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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:58 AM
I most certainly did prove it by pointing out you claimed victory already

I have been running this race for over 30 years
I am not done.
Q only gave me inspiration to keep running and run harder.
For you it is evidence to quit and even try to convince others to quit.
I was running decades before Q came along to inspire me and others not to give up and instead run to win.
Never ever give up

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
But this is a marathon still being run.

There is no way to confirm that. It all comes down to people having faith that Q is who they say they are and that things are happening out of sight.

In a time when anyone can say they are anything on the web, I just don't have faith in this story.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
MT more fun and games with Billy Gates.
He has just dropped his 5 favorite summer reads. Some light entertainment. The Power by Naomi Alderman, Why We Are Polarized by Ezra Klein, The Lincoln Highway by Amar Towles, The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson and How the World Really Works by Vaclar Smil.

Weirdness Alert. The first four books have been previously on his summer reading recommendations but #5...
Just happens to be about our survival and prosperity. I will pick up the book and give it a read.
From first glances he has an extensive section on agriculture, farm consolidation, dependence on fossil fuel and the Green Revolution.
There is something really significant that I will put in a separate post.
Watching the Youtube on his book review first off #5 is out of order. First impressions there is enormous amount communication about the fossil fuel coal.
1. The Lincoln Highway "Our personal journeys are never as linear or predictable as we hope." At the 8.20 mark the words REDEMPTION [10] and DECEIPT [7] are written in chalk on the blackboard. Beside REDEMPTION he has the number 1665 and DECEIPT 1252 [subtract =417 Note the train carrying coal.

2. Why We Are Polarized. Weird use of words EXCITING LY and FANTASTIC AL> ALLY?
Billy uses BLACK CUBES [coal]. At the 1.20 mark 8 blocks to the left, 9 to the right, 9 on the top and 8 on the bottom. Just a little symbolism. Lol.

3. Ministry of the Future 1.41 mark there is a card with the word WEF-BULB 35. Most likely his ally but I'm not sure what the BULB-35 means but maybe lightbulb wattage. Hmm low wattage, sun dimming.
My overall impression is that there must be something really significant about coal because it shows up in several of the books. He also draws a question mark in coal dust.
4.The POWER...I suppose this is too obvious.
"The hard truth- life never goes the way young people think it will."

Gates Notes

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Its interesting you brought this up because on the Journey to Truth Podcast a few weeks ago their Navy Whistleblower was giving another interview and he kind of went out of his way to state that those interested should do more digging on the Tomb of the unknow Soldier. Who is it really? Why is it in Washington DC and why is that important? Why is the number 21 so important?

He wanted us to dig and I just haven't had time and when you mentioned that it triggered that show. Maybe this ceremony with Joe has more to it than meets the eye. Does anyone else have any input?

It is the whistleblower's 5th interview with them and his insights have been pretty interesting so by him pointing us to dig there I am sure there is something going on.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
They are not campaigning with a platform and public presentation that speaks the typical code words and presents the typical symbols that signify their allegiance to the globalist faction. This is a distinct departure from the typical behavior of political candidates from past election cycles.

It could just be pandering.

The fact is that nobody knows how they will vote when it comes time.

Saying an R beat a D is cheerleading for one side and I never called it shilling.

And, more importantly in regards to the topic, it in no way proves Q is who they say they are.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Again, in Gnostic teaching he did talk straight about stuff. It was only the Vatican (or early Church if you will) that doesn't want people to know things.

Why do you keep going back to the whole "but Jesus spoke this way" argument? Do you believe that -Q- is a divine being?

We, the people of the world, only operate as a collective group of people because we have an agreed upon syntax, and while we have different languages, we still can understand one another by listening to one another. What -Q- has done is used riddles and mysteries to try and talk. If it wasn't for the people, like many here, to decipher what was said, nobody would have a clue as to what was going on. If -Q- wanted it that way, then why post anything at all?

-Q- didn't just continue to post that way, but also left instructions for people to guess at. So clearly there was some intent in doing this, but again without saying anything other than "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming" and not informing us what "WHAT" means or is, a massive disservice has been perpetrated on society as a whole. This disservice has put people in danger and has already caused loss of life to many others.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
a reply to: Guyfriday

You seriously have to answer me this.
Why did Yahshua speak in parables and not just tell the people all the dirt in a straight forward way?
Because IMO, the end result was amazing.
To conquer all of Rome and this the world he taught in parables and trained 12 people to spread His message.
I personally see how effective that was.
So tell me.
Why did He teach in parables?

The word parable comes from parabola which is a geometric term for a plane curve that is mirror symmetrical, to translate this to a language standpoint I would guess that speaking in parables is a way to reflect the truth of interconnectedness and looking into the other parts of creation as a mirror of our own spiritual experience that cannot be ‘physically’ seen.


posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
So you were inspired by something that might not be true.

Not the first person to go through something like that and, more than likely, not the last.

It is still just an opinion on your part and whatever tingles you got in no way prove that Q ever had access to insider info.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:23 PM
What is really cool is we are leading to a time where there is no more factions described as D or R but patriots vs. the rest.
I guess your complaint must be the dwindling D's.
They do not want to be R's but they cannot be D's anymore.
Us true conservatives do not like being grouped as R's either so soon we will have more than just the standard choice within the Hegelian dialectic.
Truth is the goal, not more partisan politics

a reply to: daskakik

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:29 PM
I was pointing out the methods of teaching are practically exact.
Nothing about divinity.
But who knows.
I point this out to YOU because you are the one critical as to why Q does not just tell us and expect us to then do the work instead of our minds being challenged and us having to do the work first.
This way our thinking and lives change instead of relying on some priestly class to read and discern for us.
It is the perfect analogy to address this specific logical fallacy you keep returning to
a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:34 PM
How the World Really Works by Vaclar Smil. From Amazon an excerpt. He also places great significance on energy production.
How the World Really Works

What about diesel fuel?
When does a canary sing? Diesel is the U.S. economy's inflation Canary.
Mr. Pool/Loop posted a picture of a green gas pump a while back. The green pump is for diesel!
Here we are with record low inventories of diesel but are exporting to Latin America, Europe and Asia???
What about America first?
Despite the obvious of trucking, shipping and farming from the above book ...Who knew? "Each green-house grown supermarket tomato has the equivalent of 5 tablespoons of diesel embedded in its production".

I guess the dog whistle "look here not there" has been used overtime.

Time to drag out the card game "Cards Against Humanity" first edition. Black cards famine, starvation, depression < fun times. Not.

U.S. Diesel Shortage
Youtube Diesel Fuel Shortage About to Get Ugy

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:41 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:44 PM
I like this

originally posted by: SouthernGift

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
a reply to: Guyfriday

You seriously have to answer me this.
Why did Yahshua speak in parables and not just tell the people all the dirt in a straight forward way?
Because IMO, the end result was amazing.
To conquer all of Rome and this the world he taught in parables and trained 12 people to spread His message.
I personally see how effective that was.
So tell me.
Why did He teach in parables?

The word parable comes from parabola which is a geometric term for a plane curve that is mirror symmetrical, to translate this to a language standpoint I would guess that speaking in parables is a way to reflect the truth of interconnectedness and looking into the other parts of creation as a mirror of our own spiritual experience that cannot be ‘physically’ seen.


posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
What is really cool is we are leading to a time where there is no more factions described as D or R but patriots vs. the rest.

Or not.

I guess your complaint must be the dwindling D's.

No, I'm not american so it makes no difference to me how americans vote.

What I am discussing here is Q being who they say they are, having insider info or just making up things that make some people want to run.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I was dumping this stuff at least a decade before Q came along.

Participating in this thread doesn't take up that much time.

People have been doing the same here on ATS and other forums before Q, which is why Q doesn't impress me. Especially all the rehashed info from decades past.

What a colossal waste of time.

If nothing changes, then we all wasted our time.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:54 PM
Paul Offit, a vaccine advocate. He was on the infamous Vaccine Advisery Board that recommended the mRNA vaccines ignoring the very flawed clinical trial evidence and the experts testimony about serious concerns.

He must be outraged. The CDC has decided to approve the new Covid-19 booster without using any human clinical trials. Instead they are just going on mouse data. What could go wrong?
The CDC has gone where no agency has gone before and are skipping over the advisery group as well. Throwing caution to the wind why bother with clinical trials and why even bother with anyone's input or recommendations.
For Paul Offit too little too late "I'm uncomfortable that we would move forward- that we would give millions or tens of millions of doses to people- based on mouse data." "The comparison to flu vaccines isn't sound, because flu viruses mutate so rapidly that the shots from one year don't offer protection for the next..." Speaking of mutations.

Who made this brilliant decision? None other than Dr. Califf via twitter. Seriously who makes policy decisions by dictat via twitter?
Meanwhile Pfizer is soooo confident that they have not even started any human clinical trials for the September roll out.
Booster Rollout To Proced Human Trial Data

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:02 PM
You hit the nail on the head.
I have been preaching that it looks like the entire world is readjusting the supply chain for food being local production PERIOD for 90 % of our needs.
I have been in zoom meetings with State Department of Ag and USDA with local producers and processors.
The FDA is being left out of the equation.
IMO the near future for meat and produce will be farmer-fork through farmers markets and all processed crap will be Amazon drone delivery.
Scary at first but this is awesome as food once again will become medicine.
Or you can eat ze bugs

So when trucking stops and food becomes a problem communities will bond and form centered around food.

Here is a life hack for those wondering how to survive a shutdown and blackouts.
What is by far the easiest high value food that can be stockpiled and sustain us?
Something that is the most simple to grow and feed?
Something that will not need refrigeration.
And more chickens.
Eggs daily and a great barter commodity.
If you barter for something big you can make change with eggs.
And your meat is harvested when you need it and stockpiled alive needing no refrigeration for long term storage.
Find a way to feed your chickens is your goal. A simple goal for a life hack, literally

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
How the World Really Works by Vaclar Smil. From Amazon an excerpt. He also places great significance on energy production.
How the World Really Works

What about diesel fuel?
When does a canary sing? Diesel is the U.S. economy's inflation Canary.
Mr. Pool/Loop posted a picture of a green gas pump a while back. The green pump is for diesel!
Here we are with record low inventories of diesel but are exporting to Latin America, Europe and Asia???
What about America first?
Despite the obvious of trucking, shipping and farming from the above book ...Who knew? "Each green-house grown supermarket tomato has the equivalent of 5 tablespoons of diesel embedded in its production".

I guess the dog whistle "look here not there" has been used overtime.

Time to drag out the card game "Cards Against Humanity" first edition. Black cards famine, starvation, depression < fun times. Not.

U.S. Diesel Shortage
Youtube Diesel Fuel Shortage About to Get Ugy

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:10 PM
You have spent more time with this topic and researching for polemic and skeptical retorts than most people spend in due diligence for their careers.
You even have a proven capacity to remember from years ago things about Q I was unaware of from these threads and on the net.
You have spent more time on Q than I have and I have read every post from this thread.
It blows me away how much time you claim you have wasted on a larp

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I was dumping this stuff at least a decade before Q came along.

Participating in this thread doesn't take up that much time.

People have been doing the same here on ATS and other forums before Q, which is why Q doesn't impress me. Especially all the rehashed info from decades past.

What a colossal waste of time.

If nothing changes, then we all wasted our time.

edit on 29-8-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:20 PM
The Whitehouse is determined to roll out these highly effective boosters the week of September 20, 2022 [17].

Nothing political to see here.

Weirdness alert by Fierce Pharma. Confusing back and forth you say?
Both Pfizer and Moderna have stated publicly that the efficacy of the vaccines wane over time. Seems we have some concensus on this fact. Not so fast..."U.S. health authorities have asked for more proofthat lower anitbody counts translate to lower efficacy." Seriously?

Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director admits that the vaccine efficacy wanes over time but then qualifies it with the usual mantra that it prevents severe cases, hospitalization and death. I suppose it does if she cherry picks studies that include asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases.
Since clinical studies seem to be a thing of the past how safe is it to take an mRNA vaccine with a standard flu jab?

Whitehouse Booster Plan Rollout

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I think its obvious (at this point in time) that the way Q speaks is purely to keep followers in a perpetual state of searching and unknowing.

If people believe that there is always a big plan on the horizon and words are up to interpretation then Q can never fail.

Because Q failing can just be seen as a misunderstsnding, diliberate misinformation to throw off TPTB, or an unseen part of the plan..

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:26 PM
One year later...

BREAKING: U.S. Embassy employees being evacuated from the roof in Baghdad.

UPDATE: State Dept. says reports saying US embassy was evacuated are False.

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