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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:25 AM
Report: Man Who Was in Charge of Security During Capitol Riot Dies, Cause Not Announced

Stenger stepped down in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot, after then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell asked for his resignation. He had been the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Senate between 2018 and 2021. Previously, he had served in the Secret Service.

News of Stenger’s death, without the cause being announced immediately, set off questions.

It came after the Jan. 6 Committee announced that it would be meeting on Tuesday, in a surprise move.

Shot Dead ?????
Follow below As I
Missed this ATS Thread - before I posted

edit on 6282022 by MetalThunder because: carry on

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:08 AM

We are working to END.
Not as it appears.

Nice Work ThanQ
edit on 28-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:32 AM

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:44 AM
The similarities between trump and the illuminati card game are all too big for me to ignore. Something makes me think this was planned years ago. Alex Jones, Donald trump and q have all been put in place to mislead conspiracy theorists to evoke a civil war?

This is just one example of many similarities/predictions this game has made.

The card reads "too preoccupied with your house cleaning, you may draw no plots this turn". Lots of people will be getting thrown under the bus in this q movement I imagine.
edit on 28-6-2022 by Aeris420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
Google magic: shopping center immediately after the attack has been closed for 4 months

Look Now

The Russian Federation confirms the attack on the city. But he claims that his planes hit "hangars with weapons and ammunition from the United States and European countries

I imagine it must be pretty common for civilian buildings to be commandeered by the military in situations like this.

Those 1000 "civilians" the Ukrainian government said were killed were probably a mix of Ukrainian military, foreign mercenaries, and CIA/covert assets that our country would rather not acknowledge.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

As I said, it will no longer be necessary to decode to validate Q.
The evidences are and will be before our eyes.
Just keep them open
and not stubbornly closed

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:29 AM
Yes. Yes indeed.

Although this one isn't actually Q (I added that). I am pretty sure this is James O'Keefe.

originally posted by: Aeris420
The similarities between trump and the illuminati card game are all too big for me to ignore. Something makes me think this was planned years ago.

edit on 6/28/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:37 AM
I Googled "qanon" and alot of mainstream media outlets are talking about it so I'm assuming it's real.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:59 AM

Earlier Monday the select panel announced a surprise hearing, with about 24 hours’ notice, “to present recently obtained evidence and receive witness testimony.” That statement included no details on the testimony or witnesses — and the sudden schedule change intensified intrigue in Washington, where the panel has mounted a carefully choreographed set of hearings about the former president’s election subversion.

It’s unclear why the panel expedited Hutchinson’s hearing, or whether she will appear alongside other significant witnesses. Hutchinson was present during meetings between Meadows and multiple House Republicans who aided Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election. Snippets of her video deposition supported the committee’s contention that several of those Republicans later sought presidential pardons.

She also recalled hearing of Trump’s Jan. 6 movements on a Secret Service radio channel that broadcast his location to West Wing aides. That channel helped her discern that Trump was in the Oval Office dining room after his rally speech that afternoon.

More details in this thread.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Aeris420
The similarities between trump and the illuminati card game are all too big for me to ignore. Something makes me think this was planned years ago. Alex Jones, Donald trump and q have all been put in place to mislead conspiracy theorists to evoke a civil war?

This is just one example of many similarities/predictions this game has made.

The card reads "too preoccupied with your house cleaning, you may draw no plots this turn". Lots of people will be getting thrown under the bus in this q movement I imagine.

Something something discordians, ‘god of chaos’, a bunch of channeled stuff about densities and dimensional realms, universal ancient end of the world accounts + universal future end of the world prophecies, algorithms becoming sentient, time traveling AI, inter dimensional energy feeding, satanic panic gone manic, Q source for the gospels, cia ran Twitter accounts, lots of black eyes and broke ankles, an island and a plane with an ambulance and a dentist chair, and a billionaire who did not kill himself in prison, decoding the signs in the skies, decoding the typos/time stamps/trolls on Twitter, honorable mentions for every cult that’s ever been documented to have existed, meme warfare, weaponized emotions, and even an ancient castle run by some lady that the Rothschilds bow to, Princess Di and JFK faked their own deaths and Donald Trumps uncle knew the secrets of time travel and Tesla free energy…
Like sands through the hourglass ⏳, we watch our time slip away.

It’s all chaos here. Order it as you see fit.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Aeris420

The similarities between trump and the illuminati card game are all too big for me to ignore. Something makes me think this was planned years ago. Alex Jones, Donald trump and q have all been put in place to mislead conspiracy theorists to evoke a civil war?

It is rather strange that such a controlled corrupted system would allow a real outsider or uncontrolled outsider to come in, doesn't it.

Lawrence Lessig summed it up nicely in an interview by saying something along the lines of:

"By the time you hear of your candidate that you can support , they have already been bought and paid for."

edit on 27630America/ChicagoTue, 28 Jun 2022 11:27:06 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: interupt42

"By the time you hear of your candidate that you can support , they have already been bought and paid for."

Gore Vidal stated many times that the biggest threat to the Deep State was a person that didn't need their money nor their help. In Trump that happened. Many Democrats would go ask him for money to run their campaigns, and many more would try and solicit his help and advice. So when he decided to run as a Republican, it rubbed many of them in the worst kind of way. He couldn't be bought, since he was a financer for them, and he couldn't be out thought since he was the one they would ask for help.

Gore Vidal might have had a few issues, but he laid all this out decades ago, all one has to do is listen to any number of his speeches. No wonder JA was reading his books.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:40 AM
PFS, fyi - I still have all the 6104 deleted @PapiTrumpo tweets in our spreadsheet.

...should you need your Mar-A-Lago party invite!

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:40 AM
Words have meaning.

Declaration of Independence remember, since 1776 nearly all the world knows of the document, not one country has improved on it, and this one has done everything it can to make folks ignorant to what it means, and destroy it without replacement.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

So not the King/Queen (either name or title), not the Monarchy, but the Crown. The "State of Great Britain" but remember the Crown moved to London, and became a separate country. The US moved to DC, and became a separate country. It appears to me someone knew this would happen, as there was no reason to make the distinction at the time. Which came first, the The Plan or the Constitution?

So, according to the document that evidently gave women, sorry birthing people, the right to abortion, the Crown is where the focus should be. When the Draco representative/symbol is announced dead, that western coalition collapses entirely for the time there is no "monarch" which means the treaties and other deals are off in the US. Australia has announced they are leaving (already have) Canada appears in actions to have left the monarchy, and the US's deals will collapse. The Queen's death is big. The recent States Rights (see above quote differently now) ruling was the biggest release I've seen in a while, the Queen/Crown collapse will be far far bigger.


So Snake Plisken is driving me around on Sunday and I see the "Museum of Tolerance" sign on the freeway (there are more than one btw). Now, there are museums to cars, which shows things about cars, and museums to modern art, which shows modern art, and museums to Hummels, which display Hummels. In the title of the museum is what the museum is dedicated to.

So the "Museum of Tolerance" (a really dark place btw) is quite literally a museum showing the atrocities of INTOLERANCE, not tolerance. The correct name of the museum should be "Museum of Intolerance" and it is dedicated to showing what Intolerance is about. By INVERTING the verbiage they successfully justify the atrocities by suggesting folks should be tolerant of all forms of intolerance = perpetual victim. People are told by the sign that the building is dedicated to "Tolerance" and they walk into the heaviest energy not under a volcano and see atrocities = tolerance.

The language is hidden in plain sight, the inversions are too. It is important to see them, they are the spells, ignore the morons who cannot read, write or grow, they cannot see any of this and are lost forever. Pay attention to the language, the spells, the inversions and break the mind control quickly.

And here is KamKam speaking in a foreign language. Gibberish

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Your link was also highlighted by Gene Decode in his latest interview with Nicholas Veniamin, on 27th:

Rumble link... 7:35 mark

Gene explains it as part of the Law of Karma - they have to not just tell us what they're going to do but also tell us what they have done. Hence you get links like yours, months after the event.
edit on 28-6-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 12:00 PM
#97 Pope will be having a terrible May.

A stunning book has just come out... 'Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius 11, Mussolini and Hitler' by David Kertzer.

Difficult truths.

I imagine that Pope Francis was given an advanced copy prior to publication, which would have been in May. It must have been a terrible May and I can only imagine the public relations nightmare ahead.

Pope Francis opened their archives to historians on March 2,2020 and has now ordered the release of 170 volumes from Pius 11 archives to be posted on-line for the public, who can now verify the findings in the book.

Very serious.
1.When the Jews were rounded up in Italy, they were held very close to the Vatican. Representatives from the Vatican went there and selected only those Jews who had converted to the Catholic faith or who were married to a Christian.

"For me, what this means is that the Vatican participated in the selection of Jews [in the holocaust], basically who is going to live and who is going to die."
- This also demonstrates that the Vatican and Mussolini had a cooperative relationship.

2. Through Pope Pius 11 he ordered the Vatican newspaper not to write about German atrocities and encouraged co-operation with Mussolini.

3. The Vatican never denounced the SS massacres, even as Italian Jews were rounded up and put on trains.

4. Jesuit connection> Years after the war there has been so much controversy over Pope Pius11 and what really transpired during WW11. Jesuits were heavily involved in what information was taken from the archives and published. "Controlled" access=controlled narrative.
"Jesuits sometimes looked at one half of a document and the other half no, leading to strange omissions."

Two omissions:
a. There were secret meetings between Pius 11 and a personal envoy of Hitler, Prince Philipp von Hessen. This meant that the Pope had a direct line of communication with Hitler.

b. The second issue involves the appearance of anti-semitism. The full contents from Pope Pius 11 top advisor on Jewish affairs was filled with slurs against the Jews. Might not have had the interest of saving Jewish people.

The timing of this is very curious. Normally all of this would be withheld for 70 years and it has now been 75 years for historians and 77 for the public. Just wondering if this is timed to further erode the Christian faith and cause greater division in the world. During the plandemic people were separated from their churches and religious leaders and now this?

Vatican Pious 11 and the Holocaust

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 12:14 PM
The Pope will be having a terrible May.

Just an oddity but I found this article when looking under 'Crimes Against Humanity and the Hauge'. It certainly made me curious.
So would their actions during WW 2 be considered Crimes Against Humanity? Even if the Vatican was prosecuted would it make any difference?

Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?
Recipe for ....... < The 7 dots might represent Vatican/ Francis/ Jesuits.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 12:24 PM
Beyond the Horizon Together

Everyday, we are each given the present of 1,440 moments.
As creators, we have the choice to do with them as we please.
And in this revelation, we uncover power...
how our words & actions connect us to one another.

The never-ending "fight or flight" narrative is draining.
Trapping ourselves in loops of misery & despair.
Offering reasons to hate or blame those we have never met,
without considering they might be just like us.

God is using this time to wake us to his perfect law of love.
Stop, see, connect and reconcile.
Go beyond opinions & talking points disguised as news...
to find calm & courage to break from the narrative.

Using mirror lessons to flip a ME perspective into WE.
Guiding us to rediscover that humanity is stronger together.
Empathizing, forgiving and leading by example...
uniting us in the understanding all have been trapped or misled.

Home is where the heart is.
And where we protect the things most special to us.
Heaven within us just waiting to be re-discovered & shared,
re-igniting our spirit and zest to live again.

As our eyes continue to open, we must face our past.
Can we see ourselves in those still sleeping?
Overcoming the urge to cast stones to find our balance,
using the comfort & mercy given to us to share with others.

The power in spreading random acts of kindness...
unexpected moments of joy stealing attention from a dark narrative
to create flashes of beauty across a stormy sky.
Measuring our successes one smile at a time.

Be still and know...
this has always been about returning power to WE, the people.
The power of choice has always been ours.
God is just waiting for us to BE STILL and TRUST.

God is with us.
God sees no sides.
God is in full control.
God is all we need.

We are all children of God, and
a Father's love knows no bounds.
Choosing to leave the 99 to search for the lost 1.
The only path to true peace is found together.

Peace is the prize
& forgiveness means everything.

Everyday you should reach out and touch someone’s heart.
Time to work Harder then ever before … 117% Love
Everything has been flipped/MIRRORED For this very reason...

[y vid]7eYcW pgCb7o[/yv id]

edit on 28-6-2022 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Jun 28 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
That settles it.

And somebody at that company knows who ordered them.
Pine Hall Brick Compny

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 01:20 PM
There is HOPE!
Under the guise of "Court Security" involving the safety of the Supreme Court Judges is an amendment:

"The biggest change to the Senate-passed text would allow Covid-19 vaccines to be covered under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund!"

There is confusion as to why they do not want to pass the funding quickly to protect the Supreme Court Judges. It is all about this amendment.

Currently the Covid-19 vaccines are not covered and if a claim is to be made it has to go to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program which has paid out zero to date.

This is all about the $$$. When the Covid-19 vaccines are added to the National Vaccine injury Compensation Fund the Big Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna will be subjected to a $.75 fee per dose. That will cut into profits! They will not like that. Just wondering what Fauci and gang will do to derail this.

File under the category 'These people are stupid" the Joint Committee on Taxation believe that this will add an additional $732 million to the fund over the next 10 years. Meanwhile this fund is just sitting there with $4.3 billion unused. Thank goodness for that because they are going to need that reserve to pay out the tsunami of incoming claims.

Now it is all up to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. What say you? Then the next question is will Biden sign it or whoever is telling him what to do have him sign it?

Court Security Bill- Covid-19 Vaccination Amendment

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