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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
That has to be BS there X.

I do believe we have Nukes. I wish this guy was right. I truly do. Say there wasn't any in the last 400 years. I believe we have evidence of them in historical records of India and the ME. Turning sand to glass for miles in diameter in India could have been a volcano, but the written record implies that Nukes were used, and civilization destroyed.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
Ha, word! "Here's the classified information that the FBI was looking for."

Witches, Wizards, & Warlocks.
Potions & Poisons
Chemistry, Collusion, & Conquest
If war is used to deplete Treasurys' $
Then all of the above is needed to pull off a non existent "Super Weapon"
Wonder Land Also found stuff against t c but nothing current

The venue was formerly owned by singer-songwriter husband and wife duo Ashford & Simpson and was known as 20/20 before becoming the VIP Room in the mid-1990s and then Wonderland in 2022. The main stage at Wonderland is the focal point, with two 12-foot video LED video walls, mirrored pillars throughout, trace lighting above, and a mezzanine to catch the action from any angle. The space is just under 10,000 square feet, with a capacity of 300 guests spread across two floors. A private members-only speakeasy will also open later in 2022.

During the 1980s, Canada's Wonderland and the Loblaws supermarket chain mounted a cross-marketing campaign. Loblaws issued "Wonder dollars" based on customers' purchases, which were redeemable at Canada's Wonderland at par with the Canadian dollar on weekdays. The obverse of the coin featured Wonder Mountain, while the reverse featured the Loblaws logo.[13]

Kings Entertainment Company operated the park during the 1980s and early 1990s.[10] The park's former connection to Hanna-Barbera Productions lessened after Paramount Pictures raised its stake from 20 percent to full ownership of the park in 1993 and renamed it Paramount Canada's Wonderland. After Viacom bought Paramount in 1994, a successful attempt was made to bring families back to the park by attracting children with original Nickelodeon cartoon characters that were familiar to a new generation.[10]

Holy Arrested Development Canada Zoiks

edit on 2022/8/21 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 09:42 AM
Just when one thought the 2020 election couldn't have been any more insecure ...

What they found was shocking: they found data that included personal details of nearly 1.8 million US poll workers. Details like their names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. Even the names of family members


posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:25 AM
Nice to see someone actually doing Big-S Science


posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 12:44 PM
CODE RED COMMS from Nancy Pelosi- tweet at 18:25 UTC

The climate crisis has reached code red — and Democrats are fighting back.

Our bold new law, the #InflationReductionAct, will create 9 million good-paying jobs slashing carbon pollution by 40% by 2030 while powering America toward a sustainable clean energy future.

Could be related to #1825

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Mr Loop posted: SM 8/20/22 @ 9.33 p.m. est

The brave new world of smartphones.
The issue of blood clots due to the Covid jabs is going to be a bigger issue than most can imagine. What better way to monitor the size and status of the clots by repurposing the smart phone to become a blood clot testing tool.
The plan is to use the existing vibration motor and camera to perform PT/INR testing.

S= Smartphone M= micro-mechanical blood testing
Micro-mechanical Blood Testing Using a Smart Phone.

I just finished listening to The Johnathon Kogan Show episode #67 on the Vaccine Holocaust and at the 27.5 mark he mentions MS laboratory testing. Maybe linked?

There are some new details coming out about these blood clots. It appears that they are elastic/rubber self assembly systems which grow bigger over time and do not respond to anti clotting meds.
Disturbing because of this feature at some point they obstruct blood flow which may account for people just suddenly dropping dead. Currently there is no method of removing them but hopefully they will find a way to dissolve them. In the meantime people will find themselves monitoring these blood clots for changes.

The Johnathon Kogan Show Episode #67 Vaccine Holocaust

Pathology is the gold standard.
Vascular and Organ Damage Induced by mRNA Vaccines

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Code Red.
Jonathon Kogan just tweeted the Gateway Pundit "Joe Biden Enlists China Owned TikTok to Partner with Federal Voting Assistance Program in 2022 Midterm Election!"
Another safe and secure election.


posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:15 PM
Circling back to Bill Gates and the mosquitoes...
He means what he says and says what he means. Looking over a new article about his dream of mass breeding mosquitoes to bite one and all...
"Bill Gates Says this is the World's Deadliest Animal and the Data Shows He is Right. "It causes a million deaths a year. Innovation could IMPROVE those numbers.' "

Bill Gates and Mosquitoes

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: dashen
Q Anon goes to Washington, Again

The United States of QAnon

Meanwhile, the Democratic PAC sub-tweeting Richard Doty.🙃🤡🧙‍

Nasa is going ‘full force’ in hunt for UFOs

"This is really important to us, and we’re placing a high priority on it”, Daniel Evans, assistant deputy associate administrator for research at Nasa’s Science Mission Directorate said on Wednesday.

The study panel, made up of 15 to 17 people, will have a budget of up to $100,000 and will be entirely open – containing no classified military data.
LOL. Yea, sure.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I think Q is done posting.

If they do start posting again, I think things will go in a different direction.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

No, there's no redundant vehicle control systems. That's part of the security problem, no intrusion protection, data logging nor any checksum gibberish on the CANBUS system itself. The drive systems need absolute reliability built into them for safety reasons, so it runs "open" without layers of security.

MB even had brake-by-wire in the 2000s. I do simplified softcoding off my phone with a cheap Bluetooth OBD dongle...getting engine data and resetting CELs while driving, no big deal.

However, the European ECUs themselves, with the engine parameters and of course the immobilizer is state of the art encryption on a Motronic 7 backbone. I suppose once the car is "enabled" and driving, it's just a matter of overriding the drive systems with RF, like a GPS drone spoof. Self-driving cars seem wildly vulnerable to attacks, in my mind. I guess aircraft too with that autopilot chip.

Access is no problemo.

edit on 21-8-2022 by FlyingFox because: Deeper... don't need an override, just a remote GSM recode (2014)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Mr Loop posted: SM 8/20/22 @ 9.33 p.m. est

The brave new world of smartphones.
The issue of blood clots due to the Covid jabs is going to be a bigger issue than most can imagine. What better way to monitor the size and status of the clots by repurposing the smart phone to become a blood clot testing tool.
The plan is to use the existing vibration motor and camera to perform PT/INR testing.

S= Smartphone M= micro-mechanical blood testing
Micro-mechanical Blood Testing Using a Smart Phone.

That paper sounds very similar to what Theranos girl Elizabeth Holmes was working on along with all her patents on it that was scooped up by Labrador Diagnostics, a SoftBank-owned patent troll office that bought all of Theranos IP.

IDK if you can call this some kind of smoking gun for some post-covid "new normal" bs and movies like GATTACA come to mind where we segregate people based on antibodies or presence of viral DNA in their bodies...but it is certainly very weird that this (former) company with its particular super star board of basically everyone who plundered the former USSR would be the ones working (steering) on such a project.

The mind-blower on both the US & Australia patents is a few has 417 patent citations listed with some going back to the 1970s. One is held by Secretary of State for Defence UK concerning Silicon implant devices from 1984 patent. And we know the British Dr. Evil's are dumping Billions into Tavistock transhumanism agendas.

Integrated health data capture and analysis system (Take you a week to read through this mumbo jumbo!)

Note Theranos's chief British scientist Ian Gibbons, was suicided in 2013, the day before he was due to testify. A labtop was also involved.

They had a product they were calling "Health Shield" in the patents that would test people's blood for different pathogens and report the findings to a centralized service that would track potential epidemic outbreaks and alert health authorities.

"Health Shield" would track the spread of an epidemic to allow the creation of "safe zones" where normal economic activity could continue because the Health Shield system would be built around portable devices with instant results, tracking of healthy + infected populations would become part of everyday life. Holmes wanted us all to live in a world where we blood-tested ourselves every morning to know whether or not we were 'Unclean'. Filthy sheep stay home.

I don't think Theranos was building weaponized viruses themselves. However, after perusing their patents I do think they might have been involved in building the 'infrastructure' for what post-covid tracking and segregation world would look like in this decade to accomplish 4th Reich Agenda 2030.

Many of the patents were filed when Theranos was still in operation, but not granted by USPTO until 2021 & 2022.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:40 PM
This Reuters article mentions that India's INDEPENDENCE DAY is celebrated in a RED CASTLE (well, Red Fort)... they celebrated 75 yrs on Aug 15th:

Speaking from the 17th century Red Fort in Delhi as India celebrates its 75th year of independence from British colonial rule, Modi exhorted youth to "aim big" and give their best years for the cause of the country.


3 posts with Red Castle
edit on 21-8-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:51 PM
Interesting X22Report this evening - Ep. 2855a - IRS Was Shutdown By The Courts When Trying To Collect Alternative Currency Data, 20 mins long, first 2 or 3 are adverts

Basically saying:
1) IRS has been told by Appeals court that it has no right to people's private data of virtual currencies on crypto exchanges and must raise a subpoena with reason for so doing... I.e. IRS has no automatic right to monitor cryptocurrencies for tax raising,
2) Goes on to say this, together with a Fed Audit, will lead to closure of Central Bank.

IRS is in posts #53, #138, #570 and #4813.
edit on 21-8-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Just a thought on this comment you made:
"Meanwhile Q had the ear of a boatload of people, supposedly all the goods and the security of anonymity and they never dropped it either. Are you not seeing the pattern there?"

I personally think Q dropped enough on us to get the answers we need. To this day things happen and when we go back and look sure enough there it is finally coming into a clear view as to what it meant. We didnt get it at the time, because it hadnt happened yet so how could we?

Again Personally, I think we are only in the middle of Q now. It is far from over. I dont think Q will actually be done until 45 leaves office after his second term. I think the drops will continue until then to keep giving us the answers as things happen as they have been up till now. If people would get it in their heads we dont need anymore drops if we have been paying attention, it is already all there for us.

Or I could be batchit crazy and wrong on all points, but I think there are a couple minds on here that may very well agree with me that we are only half way there now and far from finishing this game.

The things you dont see dask are the things we do see. You seem to have a bias which perhaps keeps you a little more blind from seeing what is really there between the lines that those of us have learned how to look for without bias.

Tooo many proofs are all the proof some of us need to keep going... Again only my own personal viewpoint, thoughts on this and where we are really at right now.

With Trump being out of office look how many things have happened since that have been starting to get the attention of the wall sitters or the naysayers. People do know right from wrong and they are seeing it now, perhaps begrudgingly, but they are. The left has gone just a little to far overboard for people to flat out ignore. This had to happen also. People had to see for themselves. That was always a big part of the Q. So yeah we still have a lot more time on this ride left. IMHO of course.

One really needs to realize to understand Q, there is truth to viewing all things Q from the 40,000 foot view. See the BIG PICTURE and not get wrapped up in single puzzle pieces. You will never "get it" nor "see it" with that approach.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: onehuman
Let's put things into focus. What we were discussing is the theory that a past her prime actress was murdered because she had and was about to drop info about pedophiles in hollywood.

Without dragging it out, Q never dropped anything that could be used to bring any such people to justice. All they did was allude to such things existing.

Now, in regards to what you mentioned. What Q dropped was so vague that nobody can say in what part of the the plan things are. You say you think you are in the middle but for years people have been saying that they feel, based on the same info we have all gotten from Q, that things are about to happen, we are on the precipice, things have reached critical mass, next week, soon.

The pattern I was referring to is people having their CT bone tickled by some event, them slapping their tin foil hat on and getting caught up in the "what ifs" and not realizing or even forgetting that others have done that, maybe even they have done that, before with the world/reality just moving along like it always has.

edit on 21-8-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 07:20 PM
Doggy Comms
Jack P

Popular Demand

Head Scratcher

edit on 2022/8/21 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Brother, just wanted to share
Pelosi Code RED Indeed

edit on 8212022 by MetalThunder because: Excuse the brief interception

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 09:43 PM
Can't believe I didn't realize this before.🤡

Every time. LOL.

Her updated coup chart:

Another legal victory against vaccine mandates in the United States, where around 500 NorthShore University Health employees who were denied religious exemption to the Covid “vaccine” have been awarded 10 million dollars in damages. Yes, that’s only 20-45 thousand each, but a win is a win.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

And she would be wrong.
From: washingtonp dated October 23, 2002

he Central Intelligence Agency is expanding its domestic presence, placing agents with nearly all of the FBI's 56 terrorism task forces in U.S. cities, a step that law enforcement and intelligence officials say will help overcome some of the communications obstacles between the two agencies that existed before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

In many cities, according to local FBI special agents, the CIA employees help plan daily operations and set priorities, as well as share information about suspected foreigners and groups. They do not, however, take part in operations or make arrests.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III recently described the new arrangement as his answer to MI5, Britain's internal security service. Unlike the CIA, MI5 is empowered to collect intelligence within Britain and to act to disrupt domestic threats to British national security. "It goes some distance to accomplishing what the MI5 does," Mueller told a House-Senate intelligence panel last week in describing the new CIA role in the FBI task forces.

So it would seems that a "former FBI" agent is wrong.

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