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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I'm a freelancer. I spend a lot of time waiting around for projects to come across my desk and even when they do I can take a 10 or 15 minutes out of every hour to check out what is going on here.

(post by Nevercompromise removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Ze bugs> Recently Gordon Ramsey had an episode in Oxacaca, Mexico where he was encouraged to eat cooked worms and suck on ants. He wasn't impressed. WEF is going to have to try harder.
Gordon Ramsey

I am seeing more local foods in the grocery stores and Whole Foods. In our neighborhood they have set up a co-op for milk delivery directly from a farm. A number of families have set up chicken coups but are restricted by the city to only 6 chickens and no roosters. They even come out to inspect them. Not certain what they expect to find. Maybe a two headed variety. Lol.
Farm co-ops have also been set up for fruit and vegetables for sale in bulk to a neighborhood rep who then sells smaller volumes to others.
As you say lots of change. Love your chicken enthusiasm but not that easy for one and all. I have raised chickens but lost out to foxes and coyotes. They bit their heads off. Very sad end after all of that work.
Some areas are very, very arid so productive gardens can be an issue and droughts complicate things. Safety nets are a must imho.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:54 PM
I found this during my travels on the Internet a day or so ago:

Can anyone tell me what's odd about the picture? This is the second time I've seen the specific thing I am talking about in the last few days. Keep in mind, most people have no idea what it is or what it means...
edit on 8/29/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 02:05 PM
Great post.
This stuff floats my boat.
I am so looking forward to this new economy coming.
I am by far the most hopeful person in every encounter.
And I even emphasize the food crisis we need to prepare for.
There is no way to avoid it now.
In the USA we will have it good compared to a lot of the world.
Once the shortages hit the cities will get locked down and the military will step in and provide rations.
People will be hungry but almost no one will starve.
The rural communities in the sun belt will be kicked into gear for cool weather crops.
IMO it is all about food now.

The WEF wants to starve us into submission but I am 100%convinced they already lost.
Everything right now is optics and theater.
The QFS is a major game changer.
What you are seeing in Iraq is not what the media is portraying.
The military is supporting the protesters and Iraq has regained their sovereignty and is either getting ready for or already experiencing an in country RV just like Zimbabwe a few weeks ago

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Ze bugs> Recently Gordon Ramsey had an episode in Oxacaca, Mexico where he was encouraged to eat cooked worms and suck on ants. He wasn't impressed. WEF is going to have to try harder.
Gordon Ramsey

I am seeing more local foods in the grocery stores and Whole Foods. In our neighborhood they have set up a co-op for milk delivery directly from a farm. A number of families have set up chicken coups but are restricted by the city to only 6 chickens and no roosters. They even come out to inspect them. Not certain what they expect to find. Maybe a two headed variety. Lol.
Farm co-ops have also been set up for fruit and vegetables for sale in bulk to a neighborhood rep who then sells smaller volumes to others.
As you say lots of change. Love your chicken enthusiasm but not that easy for one and all. I have raised chickens but lost out to foxes and coyotes. They bit their heads off. Very sad end after all of that work.
Some areas are very, very arid so productive gardens can be an issue and droughts complicate things. Safety nets are a must imho.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Yes sure I'm a lazy ass, and stupid too.

You like to assume everything outside of your take is a logical fallacy of some sort. You presented a video; I asked you for a summery. You state that there is text to this (which in fairness you did provide) I found there to be issues with that text. You then state that I didn't watch the video. No, I didn't watch the video, and you really haven't bother to state why I need to, since you haven't taken the steps to explain what the video is of.

Now the textual statement that was with the video has flaws and instead of being concerned yourself over those you now toss out the that I'm lazy. Nice.

You come across as being angry about this, you probably aren't, but you just come across that way. My standpoint about -Q- stands. I think that they need to explain why, since they "Have it all" haven't done anything to help or prevent everything that I have stated before from happening. Doesn't it concern you at all that -Q- knew about the false pandemic and did nothing about it, or that they seemingly had information that the vaccines are poison and refused to get that information out, then we have this conflict taking place in Europe that -Q- should have had information on but did nothing. You seem to think that talking in riddles is more important than informing people who are becoming victims by the millions each day, of what is going on.

You can call me whatever you want, but my point still stands:

Since actions could have been taken by the populace to curtail a lot of these issues, but -Q- and people like them, have asked that they don't get in the way, don't you two think that -Q- has a responsibility to provide some current answers?

You can call it whatever you like, but unless you have something to say about this, other than someone else's video, we will just be at an impasse over this. Calling me out as lazy because I don't want to watch a video that you have no desire to summarize is just funny though.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 03:29 PM
I can’t remember now the answer, there’s been so much here.

Is there a remedy for election fraud in the constitution? What are the steps if fraud is found?

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Cool you picked the perfect topic to elucidate things and elaborate upon.
This is not a vaccine we are dealing with.
2nd COVID never existed in the 1st place.
It does not matter if you agree on either of these points for you to accept my answer and reasoning.
I have been a player in anti vax thing since I read Dr. Robert Mendelssohn's book "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" about 25 years ago. That lead to other notable works from the likes of Eustace Mullins and his work on the evils behind vaccines from the corruption that weilds that weapon of mass destruction.
I knew the playbook for our present situation 25 years ago.
From those sources we learned that the endgame for vaccines was depopulation.

The plan decades in the making was to spread a bug that would cause a pandemic the media would hype(same team) and would jumpstart the anti-vaxxers out into the public discourse. Then there would be 2 vaccines. 1 for the elite and 1 for the rest of us.
The one for us would shed onto the public at large and create havoc. They would blame the anti-vaxxers.
Then a 2nd vax would be introduced to heal the sores(they want visible sores to scare us from each other) and illnesses their vaccines actually caused but blamed on the antivaxxers. All with media complicancy just like they did with polio and the Spanish flu 10 years ago.

So Dr. M. and Eustace Mullins forwarned us. Remember this when you consider how important it is to first, dumb down the populace and second, have the media bought and paid for.

Ok so I have known for decades that they were going to supercede our Constitutional liberties by treaties with WHO giving them authority over our own government and sovereignty.
We knew this plan decades ago as to how they were going to destroy our countries sovereignty and overtake us without a war.
And you think I and others knew this but Trump and White hat military got caught off guard and blindsided?

Even though I know I too was and am pissed off at DJT for how he initially handled this.
I kept getting asked this from friends and I promised my reasoning as I tried to explain, "a lot of mental gymnastics" on my part is needed.
I had to watch forced vax on military and family and friends as they were threatened with their livelihoods.
Nothing about this war is good.

So. Rumour has been from the beginning that Barron was damaged from childhood vaccines and DJT and Melania had a vendetta against the vaccine industry.
The 2 biggest and most relentless anti-vaxxers in the world.

Do you have any clue as to how powerful this enemy is?
Do you honestly think there is just 1 single act or speech by DJT could have said or done that could have stopped this juggernaut?
They would have blamed everything on Trump, the antivaxxers as they unloaded every bug at their disposal.
Mental gymnastics coming from me.

What Trump did is now looking to be brilliant in execution because IMO there was nothing he could do to prevent it.
But he did avoid being blamed for it.
And I have to believe this is the ultimate play in Game Theory in execution.
Certainly this gameplan came from looking glass and A.I.
The Trump team used 1st Pgate to scare the life out of them and then E.O.13848 to trap them and make them issue their 2030 plan for vax lockdowns early and when that began to fall apart they even tried to do the 2050 plan of climate change to stop him.

They were not ready and we get to watch this actually play out to our benefit.
Is it good that so many died because you think Trump could have said some magic words or waved a magic wand to stop this century old plan by the richest and most powerful groups just shows the most extreme naivete far beyond my own mental gymnastics.

IMO it could not have been stopped and the depop Eugenecist plans of the elite were inevitable.
And I have known this for decades.
We are at war
They want us all dead but for a few million people.
They have AI and robotics.
They only want a few of us because of their needs as caretakers for their property.

AND FRIGGIN Trump stopped it and exposed them by forcing them to act early he scared them so badly.
I am watching this masterful execution in awe.
Only looking glass and AI could have done this so well.
I never dreamed it was possible to do it after 25 years of preparing for it.
You see, if I knew all this so did white hats.
And if you think I am ok with all the deaths, illness and mass sterilization of the planet you are every bad name I can think of x1000.
They were coming to kill us all.
And now I get to look forward to forcing myself to watch the coming Nuremberg 2 and public executions.
We must all watch the executions even if you have a weak stomach for it as I do.
But unlike the last time this time we have to mean it
"We will never forget"
This isn't Trump's fault.
It is ours

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
IMO it could not have been stopped and the depop Eugenecist plans of the elite were inevitable.

I'm not ignoring your whole post, I just wanted to point this out to you, Gore Vidal back in the 1960s stated exactly how this could have been stopped, but gave a pretty good reason why no one was going to. Trump was basically what was needed to stop this mess, of course Perot could have done this as well, maybe even better, but as anyone at the time saw, the media went after him as if he was just some "Crazy Idea Guy".

You're going to go off about it so here. Gore Vidal stated that in order to take down the political elites a person with enough money that they couldn't be bought off, head strong enough to preserver the media attacks, and forward thinking enough to stay around of the political backlash would be needed.

Though to be fair Benjamin Franklin saw this happening as well, this was why he stated, "We got ourselves a Republic, if we can keep it." It wasn't about people losing their way, it was about the newly rising socialist Utopian movements taking place at the time (ie the Transendentalists) Even George Washington was worried about the Democratic Republicans at the time since they wanted a lot more king styled authority given to the Office of President.

Even before that you had the Morgan family trying to set up a separate territory within the New World for some unknown reason that was being backed by a banker out of Switzerland. I can go back even further if you really want to know what's going on, this mess was over a millennium in the making, and only had a real pause due to the Great Mortality.

I made a thread about this mess of "Global Imperialism vs Nationalistic Identity" AS SEEN HERE. This is a very old mess, and quite frankly thinking that it's only decades old, or an AMerican issue, is overlooking the true size and scale on it all.
edit on 29-8-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:04 PM
Hey did you guys see this.

Report: FBI Special Agent Who Launched Trump Probe Escorted Out Of Bureau HQ

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: cashisking

GRASSLEY 8/4/2022

The REAL Witch Hunt is for Hillary Rodham Rodham Clinton

edit on 8292022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
from Trump

The fired agent who was just escorted out of the FBI headquarters is the person who got the FBI to do a Raid on a home, Mar-a-Lago, that has “stirred” the World and created anger and hostility toward the FBI and DOJ the likes of which have perhaps never been seen in our Country before. The “Special Agent” In Charge of the unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break In of Mar-a-Lago, who concealed the partisan nature of evidence to secure the FBI’s approval to open an investigation into the 45th President in the first place, was also involved in the hiding and suppressing from the Public and the Media, the “Laptop from Hell,” the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and so much more!

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: cashisking

Good find! I looked and found a more mainstream news source for now the only difference I have found is in regards to if he resigned or was fired.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: cashisking
a reply to: MetalThunder
from Trump

The fired agent who was just escorted out of the FBI headquarters is the person who got the FBI to do a Raid on a home, Mar-a-Lago, that has “stirred” the World and created anger and hostility toward the FBI and DOJ the likes of which have perhaps never been seen in our Country before. The “Special Agent” In Charge of the unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break In of Mar-a-Lago, who concealed the partisan nature of evidence to secure the FBI’s approval to open an investigation into the 45th President in the first place, was also involved in the hiding and suppressing from the Public and the Media, the “Laptop from Hell,” the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and so much more!

If this actually does blow up into something that ends up getting the FBI reformed (or better, disbanded and replaced by a new department), then I'll have to seriously consider whether the theories about Wray being a white hat might actually be true.


By the way, what I've heard reported suggests that there was yet more circular reporting BS behind the raid. Supposedly, someone at the national archives heard media reports that Trump was holding classified info, and the warrant was based on those reports.

They never learn.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:57 PM

Who will be joining us, again?

edit on 29-8-2022 by FlyingFox because: Awaiting further instructions...

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 08:03 PM

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Just curious but how would you know anything about Q or the plan if you use a term like qanon?

I know but can you explain who you refer to as qanon?
The only way you could use that name in this thread is if you never read this thread and only know of Q by watching TV talk about qanon.
There is no known entity in the Q plan that goes by qanon.
You know nothing at all about Q, is that correct?a reply to: RookQueen

I would sarcastically ask if you are serious but sadly from reading your other posts since you arrived, I know that you are. We actually made fun of the qanon thing in this thread after some Q movie was released and since then it has been used. I personally used it this time because the word anon is short for anonymous, and Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. It has absolutely nothing to do with how much I know about Q or the plan and only a childish person would have made an issue of it. I’m not sure why you are coming into this thread trying to be the utmost authority of all things Q but you might want to reign yourself in a bit, no actually a lot!
You’ve droned on and on about knowing all of this way before Q came on to the scene, 30 years I believe well guess what pal…….so have the rest of us! I’ve been a CT for 29 years, so you’ve got a year on me…..BFD! I’ve been on ATS since 2008 and quickly realized that some of the sharpest (as well as humble) minds out there so I lurked for 13 years. I don’t claim to be all knowing about Q, I am here to learn, and because I’ve been blessed with common sense, I like to look at both sides of the circumstances and discuss both sides. Sometimes I might post something that I find that might be relevant because others here have better memories than I have regarding the Q drops.
As far as Dask and Guyfriday are concerned they have the right to express their opinions just like anyone here. Guy was pro Q until recently, correct me if I’m wrong Guy, but a blind man on the moon can see we are treading in dangerous territories and would be idiotic to not consider that something is not quite right in Qville. And civically irresponsible Okay carry on with your arguing. I’ve quite enjoyed watching them kick your ass for the last 24 hours so please continue arguing with them (making a fool of yourself.
What do you come here for? It certainly doesn’t appear that you come here for discussions.

Don’t come in hot at me again. I won’t be as nice the next time.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: Caled
Is it the blue guy peaking around Portal 2 ?

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Deep Throat

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
The pooping back and forth forever card always makes me think of the terms and conditions episode of South Park.
People opt in on way to much,,,way too much.
Oh I saw DT demanded to be reinstated or a new election held while browsing on Edge today (at work so could not read it) still catching up hopefully it's been mentioned already
in case

Trump Demands To Be Declared President Nearly 2 Years After Election
it hasn't

edit on 2022/8/29 by CrazyFox because: Roll with it What if Trump was only part of the plan?

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