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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: nowayreally

Durham objects to source of anti-Trump dossier wanting classified info for upcoming trial

A one-page document accompanying the Durham motion states the government objects to the "use, relevance and admissibility" of the classified information. This follows Danchenko recently filing a sealed motion signaling he intends to use classified information in his defense. 

The government has already provided Danchenko's attorneys with 5,000 classified documents and 61,000 unclassified documents, the Times reports, based on a court filing this spring.


FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Also Led Russia Collusion Probe. In RealClearInvestigations, Paul Sperry examines connections between the division investigating former President Trump’s handling of classified material at his Florida residence and Special Counsel John Durham’s earlier work.

edit on 8202022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Caled

Reviewing the Ring video, just like with Hastings, NOBODY would voluntarily drive their car that way, under any circumstances. Even a heart attack victim wouldn't mash the gas pedal relentlessly, it's counter intuitive.

Even the Audi sudden acceleration debacle was a fraud. I know Master techs who installed the shift interlock into those cars. It solved the acceleration "problem", see what I mean? Sure someone could mistake the gas and brake, my mom did it in her Accord, but to go all the way up to 90mph, over obstacles??? It's a one in a billion or less.

What do you mean exactly here? Are you saying that accelerator hacking is supposed to not be possible, or that there are other redundant safety features built into some or all makes to prevent typical runaway acceleration malfunctions? I presume the latter, but I don't recall the context of the Audi discussion with Caled that you are referring to.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

It should read 6 years, don't you think?

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Caled

Ever drive a remote-controlled car for the first time? You end up crashing it a few times until you get the hang of it. This could very well be what happened here with these bumps and scrapes before the house crash.

No, it doesn't work that way with a regular automobile, unless it has some automatic steering function. A car designed to be self driving. Perhaps an auto with automated parking features, but without servos that control the steering, it's not possible to control the vehicle remotely without the addition of special equipment, as far as I know.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Guyfriday
I'm no pro RC car assassin but wouldn't it make sense to let the person drive the car on their own until they are on a stretch of road where you would then take over and just floor it so the car can develop enough speed to get the job done?

I don't know about anyone else but if I'm not impaired, probably even if I am, and I turn right but the car goes left, I'm turning that car off, getting out and having it checked out because obviously something is wrong with it.

Totally agree, it doesn't work that way with a regular automobile. You might hack the accelerator, perhaps even the brakes, but you can't hack the steering if there are no servos to control the steering. Unless it were a car designed to be self driving, or perhaps with automated parking features. Otherwise you'd have to add a bunch of specialized equipment. It seems unlikely that a super auto assassin would want to work that hard.

Besides, this whole Heche discussion is way off topic.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: nowayreally
Ok maybe I’ve become grumpyoldlady with my posts lately….and admittedly not perusing the thread much lately bc …life….but weeks ago pages n pages Ann Hechce theories n such and come back on and it’s still pages n pages of heche (sp?) Gave me trauma flicker reminder of the pages of posts when Baldwin shot/didn’t shoot some colleague on set. Found those similarly aa tedious to get through….and yes, Thats with awareness of Baldwins vendetta against Trump, etc. So heche is Hollywood and crazy has many strange oddities, and she dated Ellen and was trauma victim…..that sum it is some? Or I missing something that has direct relevance to Qdrops or that Q referenced? If so could you please share that info so I can go from there to learn more? Otherwise, is it possible to create a thread specifically related to this? May garner more support there though I shall be abstaining atm. Not trying to be Dick bit Hollywood players gonna pay, have been playing, maybe I’m missing something but prefer hollyweirdoze discussions find their fan base there till Q-Heches/Baldwin, the likes have intel related to Q. But hey, whoami?! You all do you but Hollywood patsys were ‘so way last year(s) ago’ so not interested.

Totally agree. Enough with the Fifty Shades Of Heche already! Bleh!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:40 AM
Ha, word! "Here's the classified information that the FBI was looking for."

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:45 AM

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Except there is now electric power steering racks in most cars.

...but it's not a Q worthy subject outside of CP or WPP or Hollyweird.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: carewemust

Ellen has been talked about before in these threads as being part of the whole "Pedowood" problem. There was the whole leg thing while she was "Locked down" that seem to resemble being under house arrest, and then there was the investigations into her after sexual harassment allegations were made public, shortly afterwards it was announced that her show was to be canceled. Which it was. Yeah, Ellen has been brought up before so her connection to Anne doesn't surprise a lot of us here.

a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Unless he's willing to go out and publicly dig up some of those bodies he talked about, then he just comes across as a lot of talk.

And before a bunch of people jump on me about how much of a patriot he is, you all need to remember that he's supposedly sitting on a bunch of evidence of what Obama did to this country and hasn't done anything about informing the public about it. My Grandfather told, "Even a great man can become corrupt when handed enough power over their enemies."

Yes, it's because of that advice that I persist on the fact that -Q- might have become corrupted by holding evidence over the power elites. Like -Q-, if Flynn is just going to call people to arms, but never show them why they should fight, then what's to say that he isn't just going to use people like the power elites do?

If he believes that enough Americans are awake now, then he should drop the truth bomb on everyone.

Rel or somebody else correct me if I'm worng here, but if I remember correctly, Q said to 'Trust Flynn' and a question was asked in Q's posts, which was 'Who knows where all the bodies are buried?' I'm not so sure Q directly said 'Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried, and is supposed to be gonna drop the hammer on these people who have been burying the bodies that he knows about!' That is merely conjecture, if I'm remembering it correctly. Anybody correct me if I'm wrong, please. Whoever is supposed to know where all the bodies are buried, that may or may not be Flynn I thought.

Has he ever teased it like that in interviews? I don't recall him doing so, but I could be remembering it wrong. I did listen to some of them.

Anyhow, I thought the advice he did give in the op-ed wasn't all that bad:

I have been saying “local action equals national impact” for quite some time now. This is an action phrase meant to cause you to think about how you, as an American citizen, must now actively participate in the fabric of our society.

There is an abundance of ways to achieve this, and you can start right at home in your own community. Get involved and take the time to learn about all aspects of the people and processes running your local government. The corruption in our federal, state and local governments runs deep. This does not mean everyone involved is corrupt, but as we have witnessed, from those elected to those bureaucrats in government service, there are many who are corrupt.

If we choose to live by the phrase “consent of the governed,” we must now choose to stand, speak up and live by those words. Those are action words meant to drive us to be the finisher of our existence instead of inviting those grim reapers who seek even more power and authority as well as our demise.

The cry I hear more and more often these days is, “What can I do to help?” You can help by cleaning up voter registration rolls, supporting local canvassing efforts, joining in to help a political campaign whose ideas you support, volunteering for the hundreds of positions still unfilled in your local community, speaking to people in your church or other local community organizations — all of these are actions you can take. Otherwise, we stand to lose our rights and freedoms.

Nothing he is calling for there is illegal, or ill advised for that matter. I agree that it would be cool if he were to suddenly vomit a bunch of smoking gun dark secrets all of a sudden, though. Bring it, Flynn! Do it! Do it now!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

via "radio"

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:53 AM
You do a lot of projecting.

My claim is none of it looks or feels real.
While you spend all your efforts trying to prove yourself right and sticking to your own shoehorned narrative I am, as well as others, trying to make sense of so much senseless things in this weirdness.
For me I am going with WPP for now.
I am betting the homeowner is involved somehow as that one just doesn't set right.
Cranky gives great insights pointing out everything being inverted.
If the white hats intercepted info a hit was on her using the tech takeover of her miniC then a man-in-the-middle operation to extract her and run it live would really mess up any media collusion that had been planned ahead of time and could explain their disjointed and contradictions.
The garage episode could be WH staged.
The only certainty that can be had so far is that the story makes no sense.
You go ahead and continue to pretend you are the discerning voice.
But you simply seem to be trying to sell a narrative no matter what

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Nevercompromise
So you can't even confirm if it is real but you wanna claim it is the motive.

Why not, it is the Q thread after all.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

As far as I can tell what are commonly mistaken as chemtrails are usually jet exhaust. Most jet fuel isn't the cleanest stuff, but it sounds like you already know that. Whether some people in some aircraft may be clandestinely spraying chemicals onto the population might be debatable I suppose, but I'd guess it's a pretty rare occurrence when it's happening for clandestine reasons.

Either way, a red herring in my opinion as it relates to Q stuff, as I don't believe that the online poster known as Q ever mentioned chemtrails. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong here. I've seen it brought up by other SM users who are riding the Q bandwagon, but don't recall the term ever appearing in Q's posts.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Except there is now electric power steering racks in most cars.

...but it's not a Q worthy subject outside of CP or WPP or Hollyweird.

You may well be right. Electric assisted steering doesn't necessarily mean that electrical control of the steering would work like that. Still I know you're usually more up on the technical architecture in automotive design than I, so you may be right if you think it actually would or could work like that.

Anyhow, agree, interesting discussion, but we should table it for now. Let's do an auto hacking thread sometime in the future, or zombie the old one if it's already here.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Everything is a "red herring" when it comes to -Q-, except when it isn't. If -Q- is about "waking people up", then nothing is really off limits, but on the other hand you know something that nobody else seems to know (like what is this plan we are suppose to trust in) then it's hard pressed to say something is off limits if it can be linked to a -Q- post. Anne can be linked back to the topics of human trafficking due to her movie she was working on, connections she might have made by doing said movie, and her seemly tell all book. I know the book doesn't seem like it is, but if the people who were involved think that it might have been well there you go.

a reply to: TheBadCabbie

We weren't told which Flynn to trust in, did we now?
edit on 20-8-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
The problem with your assessment is that you are leaving out something none of us is certain about, the reason why any of this would be faked.

Someone mentioned a movie that someone else described as an exposé of pedowood, but it isn't, so that doesn't make for a good reason.

You then brought up a book which nobody here can say actually exists but from her description, which is all we have, doesn't sound like a good reason either.

Being Ellen's GF and supposedly breaking her MK programming over 20 years ago also doesn't sound like a good reason for something happening now.

So, all you have is "it seemed fake to me" and then run with a bunch of flimsy reasons why it may have been faked.

We have seen similar claims on these threads before: Avicii, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Paul Walker and probably others I can't recall all silenced cause they were about to drop the MOAB on the worldwide pedo elite ring. Meanwhile Q had the ear of a boatload of people, supposedly all the goods and the security of anonymity and they never dropped it either. Are you not seeing the pattern there?

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: daskakik
Here you go again.
If you were a tad invested you'd know others being killed , allegedly, for human trafficking knowledge are:
Chester Bennington
Chris Cornell
Paul Walker
There are more ,when you go down the rabbit hole the six degrees of separation thing gets spooky.
Maybe you should go down if you're going to naysay every damn thing that comes up. Educate yourself,it seems to be needed at this point.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: ujustneverknow
Funny, given the post above yours.

Also, even you said "allegedly, for human trafficking knowledge".

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 02:07 AM
I agree with this being a distraction as I too hate it when it gets clogged up.

Consider this the 7th inning.
Q has lead us to the final stage where before just the military operation of Q went kinetic and we were blessed with so much declas through the drops and dissemination of them.
But it really is us that is going kinetic with it now.
The midterms are less than 90 days away.
This is showtime. Everything will be happening all day once. And I mean everything.

All the trade agreements and treaties Trump negotiated in 2017 and 2018 go into effect Jan.1
The QFS I believe begins at the same time.
Zimbabwe, the country that issued a 100 trillion note a few years ago now has gold coins for their currency.
Iraq is replacing their government with military support and their currency looks to be ready to RV.

There is a boon coming next year where the entire world has a chance to lift everyone out of poverty the boon will be so big.

And if this is so I can guarantee 100% that not 1corrupt politician will be in power to receive credit for it.
Dick Morris has claimed in interviews about his new book that come November every county and State will have proven that they have restored election integrity back to the people.
He seemed to have been the lead on all the SC rulings we had a month ago having knowledge of the rulings beforehand. He says the coming Harper vs Schulz case will be taken up in September and ruled on by January or February.
It is my contention that it has already been ruled on.
It gives the Constitutional authority to run, manage and enforce all elections solely to the State Legislatures. This will remove the Governor's and SS from unconstitutional authority to enact laws for elections.
It may instantly flip 2020.

There is NO WAY the socialists/communists will have any power when the thing (I do not know what to call it.
I believe it to be a Jubilee)
The WEF wanted to hijack this event and trick us back into slavery with their"The great reset". What a dark and dystopian future that would hold.
The vaccine getting exposed destroys them though.
No. It looks like NESARA.

If so then this is where the work has to be done.
And only months to do it.
All the ports and trafficking and corruption in Cali and the border must be cleaned up
Otherwise we can write off it being NESARA.
I sense Anne Hecte is very much Q related.
The only reason Q world hasn't been focused on Hollywood and the LA scene with Hefner mansion and the Getty Museum and the carnivore clubs and etc. is because they were the first to go in the beginning. Tom Hanks, Oprah and Ellen obviously took arrows to the knees.
PG started all this and then it never got pursued it seems and the left worked overtime to shut down the Convo .
Even though the likes of Weinstein, Spacey, Hanks, Oprah and John of god, the Bronfmans and Keith Reneir and NXIUM, les Wexner, Epstein, Ghislaine and many others got prosecuted it still is not talked about...yet

I believe the reason is this.
PG was used as bait to expose the election fraud, the FBI, DOJ, and media collusion.
And IMO it has to happen before Jan. 1 2023

In Cali and the border is coming.
The cartels are so unbelievably rich,manned and armed.

Does anyone have any ideas how that gets cleaned up peacefully?
I cannot.

The threat of WW3 against Russian and Chinese troops that work up from South America under the guise of meeting USA troops at the border can most likely be the cover if Xi, Putin and our own Commander in Chief are working together.

IMO there is no way whatsoever that such an historic economic boon event will be credited to this rancid and decaying corpses now in control (seemingly)

Yup Hollywood and the cartels.
I'd include D.C. but they are impotent and nobody is there.

Q is going live people

a reply to: Nevercompromise

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: GAPeach3
a reply to: Roxstar

I had a 1984 Z28, 5 speed, T-Tops, loaded. Most fun I ever had. I was always 1 point away from losing my license. In my 20s I had all 5 speed sport cars. A 76 Corvette, it was automatic, a 280Z, the Z28, I ran the wheels off 2 different Celica GTS. Now that I've grown older I enjoy my big F150 4WD Lariat. On my 2nd one of those.

Every one of those were awesome. Also, they had electronic ignitions and other early sophistications. We are going to need cars with points to get past the ability of someone to hack our cars. The brake lines are all they have besides a bomb in our car with the old "analog" cars.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: guidedbyblake

Rel is just concurring with ML that low-tech autos have some merit. Although fringe in some respects, it reflects the thinking of the general public in regards to overcomplexity of autos.

TG makes the case for archaic design.

That is one extraordinarily dangerous experiment. Those weren't NASCAR's Hans Devices in those "race car" cabs...... I love the Hindustan cab was the winner.

I would not buy one but it looked tough as nails when the NASCAR style paint swapping started.

edit on 20-8-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Caled

Reviewing the Ring video, just like with Hastings, NOBODY would voluntarily drive their car that way, under any circumstances. Even a heart attack victim wouldn't mash the gas pedal relentlessly, it's counter intuitive.

Even the Audi sudden acceleration debacle was a fraud. I know Master techs who installed the shift interlock into those cars. It solved the acceleration "problem", see what I mean? Sure someone could mistake the gas and brake, my mom did it in her Accord, but to go all the way up to 90mph, over obstacles??? It's a one in a billion or less.

What do you mean exactly here? Are you saying that accelerator hacking is supposed to not be possible, or that there are other redundant safety features built into some or all makes to prevent typical runaway acceleration malfunctions? I presume the latter, but I don't recall the context of the Audi discussion with Caled that you are referring to.

Regardless of how exactly it can be made to happen, you have to know it was impossible to hijack a non existent computer on the older cars.

Now we have been in the computer control world of engines, fuel input, braking etc. that we just can't ignore the possibilities because we just "don't think it can happen". It can happen is on the table of possibilities.

If it can, and someone with enough money wants this type of takeover of a vehicle to happen so a target is eliminated for the DS, then it surely will happen.

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