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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:43 AM
That has to be BS there X.

I do believe we have Nukes. I wish this guy was right. I truly do. Say there wasn't any in the last 400 years. I believe we have evidence of them in historical records of India and the ME. Turning sand to glass for miles in diameter in India could have been a volcano, but the written record implies that Nukes were used, and civilization destroyed.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
Ha, word! "Here's the classified information that the FBI was looking for."

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Turning sand to glass for miles in diameter in India could have been a volcano, but the written record implies that Nukes were used, and civilization destroyed.

Or a meteor strike. Like the one up in Egypt that created both the lovely glass used in ancient jewelry, as well as the leaving behind the metal used in King Tuts dagger.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
a reply to: guidedbyblake

Just raising awareness is all. One only has to research Flynn's background to see the (old) game. Players wanted.

Players & prayers
At goats they stare
Underground lairs
Fibonacci stairs
A world aware
A covid scare
Wheat and tares
Crypto shares
The world prepares
Trumps hair

This.Thread. 🤣

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:07 AM
Has anyone considered who Hillary Clinton was going to have as a running mate if she had become president?

Gates comedy retirement Youtube :Bill Gates Retirement Video

CC is not available. I listened and at the .17 mark he says he was 17 when starting Microsoft.

At the 4.39 mark "run off at the end, I've got monkey pox.
At the 3.06 mark he plays an instrument with the theme song Green Acres is the Place to be- alluding to his love of farm land.
At the 5.29 mark Hillary Clinton answers the phone and Bill asks her if he can be vice president.

May be comedy but nothing about Billy is funny. Imagine how close we came if Hillary had won that we would have had Bill Gates with legitimate power.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:59 AM
Weirdness Alert...
New book "Warp Speed" by Paul Mango.

Page 146/147
During Operation Warp Speed the storage and transportation conditions of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were continuously monitored. Moderna's vaccine remained stable but
"curiously, the Pfizer vaccine had the most frequent temperature excursions. Their temperatures were becoming colder than the -80-degree Celsius requirement!
When they checked with Pfizer they told them to "Trust the Science."

How could it get colder than the air around them? Could this have something to do with the graphene that researchers have reported finding in the vaccine?
Self cooling has been observed in graphene electronics.
"University of Illinois researchers have found that graphene resistors have a nanoscale cooling effect that reduces their temperature."
If this is the case than what effect would this have, a material that is self cooling swimming around in the body, have on people?
More weirdness. Pfizer shipped their vaccine in batches of approx 975 doses. The officials in Operation Warp Speed were clearly frustrated with this odd # and tried to reason with them however Pfizer refused to budge. Why such an odd number? Possibly the size of the shipping container but they had to design the container so why not make if for an even number?
The vaccine was developed in 9 months and received EUA on December 11, 2020. 7+5=12>December. Symbolism?
Page 147

Self Cooling Observed in Graphene Electrons

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: cimmerius
But the conventional explanation, or non-explanation, dismissing it all as an accident, also has its weaknesses, as people have pointed out.

And that is where some people really stretch things to make them fit. It is what I have been saying all along throughout these threads, people shoehorn things.

That is absolutely true. But shoehorning can work both ways.

In interpreting ambiguous events, some people here always take the alternative position, with eyes closed to anything else.

You seem to always take the conventional position, with eyes closed to anything else. Or maybe I should correct that. You seem to always take the position of critiquing specific details of the alternative position, sometimes justly. But as an exercise, it would be interesting to see you apply your considerable intellect to finding flaws in the conventional narratives with an equal rigor. You could if you tried.

I believe the truth doesn't have a position.

If the answers were always one way or the other, we would have sorted that out by now.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: cimmerius
But the conventional explanation, or non-explanation, dismissing it all as an accident, also has its weaknesses, as people have pointed out.

And that is where some people really stretch things to make them fit. It is what I have been saying all along throughout these threads, people shoehorn things.

That is absolutely true. But shoehorning can work both ways.

In interpreting ambiguous events, some people here always take the alternative position, with eyes closed to anything else.

You seem to always take the conventional position, with eyes closed to anything else. Or maybe I should correct that. You seem to always take the position of critiquing specific details of the alternative position, sometimes justly. But as an exercise, it would be interesting to see you apply your considerable intellect to finding flaws in the conventional narratives with an equal rigor. You could if you tried.

I believe the truth doesn't have a position.

If the answers were always one way or the other, we would have sorted that out by now.

I hear a gentle nod of approvement from a ton of people in my mind's ear!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:18 PM
More revelations from the book Warp Speed:

There was disagreement between Dr. Birx and Dr. Redfield over which group should receive the jabs first. Dr. Birx, who had access to all of the data, knew and understood that it was the senior population that was most vulnerable. Dr. Redfield wanted the front-line healthcare workers to go first.
"Under EUA standards, the FDA would have to evaluate any facility within this timeframe as potentially being associated with the vaccine." The healthcare workers had less risk of dying within that time period. This was all about ensuring that the public would not loose confidence in the vaccines.

This is where it gets interesting. Secretary Azar told them that after the meeting by the advisory group and the issuance of the EUA that they would meet and nail down what recommendations would be given to the public.
Before they met, the recommendation for front-line health workers was published in the CDC's Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report.

"What we learned is that Dr. Redfield certified the ACIP's recommendations in writing before the publication. One could characterize this as insubordination at some level."

I can only imagine what Birx was thinking when the data clearly showed that it was the seniors most at risk. At what point is this considered criminal?
Page 143-144

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Dr. They explains how what people perceive as the truth is twisted and turned until no one knows or cares about it anymore.

Col Elrod Q. Dashen X-Files - MindNet Journal Publication

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius
But as an exercise, it would be interesting to see you apply your considerable intellect to finding flaws in the conventional narratives with an equal rigor. You could if you tried.

The reason my position might seem lopsided is because I don't see the point in preaching to the choir. My eyes are not closed, I'm saying show me.

For example, someone earlier in the thread said my position was, "There are no pedos in Hollywood. There are no international pedo investigations that could ever relate to Hollywood."

My position is that there obviously are but unless someone can connect a specific person or group of people in hollywood to one of them it is just speculation and incorrect to say everyone in hollywood is part of one.

So, while it is easy to say someone was killed because they had info on one of these groups, which happens here quite a bit, it is something else to show actual proof.

In the case of Heche, let's start with a motive. She made a movie about human trafficking but there are a bunch of those. She said she wrote a new book but we don't know if that is true and, even if true, we don't know if the content provides a motive. New cars can be hacked, but that doesn't give a reason why someone would hack hers and there is no proof that her death would need to be faked like this to get her into the witness protection program.

So what do we actually have to support the theory that she was killed by the cabal or saved by the white hats?
edit on 20-8-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 02:20 PM
Comparison of narratives between the books "The Vaccine" and "Warp Speed".

The greed ...
Originally the Pfizer vials contained 5 doses but health workers discovered that by using a low dead volume syringe a 6th dose could be extracted. Operation Warp Speed had only acquired the regular syringes. Since there was a shortage in supply this represented a 20% increase over night. The Operation Warp Speed team then had to do a global search for these suddenly short in supply syringes. "Of course we had to contend with Pfizer, which wanted to be paid for 6 doses per vial rather than for five. "Page 114 +115 Warp Speed

Enter Ugur Sahin from BioNTech. He knew that there were 6 and maybe even 7 doses per vial. What did he do? He had Sierk Poetting order millions of these syringes in advance. Prescience paid dividends. So now we have Pfizer-BioNTech in control of the vaccine supply and the method of distribution. Pag 231 The Vaccine
"Of all the companies in which Operation Warp Speed invested Pfizer was the least transparent and lest collaborative. It would not let us observe its manufacturing processes for months and then it failed to deliver the contracted amounts of doses it promised in November and December 2020." Page 11 Warp Speed
They probably were trying to hide manufacturing issues since everything was done in such haste. This would be another factor to explain the differences in adverse events in different lots.
Pfizer was impossible to deal with. Bourla has made it a big talking point of not receiving any monetary assistance from Operation Warp Speed. What did they really want? They wanted a guaranteed purchase agreement. Page 27. They received a 100 million dose order worth $2 billion so in reality the government shouldered the risk, not Pfizer. Operation Warp Speed heavily supported Pfizer in many ways. Page 138
Operation Warp Speed. "Regardless of the interval, everyone vaccinated would need to receive the same company's vaccine both times. Well that certainly changed with the CDC throwing caution to the wind changing this policy to mix and match. How many adverse events were the result of this decision? Page 96
Pages 125-128
Evidence of the FDA - Pfizer - Biden administration collusion. "So when the FDA altered its guidance on October 6, shortly after Bourla's public statement about reporting data in late October, lengthening the time form 42 to 60 days after the second dose for the median enrollee in the trial prior to submitting an application for an EUA, we were naturally suspicious of the underlying reason."
By doing this they reported data 6 days after the election. Biden's team had information on Pfizer's data on November 8th,the evening before President Trump or Secretary Azar had access to it!
The FDA claimed that the 18 day increase was to enhance vaccine confidence. Not certain that 18 days would have had much impact on the public's confidence.
Was this about the vaccine or the election?
San Francisco and New York City were the only 2 cities in the U.S. that had direct flights from Wuhan. There were 19 flights between December 1, 2019 and January 23, 2020. That would explain why they were hit so very hard.
Gov Cuomo also then joined into the collusion by undermining confidence in the FDA approval process. "But I believe, all across the country, you are going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe." Then he wonders why New Yorkers were vaccine hesitant. Page 129-130

Well I need to read more but this is a page turner.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 03:41 PM

A few of you might find this thread of interest, though it spins off into numerology. My guess is her inner demons is what ultimately killed her when you review the weird, suspicious deaths of Hollywood celebrities that often involve drugs, alcohol, rage, cults, mental breakdown (minus the 27 club) going on since the 50s.

I've always placed Gematria numerology in my curious folder and recently came across this interesting visual dot-connecting chart:

History & Gematria

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 04:37 PM
The entire reason you heat up from flu is your body needs heat to kill the pathogens.
It has been postulated that aspirin was the cause of the Spanish flu to be so deadly is because it suppressed the natural immune response of a rise in body temperature so that your body could not overcome it's symptoms being delayed.
So graphene oxide lowers blood temperature?
This sounds counterintuitive to the example I am giving but what would this do to our bodies ability to regulate and most importantly modulate temperature to fight pathogens off and sustain beneficial microbes?
a reply to: Thoughtful1

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 04:52 PM
We all started with Ellen
Then for me years ago it was Toxic Skies.
Now she died in ways that do not make sense.
And no,I did not say you said that. I implied that you were ignoring the fact using one of your methods i.e. a logical fallacy which in this case was a straw man argument.
You are taking it out of context to suit your present logical fallacies

How in the world could you ever know what the reasons for or methods used for a high profile WPP extraction.
In my example it was what if they intercepted the hit order and they needed to fool the media to run with it per preplanned propoganda in setting the original narrative.
You simplified it to someone going WPP for shoplifting so you could not imagine why yadayadayada

I read you as always with motive in why you attempt to direct the narrative.
Others see it as benign or even well intended but I see things different.
I see in trends.
You have pre-supposed agendas that are easy to see.
A key insight is in how you always try to elevate yourself as being a complex free thinker who is always right and always at the expense of others who are simple minded automotons unable to think on their own and just followers of Q or Trump or...

So even after you freshly google something you just learned even existed you feel empowered to it is enough to validate your opinion as always higher than our facts.

This all started with Ellen as far as I am concerned.
You do not even know why...and I told you why.
But you are stuck on bodybag or what you do not know is in a book you read a review on. Or a movie you watched a preview about. Or something someone said vaguely enough you feel free to use out of context or....
You are not being rationally cynical or skeptically challenged but obtusely objectionable just to stop others from being productive in order to direct narratives you need.
I really really find you fascinating to the point you can be used as a barometer for relevant topics.
You spent an enormous amount of time absorbing so much knowledge on Q, Qdrops, anons, all the topics surrounding and uncovered by Q and enough though behind it to create counter args.
I mean a lot of your time.
And according to you you believe almost none of it.
What a colossal waste of time that if we are to believe your own motives and reasons for motive you have simply wasted almost the entire 4 years of your life playing not a larp but the larp.
Go out and spend some time in the sun. Without a mask

a reply to: daskakik

edit on 20-8-2022 by Nevercompromise because: Added

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Either way, I don't ignore that fact and I was pointing out that without proof of specific instances/people it is just an accusation with nowhere to land.

The post is here and it was obvious that the context was you telling people that it would make it easier if people just allowed me to tell them how to think and part of that was:

It is really quite simple if you just listen to him.
Now say it with me.
There are no pedos in Hollywood.
There are no international pedo investigations that could ever relate to Hollywood.

So you were telling people to listen to what I was saying (sarcastically, of course) and now you are saying you never said I said that? So, how do people listen to something I never said?

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Well, I enjoyed it. Thank you! I know we cannot prove that she was taken out but I don't think we should write the notion off.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Either way, I don't ignore that fact and I was pointing out that without proof of specific instances/people it is just an accusation with nowhere to land.

The post is here and it was obvious that the context was you telling people that it would make it easier if people just allowed me to tell them how to think and part of that was:

It is really quite simple if you just listen to him.
Now say it with me.
There are no pedos in Hollywood.
There are no international pedo investigations that could ever relate to Hollywood.

So you were telling people to listen to what I was saying (sarcastically, of course) and now you are saying you never said I said that? So, how do people listen to something I never said?

I specifically admitted I intentionally used a straw man arg back atcha.
How many times can you take the same thing out of context?
I never said you said it.
I never quoted you.
I mocked you using a straw man.
That is what a straw man is used for. To ridicule a point of view to make it seem invalid.
Much different than quoting someone.
I would use quotes if I did what you claimed I did.
I did not.
I did imply it from using one of your own tools i.e. a straw man.
I think it is fair to respond to your logical fallacies with a logical fallacy.
Sorry if it confuses you
edit on 20-8-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I did imply it from using one of your own tools i.e. a straw man.

strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated).

ETA: By the way, I used that bit of text as an example of what someone might think my position is, based on the fact that I don't usually post that I do believe there are pedophiles in Hollywood, since that is what the post I was replying to was talking about.

edit on 20-8-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: SouthernGift

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
a reply to: guidedbyblake

Just raising awareness is all. One only has to research Flynn's background to see the (old) game. Players wanted.

Players & prayers
At goats they stare
Underground lairs
Fibonacci stairs
A world aware
A covid scare
Wheat and tares
Crypto shares
The world prepares
Trumps hair

This.Thread. 🤣

Your in Good Company
TMZ [[Harvey]] this is NOt but its up for individuals consumption
You are what? You eat
Do all paths lead to the same destination?
The End is Not for everyone

Lakes are drying up everywhere. Israel will pump water from the Med as a solution

Did WE forget about [placeholders]
A goat I Am Not Judas

edit on 8202022 by MetalThunder because: ANNI 201 anyone ? LoL ill call you all out ??? Not going anywhere ....Ï€

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Totally agree, unlike Hastings, there isn't enough background to see if she died under very odd circumstances or was killed for some reason. For now I'm taking the stance that since we already know that Hollywood is guilty of aiding and abiding pedo-rings, we should just mark her death up as non-connected for now.

I still wonder though if Anne was Alice, then whatever happened to Wonderland Ca? Anyone near Lake Tahoe want to go check it out?

While we've been focused on Anne Heche Whitey Bulger's killers have been indicted. This was a weirdly out there news story since it led to the real possibility that Ted Lieu seems to have a pension for moving up through his opponent's death. That was up until Bulger was arrested.

We also got the story about how the woman who reportedly stole Nancy Pelosi laptop was allowed to not only go out of state while under house arrest, but to do so because of a Renaissance Faire. If she had this laptop, then why haven't we heard about any of the information from it yet?

And of course, the classic move of taking a selfie while on the air, broadcasting the stations WiFi network and password. Eric Trump clearly did this on purpose, but as of yet we still don't know what that purpose was or is.

One last story that came out was the story of the Air Force Officer that was arrested after being AWOL for the last 35 years. While this on itself isn't that big of a story, what was it that this same guy was a suspect in sabotaging the Challenger Shuttle accident (as well as a few other rocket launches). This shouldn't be overlooked. Remember that photo that was shared here about the seven Astronauts still being alive?

A lot of interesting -Q- relative posts have been going on, while alot ,me included, of us have been focusing on Anne. So I purpose that unless -Q- posts something about Alice being dead, or Anne being Alice, or something related to Anne's death. we back burner it for now until more information comes forth. Something is clearly up with her death, but without knowing the full depth of what that maybe she's just going to be a mystery death like Mary Rogers.

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