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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: dashen

Judge Nathan: "A significant sentence is necessary. I take into account the history & characteristics of the defendant, including her present lack of danger. She had an overbearing father. She's engaged in environment conservation." [Terramar] "The sentencing submissions did not express remorse or accept responsibility. Ms. Maxwell is entitled to exercise her right to go to trial. But I will take into account her lack of remorse. I conclude that a sentence of 240 months is right. That is 20 years. Then five years of supervised release. I impose a fine of $750,000. She has received a $10 million bequest from Epstein."

Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim: The bequest in the will, she has received nothing.
Judge Nathan: There are additional assets. The sentence as stated is imposed. Designation?
Sternheim: We request the BOP facility in Danbury, Connecticut. And the FIT program.

This guy tweeted out the entire transcript.

Unlike the MDC in Manhattan, I've heard Danbury is one of those resort camp prisons...low security. Beginning in the 1970s, Yale Law School began providing legal services for prisoners at Danbury. Two of Maxwell's prosecutors are Yale law grads.

According to Techno_Fog, after Maxwell was charged, there was ANOTHER ongoing grand jury investigation into "other possible co-conspirators of Jeffrey Epstein. That investigation has not been made public.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: NoAlienBastards

I've worked in sales for most of my career until recently and if you think people have common sense you're in for a rude shock.

Oh trust me I'm sadly aware common sense is not not common any longer.

You're giving the media and Derp State too much credit.

its not only the media its the whole system that works against the truth and the people. They keep you busy with trying to make a living, paying bills, surviving raising children, fighting with the OTHERs, then the MSM comes in to spoon feed you the news and narrative they want you to see. Most people aren't immune to the constant physical and mental herding methodologies they bombard them with .

Unfortunately the derp state has a pretty solid record demonstrating their success rates against the majority of the population. Heck they shut down the world economies and got the majority to wear an ineffective mask and then got them to blindly shoot themselves and their kids with an experimental drug for a flu that had a 99.99% survival rate.

They even convinced the masses to go along with the narrative that epstein killed himself while all cameras failed and guards fell asleep. They also convinced the people that there is nothing to see with Enemy #1 Osama bin Laden getting killed and quickly being disposed without any verification while the seals involved suicides themselves. In addition to Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch the day before the doj charges were going to be filled had a secret meeting on the tarmac about grandkids that loretta doesn't have. Just recently the reporter that exposed the secret tarmac meeting suicided himself and the lists go on and on and on.

The list of their accomplishments is huge . you can call them derps and make fun of them , but they have a solid record of wins with making ridiculous things stick ,getting rid of evidence, getting rid of witnesses, and 0 accountability.

I wish it wasn't true but proof is in their pudding .

Love you.

Glad to see we can still have differing opinions and still have a cordial argument. Especially when it appears that we all want the same end game (justice and removing corruption from gov't)

edit on 08630America/ChicagoTue, 28 Jun 2022 19:08:46 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:41 PM
Little History
Familiar scene

edit on 6282022 by MetalThunder because: ANNI 201

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:10 PM

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:13 PM
Bit off topic but has anyone questioned why John Mcafee is still in a Spanish morgue without a funeral or burial despite seemingly committing suicide more than a year ago?
edit on 28/6/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:59 PM
JUST IN: The U.S. will allocate 296,000 monkeypox vaccine doses to states in the coming weeks, including 56,000 immediately - Reuters

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Endless distraction.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guy, if we consider that Ghislane rolled on a handful of people, in order to get a 55 yr sentence reduced to 20, then is it not pretty likely that prosecutors have already taken video affidavits on her evidences?

If she's dead then her video testimonies cannot be cross examined by defense lawyers in court?

Surely those at risk would take a more logical course of keeping her alive to cross-examine, whilst threatening her loved ones, and try to get her to renounce the video evidence?

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:24 PM

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

It's so funny, I have to mention it... I just found my personal copy of the DOI from 1976 Bicentennial. It's torn and tattered, looking authentic it would make a nice frameable keepsake. Except, I got a few of my idiot 11 year-old friends to sign it along with me. Such a comic aftermath, and somewhat ironic, I suppose.
edit on 28-6-2022 by FlyingFox because: typ0

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm thinking back to the whole "When does a caged bird sing" thing. They sing when they feel safe.
Since Maxwell believed that she was going to be safe she sung all the time about nonsense over her treatment in jail. The fact that she only got 20 years says that the Judge might have some reason to worry, maybe they feel comprised, maybe they were told to put here in jail to shut her up, or something else along those lines. Now that she shouldn't feel safe anymore she might react like a cornered animal.

On top of that, if she was thinking that she was protected because of what she knows, and she still knows that she might be "Suicided" while in jail, then the people that are worried about her talking might try and stop it. Maxwell wouldn't be the only animals that might feel cornered, but also the people that are listed in the book.

I wonder if we start counting down from ten today or tomorrow. If this is the correct line of thinking, if not just ignore all these posts.

Something to think about: if she's dead from "Suicide" then any testimonies she had given can be dismissed as the rantings of a crazy person, then just like with Epstein, she can go away from the collective mind sets. After all we now know why the Jan 6th hearing had to be done today. It was to media hide this sentencing.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
I truly do miss the Icy Jesus!
Had a lot of lofty info....


posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Guy, if we consider that Ghislane rolled on a handful of people, in order to get a 55 yr sentence reduced to 20, then is it not pretty likely that prosecutors have already taken video affidavits on her evidences?

If that had happened there would not have been a trial. She and the prosecution would have done the deal and she would have plead guilty.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:03 PM
Copium the likes of which you have never seen.🤣

Joe Has No Idea WTF is Going on in Germany as Macron Pleads for More Oil Production in the U.S.:

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guy, Re your #88 comment:

I wonder if the ten days of darkness, means that Maxwell will only serve ten days in jail, then "suicide". If we go back and look at what Q-88 says, it has ten days and darkness as two separate lines.

All I know is that I've now had 3 pointers to that post in the last 12 hours!

The third being Phil Godlewski, LIVE tonight, wearing a red hat with LTSL and red t-shirt (RED2) emblazoned with DAVIDSON (Do the math... to confirm his expectation of events in days "If not hours"!)

The hat is a dashen gem and the shirt is the map destination.

The RED2 reference is in #4414 which also aligns with that post.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:23 PM

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Possibly because there is no body to release?

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:25 PM
This is the way.

originally posted by: pteridine
In the past, I have espoused a few reasons why Q exists. Most recently. on Telegram, o proposed that Q, admonishing us not to interfere with military or police, wants to control an armed force lest they take matters into their own hands and perturb whatever the plan is. Without knowledge that such a thing exists, Antifa and BLM rioters would likely have been smoked and a civil war started. After further consideration, I am extending my proposal to Q and the White Hats wanting to ally themselves with the largest civilian armed force in the world before anything actually happened overtly, to prevent confusion.
We were let in on the secret with coded messages and pointed at different things to look at. Our mission is to help the transition of the sleepers and calm them during trying times which may be true. The busy work of decoding and inferring meanings coupled with the Q map worked well. Alpha personalities were not fixing bayonets or looking for a good hide to snipe from, they were internet soldiers, making memes and posting in ATS and other sites where they could be watched by the White Hats.
The pot was boiling and the White Hats knew they need to show something to keep the lid on. R v Wade showed that reason has returned to SCOTUS and the rule of law may actually be back. Many are still angry that we have been tortured for so long and the White Hats will need a really good explanation.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:28 PM

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: pteridine

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