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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, one more for the fake stand-ins collection...

Whoever is writing their ines definitely deserves an OSCAR!!!

So the pope is in Canada to pay public penance for the catholic church's abuse of the native intuits... but Reuters tweets this, July 30th, 4:20am GMT:

On last Canadian stop, Pope rallies Inuit youth to unite like a hockey team

What a double entendre!

He's there to apologise for abuse and effectively tells the current generation to PUCKER UP!

edit on 29-7-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:45 AM
dog eat dog

Adam Schiff Is Making Moves to Replace Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker If She Steps Back After Midterms: Report


Las Vegas, NM declares emergency, with less than 50 days of clean water supply left
Wildfires earlier this year contaminated the city's only water supply.


Sen. Paul: No to Taxpayers Funding Gain-of-Function Research in China

edit on 2022/7/30 by CrazyFox because:


edit on 2022/7/30 by CrazyFox because: Space

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:10 AM
Australia's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly has an ominous message for you.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: Justonemana
On x22 report dot com Dave relayed Trump on Truth Social posted ,and I'm paraphrasing, first,The calm before the storm,then , second,the storm is approaching. Something like that. Also that the "scare event" is on the horizon and he thinks it's Pelosi promising to fly into Taiwan escorted by fighter jets.
Keep in mind Q warned to be careful who you follow,and the disinformation psy op.
In my humble opinion,Dave is part of it, his speculations have been too right on. Virtually everyone of note was banned from nearly all social media,Dave lasted much longer,his website and Rumble are still active. He also seems to be almost narrating rather than offering up opinion.
Definitely a must listen for me.
I think August may also be pivotal.
It's like the black hats have pulled all the stops.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: daskakik
I feel like you're way off,they didn't not deliver,it was discovered that the dates are deltas,so if they weren't meant for say,2018 ,then you put the next year up against comms and what's going on in the current administration and more clues and direction will reveal itself. Also,if we are currently immersed in the exposure phase,there is no doubt in my mind that we are ,then put that up against the plan as we know it and use your brain some more. Yes people interpret it differently but not by too much of a stretch,some believe JFK JR is coming back and Trump will save us all, No,most of us know better,I never believed that,do I hope it's true? Absolutely!!
Sit tight,it seems a good part is being revealed in August,my only hope is the media is dealt with quickly as they're the main problem ,Soros backed Jack wagons that they are.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Usually when Trump says something it's because he already knows the answer,so many things to earmark,in conspiracy circles The Bushes were implicated in 9/11. There's the painting on Epstein island of Junior on the floor of the oval office with 2 paper airplanes and 2 towers made from blocks. All kinds of other interesting bits if you dig.
Also the man who owned the towers, mysteriously he didn't come to work that day and neither did his daughter and a bunch of prominent people . There are dozens of things that are too suspicious to ignore at this point, assuming they're true.For me,it all boils down to a corrupt gov. That I have never trusted. I wouldn't put anything past them, absolutely nothing.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: ujustneverknow
I feel like you're way off,they didn't not deliver,it was discovered that the dates are deltas,so if they weren't meant for say,2018 ,then you put the next year up against comms and what's going on in the current administration and more clues and direction will reveal itself.

I might be but this whole delta thing seemed to me like a way for the anons to explain away the fails and continue to hope that things might still happen.

Sit tight,it seems a good part is being revealed in August,my only hope is the media is dealt with quickly as they're the main problem ,Soros backed Jack wagons that they are.

This is what I'm talking about. "I feel like something big is about to happen" or something along those lines has been said by people throughout all these Q threads.

Thread 1 page 124

3. Trump did do that executive order right around then. If the Q stuff if true, there will be some major revelations this week. We will see what comes out.

edit on 30-7-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Here is where you are right. The "i feel like something big is about to happen" has been said throughout. What it doesn't do at all is change one thing. Very important that we grasp this due to "subterfuge". This will only be understandable like some of the things in the Bible, much later when actual actions take place that this Q thing is forecasting will happen to the scum trying to take over Earth as their dominion.

This is why it is frustrating. Like Noah and Moses had to find out, often major things take time. Plus throughout the Bible, what happens is not always exactly what you expected but it fits and fulfills the prophecies. Our best work here will be to be ready for anything. Anything.

edit on 30-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Analogy: Cold War.

Move and counter move. Assets are taken out on both sides.

Neither side is infallible.

Neither side is winning but the globalists are no longer completely unhindered and unexposed.

Analogy breaks down. There are many more than two sides, but my point is made.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
This gives us dates

Queen of Clubs – Physic Gift of Intuition – January 28, February 26, March 24, April 22, May 20, June 18, July 16, August 14, September 12, October 10, November 8, December 6

Both my brother and I were supposed to be born on one of the dates and my father was. Interesting
another link

January 28 (Aquarius), February 26 (Pisces), March 24 (Aries), April 22 (Taurus), May 20 (Taurus), June 18 (Gemini), July 16 (Cancer), August 14 (Leo), September 12 (Virgo), October 10 (Libra), November 8 (Scorpio), December 6 (Sagittarius)

Sunshine and KC

from truth it led to kc
& the office of DJT
Twitter to tic toc
edit on 2022/7/30 by CrazyFox because: Time to charge up the tablet

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:34 AM

If you want to laugh, seek out Doocy's exchange with the WHPS bot yesterday on the border wall, which evidently, is not a border wall but something else that looks and feels like a wall. Even Orwell shot the teeeveee after watching that beyond stupid display. Love her flicking eye lids.

*** A note on this. What seems like "hypocrisy" at every turn is not that at all. What you are seeing is the end of the "they must be shown" aspect of the show. Folks got 1.5 years of Team Joe showing it all, on the global stage, for all to see, and now this part of the show is coming to a close with them looking beyond stupid building a wall they swore was racist and must be torn down. They look stupid going in and leaving, by design. Expect more, that's the Mea Culpa.

Pelosi's trip, think Ukraine Mirrors here. China has to remove the bioweapons and the nukes not nukes from the region in order to move on. From SR's Post [worth reading about UK]

As has been mentioned here often, the Dragon families [the worst of the worst] were meant to be on top right now. It was their "turn" to control the world --- every one hundred years the shift. But they were betrayed, liars be lying. That is why the conflict, but, it did all DJT/MAGA/White Hats entry so silver lining.

August will be blazing hot. Watch for the period of 8-8-2022 being intense, personally and globally. Not necessarily "bad" but intense from any POV.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
My lord this is funny, Griner is on the trading block. You cannot make this stuff up.

If I were russia, I'd hold out for the proverbial player to be named later and some cash.

Me the other day ^^^^.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:58 AM
So her plane stops in Hawaii for "refueling?" Plane guys can weigh in, but it seems to me that plane can fly direct. That said...

July 27/28 encoded, announced trip and China retort.

Q Hawaii

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:10 PM
Watch related.
Preplandemic, late 2019 NIAID scientists met with Moderna leaders at their new manufacturing plant in Norwood, Mass. to conduct a live drill to develop a vaccine to treat the Nipah virus. This was called a "Stopwatch Drill". Coincidence that Moderna had this new facility up and running just in time?
All players were in place ready to go and suddenly, mysteriously Covid-19 arrived. John Mascola, then Director of the NIAID pivoted to a real live action event. How exciting!
Now the watch started ticking.

This is very important. The NIAID scientists roll was to help Moderna develop the vaccine, Moderna would develop batches for the NIAID scientists so that they could conduct clinical trials on animals and people.

Very serious...Dr. Zaks from Moderna wanted to hire a contract research organization to conduct clinical trials but NIAID/Fauci nixed that. Fauci wanted complete control and had the NIAID clinical trial network conduct the trials instead. If an outside independent company had been able to conduct these trials red flags would have been raised.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:33 PM

Institute for Policy Studies

Journo: “Zelenskyy is a puppet" on LIVE TV | Lara Logan goes hard on Ukraine

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Unsurprising, actually.

The Western powers were astounded to greet a Soviet military that was still largely depended on horses for their transport in 1945 ... as victors over the German Wehrmacht, whose military acumen had threatened to overrun all of Europe.

On top of that, Soviet espionage gained the secrets of the atomic bomb shortly after World War II.

In the midst of those events, it was recognized the West understood little about the Soviet art of war. And who was available to consult about that?

Why, Gehlen and his network.

It is not often mentioned that until 1947 or so, the USA had only ONE division in Germany as occupation forces. When the West realized the Soviets had goals beyond the defeat of Nazi Germany (= Berlin crisis), that kicked the Cold War in Europe into high gear.


posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
What it doesn't do at all is change one thing. Very important that we grasp this due to "subterfuge". This will only be understandable like some of the things in the Bible, much later when actual actions take place that this Q thing is forecasting will happen to the scum trying to take over Earth as their dominion.

You do realize that those might not happen? You hope they do, but it isn't guaranteed.

You act like it makes no difference to you but this type of post shows you really do want Q to be real.

This is why it is frustrating.

It isn't frustrating to me. I'm convinced it isn't going to happen so there is nothing for me to get frustrated about.

Our best work here will be to be ready for anything. Anything.

As long as it isn't "nothing", right?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: pianopraze
Meh, your analogy breaks down if Q isn't really on any side but just a HOAX that became popular enough for infinity to keep it going because "internet traffic"=$.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

June 4, 2018, NYTimes: Nipah Virus, Rare and Dangerous, Spreads in India

“The goal of mapping scenarios out is not to create panic. It’s to get countries ready,” said Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the alliance. “This virus will get better and better at spreading — that’s what we’re up against. We need to be ahead of the curve.”

Renowned Canadian scientist Frank Plummer dies in Kenya, where he led HIV breakthroughs

He ran Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg for several years.

That same lab...

China and Viruses: The Case of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu

In July 2019, a rare event occurred in Canada. Suspected of espionage for China, a group of Chinese virologists was forcibly evicted from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, where they had been running parts of the Special Pathogen Program of Canada’s public health agency. One of the procedures conducted by the team was the infection of monkeys with the most lethal viruses found on Earth. Four months prior to the Chinese team’s eviction, a shipment containing two exceptionally virulent viruses—Ebola and Nipah—was sent from the NML to China. When the shipment was traced, it was held to be improper and a “possible policy breach.”

Canadian lab immersed in RCMP probe sent Ebola and the henipavirus, to China: health agency (August 2, 2019)

Henipavirus refers to two related viruses, Hendra and Nipah, both of which emerged within the past few decades.

Nipah has attracted the most attention. Transmitted from animals to people — but also able to jump between humans — it can cause acute breathing problems and encephalitis, potentially fatal brain inflammation.

On December 9th and 10th in 2019, Peter Daszak and Shi Zhengli (Bat Lady) attended the Nipah Virus International Conference in Singapore. The conference marked the “20th anniversary since the discovery of Nipah.” The two-day session was co-hosted by Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Also listed as organizers are the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Nipah Virus

Pteropus vampyrus aka Flying Fox bat
The 2021 Kerala Nipah virus outbreak was an outbreak of the zoonotic Nipah virus in Kerala, India.

The World Health Organisation has reportedly listed the Nipah virus as one of 16 priority pathogens that need to be researched due to their potential to spark an epidemic.
The Obsidian MIRROR (Feb 20-22, 2021)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:53 PM
Joe tested positive for The Rona.... again. Link

Aaaaaaaaaand, we have a new term. "Rebound covid positivity." FFS, imbeciles.

"I'm very grateful for the protection the vaccine..."

Dog comms the other day. Rona today.


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