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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 01:51 PM
Yeah. I looked for a better picture. There is a reason the full resolution hasn't been released by TMZ. I doubt it was alcohol, but even if it was, it would have to be straight hard liquor and she would have needed to chug it. Maybe it was Pepsi or Pepsi Nitro.

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Caled
I forgot to post the link to where I got the pic of the car. So I will post it here. I do see what your saying about the air bag tag
The picture of her right after she hit the mini storage is also on this page.......They are saying that there was a bottle of alcohol in her console, which is does look like it could be to me but just because she was drinking doesn't necessarily mean there wasn't foul play. I think the woman has been carrying a heavy load in her mind since the Ellen days.


edit on 8/18/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:08 PM
The CDC must be losing it. They are completely nuking their reputation with something so stupid.

Now dogs can catch monkey pox from men who have it. I am trying not to go there but this is leading to all kinds of "strange thoughts".
According to the CDC "Infected people should not take care of exposed pets." I guess the CDC feels cats are safe though.
This leads back to some of the "strange thoughts".
Could they be destroying their rep on purpose?

Dogs and Monky pox Transmission

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
Here is the response that I got from my friend who is the retired Fire Chief.

12:05 PM
Capt. Sweet Daddy
Firefighters don’t carry body bags. Not sure if ambulance does. Normally that will be the coroner that has the bags.
How many firefighters at a station. Conway has 2 (or more) per truck. So the station I used to work at had 1 Engine and we would run 3 people on it. E-4 might run 2. Central Station has an rescue, engine, truck and ambulance so you might have 8 people or more not counting staff people.
Yes and no on neck brace. You don’t have to put one on. If the wreck is bad you would say mechanism of injury is bad so go ahead and put on a collar. Or of course if somebody is complaining of neck pain, put on a collar. If you arrive on scene to wreck and they say they are fine, you don’t put on a collar. If that same person changes their mind and says their neck is starting to hurt, you put on a collar and transport to hospital (unless they refuse and are sound mind). If they aren’t sound mind you go ahead and do it under implied consent (if they were sound mind they would want it).

I’ve been on wrecks with dead people hanging out car door window and we would put a tarp or a blanket over them. Mainly so people driving by doesn’t see it.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Anne Worleski was the other one associated with the coming child trafficking film that died recently (3 weeks ago?). It seems she had been gathering info worldwide and had briefed Anne Heche.

From the rollout tweet you link posted here the other day from my friend, do you not find this curious that out of all the cars that could have been on the road at the time these two crash with these people?

“what happened on August 3, which was when a car driven by St. Joseph County Republican Party Chair Zachery Potts suddenly crossed the centerline of a roadway on a clear day crashing head on into the vehicle of Edith Schmucker,—

killing both of them, along with US Congresswoman Walorski and her communications manager Emma Thomson”

ETA to save space, Yes Rel I will shoot you the link for the show

edit on 8/18/22 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I hear ya! I could drink til dawn then go to a Waffle House to eat and sober up back in the day. Thankfully I never tried anything other than weed and alcohol. I saw my friends all tracked up on their arms and halfway out of their minds when they were on the s**t and it broke my heart.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Synchronicity strikes again.

Lessons from anthrax attacks. I was looking into the historical vaccine timeline. What are the chances that the CDC on December 13, 2019 published ACIP recommendations on the use of BioThrax for a potential mass anthrax attack?

Just like with monkey pox it revolves around stretching out the supply and concerns about the investigational status.

This one is new for me> "Pre emergency use authorization under the proposed EUA."
Trust the Science and the signs keep repeating "Science is real." I have my doubts.

Vaccine Timeline
Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the U.S.: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee

Thanks for the Vax timeline, good reference.

Andrew Weber, overseeing DTRA 2008-14, on 2005 trip to a Ukraine bio lab. Showing lethal anthrax to junior senator Obama.
Weber's DTRA funded Ukraine labs.
Weber's 1st wife was the exec secretary for Hillary Clinton
Peter Daszak and EcoHealth also worked with DTRA alongside Weber at these labs.

Obama speech, November 1, 2005

Russia's anthrax started as "Hagan's best" from Iowa.


Doomsday and Life After Death, and Cosmology and Human Destiny, which contained the following prediction: “During the autumn of 2000-2001, due to the high energy solar cycle and its impact on people, certain crazy actions are likely to happen.” Then they uncovered some very incriminating raw material. One item was a diagram of a helium balloon designed to release large quantities of anthrax spores into the atmosphere.

Another was a large document titled “Bacteria: What You Need to Know.”
And a hefty file folder contained a bundle of papers from an Internet search on anthrax vaccines.

Then there was a dossier. It contained information on a place in New York called the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. There was even a New York Times article in the dossier about this island.

Why would an associate of Osama bin Laden be so interested in some obscure New York island?

If Plum Island isn’t exactly a household name in America, it apparently holds a prominent place in the minds of people like Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood. And it’s not the sandy beaches and swaying plum trees they’re after.

War Research Service launched “Project No. 1 ” in 1942. Dr. Hagan was chosen to take the lead. Dean of the Cornell University Veterinary College, Dr. Hagan was an expert on Bacillus anthracis, or anthrax, a disease of sheep and cattle. Also known as woolsorter’s disease, because the germ occasionally infected people shearing wool off sheep, it was a rare human affliction—but an exceptionally lethal one. Merck thought it would make a superb bioweapon and commissioned it as WRS’s first priority. Anthrax is virulent, but it carries a minimal threat of a boomerang because it is not contagious person to person.

Dr. Hagan tested many sample strains of anthrax (which WRS codenamed “N”) in a four-foot-tall glass apparatus called a vinegar tower.

What about Plum Island itself and anthrax? The USDA made it a priority after the anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001 to state repeatedly that it did not have and never had anthrax on Plum Island. If that really is true, it is quite curious that the FBI’s lie detector tests for scientists suspected of the anthrax attacks included these three questions:

• Have you ever been to Plum Island?

• Do you know anybody who works at Plum Island?

• What do they do there?

Lab 257 - How lyme disease was created

The first organism that had its full genetic map sequenced as of 2001 was anthrax. Crazy. The government wanted to sequence anthrax before September 11, 2001.

The first use of the word "biosurveillance" in the US media occurred in early October 2001, when the anthrax letters were still in the mail system.

Robert W Malone

The book "Big Shot: Passion, Politics, and the Struggle for an AIDS Vaccine" - (Amazon, released 1 week after 9/11) suggests Malone working with Dr. Nancy Haigwood 12 years before 9/11. It's one of The best books you'll find on this bio subject.

Gary Rhodes (deceased) and Jon Wolff (deceased), both in "Big Shot", led the work and also worked with Haigwood (helped FBI target Bruce Ivins for anthrax letters)

Ukraine's Antonov AN225: Only aircraft capable of carrying a container-sized BSL4 laboratory.

2004: Ukraine's army withdrew from Iraq

2004: Hussein's mobile BSL-4 anthrax labs went missing - stolen using a crane.

2005: Ukraine had anthrax production.

Put the pieces together.

edit on 18-8-2022 by XtheMadnessNow because: Links

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Roxstar
I wonder if the guy that sold her the wig was the last person she talked with. Maybe we should look at him a little closer....

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

That human to animal transmission S**T has to stop! Those bastards need to be locked away in an asylum and never returned
to society.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
The CDC must be losing it. They are completely nuking their reputation with something so stupid.

Now dogs can catch monkey pox from men who have it. I am trying not to go there but this is leading to all kinds of "strange thoughts".
According to the CDC "Infected people should not take care of exposed pets." I guess the CDC feels cats are safe though.
This leads back to some of the "strange thoughts".
Could they be destroying their rep on purpose?

Dogs and Monky pox Transmission

I think I had the same thoughts about those 2 kids who got monkey pox. It's almost exclusively an STD, so.... perhaps we should be taking a closer look at the relationships between those kids and the guys they caught it from.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Oh it's definitely a high priority when encountering an accident victim who is trapped in a vehicle. Only special circumstances would preclude it, and I'm not sure what those would be. Almost every scenario I could imagine, you'd still want to stabilize the cervical spine before moving the patient if c-spine injury is suspected from the wreck, which is pretty much 100% of the time.

I have some emergency medical training, though it was many years ago, and I have little field experience. Still, I doubt this has changed much. There may be reasons to not apply a brace, but they are few I'd guess.

If she were alert and responsive, and categorically refused the brace but thought she might have a broken leg or something, and wanted the cover just so the media couldn't have a look at her, then freaked out and unzipped the bag because she felt suffocated in it, that could explain the odd video. Doesn't explain how she was dead twenty minutes later, or was supposed to be dead at the scene(?), but it might explain why she didn't have a brace on in the video.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I agree. We have seen all the major players involved in this whole mess but oddly Apple seems to have been rather quiet.
There must be something about them that has been overlooked and they are being honored with a medal of freedom. Off the hook? Honored for avoiding detection?
What has their role been?

A lot of the big tech companies seem to have a connection, or a potential connection, to intelligence gathering.

Facebook and other social media
McAfee and other antivirus companies
The internet in general and connected products
Encryption services with back-doors
Game communications

Apple is known primarily for their cellphones these days. That could be an extraordinarily rich source of intel, with a little government cooperation.

There have been so many discussions of technological spying and influence in these threads. I’m thinking pretty much anything that can be exploited is probably compromised.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
Absolutely we should. I'd say rape kits should be done on every thing (child or animal that can't defend themselves) that gets it.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
I don't get the need for the body bag. If they were trying to shield her from the media, why not just put a blanket over her? Can you imagine coming to (if that was the case) inside a body bag?....Geez

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Caled
In a podcast before the accident she was talking about drinking vodka with wine chasers so that bottle with a red metallic looking cap could just be a pint of vodka.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
I don't get the need for the body bag. If they were trying to shield her from the media, why not just put a blanket over her?

It wasn't a body bag, you could see her feet sticking out from under the sheet.

Pic of her being transported

edit on 18-8-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

That's interesting. I know the instructor emphasized the need to stabilize the cervical spine strongly in his teaching. He did also say that the protocols of the particular area we might be working in would often dictate in what circumstances and how certain procedures should be implemented, and that some of that might differ somewhat from the instruction we received in training.

I thought the bag might be some sort of burn treatment device, basically a clean bag to keep her burns from getting crud in them as they pulled her from the vehicle and moved her. I know contamination of a burn site is a big concern for serious burns. You want to prevent secondary infection.

Off topic from the medical aspect, but another poster said earlier that usually brakes beat runaway engine. I'd say that's generally true, vehicles are designed that way, the brakes should stop the vehicle even with a runaway engine. However, if brakes overheat, then they can become ineffective. Also, if the brakes were tampered with, then they would not work when needed. Emergency/parking brake usually will not overcome a runaway engine. If the brakes were electrically boosted, they were probably hackable. Hydraulic brakes can of course be compromised with access to the vehicle.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

I'd tend to agree. If you consider the world population as the numerical sample, and every technologically savvy human who can manipulate a piece of technology as an opportunity for tech abuse to occur, it looks an awful lot like a statistical impossibility for that sort of thing not to be occurring.

That's why voting machines were always a horrible idea. It wasn't necessarily that the people implementing and promoting them were just raring to abuse them (even though they probably were), it was the fact that putting such technology in place guaranteed its abuse over time. It's the height of naivete to assume that this technology would never be abused. Billions of opportunities for abuse over a long enough time period. They would undoubtedly be abused sooner or later.

Anyhow, great argument for not buying a newer vehicle with a bunch of wireless connectivity, that's for sure.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

That's probably a good idea. Is there any security cam footage from that area? Maybe she got poked with something? There's got to be some CCTV footage out there

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: carewemust

I had heard something a few months ago that "Hunters" Laptop or the "Laptop from Hell" was code for actually Weiner's Laptop which is much worse. They are using Hunter as a decoy and it was brought up if you trace who had the Weiner laptop within the NYPD and who they were close with it comes down to being Rudy getting it and passing it along to Trump/military. Do we believe that all of the people that had supposedly seen the laptop had all committed suicide or were snuffed out by Hillary? Is there a chance they are in Witsec at secret tribunals?

I contended along time ago that I didn't believe that the laptops were just left there. Even Hunter isn't that dumb. He either turned long ago or was forced to hand it over and that is the story they are using to embarrass the Biden crime family.

I say there is a lot of truth in here that has not been lost on me. The reports of these tough NY City cops getting violently ill after watching videos on Wiener's laptop leave little doubt it was nasty bad.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
But she wasn't involved in the girl in room 13 movie.

Seems people are trying to connect dots that are not there.

Meanwhile, the people really fighting against trafficking don't make headlines for dying in car crashes:
FBI rescues more than 200 trafficking victims, including 84 children, in "Operation Cross Country"

Thanks for some good news Dask! We know our FBI agents in the trenches are doing things for the right reasons and as best they can. Clearly, some lives have been affected in a positive way by their actions in recent history. Clearly, leadership has been treasonous to a capital T when they colluded with the Dems to lie about Russia, Russia, Russia and help the D's hurt our freedoms.

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