chickens in my garden and sacrificing a couple of the low hanging tomato's of course, and ALLLLLL of the squash.... yes sir saving feed money with kitchen scraps.

I hope you can find your niche, and learn to grow something you can eat. You don't have to love it as much as it needs to have some protein and vitamins from your local area at least if something were to stress the supply lines. I would hate it if I had to eat Brussell sprouts or Beets but if that was all that would grow, I know I would find a way.... better than grasshoppers!

edit on 30-8-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Looks like Biden is returning things to the Clinton and Obama years in the region.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:59 PM
I was joking but it was set up for me to hit it and I had to play on it

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:24 PM

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors. Let us rather no longer insult them with the supposition that they can ever reduce themselves to the necessity of making the experiment, by a blind and tame submission to the long train of insidious measures which must precede and produce it. The argument under the present head may be put into a very concise form, which appears altogether conclusive. Either the mode in which the federal government is to be constructed will render it sufficiently dependent on the people, or it will not. On the first supposition, it will be restrained by that dependence from forming schemes obnoxious to their constituents. On the other supposition, it will not possess the confidence of the people, and its schemes of usurpation will be easily defeated by the State governments, who will be supported by the people.

From: The Federalist Papers : No. 46 (The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared, From the New York Packet. Tuesday, January 29, 1788. MADISON)

What -Q- has done is told us to wait, and in the meantime the storm of discontent and condemnation has been dumping its rain on us. During this time many of the States have fallen, many of the divisions of the Government has surrendered to the ills of corruption, and the faith in the Due Process of the Law has been tossed into the river. Worse yet, this isn't just happening in the US, it's happening around the world.

That's why -Q- should explain itself. It won't though, for the reasons you posted about. The people who drove -Q- most likely don't feel any responsibility to the people it told to wait out the storm. After all the last time we heard anything about "The Storm" was over two years ago in Q-4011
as a reminder:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 957a90 No.8975355 📁
Apr 30 2020 14:57:10 (EST)📁
You didn't think the statement by POTUS re: 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM' was just random did you?
Transparency brings accountability.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Well, that explains a lot. back in 1989 Soros collapsed the Polish economy, and Joe Biden thought it was a great plan. Today Joe Biden is collapsing the US economy and Soros thinks that's a good plan.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

the last time we heard anything about "The Storm" was over two years ago in Q-4011

I think we're on the other side of the eye and it's about to get real. It's been almost 5 years since this one which Trump very recently re-Truthed.

11 Oct 29, 2017 11:20:11 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147175452
Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself?
Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

edit on 8/30/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: link

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: daskakik
You know what happened?
Kyle Rittenhouse We saw due process and a fair hearing .also consequences for defaming him .
Joebama the deep state keeping an obviously unfit "president" in office to further their agenda,him not in control but someone is,his kids accusing him of molesting and the msm ignoring it.
Trump the treatment of him since announcing his run,the bad actors revealing themselves. His kids called to testify and strung up at every turn but not anyone else's while Pelosi,Romney,Biden,etc kids work for Ukraine and China to the detriment of our country.
Pelosi rules for thee but not for me... incoherent speeches,going against the president by going overseas.
MSM avoiding Biden's decline,all stories showing Trump was correct,The immoral abuse of children, vaccine passports, vaccines,etc.
Fauci lying to the public while making multi-millions off the covid catastrophe,etc

SCOTUS how when fair and just Justices are in place the constitution is honored and upheld .
Gates ..touting his fake meat then dozens of food plants are sabotaged,he's buying up farmland like crazy owning more than anyone.
Big pharma showing how along with the FDA,NIH and WHO control everything , regardless of if it helps as long as they make a profit.
The smaller government heads during covid ,who were Dictators and who was Fair,ex. Whitmer evil as hell,DeSantis definitely a great leader.
These are just off the top of my head,all the weirdness can be attributed to "you can't tell the people,you have to show them."
Things are about as blatant as we've ever seen,I don't know how old you are but this is highly unusual, alarming even . In 53 years things are epically radical and it warrants just as epic of an explanation.
Trump was never supposed to win in 2020 to kick the exposure into high gear because the cabal aka top of the chain,above government,the unseen,kicked their plan into high gear,it started with the Bush Family and was to end with Killary. You don't have to believe it,you don't have to buy into anything either,but everyone knows your opinions or as close as we'll ever know what you really think,all your naysaying is moot at this point. To be honest, it's quite irritating,this thread was enjoyable, one would think you're being paid to contradict and second guess everyone. If some of us have to suffer you then please give some arguments with receipts why some things can't possibly be the opposite of what those who believe in the plan say. Personally I'd love to know more about you,age, upbringing,political views, education,etc. Maybe I'd have a better understanding of you. I'm not entitled to it,I sure would be welcome though.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: Aeris420
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
I asked you, personally. Who are the bad guys?

I made a reply to this post that my entire intent was to be funny playing with the wording.
I apologize to badcabbie for any offense he received by me.
I did not intend to offend him in any way.
My bad.
I apologize. I never intended the joke to be at his expense.
It is too early in my posting history for him to know that and it is most certainly all my fault.
I hope there is no I'll will with me and badcabbie because of my stupid joke

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: dashen

How many Democrats need to see these movies for the movies to have an effect on society overall? (Republicans are already unified against Biden and are Pro-MAGA, for the most part.)

posted on Aug, 31 2022 @ 12:01 AM
Veritas is back in business....

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