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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I don't even know what you assessment is.

Nobody except for Jeb had a political career before that funeral and he still has it.

I don't see anyone there currently looking like different people and not younger either.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

So, watch a video because you can't explain?

-Q- hasn't proven to be anything biblical so why would Jesus apply? Also, if you want to use Jesus as an example you should be aware that in the Gnostic teachings Jesus is pretty clear about stuff.

Does this guy lay out the plan, and if so why can't you provide us a text of what he says?

Have you done your due diligence on -Q-, or have you just popped on the train since it seemed to be something that you found interesting? I really don't care if you answer that or not. If -Q- wants to be cryptic to confuse people, then how do you know that it is not us that -Q- is intending to confuse? How about -Q- post what the plan is, or at the very least post how the plan will affect the common human.

I have stated my belief about -Q-, and how it might have been good but over time have become corrupt without understanding it has. -Q- has not provided any additional evidence to prove otherwise. -Q- was supposed to drop a bunch of data as a last posting, but has yet to provide that dump, nor has it done anything to prove that they will post again. The notion that they have to post in riddles to keep the other side confused also makes no sense since they claim to have information that is unstoppable (hence the whole "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming")

If it can not be stopped, then the harm of releasing the information about what "WHAT" is wouldn't matter since it would be inevitable that people will find out what "WHAT" is.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
If you really want to know more about the plan
This guy does well and has the documents

Have you done your due diligence on Q?

It is the plan starting from the candidate Trump 2016
Shows the facts and reasons why the military is behind Q and the reasons that the military is the only way.

As for Q being cryptic.
2000 years ago in the day when the Christ taught men He talked in parables knowing it confused the wise yet the meek could understand.

Why did He do that?

a reply to: Guyfriday

Beautifullll Synchronicity, am 1.26.06 into FB post of this guy and left to begin reading our Ku thread and see this post by you, love this craetivity, blessings.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I heard this that is completely how I feel stated clearly in that video.

"people want a 5 minute explanation on a 200 year problem"!

This guy makes some very valid points that make it clear about the situation with COTUS and the Military. 1st the Army then the Marines before July 4 1776. The military is how we got here bottom line. It is how we stay or not. Have they actually started the operation if ever is what Dask is asking if you paraphrase? I see something is going on that involves the military law with this situation, period. Is it what I hope it to be? All good questions. Dask and Guyfriday are certainly right too in this particular matter of have they started and are they really there?

edit on 29-8-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 08:17 AM
They are doing everything they can to reduce food production!a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Have they actually started the operation if ever is what Dask is asking if you paraphrase?

No, I'm saying that if Q isn't actually connected, they have no way of knowing what is happening either.

That is why them being who they say they matters. If they are not and there is nobody doing anything behind the scenes, all the digging, memeing and praying is pointless.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Have they actually started the operation if ever is what Dask is asking if you paraphrase?

No, I'm saying that if Q isn't actually connected, they have no way of knowing what is happening either.

That is why them being who they say they matters. If they are not and there is nobody doing anything behind the scenes, all the digging, memeing and praying is pointless.

Absolutely not!
I am an inventor.
What matters is the thought process.
Most of my "what if" and the "maybe this" scenarios used to finish thoughts and conceptualize a complete thought are complete dead ends.
But the process is what matters to the mind and not the faulty leads.
But the scientific method of thinking requires you to test everything by having a way to disprove it or not.
So you have to always look for how to try and disprove your hypothesis not prove it.
That's why dask is always wrong with his method.
He spends ALL his time and efforts trying to prove his pre-supposed thoughts as absolutely correct.
It is unscientific.
Sad to say it does validate some of our true thoughts as we get to use his wrong-think to show if our hypothesis for events that are still happening or not happened yet as true or not.
Logical fallacies aside.

For example.
Dask says what is important is to know that us depending on Q to be doing all the work behind the scenes causes us to do nothing is actually something more.
We are in the action, kinetic phase where we are Q for now and we are responsible to gird ourselves with truth and actively participate in our lives and our children's welfare from the local politics like school boards and election integrity.
I am certain Q will be back but in due time.
Let us examine the game of chess dask.
While contemplating what piece to move next you have to examine all possible moves and outcomes to the best of your abilities and skillset.
Most of those possibilities are the wrong moves but you must examine all possibilities in order to discern the next move.
Though of course what is important is to make the correct move in order to execute a game winning combination WHEN it is your turn. What is infinitely more important is learning the process of thinking through all the wrong possibilities in order to execute and discern the true right move to win.

The thought process is more important.
Sad as it is, the world needs to learn how to think again
We lack discernment.
I blame tv

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Good Afternoon All….💕

Today is the anniversary of Matt’s death, 5 yrs ago. He made me this cartoon version of a year of our life, lol, that I shared every month the first year of this thread, pics aren’t available to share on ATS at the moment ? That’s ok really, it’s not where my Heart wants to linger today. He was sooo smart and if anything I just wish we could discuss current events together, because he understood things I just wasn’t capable of understanding at the time.

Love you guys dearly, don’t neglect living in the moment, while fighting for the Future !

So much love hugs and prayers sent to you ML! You carry his spirit with you and I am certain you help to express it here on ATS when you share with us. Thankful he led you here, you are a kind and curious soul and we’re blessed to have you with us to share your thoughts.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Have they actually started the operation if ever is what Dask is asking if you paraphrase?

No, I'm saying that if Q isn't actually connected, they have no way of knowing what is happening either.

That is why them being who they say they matters. If they are not and there is nobody doing anything behind the scenes, all the digging, memeing and praying is pointless.

Pointless for who, dask?

Sociologists, psychologists, AI programmers, writers, artists, you tubers, so many varying categories that have now been gifted with all this research data? and that’s the very least of the usages for having us gathered together in research and discussion.

If I can imagine the possibilities and potentials then I can also imagine the ones I haven’t imagined. And someone else out there has. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Each other? I’ve read stuff from folks in this thread that made me think about things in ways I’m thankful for. A part of me hopes that maybe there’s some out there who I’ve had that same influence upon.

It’s just mostly cool conversation until people get too attached or set on a specific ‘variable’

Thing is it’s all ‘variable’ and thinking people know that. Anyone who came up with a PLAN would also have to know that.

but Pointless?

You’re only coming at it from the angle you sit at.

Nothing is pointless because in time everything is relevant and everything is reconciled.

Q and Q posts are the modern day ink blots.

None of the “Q” “the plan” narrative has actually come from Q posts or predictions. It’s come from interpretations and collective collaboration of ideas and potentials from divergent thinkers that were magnetically drawn to specific keywords in Q posts and probably sometimes ‘planted’ movement leaders.

👆🏽 All of this is strictly what I vibe from it. Others will vibe different based on where they are perceiving from.

Why do you come here and go round and round if you don’t get anything from it? You’re getting something, even if it’s simply amusement. 😇

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 10:26 AM
Of course I could explain.
But you are using logical fallacies and it takes mountains of time and effort trying to disprove what is false. It is actually impossible to prove a falsehood scientifically because the scientific process requires you to find ways to test a truth by trying experiments to disprove you theory or hypothesis.
You cannot ever scientifically disprove a lie, or prove a lie to be true.
This is why the Hegelian dialectic is so effective on group think and inversion a diabolical tool against us.

That video is really really important for you specifically.
It truly answers all your questions you have posed on Q since you began here.
The text is right there below the video at Rumble.
But in knowing your methods of using logical fallacies as the number 1 tool I highly doubt you have questions about Q you are trying to answer.
Logical fallacies are used to divert not direct.
You know what's up
I am sure that video would not dissuade you from returning immediately to the exact claims you have always claimed as merely concerns or queries.
I recognize them as tactics myself a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
What matters is the thought process.

Not as far as the end results are concerned.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I wanted to disagree with you about this whole "Q needs to" line of reasoning. Disagree. No s/he doesn't. Hi/it/they are doing what they're doing, and that probably has little if anything to do with what sort of dance we're performing in this thread.

Personally I thought the Q lead up to the apparent election rigging of 2020 was a pretty powerful literary device. Q got lots of people's attention, leading up to this colossal fraud, said something like "it had to be this way, sometimes you have to show people", then bugged out. If Q's point was to highlight election fraud, it was a pretty effective attention focusing device for anyone who was paying attention.

As for what comes next, you can squawk about what you want to see or that you need to hear this or that. I'm not sure why you'd bother, though. Q is going to do what Q is going to do. I don't see how us whining about it is going to change that plan, whatever exactly it is. I mean, free world and all, you can do what you want. I just thought I'd point out how silly I think it is.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:07 AM
My point

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
What matters is the thought process.

Not as far as the end results are concerned.

The marathon is being run or played out as in a chess match.
You want to say the game was already lost because of pieces removed from the game board as if the race was determined by each lost or captured piece, game over.
But this is a marathon still being run.
The goal is for check-mate not how many pieces are gone or remaining to be determined by your own pre-supposed results declaring what new parameters must be met because your game of chess claims that game over is when you capture a pawn or rook and the proof you are right is because the game is still running and you still have pieces in play and check-mate has not been declared....YET
You are running sprints inside our marathon and you keep claiming you won already and the proof is we are still running the race and you are not.
Very very short sighted

edit on 29-8-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I don't see any text for that video, maybe you could "Copy and Paste" it here so not only me, but others can read this information that you say is so important for us to know.

a reply to: TheBadCabbie

It's important for us to know or at least have an idea since they, being -Q-, doesn't want us, the commoners, getting in the way of what they are doing.

Now for the both of you.

It's not about what I want, it's about what -Q- has failed to follow up on. It's about the gatekeeping of information that -Q- has stated would be released. Mostly it's about keeping people who are losing patients from doing something harmful.

I've stated this before, but let me paraphrase it:
"In the Fog of War, bystanders will get hurt more than any of the people involved in the conflict."

If -Q- wants to be cryptic then not post anything, and still expect people to do nothing, then they might be ignorant about society at large. We all know what is at stake, we all understand that sometimes we have to wait, but without knowing what is coming people will get antsy about events and will end up endangering themselves. -Q- has sat by as people died from this pandemic, sat by as cities have burned leaving people homeless and distressed, and now -Q- once again sits by and country after country falls to a regime of chaos. Since actions could have been taken by the populace to curtail a lot of these issues, but -Q- and people like them, have asked that they don't get in the way, don't you two think that -Q- has a responsibility to provide some current answers?

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:29 AM
Thank you for pointing that out.
I forgot Rumble had a block on comments unless you sign up and forgot where I found the video and assumed it came straight from Rumble when I watched a few days ago
There is a good synopsis in text here
a reply to: Guyfriday

"Everything you’ve witnessed in the last five years is the most monumental historical covert operation to date and Donald Trump is your President by law by order and by regulations of the military and the Constitution. The way its proven is by the National Guard who is activated outside of their state and outside of our country and the only activations of the National Guard came from President Trump.

Active military cannot tell civilians what is going on, by oath and by honor. This is why you have not heard about what is happening in the background, because it is a military operation and the military cannot break their oath.

He mentions pertinent executive orders such as 13848 (Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election), Military Law, National Guard Activation in all 50 states, Declaration of Independence, USA Revolutionary War, the fake inauguration of fake President in 2021,, and SO MUCH MORE!"

edit on 29-8-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Recall Mary McCord from Q drops 2381, 2072, 1316, and other familiar names.

She looks like Simon Parkes in a wig without glasses.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: daskakik

I want to reply to your earlier argument with Justoneman where you keep asserting that his sentiments amount to de facto shilling for the Republican party. This is an incorrect assessment in my opinion, missing a lot of contextual nuance. I'll tell you why this is so.

The "Trump Cadre" of political candidates, and orange himself, represent a political philosophy that is rather distinct from the old school Republican leadership and rank and file. These "MAGA Republicans" are not globalists, for all appearances. They are not campaigning with a platform and public presentation that speaks the typical code words and presents the typical symbols that signify their allegiance to the globalist faction. This is a distinct departure from the typical behavior of political candidates from past election cycles.

In the past, the typical maverick would be branded as such, smeared appropriately, and relegated to minimal coverage when possible. That is not so easy these days. What was easily branded as radical by the corporate media is not so easily smeared at present. This creates opportunities for sensible solutions to social problems to be presented more prominently in the public dialogue, in contrast to the fabricated, leading issue format that we've mostly been made to suffer in mainstream news reporting these last few decades.

That is a big deal. That is not business as usual. Discount it if you wish, but I think you do so to your own peril, if you value liberty. There is an opportunity here to make a positive change in US politics. If you really can't see it, I think you're just missing the nuance.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: SouthernGift
Pointless for who, dask?

Pointless in regards to causing actual change.

I’ve read stuff from folks in this thread that made me think about things in ways I’m thankful for. A part of me hopes that maybe there’s some out there who I’ve had that same influence upon.

That was happening here on ATS before Q.

Why do you come here and go round and round if you don’t get anything from it? You’re getting something, even if it’s simply amusement.

Correct, it is how I like to waste my time.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

We really have better stuff in these threads, but still thank you for at least posting a link to the text.

War powers of the President only are in effect when war is declared by Congress. So that goes out the window there.

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was given and received a military regulation funeral service. They left the capital in a funeral procession and went to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There was a 3-volley salute with 13 fires which is for funerals only.

Do you have any footage of this event? I mean if you have footage of a real funerial for Joe Biden that could be a game changer. This guy talking about it doesn't mean crappos.

Having a TS security clearance doesn't mean anything when you realize that people in groups like Infragard, DoD janitors, and the friggen Lunch Lady at the CIA all have those security clearances too. Then on top of that does anyone even know that this guy has one at all, I mean it's not like people don't fake crap all the time on the internets.

Back in the 1990's I was in the service myself, and many people didn't like or respect Clinton either, does that mean that he wasn't the President? Now I will state that there are enough issues in the 2020 election cycle to warrant a massive public hearing, and the fact that the Jan 6th thing happened after states started to question the results of the election then post "riot" didn't should show many that a successful insurrection did take place. It's just that everyone is being lied to about who and what took control.

Given the fact that Joe Biden is representing the US on the world stage means that to many people around the world, Biden IS President of the US. If Trump is still Commander in Chief, like this guy states, then explain why nothing has been done about the continued stripping of American Constitutional rights? Do you see the disconnect here?

Now back on the topic of -Q-.
My last statement in the post above says it all;

Since actions could have been taken by the populace to curtail a lot of these issues, but -Q- and people like them, have asked that they don't get in the way, don't you two think that -Q- has a responsibility to provide some current answers?

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
But this is a marathon still being run.

There is no way to confirm that. It all comes down to people having faith that Q is who they say they are and that things are happening out of sight.

In a time when anyone can say they are anything on the web, I just don't have faith in this story.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

You seriously have to answer me this.
Why did Yahshua speak in parables and not just tell the people all the dirt in a straight forward way?
Because IMO, the end result was amazing.
To conquer all of Rome and this the world he taught in parables and trained 12 people to spread His message.
I personally see how effective that was.
So tell me.
Why did He teach in parables?

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